Daily Review 22/11/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:22 pm, November 22nd, 2018 - 76 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

76 comments on “Daily Review 22/11/2018 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    So fellow dropkicks who has been paid lately?

    • Andre 1.1

      I can assure you, micky, that I get paid exactly what I’m worth. Every single day. But since I’ve been called a RWNJ here, maybe that accounts for it.

      • mickysavage 1.1.1

        You have not lived until you have been called a RWNJ! I seem to recall I was called this once …

      • Ad 1.1.2

        I get it plenty as well.

        Put it down to living in Titirangi or something.

        • Andre

          Didn’t we get slammed as the “Titirangi elites” or something like that, too?

          • mauī

            Yes, that was in response to Sanctuary’s story of quaffing large amounts of liquor with no regard to animals or the climate in some posh, conceited Earl of Auckland establishment no doubt.

          • Ad

            We Titirangi elites provide most of the content to this site.
            Productive elites at least.

            • Macro

              I had a place in Daffodil Street – does that count?

              • Draco T Bastard

                I think I knew someone who had a place in Daffodil Street at one point.

              • Andre

                A realtor is definitely going to call that Titirangi. So yeah, you’re “elite” too. Or ex-elite, anyway.

                • Macro

                  ohhh Cool! 🙂

                  • mickysavage

                    Hail fellow westie! I am in the South TItirangi peninsular …

                    • Macro

                      My daughter was a pupil at the Titirangi Steiner school and I taught there for a while – They had their fair last weekend – I was intending to go up for the event but had other things to do unfortunately. I’m hoping to make it next year.
                      The two years I taught there were the best 2 years teaching I ever experienced. The students have all gone on to be do amazing things – including doctor, engineer, management, drama school, and an elected member of council (not in Auckland)

                    • mickysavage []

                      My daughter went there for a short while but elected to go mainstream. I have had a lot to do with families who are involved there. Some of my best friends out here are greens!

                    • Macro

                      Yes we made a good few friends through the school and still in touch. One of the strengths I think is the involvement of parents. My daughter is dyslexic, and (both of us being teachers) we knew there was no way she would cope in main stream. She was not reading at all when she started at the age of 10, but within 3 months she was reading (remedial eurythmy was extremely helpful here because it helped with left brain right brain development). Within 6 months of starting at Titirangi she had read the first book of Harry Potter .

                • Anne

                  I grew up on the western slopes of Mt Albert and now live close to Devonport. Does that count as an “elite”? 😎

                  • Macro

                    mmmm close…
                    I served in Navy for 15 years so lived in Devonport and Bayswater. I had an office while serving in HMNZS Tamaki which was literally on the top of the cliffs between Narrow Neck and Cheltenham – the view was absolutely stunning.

                    • Anne

                      Not far from where I live. Did you know in the 1990s Nick Smith tried to sell off that priceless piece of land to an upmarket property developer. The anger from one end of the isthmus through to the other – and elsewhere – was massive. He was taken to court and lost and proceeded to have a right royal paddy. And now the land is there for everyone to enjoy in perpetuity.

                    • Macro

                      Yes I did – It was always being eyed up to be sold off for the elite even back in the 80’s. The place has a huge military history and there are huge tunnels and underground rooms all over the place. I was there when Halley’s Comet was to be seen, and one night I was on duty and doing my rounds in the middle of the night when the comet went over. Very memorable. The other place I had to visit after midnight was the comms section on the top of Mt Vic. Not so bad when it was a fine night – but walking round there at 1am with a howling Nor Easter – I can think of better things to do. lol

    • Cinny 1.2

      DJ to be here maybe? lmao…standby….

    • Red Blooded One 1.3

      Am mortified that this dropkick is my MP. Would you like an introduction when you are holidaying up this way. He’s rarely seen outside of Keri Keri I believe.

    • adam 1.4

      Where do I sign up especially if it to troll that idiot – no wait – bugger it, I’ll do it for free.

      This song seems to fit him quite well

    • Macro 1.5

      I hope that they are signed up members of the Union, and are at least getting a living wage. Maybe we should all go on strike in support of better penal rates and overtime for those who have to do the night-time shifts.

    • Incognito 1.6

      I tried to be an altruist but nowadays I strictly work pro bono.

    • millsy 1.7

      I wish. I could use some extra cash too.

  2. Visubversa 2

    By my last count, they owe me for 55 years.

  3. patricia bremner 3

    Paid… someone got paid? Out of who’s pocket?

