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notices and features - Date published:
4:21 pm, October 14th, 2014 - 173 comments
Categories: labour, Nanaia Mahuta -
Tags: labour leadership campaign
Parliamentary reporters are tweeting that Nanaia Mahuta is to enter Labour’s leadership race.
Update: And Nanaia’s candidacy has been confirmed. From Stuff:
Mahuta said she had decided this afternoon to run for the top job. She joins Grant Robertson, David Parker and Andrew Little in the leadership race.
Mahuta said the other candidates had a lot to offer but she offered a difference.
Her run at the leadership is a sign of the party’s Maori caucus flexing its muscle.
Mahuta said the Maori and Pasifika base had retained a key vote for Labour.
She said she had been a solid contributor to the party. She had come to the decision to run for the leadership “not lightly”.
It would be good to see her as the deputy leader
Yes, I think Nanaia would be great.
Why not as leader? I think that would be great, actually!
My 1st and 2nd preference votes are sorted now: Mahuta, Little.
The dream team: Little as leader; Mahuta as deputy; Cunliffe as finance and #3. Signed, sealed and soon to be delivered.
I predict Nanaia will win the leadership contest because she has a month to enroll 10,000 Maori in the Labour party and decisively win the membership vote.
She will win the Maori and Pacifika in caucus and probably some Pakeha women.
Cut the paternalistic crap about how she will make a nice deputy.
Nanaia is the odds-on favorite to win the leadership.
You want a major shake-up in the Labour party. This could be it.
Not sure if it will happen? Maybe the Left of the part crunched the numbers and it’s too close to call on first ballot so Mahuta is called in too dilute Parkers vote?
Trouble is she’ll dilute the left vote and let Robertson romp home. Little’s the only hope for reestablishing core Labour values before installing a proper left leader from outside. Robertson will be rubbing his hands hearing of Mahuta’s entry. Stupid, stupid people.
The election uses STV, so there is no “dilute the left vote and let Robertson romp home” problem.
Preferential voting system. I can see supporters clustering to the left (Little and Mahuta) and to the right (Robertson and Parker). Then whoever gets through the early rounds will probably get the majority of support from the other candidate who drops out.
I do not see this as hurting at all.
Besides Nanaia is an utterly decent human being and in my view quite a star. She will bring a dignity to the contest that it would otherwise not have.
At this stage I would certainly rank her in my top two preferences.
+100….. to Nanaia ..I would like to see her as Leader ( in absence of Cunliffe) but if not , then Deputy…she is someone I would vote for!
….and she will bring a cleansing to the whole sorry business
Me too.
I don’t think you can characterise Grant or Parker as “right”. That’s not where their policy platforms sit.
But I’m very pleased to have Nanaia join the race. She’ll offer a different perspective and make sure it gets discussed at the meetings.
Much like Diane Abbott was needed at the UK Labour Leadership selection a couple of years back.
Thanks Bunji.
I agree about Robertson not being “right”. I would also agree that Little and Robertson are probably in a similar position but I used Little’s likely Union support as a reason for his categorisation.
I was making a generalisation of the likely area they will derive support from rather . Nanaia I would certainly categorise as “left”.
Robertson isn’t right wing.
But he will quickly and easily come to accommodations with the right wing (pro-free market, pro-globalisation, pro-American empire, pro-corporate rights, minimal market intervention) elements of the Labour Party.
I’d characterise Robertson as a central controller and not a supporter of devolving real influence to the membership. His modus operandi is to use others to do his work and to play his card close to his chest about his true plans. That is a typical central controller.
I’d see Nanaia as a traditional leader who listens extensively and then make her own decisions.
I agree Robertson does not fit easily into a right/left. That is why he does not get support from the membership. He may be quite genuinely left but his disposition is to hide it.
Me too ms @2.1.2
An excellent duo- Little and Mahuta.
Or Mahuta and Little. Good for morale and perspective.
Mahuta as deputy to Robertson maybe?
Caucus vote is 40%. Will be interesting to see what Mahuta’s caucus vote is? (I think she will beat the other contenders re the caucus component).
Just heard the confirmation on Radio Live.
My comment below when Nanaia stood for deputy still stands! Once again I’m grateful to have a candidate to vote for (rather than trying to decide who is the least bad of an indifferent bunch). Right now it is irrelevant whether ignorant trolls know what Nanaia has done. This is the Party ie the MEMBERS voting for someone we know and trust to lead a party we can recognise as a Labour Party. I am not Maori but I am glad in my heart to see the Maori seats come back to Labour…and in this case it has not been the noisy cocks but the productive hen who has achieved this outcome! Kia kaha wahine toa!
13 December 2011 at 1:30 am
Kia ora Nanaia. As a long time party activist I hope to see you and David as our new leaders. Substance and competence are what we really need. I can’t believe the caucus can be so blind as to rely on the media’s appetite for novelty as the main mechanism to attract support for Labour. We all know how fickle the commentariat’s support and attention span can be. Thank you for giving hard-working party members a better alternative–let’s hope enough of your colleagues can also see it this way. Kia kaha!
Fantastic. Jacinda for deputy.
Jacinda is good, but her time will come
True Jan. She still has to mature. But she is one of the most promising potential leaders. Labour needs a mongrel leader to sort out the internal politics before she becomes leader.
My point was tinged with sarcasm . All the talk around quota’s and being representative I had never heard a female leader & deputy floated as a possibility.
How would that sit with the electorate?
Its great to see Nanaia Mahuta putting her name forward. When listening to her speak at the prospective leaders presentation in Wellington two years ago I was very impressed. She has the experience and mana to do a great job as opposition leader. Remember the Maori caucus is a lot larger this time, and the Maori membership base is also large. I think Nanaia will have wide appeal in the party.
Experience and mana? What has she ever accomplished?
mind you, you are still trying to work out why hager needs a legal fund a week aftr every other nob who ran that diversion.
thanks for pointing that out, Tracey.
Please, someone, tell me what she’s done?
Well, there was the way she managed to vote both for AND against the foreshore and seabed bill. That was a backflip of pretty epic proportions.
Other than that, she stands out as having done… um…
She had Hobson’s choice, really, didn’t she, apart from walking out with Tariana – I don’t call that a backflip – it must have really hurt.
She had two or three portfolios in the Clark government.
I hear that she has a very good reputation at electorate level, away from the cameras for working and engaging. Some things are real even if they aren’t on TV.
Something the beltway show ponies have forgotten.
She’s never pulled a segment with Paul Henry, so she can’t be any good.
She must be the senior member of the Labour Māori caucus, since the demise of Horomaia. She speaks regularly on Maori TV. So she must take some credit for the strong Māori vote for Labour this election.
She does. She is VERY good.
Minister of Customs, Minister of Local Government, Minister of Youth Development, Associate Minister for the Environment and Associate Minister of Tourism
…and then opposition spokesperson for Maori Social Development, Spokesperson for Energy and Associate Portfolio Spokesperson for Law and Order.
With all due respect to Ms Mahuta, for someone that has been in parliament for eightteen years, that’s a very average and unspectacular ministerial and shadow-cabinet resume.
She can not appoint herself to cabinet positions, can she? See the circumstances/MPs of the times when Labour was in power.
No, but she could have demonstrated enough skill and competency to rise above the ranks and perform well in one of the ‘banner’ portfolios, either as minister or shadow. After 18 years in parliament, that she has not done so should at least give pause for thought.
Recent examples…
Key was (briefly) Shadow Finance before taking on the leadership
Clark; Min Health
Shipley; Min Social Welfare and Min Health
You do realise it is not as simple as you make it to be because the PM that appoints the ministers takes a lot of factors into consideration, including political advantage, expectations from other contenders etc. You seem to be bringing up an unimportant marginal or non issue to suit your own agenda or bias. I have no issue with Mahuta’s ability, integrity, experience, wisdom or calibre. Sure, the leadership contest will be a learning experience for her, as will be for any aspiring leader in any political party. let us not put her down just because of whatever prejudices we may have. I am keen to see and hear the contestants in the next few weeks and see how they perform and how they improve in that short time.
what does your question mean?
I have a lot of respect for Nanaia. She has had more parliamentary experience than any of the other applicants.
I wonder if she decided to run after hearing Shearer this morning decrying the need for a Maori or a woman as deputy?
David Shearer is an embarrassment, his mouth has gone rogue and continues to undermine the party. He should follow his own advice and leave.
@ lrftie 6.1
Shearer is possibly very irritated. Could it be that he had this plan to be Prime Minister for a term and then get a job in the United Nations, following in Helen’s footsteps and possibly with her help and support to get the position. Sweet if it worked out. Why oh why does everything not work for me, he thinks. I’ll vent to the media about these scungy thankless types in Labour here.
For too many pollies nowadays, getting into government is just a stage in their career, a stepladder to better and bigger things. It used to be a great accolade and a high peak in itself that one would aspire to in one’s life. But the world is your oyster now, eat it before it becomes extinct.
The place to vent his perceived or real grievance was in the caucus, not in the public to the MSM print and TV media. He definitely did a massive amount of harm to the party by his stupid move.
***I wonder if she decided to run after hearing Shearer this morning decrying the need for a Maori or a woman as deputy?***
I think his point is more that a person should be picked for their record & abilities rather than categories on their birth certificate.
Media hogger David Shearer’s mouth has been running amok on a number of things lately further undermining the party, in my opinion.
I stand by my original comment.
Ahhhh nicely picked up.
You attempt to explain Shearer’s point, Mike, yet both you and Shearer appear to miss the important reasoning behind any concerted efforts toward having a ‘balanced representation’ of gender/race/culture.
Such ‘balancing up acts’ were originally formulated with the express intent to counteract the effects of bias in our culture. That is, the bias that would tend to immediately assume someone who was a white man was best for the job and would also involve a built-in tendency to overlook others who might actually be better for the given role.
Yes. I think there is research that shows men are way more confident about putting their hands up for promotion than women with similar, or even better, credentials and experience.
See for instance Shearer – first term in parliament puts his name forward for leader. Andrew Little – 2nd term, but never been in government.
Mahuta is way more qualified than both of them.
+100 karol
Nanaia is solid. I would put my family, my house and my country in her hands to look after, and I know they will be cared for and come through well.
“Yes. I think there is research that shows men are way more confident about putting their hands up for promotion than women with similar, or even better, credentials and experience.”
I remember hearing this article on RNZ about 12 months ago or so, I think it was on a Kim Hill show. Men felt comfortable applying for a position with only a fraction of the credentials needed while women would only feel confident to apply when they felt they had 100% of the credentials required…or something to that effect. Proof here.
So, what is wrong with the record and abilities of Nanaia Mahuta? Very good, in fact. Another excellent quality in her is that she does not go blathering out of place on national or Maori TV undermining Labour or its leaders.
@ Mike
You are so bogged down in last century argument about the little woman being grateful for getting a bit of recognition from the males, and a bit of a leg-up if she was lucky.
Very good point Karen. She isn’t the descendant of warrior chiefs for nothing.
I bet she fumed all morning and decided… that’s it, I’m going to stand. We’ll see who really has the stripes and who hasn’t.
Very good point Karen. She isn’t the descendant of warrior chiefs for nothing.
Very good point Anne, I agree that if it wasn’t for who she’s descended from it’s unlikely she’d be in Parliament.
Nanaia is voted in democratically.
Getting elected in the Maori electorate of Hauraki-Waikato when you’re a Tainui Maori Labour candidate named Mahuta who lives in Ngaruawahia is about as much of an achievement as a white Irish Catholic male named Kennedy winning something in Massachusetts.
What a champion sneerer and smog creator you are.
I think she’s as good as the others. Labour doesn’t need a Maori or woman as deputy. She’s worth it on merit alone.
YES ! Good on Nanaia for putting her name forward. This gives all of those on the left
a straight-forward run, and it will allow the caucus to see the depth of feeling from the members about how they view the neo-libs and their policies.
@Jenny Kirk +100
i have been impressed by her statements in leadership races before.they were considfered, passionate and seemed to speak to core values around education and health.
it must be soul destroying being a LP mp who is not embroiled in this mess… but am guessing everyone is having to choose sides now.
decent… good luck to her
Finally Labour comes up with a potential leader that will be a legitimate threat to Key and National.
For the past year, you guys were saying that David Cunilffe was the legitimate threat to Key and National.
Still, Little as leader, Mahuta as deputy and Cunliffe at three would be a good call by Labour.
C-m-yawn yet again
Finally! Someone who speaks of Labour’s real constituency which those pasty-faced, complacent careerists have betrayed over and over again. Hopefully she will inspire. Hoots hates her because she’s a “stupid Maori” (or was it “dumb Maori”? I forget which) so that’s a point in her favour already.
and finally a woman!…and a strong woman with mana!….who will appeal to both the 50% + voting electorate of women and Maori
…lets hope she becomes the new Leader of the Labour Party and will be able to pull all the Left Parties to work cooperatively together and win the next Election!
(…now wait for all the right wing naysayers to come out of the woodwork!…and perfidious spinners like Hooton!)
I would suggest that wider (non-political) NZ would struggle to know who Nanaia Mahuta is. She has been nearly silent for the last 3-4 years.
Seems like a profile building exercise (‘look what it did for Shane’), and a late minute ‘nothing to lose’ bid*, and probably a serious run at the Deputy position
*If it were more well co-ordinated, Cunliffe wouldn’t have thrown his support behind Little, as (AFAIK) Nanaia was a strong Cunliffe supporter
+1, permalink
This is the post I made on that site in reply to someone asking ‘what values’ does Labour have, anyway!
