Daily Review 05/05/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:08 pm, May 5th, 2017 - 35 comments
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35 comments on “Daily Review 05/05/2017 ”

  1. James 1


    Watching the jeremy corbyn experiment deliver the results expected by many.

    It’s looking like a disaster for the labour in the U.K.

    Of course I’m sure this is just a blip and corbyn will do fantastic in the general election.

    • Bill 1.1

      I’d be far more focused on the fact that it looks as though the entire UKIP vote has folded into the Tory vote.

      edit – I don’t suppose you’re pausing to consider how many of those seats that Labour have lost (so far) are in Wales and to either independents or Plaid Cymru? No thought not.

      • Ad 1.1.1

        ukip vote seems to be breaking 50 50 Conservative Labour. So perverse.

        I dont like Corbyn but I hope he survives the election. Also perverse I know.

        • Bill

          Where you getting the info that suggests a 50/50 split?

          My reckonings were going on the fact that UKIP were BREXIT and the Tories are BREXIT and UKIP have lost all of their seats while the Tories are substantially up.

          If you’ve got a source for actual seats that shows UKIP to Labour, t’would be nice to see that info.

    • Muttonbird 1.2

      You’re a Farrar parrot. He too is obsessed with all things Labour no matter where in the world they are.

      • James 1.2.1

        Just a healthy interest in politics.

        You in the other hand seem more interested in trying to insult people than discuss the point.

        But hey if you think labour getting trashed all over the uk isn’t worth commenting on – feel free not too.

        • McFlock

          18 councils != “all over the UK”.
          Not even 88 councils count as such.

          And your “interest” might be many things, but it ain’t healthy.

          • Bill

            Every council seat in Wales and Scotland + some in England, with a few mayors thrown in = a fairly substantial chunk of the political landscape.

          • James

            The night is but young – but yeah I’m confident “all over the uk” is going to be the outcome.

            But hey – keep your head buried and it will all go away.

        • Ad

          I like May but her Min Finance is gutting their social services like a landed Snapper.

    • Cinny 1.3

      Interesting how May does not want to participate in any election debates.

      I wonder why as she doesn’t appear to be the type that would shy away from voicing her opinion.

      I feel there is no wisdom in Corbyn not wanting to take part in the TV debates because May wishes not to participate, even though it would just be opposition parties without May. Corbyn is looking a gift horse in the mouth.

      May was the first leader to refuse to take part, saying she would not be doing televised debates because she prefers on-the-ground campaigning.

      Corbyn then said he would not be involved in a debate made up of opposition party representatives.

      • James 1.3.1

        Got to agree with you – cannot see why she would not be part of this – and she should do so.

  2. Cinny 2

    Turns out that the outgoing government aka NZ national party wanted to use music that sounded like Eminems ‘Lose Yourself’ for last elections political advert right from the get go.

    But not once did they check with a lawyer to make sure it was legal. And now they are looking to blame everyone else for their misfortune.

    Maybe they should have supported NZ music rather than trying to rip off the most famous rapper on the planet.

    Do any NZ songwriters support National?

    We hear of kiwi musicians supporting other political parties.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.1

      Do any NZ songwriters support National?

      Oh, I’m sure that there’ll be one around somewhere.

  3. Muttonbird 3

    The Lose Yourself thing is a real window into the National Party’s attitude to original creativity.

    They’ll appropriate it for their (and their rich mates) own benefit when they see fit and not think to remunerate the original artist in any way.

    What a horrible bunch they are.

    • McFlock 3.1

      Exactly: they get that plagiarism is illegal, just not that it’s wrong.

      Their idea of the creative process is to copy something good and hope their copy is shit enough that they can’t be sued.

      At least most of these “identical music” cases involve people intelligent enough to swear that any similarity is purely coincidental. The nats are like some students who swore they hadn’t done anything wrong because although they put the couch on the street and covered it in kerosene and rolled up newspaper, it was a random drunk person who set it alight (true story – didn’t work lol).

