Daily Review 31/07/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 31st, 2017 - 103 comments
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103 comments on “Daily Review 31/07/2017 ”

  1. Anne 1

    Just listened to Andrew Little on Checkpoint.

    How about we forget that he’s a naturally reticent speaker. Forget that he’s no show pony like John Key was – and Winston Peters still is – and concentrate on what he says for a change.

    How about the MSM do an honest job for a change and highlight what he and Labour stand for… what their policies are… and how it will change the lives of so many people for the better. How about they stop this interminable gotcha claptrap that is slowly crippling this country. How about they do the job they are supposed to do and keep the public informed so that they are able to make rational decisions for a change.

    Asking too much I know.

    Andrew Little talks to John Campbell.

    • Reality 1.1

      And how about it be highlighted by MSM that Bill English has a stodgy personality and is not a riveting speaker.

      • Anne 1.1.1

        Precisely Reality. The hypocrisy of the Right and their MSM acolytes is staggering almost beyond words.

        • Dazzer

          Funniest post ever … you demand the media focus on the Labour’s message not personality … but then want to focus on English’s stodgy personality. Love you work!

          • Violet

            “Demand”? No, dreaming of real journalism and admitting that is too much to ask. Then, accepting we sadly live in a time of crap msm, further horrified by the awful bias. Simple really.

          • greywarshark

            Love you too Dazzer – great of you to drop in and give us your valuable feedback.

    • Bill 1.2

      I dunno Anne. That definitely wasn’t a “gotcha” interview, and yet…

      something like the entire first half of it was conducted from the back foot, and it ended with a stated determination to lead NZ Labour into the election which…well does the gap between that, and a determination to be the next PM of New Zealand need to be spelled out?

      I really wish the interview hadn’t oozed defeat, but it did. And it’s going to get worse if the soft bagging of the Greens carries on. He should have been pointing out how irrelevant the shift in voting intentions within any Labour/Green bloc is, not doing the woe is unto us it’s all the fault of the Greens (and NZF) for grabbing headlines routine.

      • Anne 1.2.1

        That definitely wasn’t a “gotcha” interview, and yet…

        I was referring to the general gotcha claptrap that has permeated throughout the MSM – Newshub in particular – not the linked interview. Its just so puerile and pathetic and its getting worse.

    • weka 1.3

      I thought the interview with Dann yesterday was interesting. If you ignore the MSM stuff and just listen, some things come through. One is that Labour are now willing to say that if people want to change the govt they need to vote Labour not NZF. The other is that he is a fighter.

      Little looked worn out, so I hope he can rally his own reserves and Labour say this again and again but stronger and clearer.

      All the positioning stuff seems fine to me, and they’ve got decent enough policy.

  2. Cynical jester 3

    This time tomorrow Jacinda Ardern will be leader of the labour party, as someone whose been calling for littles resignation for well over a year this is bittersweet as at best we hold our current seats.

    Little is half as popular as cunliffe. Should have been arsed out a long time ago.

    • Alan 3.1

      Promoting Jacinda Ardern to leader is like taking a shy third former and making her Head Girl – not good for the individual and very bad for the organisation she is supposed to lead.

      • Psycho Milt 3.1.1

        She’s 37. Comparisons with a third-former are ridiculous, unless you similarly want to compare Bill English to the dull boy who’s been made prefect.

        • Alan

          her age is irrelevant, it is her leadership experience that matters – she has none.

          • Robert Guyton

            Y’a mean, Alan, she’s not yet been Prime Minister?
            Have you checked to see if she’s lead any organisations before? Bet you’ll be surprised. And spare a thought for Deputy Paula while you’re at it.

          • weka

            “she has none”

            I always find this an odd argument. You don’t have experience therefore can’t have the job, but how do you get the experience without having the job?

        • greywarshark

          Yeah she’s older than Princess Di if that is the type you are referring to.
          That lady was a dazzler but there were too many things against her, and she needed more for her.

    • BM 3.2

      I reckon Jacinda will be gone sometime during the next electoral term, she’s off to have babies.

      THat’s why she’s not interested in the leadership.

    • Janet 3.3

      I have no problem with Andrew Little. He leads by consensus and that is good. My problem is the word LABOUR. So old and out of date that word. Labour needs a new name that says “we stand for an egalitarian society” because that is what National is destroying in New Zealand.

