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- Date published:
10:41 pm, February 20th, 2011 - 6 comments
Categories: business, democracy under attack -
Tags: broadband, telecommunications, telstraclear
On a day when I’ve heard of 3 smaller businesses shutting down due to National’s economy, Big Business too is waking up to the flaws in National’s ways.
TelstraClear have realised the undemocratic ways of this Government. The push through, don’t consult, override the wishes of the people mentality even chafes the corporates when it’s not in their favour.
The Government has proposed amendments to the Telecommunications Act, relating to the possible separation of the country’s largest listed phone company, Telecom. … The proposed law changes were introduced on Wednesday and the deadline for making submissions is next Friday.
TelstraClear chief executive Allan Freeth says it’s undemocratic to rush the bill through.
Lack of time to consult on complex law? Urgency to stop consultation all together? Pushing out changes at Christmas-time when people are distracted? Hell, sacking the people’s elected local representatives (ECAN) or forcing a new structure on our largest city with limited consultation? Yup, we’ve had over 2 years of it. Watch for more with the foreshore and seabed as National try and get their way through before the Maori Party self-destructs…
It’s time for a government that listens to the people, and that isn’t going to be National. Come over to the light, corporates, you may even discover that business is better on the Left, without a failing economy…
Why is there a photograph at the top of the Radio New Zealand link saying “HELEN LISTENS TO NATIONAL”? – Is Radio New Zealand taking political advertisements now?
Interesting that the Minister believes it is up to the Select Committee whether to extend the deadline for submissions – something is starting to spin!
They’re just promoting Radio New Zealand.
Here’s the thing, when you need change don’t elect individuals who have most to lose from change. Key is a multimillionaire. But wait its worse! When the elites are hurting they grab for everything – taxcuts for themselves, bailouts for the banks, even the odd limo as a sideshow to cover for all the real stuff they are locking down for the storm – well look they are after the trinkets of office, just old school rorting, yeah right. In a world built by science what passes for debate seems to amount to poor have it too easy and don’t mine me while I stuff my taxcut in the big bag with loot writ large on the front. Where’s the discussion about peak oil? Why are we told trust the technologists when the technologist point out it takes thirty years to build it! In a world where we can feed everyone, we now cannot all have a personal private auto-mobile each big boohoo. Move on already.
The TelstraClear press release doesn’t seem to be online but it’s on newsroom. The title is: ‘Telco reform: A Mad Hatter’s tea party”
Joyce is the most overrated member of the cabinet
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