Daily Review 10/07/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, July 10th, 2015 - 24 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Anti national protest-12

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24 comments on “Daily Review 10/07/2015 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    The public is not going to have a say in the Sky City Convention Centre resource consent application …


    • tc 1.1

      Hell no, can’t risk opening up that can of worms on something so important to NZ’s wellbeing when we can run our rail network into the ground instead.

  2. tc 2

    How many folk are experiencing the continued decline of Vodafone.

    A classic case study in sweating an asset rather than putting back some investment in the network to now have a business that’s requiring so much investment it’s probably not viable anymore if it wants to be a serious player.

    I feel a breakup or sale coming soon as the red player has worked itself into a corner.

  3. Draco T Bastard 3

    Housing WOF: Too little action, says industry expert

    Yesterday the government announced they would not be implementing the debated Warrant of Fitness (WOF) for rental homes, instead announcing a ‘watered-down’ version, with all rental properties requiring smoke alarms to be installed by July next year and to be insulated by July 2019.

    Dave Wilson of Jennian Homes says this is not good enough. “Frankly, it equates to the proverbial ‘putting lipstick on the pig’. It gives you a nice feeling of having done something positive but doesn’t fix the underlying fundamental issue.”

    Sums it up pretty well.

    • Weepus beard 3.1

      Farrar, in amongst his blatant and cynical cherry-picking of statistics on a myriad of other issues including child abuse, has declared a rental WOF unworkable because 90% of rental properties would fail.

  4. Anne 4


    I hope lawsuits are forthcoming from this great piece of investigative journalism.

    Big thanks to Frank Macskasy.

    • mickysavage 4.1

      Aye he has done a really good investigative story on that sad episode.

    • tc 4.2

      Depressing for NZ really with how easily folk swallowed all the dirty politics when it was pretty obvious what was going on with the hollow men already outed.

      Ya gotta hand it to key and crew though keeping the charade of lies they’ve manufactured in play with that almost off hand lying persona down pat.

    • Reddelusion 4.3

      Frank is a raving lunatic that can’t let go, for god sake he lives in Upper Hutt, dirty politics is just so last year, can’t we move on. Politics is dirty, shock horror, politicians are full of BS, shock horror, politiciians and politicos have multiple hidden agendas and agendas on agendas, shock horror, the left is no more honest than the right, depending on your level of extremity you just choose to look one way

  5. Macro 5

    One of the reasons I don’t use facebook apart from having a nominal page so I can access and sign the odd petition from time to time (about 2 or 3 times a year):

    • Draco T Bastard 5.1

      Unfortunately, it’s essentially impossible to get away from and stop using the corporations that steal from us. They hide behind shareholdings and branding making it almost impossible to know whether the product that you’re buying is from an ethical corporation.

      Of course, there’s no such thing as an ethical corporation – they all cheat and steal.

    • Reddelusion 5.2

      Marco link is disingenuous, claiming Facebook is involved in tax evasion in one breath and then saying it was legal in the next, thus it’s not tax evasion but legal tax avoidance, Every business structures itself to minimise its tax bill within the law. For all we know it may not even be tax avoidance, Facebook may receive extensive overseas support, pay legal royalties , shared service cost ( technology , support centres, call centres etc) Thus simply looking at its revenue and bleating a left wing mantra is hardly investigative journalism Its tax to revenue maybe entirely justifiable. I agree globaliastion has resulted in many tax loop holes but that’s not facebooks problem. countries need to agree on tax harmonisation, establish more bi lateral tax treaties etc,

      • Macro 5.2.1

        Oh get a life! So he used the “evasion” word instead of “avoidance”! It amounts to the same thing. They all do it and yes its legal – but it is far from moral.

        • Reddelusion

          For clarity tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance is not

          • Macro

            I know that. But to all intents and purposes its pretty much the same. Just one way or another of failing to pay ones way in society.

            • Reddelusion

              I do get your point of view but I don’t think it’s a morale argument, pay your legal tax, anything else is charity, accepting your argument would justify on the same logic I am not paying my tax on morale grounds because it’s theft by the government, thus a slippery slope

              Likewise the link was simply a propaganda statement, no substance as to the points I raised, revenue is not profit and multinationals do run their business with a lot of shared global investments, cost and services and thus allocate costs . They also structure there global business to minimise tax. To me this is a tax law harmonisation and legal issue, don’t expect corporates to solve it based on subjective morale determination of what tax they will pay , like most people the will pay their legal minimum tax

              Note no fan or user of face book, not even to sign petitions

  6. Anne 6

    piss off.