  4. The Fairy Godmother 4

    How do I sign up. Do you need my ID number

  5. Fireblade 5

    Ronald Matthew King. MP for Northland, Beef Farmer and former Police Officer. Best mates with drop kick Mike Sabin.

  6. joe90 6


    Harry is not doing well at the moment but his doctor is adjusting some of his treatment to try to correct things. #IStandWithHarry— Harry Leslie Smith (@Harryslaststand) November 22, 2018

    • DJ Ward 8.1

      If the Green Party let people build some hydro dams it wouldn’t be an issue.

      Analysis of the scenario of closing Huntly so we have no fossil fuel use shows you need at least 1,000 MW of Hydro and Geothermal. 2000 MW if you convert to EV without the cars being active storage in the network. Solar and Wind are variable and can’t reliably provide for peak use. Solar is great for at location daytime Buisiness, while wind is great for offsetting Hydro so it acts like a battery charger.

      If you wish to have no fossil fuel use, Hydro and Geothermal must be built on a large scale.

      The other alternative is massive battery systems that store renewables like wind for peak use.

      I didn’t get payed for that wisdom, damn.

      • Draco T Bastard 8.1.1

        If the Green Party let people build some hydro dams it wouldn’t be an issue.

        Where would you build them when there’s no suitable rivers left to build them on if we want to keep our tourism going? And there’s already none left in Te Ika a Māui.

        Would be better off going for the Greens idea of developing our silicon deposits and making solar panels. Throw in a few offshore wind turbines scattered around the coast line (Major benefit in that they would act as a reef and become fish breeding grounds that will never be commercially fished) and we’d easily be able to replace Huntly.

        I didn’t get payed for that wisdom

        You don’t have any wisdom to get paid for.

        • DJ Ward

          Solar doesn’t work at night and the wind doesn’t always blow.

          So yes you can create the same supply but you cannot cover Peak demand which we already struggle with.

          I could pick out hundreds of sites for smaller dams and no tourist ever goes anywhere near them. Especially low flow for peak load use.

          You didn’t comment on Geothermal which is viable in most of NZ with deep bores. Creating extremely important stable base load.

          Who said tourists don’t want to visit dams?

          Hoover dam?

          The dam hidden away at the Army camp is magnificent. I would visit that if it was open. The Rangipo station, built into the mountain surge chamber is unforgettable.

          • Pat

            renewable powered pumped hydro for security and wind , solar , geo and hydro for baseload

            • DJ Ward

              Yes building high output dams (head height) with wind pumping the water back to the top is an option. I think Norway has built one.

              That’s similar to massive battery banks charged with wind to cover peak load.

          • Draco T Bastard

            Solar doesn’t work at night and the wind doesn’t always blow.

            But on average they work all the time.

            So yes you can create the same supply but you cannot cover Peak demand which we already struggle with.

            Peak demand would be covered by hydro.

            I could pick out hundreds of sites for smaller dams and no tourist ever goes anywhere near them.

            Yeah, you probably couldn’t.

            And while New Zealand has many rivers that are still in a relatively pristine state, most of those are on the conservation estate and consequently few are in the North Island.

            You don’t always need a dam either.

            You didn’t comment on Geothermal which is viable in most of NZ with deep bores. Creating extremely important stable base load.

            There’s limits to geothermal as well. Excess use does drain the water from the water table.

            That said, research into the water that comes up from it could result in efficient resources extraction. It’s estimated that some 500 tonnes of lithium is washed down the Waikato River from one power station.

            Who said tourists don’t want to visit dams?

            The tourists who all fail to stop and look at our fine dams?

            I’ve been to a few dams all across New Zealand. And the reality is that once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all.

      • Graeme 8.1.2

        There’s been virtually no new generation built in the last 20 years,but demand has increased. This need to be addressed. the obvious contenders are more geothermal in the North Island and along Alpine Fault. I doubt there much significant hydro that can be developed, we’ve done all the achievable projects years ago. But increasing electricity demand will make Tiwai’s future interesting. Wind is mired in the RMA, with a huge project at the windiest place in NZ, Kaiwera, bogged down, and this is in the middle of nowhere. But that’s about as far form the demand as you can get, like Manapouri.

        So that leaves LOTS of geothermal in the Central NI as the alternative. Get going guys. Something has to be done quickly, ’cause we’ve done nothing for a long time, to solve our dependance on gas fired generation to keep the NI going.