      • Muttonbird 3.1.1

        Let’s not forget that Eminem’s journey from underprivileged middle America to worldwide superstar is something which RWNJs would normally get hard over (they should be wetting themselves stupid over the Marshall Mathers story), yet here they are stealing what he spent a lifetime of hardship creating.

        Is this the new National Party model? To steal the creative property of the very people who they hope to crush?

        • McFlock

          Shit, really? He had a real rags-to-music-riches story that proves and individual can still succeed with hard work and personal responsibility?

          They should make a movie about it, and maybe even get him to write the soundtrack 🙂

          • Muttonbird

            Yep. Yet The National Party of New Zealand stole his music via the back door to promote themselves and their selfish outlook on life.

            • James

              So are you saying copyright infringement (if proven) is theft ?

              • Drowsy M. Kram

                Tried Googling “Is copyright infringement theft?” Complicated. The legal distinction between the two is clear, or not depending on your bias (as creator or infringer), but I like this practical/colloquial approach.


                “Does it even matter? Yes, it does. Or does it?”
                “Creators often use words like “theft” to reflect how they feel about acts of infringement.”

                • McFlock

                  I suspect that James is hoping that Eight Mile Style have included in their suit the owners of the server farm that “eminem-esque” was downloaded from

                  • Xanthe


                  • James

                    Purchased from and licences by – not just downloaded.

                    • Molly

                      Using a third-party to knowingly avoid prosecution, is an infantile excuse for bad behaviour.

                      As in, a seven-year old telling the three-year old to turn on the television when they are not supposed to be watching.

                      The National Party has admitted they themselves recognised the track was similar to Eminem’s. The voiceover used in their ad, had the same rhythm and pace, and they continued without concern.

                      If – as has happened – any controversy arose, they could blame the provider.

                      How exceptionally “clever”, how predictably “immoral”.

                    • McFlock

                      You have inside knowledge that beatbox etc built and use their own server farm, rather than subcontracting for it?

        • Draco T Bastard

          To steal the creative property of the very people who they hope to crush?

          No, that’s their modus operandi and has been for centuries. Hell, it’s the basis of capitalism in how when you work for a company your ideas become property of the owners.

  4. Herodotus 4

    The National Party rejected those allegations and said the music was purchased by the book.
    So according to the man himself national had purchased rights to the music now we are told “But the plan was always to replace the track with a “sound-alike” before it went to air.”
    Without follow the entire story I do see a trend of the national party’s defence evolving to suit the situation.

  5. JC 5

    Donkey Deep! “To quote Winston” (and Carol Rose), the mother of one of the Pike River 29 who took notes of all the meetings in the months following the disaster, says families were never shown footage of men in the drift.”


    • James 5.1

      Sad thing is. Not many people care about this anymore (across nz as a whole – locally yes)

    • Cinny 5.2

      JC, Winny will be on The Nation this morning, Saturday, discussing Pike River with Lisa Owen.

  6. Draco T Bastard 6

    Trump’s Trade Agency Attacks Other Countries’ Efforts to Promote and Protect Breastfeeding in New Report

    On March 31, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) released the National Trade Estimate report. This is a statutorily-required annual review of U.S. trade partners’ “significant trade barriers” that the U.S. government seeks to have eliminated.

    The 492-page report provides excellent insight into the growing global backlash against our current “trade” policies. While President Donald Trump has flip-flopped on his pledges to reverse the gigantic job-killing trade deficit with China, this U.S. government report labels as illegal trade barriers an array of public interest policies, including – shamefully – other governments’ policies to promote breastfeeding.

    When they’re so set to put corporate profits above the health and well being of people that they’d consider breastfeeding as an illegal trade barrier is, quite simply, when we should stop dealing with them at all. They’re not up to the sort of standards that we should be promoting and supporting.