“The very best of policies and values that our country and the people need, especially the ordinary people, the small business owners, the poor, the workers, the unemployed, the children, the elderly, the needy and the young for example. Everyone will be better off with a fairer country, including the wealthy and the corporates. Think about that. Nanaia will be just great as a future PM. Think about that too.”
Three more and that’ll be every MP in the caucus standing for leader.
Why do you persist in being an idiot and wasting time and bandwidth?
Don’t answer. Not worth reading you anyway.
Does anyone really think she has widespread voter appeal?Can she beat Key?I guess Mallard will throw his hat in the ring next,just because…he can.
She doesn’t have to beat get. Getting sick of the politics as bloodbath meme. Time to do it differently.
How is she going to be PM if she doesn’t beat Key at the election? Bizarre.
It’s not about Key, and this whole framing of Key as invincible and Labour needing someone who can take him down is a narrative that suits the right at this time. Of course whoever is leader needs to be a competent debater, able to think on their feet, reasonably hardy. But where Labour is losing is on its own ground, not in relationship to Key. If Labour sorts out the internal shit I think a whole bunch of other things will become clear, including how to form good relationships with voters so that the voters feel engaged and listened to and start to look at Labour again as viable.
The other part of all that is plainly at this time Labour don’t have anyone who can beat Key at his game (and no-one on the horizon either). So change the game.
Still not sure how you intend to lose an election and then become PM.
Nanaia doesn’t have to defeat Key in debates, or brutally destroy his credibility or anything like that. All she really has to do is show a much better way for New Zealand.
She has to win the election, assuming Key is the leader at point, that means “beating” him. Not sure why this is so difficult to grasp.
You will be surprised. She will shine with her inner qualities, wisdom and unselfish character, more than the external slime-ball smiley Wiley looks of some leaders in some parties, especially National, ACT, UF and the Cons. Don’t you worry about that! She will turn out to be a well respected leader among the World leaders too, I bet. Don’t under estimate her just because….
Interesting. I had been thinking about Nanaia Mahuta and wondering where she was at these days. What I have seen of her, mainly on panels and interviews on Maori TV, I’ve liked. Need to find out more about her of course.
Putting her name forward brings a refreshing new energy to this contest and something for this new Labour Party member to think about, after the despair of the news of David Cunliffe withdrawing.
Can anyone let me know what either Little or Mahuta have achieved in their parliamentary careers.
Nanaia had some portfolios in the Clark government – youth development, customs, associate for environment & local government. She has been spokesperson, especially for Maori Affairs while in opposition. She put up a private members bill to give Iwi more say in RMA decisions – it was defeated by Key’s government at the first reading.
Little has never been in government. He has taken Key’s government to task/held them to account over employment law and ACC.
Having achieved something in parliament is a red herring.
That sort is strategy would have you picking a politician’s politician every time – and Labour is in the process of getting thrashed by someone who had achieved basically nothing before he was prime minister…
I think the key factor is simply whether they have the personal characteristics that will make them successful in the leadership role even if those might be a little different from the things that made others successful in getting credit for bills in parliament.
did keys singular lack of achievement in parliament stop him being groomed and trained for the leadership
@ simon…see Tracey’s list at 26 and 27
What did John Key achieve before he became Prime Minister.
Foreign Exchange Committee of the New York Federal Reserve Bank
Global head of foreign exchange – London
Head of Asian foreign exchange – Singapore
Auckland-based Bankers Trust
Foreign exchange dealer at Elders Finance in Wellington
Lane Walker Rudkin – Project Manager
McCulloch Menzies – Auditor
I have seen Nanaia at several public meetings.
She is smart, personable, articulate, and very experienced.
Unexpected but my instant reaction is that she is a very worthy candidate.
She is one of the few Labours MPs (like other Maori MPs) who delivered a sizeable Party vote for Labour- something that NONE of the other candidates for the leader’s job did. Little was abysmal both in terms of electorate and party vote. It would be an insult to Nanaia to have to play 2nd fiddle to someone like Little who is such as failure at both electorate and party vote level. I look forward to the leadership outcome with expectation!
Wohooo made my day.
Thanks Nanaia. Girlpower to you.
My thoughts exactly. If Labour want to do something different, here’s your opportunity and what a one for the history books – first Maori PM and a woman to boot – now that’s what I call aspirational
Mahuta leader
Little deputy
Evict Shearer.
+100 Paul …and I wouldnt mind if Cosgrove went with him!