    • Louis 3.4

      Bet that doesn’t happen Cynical.

  3. Tautoko Mangō Mata 4

    We have suffered in the last 2 elections from dirty tricks in which the media were (only sometimes) an unwitting part. We can’t afford to have this election hijacked by the media.

    Listen up, Paddy Gower, Corin Dann, etc. This election is not about all about YOU. It is not a circus with you as the ringmaster, We have a country which has huge problems to solve. The climate change is going to have an enormous effect on our land, and we need to start planning NOW for the huge impact of rising sea levels, warming seas. The very lives of many of our people will depend on the choice of government in this election and their plans (or lack of plans) for the future. For other people the choice of government is literally life and death for them. For those who cannot access help for their mental health problems soon enough, time is running out. How many more children are going to get rheumatic fever and require heart valve operations? How many more people will die before they can get operations in Dunedin?
    How many more roads will be built while rail is in neglected in Auckland?

    We want you to ask about POLICIES. We want you to stop obsessing about polls. We want you to stop asking politicians how they feel. We want you to clarify the policy information so that voters can make a fair, educated choice.

    • BM 4.1

      Certain elements of the MSM want Labour gone as the main left wing party and replaced by the Greens, which is why you’re seeing this piling into Labour.

      MOU = the worst tactical decision ever.

      • newsense 4.1.1

        The worse decision was to prevaricate about supporting Metiria and not pump a hand on a lecturn and say- we are having good times but we can have that and not hate the poor, not demonise the poor, not make them into criminals just to provide for their own family.
        In a government I lead we will have prosperity without the meanness of spirit, aspiration without the snobbery and anger, compassion and confidence in the ability of New Zealanders to build and grow businesses.
        Not in God’s own country will we stand by while families live in cars and people die living on the street. Like the Liberals and the First Labour Government we say enough. Enough teaching our children to walk past the homeless, teaching them to blame those who have misfortune, enough teaching them that we owe no service to the country that got us here, that we owe no service to our society, that we don’t need to invest in our housing, our education and our health services and that all we need is a little bit of a tax cut. We are one people, one country, one tribe, but we are not all equal. We need to help our weakest and we should judge our society on how we judge them. And by that measure our country, lead by these heartless hounds who say with all honesty have not knowingly cheated to get ahead, is very poor indeed.

        And the people they are suggesting should lead the party instead won’t make anything better.

        The swing to Metiria was because of this. Being racist hasn’t split off votes from NZ first, because Labour isn’t racist. Believing in a kind of austerity hasn’t split off voters from National, because they already have austerity. Labour needs to come out swinging, look at the full reason they are failing and it is the whole leadership team and its failure over two cycles to come out swinging strongly and genuinely as Labour.

    • Louis 4.2

      I like what you say Tautoko but Paddy Gower, Corin Dann and people like them dont care.

    • Venezia 4.3

      Well said. I have been home most of today and found it unbelievable how that poll result dominated the news with broadcasters’ breathless statements about Andrew Little talking of resigning. There are so many important challenges facing this country, but they get crowded out because some functionary at RNZ national decided that this was leading the news all day.

      • greywarshark 4.3.1

        We’re lucky there wasn’t a school shoot out in the USA, we’d never have heard anything about us only the USA.

  4. Tautoko Mangō Mata 5

    This is MMP.

    • Alan 5.1

      Winstone loathed the Alliance, remember that?
      Then he loathed the Greens.
      And the current Green party is doing a very good impersonation of the old Alliance.
      Yes, this is MMP

  5. Cynical jester 6

    Alternatively Little goes to caucus tomorrow morning challenges them to make a move, announces a press conference and makes it look like hes about to resign, the press attention will be crazy, instead of resigning does a firey angry speech about why he wants to be pm and uses the attention to announce a policy on Marijuana reform or something equally controversial but popular and radical. This would result in littles face being all over the news.

    This could be the making of the man. Labours current policies are boring they need some radical announcements that will get people talking about them

    • Alan 6.1

      the problem with that approach is that anything radical will likely have a strong left wing edge to it – net result, he drags a few back from the greens and zero from the centre or right.

      • adam 6.1.1

        And how has 9 years of going for the radical center worked out for labour??!? Like pretty much all the traditional left parties – all but dead…

    • Gabby 6.2

      While he’s talking to caucus he could ask who’s going to contradict policy next, so he can figure out how to pretend it’s all fine. Or give them notice they’re on their own.

