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notices and features - Date published:
5:41 pm, May 22nd, 2019 - 26 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Rod Emmerson’s take on it – from the NZ Herald.
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
lol, the Iran threat is canceled.
Why? Have they found a better threat than Iran? More exciting than Iran? 😯
You lot up there in the funny shaped building thinking you are in charge….look out!
The Bishop is on his way. Hallelujah and praise the lord.
He's still upset at the 'gang rape' he suffered a few weeks ago, so be kind.
(And someone might want to have a quiet word in his ear about the dark glasses thing. If he's going for originality, if I recall correctly, Tau beat him to it.)
Did the End of Life Choice Bill get its 2nd reading today? I'm looking.
No Right Turn says: Today is a Member's Day. While it was originally expected to be the second reading of David Seymour's End of Life Choice Bill, National's bigots have successfully filibustered the past few Member's Days, so that now looks like it won't happen until June. http://norightturn.blogspot.com/2019/05/members-day_22.html
Doctors turn up for needy patients: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA1905/S00215/doctors-say-yes-to-end-of-life-choice.htm
In March, 2018, NZ Doctor commissioned a Horizon Research scientific survey to evaluate support from doctors of aspects of the End of Life Choice Bill. The results show 37% support, 11% are unsure, and 52% oppose a law change. The results show over 5,000 doctors in New Zealand support the provisions of the End of Life Choice Bill and over 2,000 doctors would be willing to administer in an assisted death.
“The End of Life Choice Bill has strong safeguards protecting any doctor from being coerced or forced into performing an assisted death as any doctor is able to object on grounds of conscience,” says David Seymour.
But then I came across the confused thinking of Jacqui Dean Waitaki MP who was wrung out after hearing all the heartfelt testimonies of those who had had dying loved ones. https://www.odt.co.nz/opinion/heartfelt-testimonies-strengthened-my-resolve
All that is very meaningful, but does not alter the fact that this is about people who want to die when they are terminally ill. It's not story time about other people's experiences actually. And if those considering the Bill could actually think compassionately about those who want to go, instead of themselves, or fears about some possibility that is unrelated to the dying person who this Bill is about, it would be very a nice and kind thought.
The conservative Christians, often Catholics here who are a massed band of marching angels against legalised assisted-dying, have their counterpart in France.
https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2019/05/vincent-lambert-s-life-support-turned-off-then-back-on-after-court-order.html Vincent Lambert's life support turned off, then back on after court order
A French court has ordered doctors to put a vegetative man back on life support just hours after it was switched off. Vincent Lambert has been on life support in a French hospital since a motorbike accident in 2008, the New York Times reports.
His wife and siblings believe the most humane course is to let him die, but his devout Catholic parents disagree. The tubes artificially feeding and hydrating Lambert were turned off early on Monday (local time) and doctors began administering strong doses of sedation, in line with his wife and siblings' wishes.
But a challenge in the Paris appeals court succeeded and the tubes were turned back on late on Monday night.
Why can't we have an investment fund to buy nz businesses and stop them being sold overseas?
Set up your own Go Fund me account and see how much you can raise. Why do you think the Government should do this? People only sell their business overseas because that’s where the buyers are, not because they need to fulfil some moral obligation.
Extract and accumulate from local resources and labour. Consider yourself the sole origin of your good fortune. Sweep up. Sell out. Cash in.
Not much obligation to give a flying fuck about anything these people. Snatch and run.
Alfie had better watch out. The Destiny bishop is going into politics (again). He and his apostles could split the God bothering vote, leaving Natz still with no friends.
Bring it on.
No doubt Destiny's congregation will be "pressured" into voting for the BT party.
they won't need pressuring, no more then the evangelic pro forced birth crowd needed pressuring to vote for the orange shit show in the white house despite him being a twiced divorced man, father of five from three women, bare backer of pornstars and playboy bunny who likes to inspect teens participating in peagants and likes to grab women by their vaginas.
they will vote for him ,cause god, anti abortion, women shall net teach man and joyfully submit to the authority of men yada yada yada and national will have no worries bedding this new party in order to get somewhere.
They rate their chances of being raptured.