I liked what Nanaia had to say on the election ad – you know, the one where they did up the house. She spoke eloquently and spoke to core values. I remember being impressed at the time, but I can’t find the ad now
Bit of a concern is I believe she has a young family – after seeing the crap David C had to put up with this election, she is going to need to be tough to weather any of that if she becomes leader
The video is here.
I remember also particularly liking Mahuta’s bit in the video.
The right would have to be a lot more carful attacking a Maori woman IMO.
Sadly I think the media would attack anyone who threatened their owners.
They’d just do it a different way.
They’d just assign Bennett and Perata on to it. Problem solved.
@b waghorn..”The right would have to be a lot more careful attacking a Maori woman IMO”….YUP!
You mean her segment starting at 5:20, where she doesn’t mention any policy or platform of Labour’s at all?
Her’s was by far the weakest out of all of them.
I don’t believe she was the producer or director of the ad.
Surely everyone in the caucus agreed on the general direction of the promo itself, and then each person would have had some level of control over the piece they were given to do.
Regardless of whose fault it was, her’s was still the weakest part.
So what? Why are you being anti Mahuta in your comments today?
So I was trying to find out if that is the same thing that feijoa was talking about, or if they were talking about something different.
Then I added my opinion that it was the weakest part of the whole video.
She actually came across as someone well into engaging with, and interested in, the community, and wasn’t stilted and seemingly parachuted in to the (semblance of a) community environment to outline a bit of policy.
Yes made my day too,
Nanaia has dignity, intelligence , experience and mana and I know who I’ll vote for now.
@ Dorothy (22)
Nanaia has dignity, intelligence , experience and mana and I know who I’ll vote for now
Dignity was the word I was searching for before. I’ve already mentioned the experience and intelligence. She certainly has mana.
I also know who I will vote for. My wife also. She was like the cat with the cream when she heard the news.
Would Nz be the first colonised country to elect a first nation person if she got the top job.
what about Obama!
Since when did Obama become Native American?
right,but ‘first nation’ seems to be a term used for Canadian Indians.India was a colonised nation…does Ghandi qualify?
Ghandi wasn’t elected to be Prime Minister. Nehru was, however.
thanks for that..just had a quick google,very interesting history.
First Nation People are the indigenous people of North America. Obama isn’t one of them.
The move to a new cultural terminology began in the 70’s, in an effort to dignify the identity of their tribes who had previously been referred to as Indians.
Check out “Inventing the Indian” by the fantastic Rich Hall for an insight into how indigenous people’s got to be called “Indians”.
so Nanaia doesn’t qualify as a first nation person either then.
No she doesn’t. But indigenous she is, to these shores
Wouldn’t that be great! I think so, especially because she is straight up, honest and able person. Would be cool!
Mahuta most likely of all the candidates to attract the disengaged non-voters.
@ Paul …agreed!….so she will be inclusive of Mana/int and the Greens and Winnie NZF ( as long as they behave themselves)
…I can see a great leader in the making here!
…and dignified and integrity are the words
oh but what about middle nz, what about all those ordinary kiwi blokes who cant imagine having a beer with her, oh wo, wo, wo.j
Lolz Tracey.
Oh god, the voter’s beer test. What a bunch of boofheads we are.
Sometimes I wonder if we haven’t moved on from this (The official NZ anthem sung by Funny Business back in the day)
“so she will be inclusive of Mana/int and the Greens and Winnie NZF ( as long as they behave themselves)”
What are you basing this on?
This is truly a game changer.
yup! ….My teenage son says she looks like a Maori Helen Clark…..so she has to be a WINNER !
..even he is impressed!…and she most definitely looks like someone you could have a beer with…or a wine …or a whiskey
” my electorate, they have been: the formation of the first standalone Maori language high school, Nga Taiatea, the resolution of the Waikato River Claim, the increased emphasis on youth transitioning from school to further training or employment, the rollout of Family Start initiatives supporting young and vulnerable families and the emergence of Teen Parent Units to help young mums. I have also seen the initial launch of Te Hurihanga and the establishment of the Rangatahi courts [marae-based courts for young Maori offenders]. I have supported campaigns such as CanTeen, Relay for Life, Breastfeeding Awareness Week and Diabetes Awareness Week.
“… want to help young people be the best they can be. This means creating greater opportunities for them in terms of education, affordable and quality healthcare services and safe, violence-free homes. I want them to be able to believe the future is in their hands. I’m also passionate about being a great mum and helping communities become better places to live. I want to see Maori move beyond treaty grievances and settlements and really focus on shaping our great country. …”
“.. For the energy portfolio, I would like to see our country move from its reliance on fossil fuels towards renewable energy generation and bio-diesel production to improve our country’s options for electricity and transport. We also need to continue to work towards a more efficient use of electricity and I support campaigns to do this. The best thing we can do to support a happy and healthy future is to ensure we have warm and energy-efficient homes. It’s good for our kids, good for the environment and, most importantly, good for family wellbeing.
For the law and order portfolio, my objective is quite simple: to stop the tide of young Maori going to prison and following a life of crime, and feeling they need to belong to gangs to get ahead. This means doing all we can to improve choices for young people while they’re still in the education system.
We need to offer them more support as they take on new education, training and employment opportunities. I am beginning to warm to the notion that young people should be directed towards military training if they display problematic behaviour. Young people who lack direction can often be steered on to the right track through this experience.
@ Tracey (26)
What caught my eye here was the specific mention of the Te Hurihanga scheme for Young offenders. This was a standout achievement of the last Labour Government, stopped immediately by National when they came to power.
There have been many pet projects in justice, ranging from military style camps; get tough on crime etc etc. The difference with Te Hurihanga, is that the scheme actually worked, and gave every indication that it would work in the long term. (It was a wrap around scheme that required the support of the youth, together with whanau, and supporting employers)
Yes it was costly compared to schemes that do not work, but if anybody is seriously interested in keeping kids out of prison, this one has to be revived as soon as possible. That appears to be 2017 at the earliest.
The project probably would never have happened if it had not been for the combination of three powerful forces: A judge (and I’m ashamed to say I cannot recall her name off hand); The Labour Party, and Tainui. Nanaia was of course an integral part of two of those three forces.
A brilliant concept, that should not be forgotten. The building now languishes, being used a little by CYPS. (I guess it would be embarrassing to leave the relatively new building empty)
The scheme in a Hamilton suburb was controversial, with opponents spreading misinformation and calling it a “borstal” (It wasn’t). To counter the rednecks, who booted us out of a public meeting for saying that we supported the project, we set up a thriving “Te Hurihanga Neighbourhood Support Group” It was a brilliant piece of successful local action ~grin~
I’ve always been a little surprised that Labour never trumpeted their achievement. Or have used that success in subsequent election campaigns. There are so few good news stories in justice.
Mr. Botany (B.)
2009 Current parliamentary roles
Member, Local Government and Environment Committee
Spokesperson, Environment
Spokesperson, Tourism
Associate Spokesperson, Maori Affairs
1997 – 2008 Former parliamentary roles:
5 Nov 07 – 19 Nov 08 Associate Minister Tourism
5 Nov 07 – 19 Nov 08 Minister of Local Government
19 Oct 05 – 19 Nov 08 Associate Minister for the Environment
19 Oct 05 – 19 Nov 08 Minister of Youth Affairs
19 Oct 05 – 19 Nov 08 Minster of Customs
19 Oct 05 – 05 Nov 07 Associate Member for Local Government
28 Jul 04 – 11 Aug 05 Member, Maori Affairs select committee
27 Aug 02 – 16 Aug 05 Member, Local Govt & Environment select committee
27 Aug 02 – 16 Aug 05 Member, Health select committee
15 Aug 02 – 19 Oct 05 Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of Local Government
15 Aug 02 – 19 Oct 05 Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Minister of Education
8 Feb 00 – 18 Jun 02 Member, Education and Science select committee
21 Dec 99 – 18 Jun 02 Member, Justice and Electoral select committee
20 Mar 97 – 19 Oct 99 Member, Electoral Law select committee
12 Mar 97 – 19 Oct 99 *Member, Regulations Review select committee
+100 thanks Tracey…that is a very very impressive list of achievements for Nanaia Mahuta!.
..it should be made into a POST
….and i would like to see an interview with her …maybe a Q @A
imo she is certainly the stand out candidate for Leader of the Labour Party
Agree on the +100 to Tracey and agree that it would be good to see Nanaia doing a Q&A on TS, following on from Andrew Little’s. To be fair it would be good to see Grant Robertson and David Parker doing the same.
yes you are very fair Rosie to include the other two ….looks like I will be staying in the Labour Party to vote after all…smirk
What is fair at this stage of the fight? Scarborough Fair has Fair Trade tea, Fair Trade stands for something. Fair and Labour are neighbours eyeing each other across a fence. Maybe they’ll come to a working agreement which will stand for something.
@ greywarshark …fairness is a sliding scale and in the eye of the beholder …..personally i feel it would be “fair” to dump the “other two” in a bag out at sea…but i bow to Rosie’s higher standards of “fairness”…she truly is a good and fair person
Yes Nanaia you’ve made my day too!
