Daily Review 29/06/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, June 29th, 2015 - 17 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

Funeral procession

[Picture to commemorate the last Native Affairs show with Mihi Forbes’ involvement]

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17 comments on “Daily Review 29/06/2015 ”

  1. weka 1

    Re Key and the flag, it could be worse,

    A plan to erect a 10-storey statue in a national park on one of Canada’s most scenic shorelines has prompted outrage and sparked a growing political row as the country heads towards a general election this fall.

    The statue of Mother Canada – a cloaked female figure with her arms outstretched towards the Atlantic Ocean – is intended to honour the country’s soldiers who died overseas.

    But growing anger over the plan has made it a new focus of opposition to the increasingly unpopular government of Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper.

    The proposed monument is an awkwardly remodelled, vastly upscaled version of an earlier statue, known as Canada Bereft, which adorns the memorial to the country’s first world war dead near Vimy, France.

    The design has been widely lambasted both for its design and its proposed location in Cape Breton Highlands national park. In an editorial this week, the Globe and Mail newspaper described it as “offensively tasteless” and a “hubristically arrogant act of arrogant unoriginality”.

    “The bigger-is-better approach to art is best left to Stalinist tyrants, theme park entrepreneurs and insecure municipalities hoping to waylay bored drive-by tourists,” the paper wrote.


  2. Tautoko Mangō Mata 2

    Another can of worms being opened- The Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill

    So the National Govt have starved the Police force and, he Police are now having to recover costs for some activities.
    Can anybody else see protestors being charged for the policing protest marches?

    “The Policing (Cost Recovery) Amendment Bill would amend the Policing Act 2008
    to enable cost recovery for specified “demand services”; that is, policing services requested by an individual or organisation that are of direct private benefit to that individual or organisation. Currently the Policing Act 2008 does not explicitly enable Police to charge users for any of its services; most services are funded out of the Police’s baseline budget.
    The bill aims to alleviate strain on police resources, to allow a more innovative and
    efficient allocation of resources to front-line and preventative services across the
    whole community. The provision of core policing services, such as responding to
    calls for assistance, conducting criminal investigations, and the prosecution of criminal offences, would not be affected.
    This commentary covers the key amendments that we recommend to the bill. It does
    not cover minor or technical amendments.”

    • Cross of Lorraine 2.1

      At least when I die, I leave, and you dumbfuck will STAY!

      [Eh? Try and keep focus. And keep the abuse to a minimum, ta. TRP]

    • RedBaronCV 2.2

      So policing those NAct events will have a price tag attached to it?? -great – if it was only that I’d be in – but they won’t get the bill

      Anyway why do the cops need more money . Crime is going down … remember all those statistics 20% reduction so why not a budget reduction tooo

    • Wensleydale 2.3

      How much do you think they’ll charge for tasering you, as opposed to just bludgeoning you with batons? And if they shoot you, and you die, are they entitled to seek financial compensation from your next of kin?

    • Tracey 2.4

      Am I reading this correctly? If you can afford to pay for policing you can march but if you are poor you can’t?

  3. joe90 3

    Always going to happen I suppose.

    Mihingarangi Forbes ‏@Mihi_Forbes 3h3 hours ago

    We understand reporter Ruwani Perera and Jake Bryant who are observing on #freedomflotilla have bn detained, on way 2 Israel #nativeaffairs
    61 retweets 16 favorites

    Taika WaititiVerified account

    @Mihi_Forbes @N8TVAFFAIRSTV Jake predicted this would happen. He probably planned it from the beginning!


  4. Ergo Robertina 4

    Entrepreneur Martin Sorrell, described by the Guardian as the ”great proselytiser” of new media, has declared traditional media, especially newspapers, are holding their own a bit more than he expected.

    “The pendulum has swung back a bit towards traditional newspapers,” he said. “People realise that they have more power than they’ve been given credit for.”


  5. Potato 5

    This made me laugh…

    Paul Henry vs Oscar the Grouch. One is an offensive, opinionated muppet. The other is a creation of the Childrens Television Network (and preferred viewing of the two).
    According to figures released by Neilson, Sesame Street out-rated Henry on June 5, 10 and 11; on the latter, 34,400 tuned into Sesame Street while just 25,900 watched the Paul Henry Show.


    Perhaps TV3 should have tried reruns of The Muppets at 7pm instead ?

  6. Clemgeopin 6

    Tonight’s Native Affairs video clips if you missed the programme on TV: