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- Date published:
5:30 pm, October 24th, 2023 - 15 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
I haven't found a link for what I reckon I heard Lloyd Burr rabbiting on about on the 3 News this evening, but I'm sure when he was talking about the coalition talks he mentioned that Winston Peters spent a fair bit of last week talking to the Labour Party, which got my antennae sitting up a bit and taking due notice. I've had a look at their website and haven't found a direct quote from Lloyd Burr as yet. Is it a matter of watching this space or is LB talking through a hole in his head?
I believe he was referencing Winston meeting with Labour plenty of times in 2017 toward the end of negotiations – not now.
God Bless the UAW.
Another plant added to the strike. Sterling Heights Assembly Plant in Michigan will hurt.
Some time ago local hasbara mob Israel Institute of NZ declared that Jews were indigenous to Palestine.
Now they've trotted out an unsigned letter from a motley collection of nobodies and end-times loons who assert Maori leaders stand with Israel.
Israel Institute of NZ
Maori leaders stand with Israel. #indigenousSolidarity
It's not an unusual opine because the Jewish ethnic-religious culture did emerge in the wider ME and centred on Canaan/Israel/Palestine. Others, including northern Semites, are also indigenous (albeit absorbed into Christian and Moslem Arab culture).
Maori should see them both as indigenous and each deserving of justice.
And it's also not the only only case of a settler colonial project claiming some sort of indigeneity that is prior to the people they are displacing. We have a bizarre example of our own with the supposed "Kaimanawa Wall" being regarded by some people as evidence of pre-Maori European colonisation of NZ.
I find myself reminding people that the so called "Crusaders" were "reclaiming the Holy Land" from the Arabs, not from the Jews.
The Crusaders killed Arab and Jewish civilian residents of Jerusalem on arrival.
Some young environmentalists want nuclear energy to be part of the move to renewables to reduce carbon dependence.
Rather than deny the claims, Israel could be more honest and say neither it, nor Hamas nor Russia (Ukraine), Iran (by proxy …), Hizbollah, Turkey (Kurds), India (Kashmir), Indonesia (West Papua), China (Taiwan) and the USA recognise the jurisdiction of the ICC over any of their (past or planned) war crimes.
They each reserve the right to intimidate others, by not being accountable.
Of course a future Israeli government will admit that the various Likud regimes and especially the Netanyahu ones were the worst in their history, as per breaches of human rights and extent of war crimes.
And while the state of Israel has not historically been an apartheid state (though the removal of the basic law is of a design to enable this) … it just runs an "apartheid regime" as to settlement building and land use rights (and water …) in all areas where it has control … the practice of incorporating settler occupied land (per de facto annnexation) behind security fencing while policing resistance has some similarities to bantustaning Palestinian townships into stateless areas without sovereign citizenship.
Into this reality, came the Israeli National Security Minister, the only person apart from Netanyahu and his Finance Minister who could make things worse.
Little wonder their response to the Hamas provocation was as intelligent as that of PNAC and the Bush White House to 9/11 (destablisation of the ME and the emergence of Islamic State, the Islamist uprising against the government of Syria and the overthrow of the Libyan government).
It's a betrayal of the IDF reservists willingness to confront the common enemy Hamas, that there are now questions about the civilian well-being in Gaza.
The first phase … Israel's water and power cut off until hostages were handed over …becoming with the goal of the destruction of Gaza city … the second phase international aid coming in for the million people displaced, if Hamas releases foreign hostages …
The third phase separation of the south and an international aid project from the north where the IDF confronts the underground Hamas militants (who have 100-200 hostages).
And the fifth phase – if by some chance Hamas is cleared out of the north? Are those civilians displaced to the south allowed back to the north? Seems unlikely – there will be nothing to go back to anyway. Will Egypt open its border to Palestinian refugees – and if not, it seems that 2 million people are expected to curl up and die.
My guess is hamas has decided its only gambit is to provoke Isreal in to something so terrible it'll unite the Muslim world in wiping them out, and the west's people will be so disgusted that they won't allow their governments to intervene,
Tell it to the people of Ukraine …
Yup. Hamas and it's patrons took a punt that the red mist would descend, Israel would go all in with such ferocity that global sympathy for Israelis and the 7 October victims would evapourate and be replaced with outrage and sympathy for the plight of Gazans, the IDF ground invasion of Gaza would become Israel's own Iraq disaster, and moves to normalise Israeli relations with Arab states will be set back years if not abandoned altogether.
Two weeks in and Hamas is one up..
It would be more than a million displaced but not 2m as there are built areas outside of Gaza City (it sounds a lot but then it is the area of Iraq, Libya Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea …)
Israel has said it wants to remove Hamas from Gaza, and have another party take control of supply – power and water into Gaza etc.
Egypt does not want Gaza refugees in Egypt/Sinai.
The only game in town would appear to be some sort of UN administration, or that of the PA and a rebuild of Gaza City – SA and others in the Gulf have the money.