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- Date published:
11:57 am, August 14th, 2013 - 18 comments
Categories: benefits, cartoons, child abuse, child welfare, class war -
Tags: beneficiary bashing, cartoon, child abuse
A cartoon in The Press today (via Bryce Edwards – if anyone has link to the original please post it).
The Govt. even plan to punish people they suspect of abuse. I’m all for protecting children but it’s a fine line these Nats plan to walk.
Will V8 owners get speeding tickets for suspected intention to speed soon I wonder.
It’s actually worse than that. Boguns who might be suspected of becoming V8 owners on the basis of a Pulla Bent stereotyping could be – and all legitimised by feigned concern for the underdog AND “the helpless children”
I watched and heard her media this morning – and thought – there waddles the holier-than-thou Stasi dressed in a luvly shade of green and black. God what a horror story this woman is!
She’s equipped with JUST enough intelligence, powers of reasoning/instinct (a la shit-house rats), ideology and spin to pull it off,
There waddles the woman who’d want us to believe she’d pulled hersefff up boi the bootstraps, whoilst having taken advantage of EACH and EVERY benefit that was availabull to her in a past life. The one that now exclaims “If Oi can dooo it, anybody Ken”.
Truly a very ugly specimen, but one (with the assistance of an MSM AND even an RNZ) has gained some sort of populex.
As far as specimens go, they don’t come much uglier than Bennett. I really hope Labour, Mana and Greens can agree on some tactical approach to her electorate this time, although she’d probably get back in on the list. Shearer and ABC are also probably so shit scared of being labelled far left that they wouldn’t do it, but hopefully they’ll go soon.
Has there been an announcement how this would all be paid for?
Smacks of cynical politics to get the milk and spies off the front pages… and seems to have worked – well played National or more fool our tabloids
Yes it’s hard to see this as anything but a replacement for the failed snapper diversion.
Yep that’s exactly what it is. Key fucked up the first diversion so now it’s straight to “won’t anyone think of the children”
Yep, the snapper garbage has backfired. John Key’s incredibly inept butchering of it got more people talking about the GCSB bill, not less. It will be dropped quickly.
I can see the spin team now: “Child molesters! Yes of course, that’s much better. Snapper? What were we thinking?”
As an aside, I read Key commenting on this proposal saying that “some of the civil liberties people will be against it.” (Not sure where sorry, but Martin Bradbury reported it here.)
Classic John Key.
1. A preemptive poisoning of the well – them nosey pinko lefty civil liberties people: gosh they say some silly things! So don’t listen to them when they do!
2. I guess we can go ahead assume then that John Key isn’t one of those people who doesn’t care about civil liberty.
3. It’s pretty clear even to John Key that there is an obvious civil liberties objection to the proposal. But hey, civil liberties aren’t ackshully a real thing anyway, like privacy.
4. He wouldn’t have even mentioned this except as a whistle to the very people he’s talking about. He wants them to object, to make a big noise. Hey you civil liberties dicks, you’re gonna get all upset about this right? Right? We’ve got a story to grow here folks! NAct can always make ‘compromises’ or even back down fully if need be. Not before getting all indignant about it and sending out the astroturfers to spread the ‘lefties love child molesters’ meme to make sure they get all indignant about it too.
“Aaannnd in other news, the GCSB bill was passed today. Thanks for watching folks. We’ll feed you all the latest spin again tomorrow, same bat-time, same bat-channel.”
Yep exactly.
“2. I guess we can go ahead assume then that John Key isn’t one of those people who doesn’t care about civil liberty.”
Wait what? Sorry I’ve double negatived myself there, obviously it should be:
“2. I guess we can go ahead assume then that John Key isn’t one of those people who cares about civil liberty.”
That’s possible – Pulla Bent is ekshlly THAT self-interested as to put her concern for abuse above all else. The Natz have others…. Nafe for example.
Ekshly, now I think about it, the Nats could create a feral wing of them thats done good! You could tip damn near half of them into it.
Government has a duty of care, that’s their argument, that they should carelessly remove rights from group to protect another. Essentially nothing wrong in theory if the policy is fair. And by that I mean those who are, rightly or wrongly, found to be on balance a threat to a child are also guaranteed a duty of care from the government. This, if the policy were lawful, would be free access to sex therapy, free access to professional who can counter the ‘balance’ argument made by government. Once in place the real cost of the policy could then be estimated and any worry that the government was just running round like a headless chicken would be alleviated some what. I mean when the millions start piling up when whole religious orders turn around and turn up for sex therapy sessions… …I think most people are concerned that government could just create a large under class of sex offender that festers in their community, even more desperate and duress-ed. Most reasonable people would agree that those would exhibit this type of threat should want to get help for their condition.
That should include paula bennitto for being obese for setting a bad example a round children
Underfunding cyfs.
The National govt for increasing the number of children living in poverty.
Yesterday I read an article where a boy had 9 foster families in three weeks. Who is the abuser in that situation?
Whoever is found to be responsible… I say jail them.
Child abuse, is freeview, there is absolutely nothing worth watching on TV tonight, Tomorrow, or Friday, except AlmightyJohnsons. You want child abusers, start with the dumbing down of anyone who just gets freeview by the television selectors of those channels, wtf have we become a state of America, its all crap.
A Brilliant law, getting support from all sides of the political fence, except for the standard.
You guys are Faux news.
Actually its a dumb law badly written (is it even written?) which shows no care about the research or the facts around child abuse and neglect.
A clever way of stopping the riff raff from breeding
Getting slammed on talkback radio Brett. By all those balding divorced short white small business owners who voted National in 2008 because helen and the lesbians were oppressing them.
Interesting eh?
I haven’t spent any time looking around. But I did read DimPost… The comments section got interesting