        Tonight’s oops looks like No Gas+ not much hydro + HVDC outage for maintenance + things go to shit on restart = fucking close to brown outs in NI at dinner time.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Something has to be done quickly, ’cause we’ve done nothing for a long time, to solve our dependance on gas fired generation to keep the NI going.

          Very little has been done towards that goal since Think Big. Everyone complained about how much it cost rather than recognising that it was the only thing available to us and then stopped doing it hoping that the free-market would fix it.

          • DJ Ward

            The free market wants scarcity to increase prices.
            Some wind has been created but profitability is low at present.

            Privatising the electricity network was a mistake when it didn’t include developement obligations.

            When EV gets going NZ will experience major problems.

            • Graeme

              “When EV gets going NZ will experience major problems.”

              Market forces will say “ta ta Tewai”

              There’s also geothermal on West Coast and Central NI

              • Draco T Bastard

                Market forces will say “ta ta Tewai”

                Market forces should already have done so. The amount that Rio Tinto is paying is far below what the rest of the nation would pay if that power was fed into the national grid.

  7. Ed 9

    “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”

    The first in a series .
    People and things we are not allowed to criticise.

    The events of 9/11


    • Ed 9.1

      Coming up soon
      #2 The Ukrainian maidan coup leaders

    • People criticise it all the time. You do, others do, plenty of press and websites. No one is executed or disappeared – everyone just keeps talkingand criticising the official explanation about it so wtf are you on about?

      • McFlock 9.2.1

        Apparently, being called a moron is censorship of the worst order.

        Trouble is, I’m actually kind of interested in some of the t-crossing i-dotting details of those events. The newsweek article is sort of interesting. Did the US security services get caught with their pants down, or did the players get played? Might be an interesting footnote to history.

        But then it gets lumped in with the “ohmagerd, gravity works consistenly, it must be a controlled demolition” crowd.

        BTW the video needs to be updated after that Iranian building caught fire and collapsed recently.

  8. joe90 10


    RT @s_w_a_m_: Best #Brexit cartoon ever! pic.twitter.com/Q1ftWCsCQj. Anyone know who the cartoonist is?— Global Cartoons (@globalcartoons) November 14, 2018

    .@roweafr's latest cartoon. For more: https://t.co/vCIdUM1Lbb #Brexit pic.twitter.com/yINgCtFTty— Financial Review (@FinancialReview) November 15, 2018

    • ianmac 11.1

      Magnificent Joe. And I sort of understood the principle. Wow. Tomorrow???
      A major shift in production of Energy? Wow again!
      “The ion age of flight
      The ionic wind that powers the plane is generated by electroaerodynamics. An electric field ionizes atoms and molecules in the ambient fluid – such as nitrogen molecules in air – and then accelerates them by Coulomb force. The accelerated ions then couple their momentum with other neutral atoms or molecules they collide with, and this gives rise to the ionic wind.”

    • Draco T Bastard 11.2

      It’s practical only if it’s more efficient. In other words, uses less power to achieve the same speed/height while lifting the same mass.

      How much power did that little plane of his use compared to sticking a couple of electric motors on it?
      Is there any way that he can see to make it all more efficient?

      • joe90 11.2.1

        The Nature link in the article goes to the full paper

        • Draco T Bastard


          At 2.56% efficiency I don’t see this ever working.

          • Draco T Bastard

            I just imagined this flying through some clouds…

            Yeah, it didn’t end happily.

          • Graeme

            “At 2.56% efficiency”

            That’s about where jet engines where with Whittle”s first running engine. There’s potential there.

            • Draco T Bastard

              Power Jets

              Power Jets W.2/700: Improved version of W.2/500 with important changes to the compressor impeller, diffuser and blower casing. Finally attained Whittle’s aim of 80% efficiency at a pressure ratio of 4:1.

              That’s the W2 but even the WU seems to have had far better efficiency than that.

              And the reason why I don’t see this ever working is because I see noway to actually improve it. It’s a wire exciting air around it that’s then dragged backwards by an opposite charge. The only way to improve it is to try and excite more air with the same power flow and I just don’t see that happening without an increase in mechanical structure that will decrease efficiency through increased drag.

    • DJ Ward 11.3

      Great toy.
      The reality is the losses will be to great as far too many electrons will be lost without doing work, in regards to providing work.

      This idea has a long history with on table floating devices often portrayed as stated in the video as anti gravity devices. Well researched as a dead end including in the zero point energy field.

