Colin Craig’s Contempt for His Victim

Weirdo leader/funder/face of the Conservative party Colin Craig has admitted inappropriate behaviour with his former press secretary Rachel MacGregor.

Echoing the Parnell Ponytail Puller, he claims the conduct was not sexual.  Oh, and in talking about the matter at all, he admits that he has probably breached a confidentiality agreement negotiated with MacGregor. That breach is reprehensible behaviour; in fact a form of bullying because he knows his victim cannot answer back without breaching the agreement herself. MacGregor has only said so far that there are inaccuracies in Craig’s mea culpa. To say more risks being sued by Craig. Ironic, huh?

Craig gets a free shot to frame his sleaze as nothing more than minor mistakes that were made by both of them. To be clear, a rich man is willing to risk further litigation just to minimise his own pisspoor behaviour and to paint the victim as equally responsible for his weakness. Clearly, in his mind, she got what she deserved then and will continue to get whatever he thinks she deserves now. He even had the gall to outline MacGregor’s financial situation, as if her being out of a job was nothing to do with him.

Colin Craig clearly does not understand or perhaps does not care about the obvious power imbalance at play in his relationship with his former staffer. He was her boss. For most victims in similar situations, stopping the abuse means unemployment. It’s often easier to pretend its not happening just to get the bills paid. It’s not fair, it’s not normal and it’s not mutual.

What a small minded, self centred, cheap and vicious man Colin Craig has turned out to be. He really is the perfect Conservative. How will they ever replace him?



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