Weekend social 10/07/2015

Written By: - Date published: 2:00 pm, July 10th, 2015 - 27 comments
Categories: weekend social - Tags:

Christmas truce 1914Weekend social is for non political chat. What’s on for the weekend, gigs, film or book reviews, sports, or whatever.

No politics, no aggro, why can’t we all just get along?

27 comments on “Weekend social 10/07/2015 ”

  1. Molly 1

    Just watched “When A Warrior Dies” on nzonscreen, in remembrance as too many in the household are feeling too poorly with the common cold to head down to the wharf.

    I realised when watching that I’d never taken the kids to view the memorial at Matauri Bay, even though we have been up at Paihia a couple of times lately.

    Does anyone have suggestions for other sites of political significance that would be on their dream NZ Political Tour?

    • Jenny Kirk 1.1

      Ruapekapeka – magnificent pou in memory of the last of the northern Land Wars.

    • greywarshark 1.2

      Kaitaia – thinking of modern pou – seven in the new information centre there.

  2. adam 2

    I’m not sure if this is a good thing – the return of hair metal??

    Just jokes, I’m such a fan of this drummer – She rocks the whole sound. Are we seeing an end of pure J pop – I hope so.

  3. r0b 3

    I’ll spend part of the weekend digging a longish trench. UFB connection next week – good times!

    • tc 3.1

      How come ? They usually do that for you as part of the govt funded UFB, thats one of the reasons super stevie/Reynolds kludged together plan is causing headaches as they have to pay the fibre companies to do that.

      Reynolds was chuffed as it’s not spark issue but chorus and others problem.

    • David H 3.2

      Lucky for you I have to wait until 2016 sometime.

  4. Adele 4


    I live rural, and I mean rural. Cow paddocks for neighbours with a forest and a urupa across the road.

    There is a Pa site across the road named after my grandmother’s grandmother. So I am connected to this whenua hence privileged to be here.

    However, I am so over the rats. I want them all dead. I tried to be understanding of their little rat needs. I even filmed one thinking “how cute!”

    But now, fuck the little fuckers. The electrics in my car have been eaten. The mess on the car seats back and front is stuffing from the seats which they obviously spat out as they chewed their way to rat nirvana commonly called my boot.

    This weekend I shall be contributing to a mass extinction event. Hopefully I don’t poison myself because that would suck -especially as the little fuckers will most likely think, yum.

    • Charles 4.1

      You know there’s another way to divert their attention without killing them (if the killing them tweaks some humanitarian note). Sand soap, or soap in general. They tend to love the stuff. Isn’t it a tooth growth issue – or is that myth? They have to eat something abrasive or their front teeth grow like walrus ivory. Something like that. There was a crib I was staying at, the guy who owned it said every night you could hear them chewing like snapper on a reef crunch shellfish. He said the most eaten item was a stash of old sandsoap… and a plastic container containing diesel. Kept them away from the Landrover.

  5. b waghorn 5

    This hillbilly is coming to see how you aucklanders live for a few days what are the kid friendly hotspots in the central city.?

    • Charles 5.1

      Auckland Domain: not much to do but they can run and run and climb on the cannons and the squealing won’t get you dark looks.

      Most café will be ok as long as you don’t see a sign on the door.

      Narrow neck Beach/Devonport – take the ferry from CBD terminal. Children’s playground at both, stuff for you to do also. If all else fails, the extremely cold water will slow their heartrate. Take them for a walk up Mount Victoria to tire them out or into the tunnels at North Head. Take a torch. You’ll get the full echoey impact of their screaming in the dark. Fun.

      Pretty much down by the Tank Farm is ok. Check eventfinder for market days/nights.

      Mission Bay/Okahu Bay area.

      Victoria Park Market, open air, and a gelato shop that will amuse their tastes.

      Albert Street “Food Alley”. Intersection of Downtown Mall and PWC building. Another interesting food area in Elliot Street, The Aotea Centre/Movie complex (they curently have an ice scating rink), oh yes and moustache cookie bar, just up from the corner of the Civic building.

      • b waghorn 5.1.1

        Cheers definitely will do a ferry and the tunnels one of my grand fathers worked on them I think.

  6. Paul 6

    Does anyone have any good tips for the NZ Film Festival?

  7. ianmac 7

    Been browsing my Family tree online via MyHeritage. It could balloon out to thousands but what do you do with all those names. My Maths say 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great grandparents, 16 great great grandparents, 32 great great great grandparents, 64 ……….. about 1000 after 10 generations or about 1 million after about 25 generations or about 800 years. Hard to fit all those on a bit of paper. (There is a flaw in that somewhere.)

    • b waghorn 7.1

      I would suggest picking a line that leads to a king or a tyrant or someone interesting it won’t change you’re life but it will give you some name dropping cared.

      • ianmac 7.1.1

        I think all my antecedants were pretty poor folk. Though one was a Canterbury Catholic Bishop in living memory but since heaven does not exist it would have been a waste currying favour.

    • greywarshark 7.2

      Yeah we are beginning to get the idea that its hard to fit all the families onto the sheet of paper not to mention the planet! People are always so proud of the family line that started off with 2 people and adding some more into family by marriage, 100 years later is hundreds.

      How do people think the world will cope? I mentioned to my son that they should stop at three children even if they could afford more and he seemed surprised at my comment. People are deciding not to have children at all. Others are not deciding anything along forward looking lines, and there is so little discussion by citizens about planning and thinking for the future. So BAU.

      I have been doing some family research. It is hard work. And I am not a Smith, but I have Williams as a surname to check and that’s bad enough.

      • ianmac 7.2.1

        It is possible get a finished tree printed on a sheet about a metre wide but not sure what we would do with it. Wallpaper? Tried printing out parts on an A4 but not saisfactory. Reading a book is simpler.