      However I do give this guy top marks for what he has achieved.

      Braco T Bastards comment is a good one.

      Electric motors can get to 95% efficient then blades will have an efficiency as well. I doubt this system could match that. The area of reactive wings look huge so frictions an issue. Also speed of the vehicle will be limited by the gas flow speed. Energy will be lost as energising atoms increases their temperature. Lastly this is similar to a fan pointed at a sail on a boat.

      The real hope is just as in energy multiplying heat pumps, electricity based jet engines can be made to work.

      Also this should not be confused with Ion engines. Which are presently the best in space, spaceship engines.

  9. Pete 12

    Northland MP Matt King gets to feature. Fancy that.

    He’s the MP who has to go around grizzling about the lack of infrastructure in the region and making big nosies about nothing being done to improve things.

    The arrogant sod probably can’t count the number of years his party has had the MPs in Northland and been the Government.

    His picture, pure and simple, is a parody.

  10. We get plenty of this in comments on this site. Always makes me laugh.

    Karen Watson probably refers to herself as an “expat” but, in reality, she is a British immigrant living in France.

    Watson, an immigrant, hates immigrants and longs for the days when immigrants like her didn’t move to rural areas of France like the one where she lives as an immigrant…

    The same Twitter user, Otto English, went on to explain Watson’s views.

    “Karen is a product of BRITISH exceptionalism. The sort of thinking where English people are never foreigners and immigrants are brown. Is it her fault? No. It’s been fed to her and reinforced,” he said.


  11. Truth stranger than fiction.

    Facebook admitted on Wednesday that a top executive hired a public relations firm to attack George Soros and undermine critics by publicizing their association with the billionaire Jewish philanthropist.


    • joe90 14.1

      Zuckerberg’s only concern is his bottom line.

      The seeds of Zuckerberg’s corporate strategy—act first, apologize later—were also evident in those early days. Back in 2003, after a massive backlash to Facemash, a sophomore Zuck explained in an e-mail to The Crimson why he was taking down the site. “I understood that some parts were still a little sketchy and I wanted some more time to think about whether or not this was really appropriate to release to the Harvard community,” he wrote, shortly before he was called before Harvard’s administrative board and accused of violating data security, copyrights, and individual privacy. “Issues about violating people’s privacy don’t seem to be surmountable,” he continued. “I’m not willing to risk insulting anyone.” At around the same time, according to chat logs that have since surfaced, Zuckerberg told a friend over instant messenger that he had over 4,000 e-mails, pictures, and addresses of people who had signed up for an early version of thefacebook.com. When the friend asked how Zuckerberg got that information, he replied: “people just submitted it; i don’t know why; they ‘trust me’; dumb fucks.”


  12. Morrissey 15

    Meanwhile, at Kiwiblog, posters are trashing Jamal Khashoggi
    and loudly endorsing Trump’s support for Murdermostfoul bin Salman


    • Draco T Bastard 15.1

      Can’t say that I’m surprised. Authoritarians always side with their leaders and will defend any and all atrocious behaviour done by them.

    • Pete 15.2

      Jamal Khashoggi is a bastard. He split his blood on their precious carpet. I hope they send the cleaning bill to his estate.

      (Just pretending to be a Kiwiblogger.)

  13. ianmac 16

    Was this discussed today?
    “The case of Czech drug-smuggler Karel Sroubek is expected to be back with Immigration New Zealand on time tomorrow, his lawyer has confirmed…..
    …Wicks was hopeful of a response from Immigration Minister Iain Lees-Galloway within a week.

    He declined to comment on the findings by INZ contained in the file or what the outcome could be.”

  14. Draco T Bastard 17

    Sperm whale found dead with 13 pounds of plastic in its stomach

    A dead sperm whale that washed ashore in eastern Indonesia had consumed a horrifying collection of plastic trash, including 115 drinking cups, 25 plastic bags, plastic bottles, two flip-flops and a bag containing more than 1,000 pieces of string.

    In all, the plastic contents of the whale’s stomach weighed 13.2 pound (six kilograms).

    “Although we have not been able to deduce the cause of death, the facts that we see are truly awful,” Dwi Suprati, a marine conservation coordinator at World Wildlife Fund Indonesia told the Associated Press.

    And that is why we need to do something about plastic use and recycling. This stuff shouldn’t be in the seas at all.

    Also, I’m wondering if the flip-flps came with the wearer.