"likes to grab women by their vaginas" is probably incorrect because the vaginas of women Trump is likely to have grabbed would be out of reach and grabbing them in the non-consciousness impaired would be difficult without skill and the women's consent and cooperation. I take it you mean "likes to grab women by their "VULVAS". Consensual vulva grabbing is usual sexual behaviour. Non-consensual vulva grabbing is sexual assault, which Trump has yet to be convicted of.
thanks for explaining my body to me.
i might like to point to this
but you are correct i should have used the sharts own word,
The vulva is often incorrectly termed vagina, which is very different anatomically and functionally. You know this, but others may not. The uncertainty about what words to use probably contributes to the reluctance some women show to talking about their genitalia, with potentially serious physical and mental health consequences.
again, thank you for explaining my anatomy to me.
i feel much better now.
seriously i do.
i only lived for a few decades in it, and i still discover it. What would i have done without you.
but just to clarify slang, something you might have an issue with ….you know only using anatomically correct terms when discussing females body parts here is wikipedia (and again, if you take offense feel free to edit this entry 🙂 )
Pussy is a noun, an adjective, and in rare uses a verb in the English language. It has several meanings, including use as slang, as euphemism, and as vulgarity. Common meanings of the noun include "cat", as well as "coward or weakling", and "the human vulva or vagina", or as a synecdoche, "sexual intercourse with a woman".[1] Because of its multiple senses including both innocent and vulgar connotations, "pussy" is often the subject of double entendre.
The etymology of the word is not entirely clear. Several different senses of the word have different histories or origins.[1][2][3]
But just in case you did not get it. I am so very very greatful to you that you took the time out to explain my body to me. I will now go in front of a mirror, men spread my legs and admire my vulva 🙂 cheers mate, you made my day
Well that's mighty pedantic of you gluggy.
thanks for the new word! 🙂
gluggy. Adjective. (comparative gluggier, superlative gluggiest) Adjective form of glug. Used to describe a substance (normally liquid, specifically viscous) which moves slowly or with some resistance.
I back Brian because he wears leather and likes throbbing things between his buttocks.
Splitting christianity is God's will being done: "in mid-2014 there were over 45,000 Christian denominations worldwide. Furthermore, that number is increasing at the rate of 2.2 new denominations per day." http://twelvetribes.org/articles/why-are-there-45000-denominations
Such biodiversity is impressive, eh? Makes it hard to discern who is really holier than thou. Studying the differences to figure it out could take a lifetime.
God was obviously seriously grouchy about how his son re-interpreted him, to produce such vengeance. Consider the final prayer for unity of "the Son of God, just before he was crucified":
Schoolkids going out on strike on climate change all over the world on 24th May – 2 days time.(Oz school kids and others licking their wounds after the recent federal election but don't think the worlds's climate is going to take any notice of miracle man ScoMo). NZ school kids have organised protests all over the country https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/112906924/four-demands-will-be-made-at-fridays-school-strike-for-climate-change. Have to say, rather reluctantly, that Stuff has been the only MSM outlet publishing useful 'stuff' on climate change. Pretty well zip from NZ Herald. At least 4 councils (Nelson, ECan, Christchurch and Kapiti) have either announced climate emergencies (non binding whatever that means) or are about to do so. Wellington probably next.
Tourism growth – can we do anything to prevent this invasion?
Greenpeace climate campaigner Amanda Larsson said the Government "seems unprepared to ask difficult questions at the moment if the strategy isn't looking at aviation" which is responsible for an estimated 2 percent of global emissions.
"Long-haul air travel is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions so I think we as a country have some really difficult questions to ask because we're so reliant on international tourism," Larsson told Newshub. ….
But China, responsible for around 12 percent of international aviation activity, is not participating in the UN pact to reduce aviation emissions.
The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment predicts visitor arrivals to grow an average of 4 percent each year, reaching 5.1 million visitors in 2025 – and this will be driven by growth in Asian markets, "especially China".
Think it is safe to say that any actions to counter CC by governments, including our own will be too little too late…..
What is Councillor Mike Lee playing at? He seems to oppose every measure Auckland Council takes to expand the appeal of public transport across the city. Nothing, it seems, is good enough for him.
Mike Lee is knowledgeable on transport spending, and the article you have linked to doesn't show much innovation as regards expanding the appeal. The measures proposed cater to those who are already well-served by current AT services.
Better services for outlying areas of Auckland, or reduced fares for commuters might be a more equitable use for transport monies. The investment in motor sports – after a similar Auckland Council investment in the same sport in Pukekohe – not only makes a mockery of any climate change initiatives, it provides the same demographic with more investment from council funds at a time when Auckland Council are taking extra funds from ratepayers to pay for core services like kauri dieback disease and climate change.
So far, none of the initiatives highlighted in the article show any forward thinking, and personally, I would applaud Mike Lee for not supporting this spending, if that is the extent of the issue.
hey jones – stick to what you know which is very little ya dick – jones smashed in all the comments I've seen – he is totally delusional.
“New Zealand First MP Shane Jones is accusing artists protesting the commemoration of Captain Cook’s landing 250 years ago of creating false narratives.”… "I think those artists are deluded. I think they will have a negative impact on the local economy and the attitudes of the local people in Ngāti Porou, and I doubt very much if the elders of that tribe will acquiesce with them highlighting a very jaundiced view when Ngāti Porou themselves have been over and highlighted that connection about 10 years ago," Mr Jones says.”
link here
this is good
[lprent: Corrected quotation with appropriate descriptions. ]