I’d been having a horrible day listening to Shearer spilling his bile. He really revealed what a truly nasty piece he is. I’ve always known that his ‘back story’ (UN administrator) did not stack up with his academic papers advocating hiring mercenaries to sort international issues.
Mr Shearer you went too far today. Who’d like to join a mission to have him expelled? He stepped well beyond the rules today, has brought the Party into disrepute and must go before the Council.
I believe Cosgrove has done the same today too.
Am now starting to pull together the evidence and documentation for a formal complaint.
The ABCers have started their purge and its time to stop them in their tracks.
You are correct Ben. But Shearer and Cosgrove are only puppets, You need to seek behind the veil and find the core of the boil. Until the boil is removed you will gain nothing. Expel Shearer and Cosgrove and others will be hoodwinked to take their place,
who is the core?
[“Mr Shearer you went too far today. Who’d like to join a mission to have him expelled? He stepped well beyond the rules today, has brought the Party into disrepute.
I believe Cosgrove has done the same today too”]
Do you have links for those two please. I haven’t seen them today.
They did. I read the stuff on facebook and a couple of blogs, but never had time to dig out some definitive links.
Busy busy day.
Do that – after the leadership is completed. I have a wee backlog myself. You should have seen my first trashed post on it today….
Yeah I’m in. I think I can get a few local members onboard too. After the leadership stuff is settled.
Nania is a great person she is humble, she has Mana she is a great listener and she is passionate about Labour’s values. Most of all I believe she is trust worthy. Nania could actually be just what Labour needs. Thanks for standing Nania.
All I see is added confirmation that caucus is heavily fragmented.
I can’t see how any leader can hope to thrive in this environment.
That is actually a little silly to say on your part.
Are you suggesting that the caucus should be united in supporting one person as leader of the party without input from the party members and without giving an opportunity for MPs to seek the position of leadership? Then why have a democratic exciting election?
Are you suggesting that we too, like National, have a cabal of faceless invisible, some external powerful interests hoist a leader for the party?
We are not in Guatemala or Timbuktu or North Korea even, are we!
Nanaia has always impressed in many ways imo. She seems to do a lot for her people and for the downtrodden – good for her (it is people like her who deserve the title of “honourable” and not the shitheads like Collins and Banks and Worth …. sheesh).
But I don’t understand her jumping into the ring. It must clearly be part of some wider internal political game in order to achieve some other outcome ……
(just as long as they get their shit together real fast so those 10,000 houses per year can be built, electricity price gouging can be brought under control, our waterways can stopped from becoming too toxic to swim in or drink from, on it goes ….. so htfu (that’s “hurry the f*%k up”))
Given the reaction on this thread – does anyone want to reflect on Cunliffe’s selection of Nania as his deputy running mate back in the first primary?
I’m slightly surprised by the positive comments here, because I don’t recall anything like this number of them back in 2011.
Also regardless of her merit in being leader or deputy, Cunliffe’s decision to run a double-ticket was a big mistep, because none of the other candidates did. And as much as people here are praising her achievements, I don’t think her caucus colleagues think all that much of her, and as we can see from Shearer’s and other’s comments today, they may have perceived her being the token Maori woman deputy, rather than having actually earned or deserved it.
My reading is this; that really capable and fundamentally decent people like Cunliffe always underestimate just how much jealousy and hostility they induce people around them.
Look at the calibre of the ABC clique who have taken him down – small people all of them. Perhaps the only exception I would make is Phil Goff who seems to have wisely kept his mouth shut throughout the entire debacle.
I personally thought asking Nania to run with him in 2011 was an inspired, prescient choice. Yet this too was turned by the hands of his enemies into a weapon to use against him.
With a political system and culture like this on “our” side, we’re royally screwed.
And that’s how you can draw a straight line between Roger Douglas and Trevor Mallard.
Not so much via the ideology park – but direct through the swamp of betrayal and hubris.
Cunnliffe had his chance and blew it.Said he had Keys measure and stood like a possum in the headlights when asked about CGT.Not as clever as his ego thinks he is.Big flop,and hugely unpopular with the general public.
“Cunliffe’s decision to run a double-ticket was a big mistep, because none of the other candidates did.”
shearer ran a double ticket with grant robertson as his deputy. the four of them did the roadshow that year, even though the membership did not have a vote at that stage & all four had speaking slots at the meetings.
No, here’s what wikipedia says:
“David Cunliffe, David Shearer and David Parker stood for the leadership, and Nanaia Mahuta and Grant Robertson contested the deputy position. Cunliffe and Mahuta ran as a ticket. During the campaign Parker pulled out of the race and endorsed Shearer. Shearer and Robertson won the votes for their respective positions. ” and also: “Shearer did not indicate a preferred deputy.”
