Daily review 08/05/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, May 8th, 2019 - 25 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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25 comments on “Daily review 08/05/2019 ”

  1. Kat 1

    That would be good advice for the National opposition after today's debacle in the house. Using road victims as fodder for scoring political points and to smear the govt is a new low in tactics though.

    The other observation is Hosking is not behind the wall over at the fish wrap….that is interesting, he must know nobody would pay for his nonsense.

    • Cinny 1.1

      dr custard was vile in question time today.

      • Robert Guyton 1.1.1

        He was fair to begin with, then foolish. You gotta know when to fold'em, Smithy!

      • greywarshark 1.2.1


        Nick Smith suspension: What 'naming' means for the booted MP


        Suspended: Nick Smith hits back at 'bully' Speaker after getting the boot

        • Anne

          I think it was set up by Nick Smith using the grieving mother of a teenager who was killed by a drunk driver. The aim of the exercise to discredit the police minister, Stuart Nash in the first instance, and to undermine the government by inferring they were… soft on crime. Speaker, Mallard quickly identified what was going on and he squashed Smith in his tracks.

          In my book Smith's behaviour was about as low as one could go.

          • Kat

            Nick Smiths actions were clearly premeditated. Throw some mud and hope it sticks. Similar to his "silly little girl" slur on the PM.

            Paula Bennett looked very alone when she later got up to babble.

          • Herodotus


            think your version is not supported by the reported facts

            drivwr was drugged and that was the basic of the exchange in parliament, regarding drugs and driving.and what Nash said to be perhaps Not True and misleading 🤥

            • Cinny

              Was the driver stopped and breath tested for alcohol prior to the accident which claimed a life? No.

              Was the driver stopped at all by police prior to the accident? No.

              With that in mind roadside drug testing would not have made one shred of difference in said situation. as he wasn't stopped by police prior to the accident.

              The accident happened and it would have been and no doubt still is horrendous for the parents who lost a child. Roadside drug testing would not have avoided it as the person was never stopped by police, so how would have a drug test changed anything?

              FYI, I'm not anti roadside drug testing.

              Is dr custard desperate to keep his seat? Yes.

              Does his outburst yesterday make it look like he is doing something? Yes.

              Do his constituents feel that he is standing up for them? Not sure, maybe ask the car sales man/volunteer firefighter who dr custard has been trying to get residency for since national was last in government.

              One last thing…. did dr custard advocate for roadside drug testing while in government? Because he’s come out guns blazing while in opposition

            • Anne

              Ok, so it was a drugged driver not a drunk driver. My apologies for being so remiss as to not notice in my haste to comment and do some urgent chores at the same time.

              It makes no difference to the point I was making anyway. It was a set-up by Smith and co. They even arranged for the grieving mother to be present in the gallery when the question was asked.

              And btw, here is an interesting further point. Most people don't know there is a protocol to be followed when attending a session of parliament. Visitors sit on the opposite side to that of the party they support. In other words, the Nats sit above the government so they can look down on their preferred politicians. Government supporters likewise sit above the Nats. This mother was sitting above the govt. so she could look down on the Nats.

              Doesn't stop her from being a grieving mother, but it does add to the obvious scenario that Stuart Nash was part of a puerile set up for political gain! Disgusting and as the Speaker said… so distasteful!

          • Gabby


    • Rapunzel 1.3

      It is not the only low that is very certain and specifically an obituary for a local man and founder of NZ First had placed immediately next to it an electoral office advert for the National Party (Tauranga) that does not and had not been placed in a very long time. Entirely cynical and only an alert to the National Party of the upcoming obituary from the local Herald subsidiary newspaper staff could have lead to the placment. The whole thing is a reminder of how cynical, tacky and self-serving that party and that news outlet are.

    • BG 1.4

      But using the death of miners for political fodder is ok?

      Mallard is a despicable human being, the mother of a victim of drugged driving was in the house and Smith was standing up for his constituents (something Mallard doesn't have btw). I'm sure if it was a mother of one of the Pike River Miners he wouldn't have been so flippant

      • Rapunzel 1.4.1

        That's your opinion if it applies it applies to Smith's efforts as well but I note not while in govt in hindsight.

        What I highlighted was a "paid for" action and was a reminder, if I ever needed one, of National Party cynicism and why they have no appeal for me, a similar reason is the offering up of Bridges as a leader to NZers when he is not even favoured by his own party, and who would know the reasons for that better than they do?

  2. Cinny 2

    Long cardboard packages on a pallet on the footpath outside the gun shop (located on the main rd) is a new sight, especially early evening when it's dark and they've been sitting there for half an hour now. FFS.

    Good one guncity, fyi the prior owners of the gunshop never did such things.

    Tempted to ring the police atm, anyone could walk past and help themselves, and those long boxes aren't tents, that's for sure.

  3. gsays 3

    At least they are wrapped in cardboard, marginally better security than our Keystone Cops in Palmy.

  4. greywarshark 5

    Should DHBs just do day to day running and leave the decisions to the government. They have had a long wait trying to get a national tech system going so that locals have been hamstrung while they wait for the national one to be worked out. Why not cut out some of the layers of decision making.


  5. lprent 6

    Wow… I upgraded the site to wordpress version 5.2 a little earlier. The test only indicated one issue.

    /** * like wp_footer, but placed immediately after the body_class. */
    function wp_body_open() // as per http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/12563


    Wow! I stuck this code in more than 8 years ago to deal with some startup load issues and to allow a async javascript loads. It was old (> 1 year) then. Looks like the new development system at wordpress finally allowed some people to actually fix some of the old issues.

    The site had a brief outage while I tested to make sure nothing bad happened on the real site.

  6. Anne 7

    Two helicoptors land on the Auckland domain ttonight and one is met by an ambulance. Westpac Helicoptor said it had nothing to do with them. Defence Force helicoptors? Police know nothing about it.


  7. WastedLives 8

    If you ever had to interview someone reduced to a monosyllabic 'Aarg' after coming off a bike without a helmet you would not see impulsive use of 'ebikes' as benign. Brain damage is not trivial.

    Include that in your cost-benefit analysis.