Daily review 01/11/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 1st, 2024 - 7 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

7 comments on “Daily review 01/11/2024 ”

  1. Patricia Bremner 1

    Well "We are getting to know Luxon" Does he improve on further acquaintance?

    Just take the COC agreement….

    The Budget cuts….

    The Ministers chosen….

    The job losses….

    The lies…..

    One term government.

  2. Matiri 2

    This story from RNZ about a Tauranga cardiologist quitting is just the start of the health system collapse. I heard yesterday that one of Nelsons orthopaedic surgeons has resigned for the same reason ie required to do ED shifts. Wait times for new hips and knees just got much much longer.

    Boddington, a member of the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists union, said the final straw for him was specialists being told they would have to fill in for junior doctors in the emergency department, on top of their other work.


    • joe90 2.1

      Two years after diagnosis, numerous GP visits, four trips to the ED with one overnighter, two outpatient consultations, and a referral for an orthotic that might arrive before Christmas, my friend is still waiting for a date for a day-surgery mesh repair of his inguinal hernia.

      Poor buggar can't work, can't walk anywhere, is terrified of eating and he's cast on his bed living in fear of yet another agonising reduction.

  3. adam 3

    Why are so many ok that the growing inequality is unraveling society?

  4. SPC 4

    The political campaigns go through the swing states before Nov 5.