Daily review 13/12/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 13th, 2024 - 5 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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5 comments on “Daily review 13/12/2024 ”

  1. tWig 1

    Ooh, look. The Associate Minister for Immigration musta had his arm twisted by the Free Speech Union, otherwise known as Hate Speech United. Candace Owen can now come to NZ, despite being banned by Australia, after her ban was reversed.

  2. joe90 2

    First it was Rimmer's MinReg paying a median salary of $154,500, the public service median is $84,800, and then it was $400,000 on MinReg contractors in six months and now we find out about how much the snouts in Rimmer's charter school trough are costing us.


    The new charter school agency is paying its staff an average salary of $158,889 – much higher than Ministry of Education staff and more than 50% higher than the public service average salary.

    The agency has 18 staff members and sits within the Ministry of Education. But it pays more than staff there, where the average salary is $112,300, according to the public service commission. Charter school agency staff are also paid 56% more than the average public service salary, which is $101,700.


    • tc 2.1

      Wasteful spendings ok when its the coalition doing it.

      How much more expensive and longer will NZ wait for the new ferries ?

      Rimmer needs to be put on the spot so kiwis can see the hypocrite respond.

  3. Ad 3

    Wellington has lost 11% of its jobs in one year.