David Cunliffe explicitely ran alongside Nanaia Mahuta, and announced his candidacy in that fashion.
David Shearer was independent of Robertson; Robertson later endorsed Shearer, but it’s not the same as what Cunliffe did.
Sent a formal complaint to Gen. Sec, about Shearer using “bringing Labour Party into disrepute” section of constitution. Threw in every position in Party I have ever held, nearly forgot Women’s Council, as credentials for making complaint, but every member should do the same email, might start to clean up caucus. Had a go at hypocricy of telling all us plebs to behave ourselves from President then having Shearer blow the lot. Come on everyone – strength in numbers ! Had acknowledgement back from Tim to say complaint would be referred to constitution committee.
Yeah Red, I am looking forward to this primary even more than if Cunliffe had been still standing.
Nanaia has more backbone than the whole of the ABC and their media puppets.
I can’t wait to see Robertson of the “oh dear Cunni said he was ashamed to be a man”, the miserable balancer of budgets, and the former union bureaucrat who is frightened of taxing parasites, stand up to a Maori leader with the Mana of her people, who fought the land grabbing settlers and refused to fight an imperialist war, as she puts them all to shame.
This will be a milestone of workers democracy that will show up the fake democracy of the general election.
And then there were four.
FOUR forgettable journeymen, standing in a row.
One fell off and bumped his head.
Mum called the voters, and the voters said:
Meh. :-/
So tired of the old boy club in Labour and the pathetic fighting. I will watch Nanaia closely during the campaign, but if I am honest I am sold.
Bites of info on Nanaia.
Official Labour bio -Nanaia Mahuta
MP for Hauraki-Waikato
Spokesperson for Maori Affairs
Spokesperson for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations
Spokesperson for Climate Change
Associate Spokesperson for Innovation, Research and Development
Since becoming an MP, Nanaia has been committed to youth development, advancing Maori success through education and training opportunities, Iwi development, care for kaumatua, support for Maori women and sustainable ways to care for the environment and create jobs.
About Nanaia
As a serving Member of Parliament Nanaia held a range of spokesperson roles, served on a number of Select Committees and in the last term of the Fifth Labour Government had the privilege of being a Minister.
She is currently the spokesperson for Maori Affairs and Treaty Settlements, and is the Senior Maori Vice-President of the Labour Party.
Nanaia’s other roles include:
Trustee of Te Whakaruruhau Maori Women’s Refuge
Trustee of the Waikato College for Research and Development
Co-Chair of the Waikato-Tainui Governance and Representation Review
Parent on the Te Kaahu Kohanga Reo Committee
Patron of the Rahui Pokeka Waka Ama club.
Her own education path: attended the local Rakaumangamanga School and Diosecan School in Hamilton and graduated with her BA and then MA (Hons) in Social Anthropology at Auckland University.
Further background – http://www.naumaiplace.com/site/ngati-manu/home/page/642/nanaia-mahuta-labour-mp/
In her own words to Her magazine 2011/2012?
What have been the highlights of your career so far?
In my electorate, they have been: the formation of the first standalone Maori language high school, Nga Taiatea, the resolution of the Waikato River Claim, the increased emphasis on youth transitioning from school to further training or employment, the rollout of Family Start initiatives supporting young and vulnerable families and the emergence of Teen Parent Units to help young mums. I have also seen the initial launch of Te Hurihanga and the establishment of the Rangatahi courts [marae-based courts for young Maori offenders]. I have supported campaigns such as CanTeen, Relay for Life, Breastfeeding Awareness Week and Diabetes Awareness Week.
She explained her involvement in the foreshore debate. She has also stated that she wants to see reducing dependence on fossil fuels and considered that moving to bio-diesel production and furthering renewable energy would be a sensible step.
Does anyone know what her work history is prior to entering parliament?
I think that she has been representing her iwi since she was born. (I know, slightly tongue in cheek, but also the truth).
So Nanaia does not appear to have ever held down a non-political day job that she is prepared to document on her bio? If anyone can fill in the gaps I would be keen to hear it.
OMG are you guys serious Mahuta, please tell me this an early April fools, I know the left are delusional and live in an alternative reality but come on……… She has zip, 0 sweet FA, the parrot is dead chance of wining a general election that is the point isn’t it in regard to who you should vote for
Unfair and stupid comment. Those are the type put down comments some people said about Helen Clark too when she took over the party leadership. Once Mahuta gets known, gets heard and seen more often on the media, people may begin to warm to her like they did to Helen and Key. Don’t assume anything yet based on your own perception, ignorance and bias.