Daily review 21/07/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 21st, 2021 - 38 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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38 comments on “Daily review 21/07/2021 ”

  1. Robert Guyton 1

    Why the desperation to go to Mars?

    For RedLogix and anyone who's wondering, wft??


    • Ad 1.1

      Why send Magellan out? Or Chief Hoturoa? Or Columbus? Or Zheng He?

      They were all pretty ludicrous ventures at the time, made possible only by unseemly amounts of public and private capital, to uncertain and often hostile ends.

      The private space flight industry is about where the first traders from Ur of the Chaldees were in 3800 BC.

      • Incognito 1.1.1

        Why send Magellan out? Or Chief Hoturoa? Or Columbus? Or Zheng He?

        Or Abel …

      • bwaghorn 1.1.2

        Hard case that's pretty much my take on space travel although I equate it to paddling a canoe to the nearest rock .

        It's a shame Branson's plane and Bezos' shiny nob are just toys and not actually achieve some real getting way out there learnings.

        • Bearded Git

          Agreed….except for the use of "learnings". Horrible clunky non-existent word the punishment for using it should be a trip to Mars with only Branson as company.

          • alwyn

            That's a bit tough, but I think the punishment you propose is excessive. Sure, it is an awful invented word but the punishment of having to spend a year or more in a small closed container with Branson seems a bit over the top. That is a bit like deporting people to Australia for life for killing a deer on the Lord's estate in the early 1800's.

          • solkta

            Oxford says you're wrong:

            1.2 (usually learnings) [count noun] A thing learned by experience; a lesson.

            and very funny, they give this example:

            ‘the learnings from the mission will help NASA plan for a future mission to Mars’


          • bwaghorn

            Hes usually got a gaggle of ladies with him so I'm sure hed smuggle a couple on board. Awful cold on mars I here.
            Never mind I see I’m not guilty of murdering English

    • francesca 1.2

      Well Robert, you can bet your bottom dollar it's not for the saving of humanity, or environmental healing here on earth

    • Sabine 1.3

      there is a book by Ben Elton from the 80s in which he lays out his theory / conspiracy theory and its a fun and good read.

      But in short, these guys knows that the planet is fucked and they also think that they will be insulated / rich enough to survive, get away, and everyone else dying is not their business. As Bezos stated, Thanks customer for giving me your money to buy some shit you actually neither need nor want but feel you must have.

      In the meantime, lets buy some EVs and pave more roads. Soon, flying cars will be available and tax deductible, cause flying, rather then driving. 🙂

  2. Robert Guyton 2

    It's not the wandering that's the problem, it's why you're wandering 🙂

  3. Incognito 3

    OPINION: Heated debate is raging around funding for addiction programmes related to gangs, and with reports of increasing gang membership and associated violence, funding a rehabilitation programme run with and for gang whānau probably sounds nonsensical to many.

    But having been part of such a programme over six to eight years with the Salvation Army, I endorse efforts to reach people who are largely disengaged from the social supports that enable others to thrive.


    Yup, some are so outraged that they seem to have lost the plot or maybe they're just showing their bias.

    • bwaghorn 3.1

      Does this new project involve the sallies or another trusted organization,? Or is in the hands of only the mob man and his missus?

      • Sabine 3.1.1

        Just some good old money laundering. And if it does not work out, we can't blame anyone cause good thoughts were thought and besides no harm was created.

        And to think that in this country it is easier to score meth then weed. 🙂

    • pat 3.2

      And if the Gov. had the nous to include the Salvation Army in this programme then the opportunity for 'outrage' would be greatly negated….but for reasons unexplained the (proven) expertise, not to mention public trust of the Sallies their services were not required/desired despite the cited Hauora programme being theirs.

      • gsays 3.2.1

        Public trust for the sallies is for those with short or select memories.

        They were obscenely strident in their opposition to the Homosexual Reform Bill. Including telling organised lies about what the Bill would enable

        I acknowledge the good the Sallies do, I am also wanting to keep the record straight (boom boom!).

        • pat

          I made no comment on whether the trust was justified simply noted that it exists…..just as the wider public dont trust gang members/affiliates.

  4. Sabine 5

    in the meantime China.


    this is gonna create a global housing crisis soon enough. Mars……here we come.

    But then, maybe we came from Mars originally and left after we fucked that planet over first? would not put it past human beings.

  5. weston 6

    Anyone get a good look inside all those houses they red stickered in westport ?I,d be interested tto see just how "unsafe"they were ?

    • The Al1en 6.1

      They’re really unsafe, as in so F*cked up you can't live in them, because the health risks involved in being in a place that has had poo water half way up the walls for three days isn't conducive to healthy living.

      Anything else you'd like to know?

      From the Buller district council info page

      Lots of people are wondering what the red/yellow classification means for houses.

      RED: Unfortunately these houses are not safe to live in. Although it says ACCESS PROHIBITED, you can still enter your house and pull up carpets and collect belongings, but it is not safe to stay for long periods or sleep in your house.

      YELLOW: You can still live in your house but it will need a clean up. Some people will not be able to move straight back in because they have a health condition, or are caring for a young baby or an elderly person.


      • weka 6.1.1

        How did you get on TA?

        • The Al1en

          I have a picture I grabbed off a 3news videos which shows just how close my house came to being like the rest of the poor sods who got munted. The north and east of the town were buggered by the Oratiri, my place in the south was under threat from the Buller, and it was really close – Back yard close.

          On Sunday, after a second night in evac, I'd had enough and went home at 5.45am. I couldn't walk through the storm water puddle to access my end of the street, so I went around the main street and made my way up the railway line in the pitch black. I got home and front garden – No water, Went around the side past the car port – Still no water. Went round the back to see a massive knee high puddle on the back section, but fortunately no danger to the house.

          The neighbour to the left was high and dry, not so lucky for those behind and to the right. If I can show the pic, it really doesn't do justice to getting away with it by the skin of your teeth.

          Been on cleaning crews since Monday around town, and it's been a sobering experience seeing what people have dealt with and the mess it's caused, but also uplifting at the same time in how they've developed a get on with it blitz spirit.

          • The Al1en

            Can’t work it out, but my house is the red arrow (if a mod fixes it).

            [image resized]

            • Incognito

              fixed 🙂

              • The Al1en

                Thanks, I did try, honest.

                It doesn't show it, but the three house to the left of mine (as you look at it), would also have been hit, as they all have their sodden carpets on the street front ready for collection, which is what I'll be helping with tomorrow.

                Good job I didn't buy the house I almost put an offer on just round the corner (first light roof bottom left).
                I had concerns about flooding when I bought, and the selling agent assured me my place was on a wee rise. News flash – Real estate agent tells truth shocker lol

                • Incognito

                  No worries, I can see in the Trash folder that you tried. We don’t mind helping with images because they’re tricky, even for us.

                  What a mess, BTW 🙁

                  Kia kaha

                • McFlock


            • Anne

              Wow Al1en. You were lucky. So close to affected properties. Pleased you escaped.

          • Macro

            Like everyone else been thinking of you all down there. Good to hear your home is safe. One of the great features of small towns is the community spirit and it is certainly showing. Kia Kaha, Kia Maia, Kia Manawanui.

      • weston 6.1.2

        Thanks alian so a house red stickered is redeemable but you cant stay there until its fixed ?

    • bwaghorn 7.1

      A mixed bag of results from previous attempts, why has no one pointed out more loudly in the media Tans track record.?

    • bwaghorn 7.2

      Did you catch mr tan telling monsters to vote labour then finish with a siege hail on the am show this morning?

      The optics just got a whole lot worse.