  6. Ad 7

    Hang in there Andrew Little.

    You are a good man.

    New Zealand needs a good man as Prime Minister and I hope you make it.

    • Louis 7.1

      I agree Ad. Would rather have Andrew Little as PM in a coalition govt with the Greens than another horrifying 3 years of the Bill and Nat show. How many deaths in the streets will it take before people wake up to stop the current madness?

    • weka 7.2


    • RedLogix 7.3

      On reflection I agree Ad.

      If Little cut loose and campaigned like he had nothing to lose, he just might win it.

      • Anne 7.3.1

        I’m sure he has the nous to do it but it depends on whether his caucus members have the nous to back him up.

        • weka

          Yeah, that’s the sense I have. Nash breaking ranks today is not a good sign.

          • Incognito

            Puddleglum has written the first blog in a long time and it’s well worth the read: http://www.thepoliticalscientist.org/whos-afraid-of-radical-politics/

            Anyway, I have taken the quote/Leunig cartoon at the very end and ‘butchered’ it to:

            Labour is being threatened by a dark force. We must help Labour. What is this dark force which threatens Labour?
            It’s Labour …

            PS if this is not permissible, for any reason, please delete forthwith.

            [lprent: Not a problem. I presume you’re worried about astroturfing. It follows the site rules by being in the right kind of post (OpenMike or Daily Review) and you explained what it was, why you thought it was important, and provided a link. Even when I’m on a irritable rampage at reading crap, I wouldn’t give this a glance. ]

          • newsense

            Nash can fuck right off.

    • Incognito 7.4

      Agreed! I was thinking the exact same thing about hanging in there.

    • Cinny 7.5

      Yes, yes for sures agree with you Ad

  7. “As recent anthropological research has pointed out:

    Keeping the playing field level was a matter of survival. These small-scale, nomadic foraging groups didn’t stock up much surplus food, and given the high-risk nature of hunting – the fact that on any given day or week you may come back empty-handed – sharing and cooperation were required to ensure everyone got enough to eat. Anyone who made a bid for higher status or attempted to take more than their share would be ridiculed or ostracised for their audacity. Suppressing our primate ancestors’ dominance hierarchies by enforcing these egalitarian norms was a central adaptation of human evolution, argues social anthropologist Christopher Boehm. It enhanced cooperation and lowered risk as small, isolated bands of humans spread into new habitats and regions across the world, and was likely crucial to our survival and success.”

    Puddleglum – clever thinking, always.

  8. scotty 10

    IMHO, I reckon Labour/Greens should follow Winston’s lead and ditch the budget responsibility agreement, the media/Nats would hate it, the subsequent squealing would highlight , Nationals position as being out of step with Lab/Green/NZ1st (the majority). Double down by bringing forward the free tertiary policy.

    • weka 10.1

      Pretty hard to back track on such a major policy. What would they say made them change their mind?

      • scotty 10.1.1

        National’s neglect leading to the appalling state of NZ infrastructure – needing urgent action.(and it does)
        Housing, Water, Rail, Health, Education., the list is massive

  9. Union city reds 11

    Wonder if David Cunliffe is having a naughty chuckle to himself, or shedding a bitter little tear, right about now?

    Can’t but wonder how low the price of mincemeat would have fallen to after him dealing to dopey Bill in a few leadership debates.

  10. patricia bremner 12

    Instead of talking to each other, send a message of support to Andrew.

    (My national voting brother-in-law says he received a request for a donation by Judith

    Lets support Andrew on NZ labours’ facebook and donate!!!!!

    We DON”T need a new Leader. We need to get policy out there!!!!!!!

    • lprent 12.1

      I scraped around last night and did exactly that and donated 3.36 times the monthly operational costs for this site. A considerable sacrifice I thought until I was given today 2/3rds of the amount as a reward for obsessive work a few months ago in the form of a prezzy card.

      Oh well there is always next month to be more sacrificial.. Maybe I’ll donate to the greens then. 😈

    • Sam C 12.2

      You’ve had 3 years to get policy out there and sway the vote. What makes you think $20 here or there with 8 weeks to go is going to make a difference?

      Supporting Andrew on Facebook won’t make him PM, sadly for you.

      • Ed 12.2.1

        Any left wing party trying to get policy out has to deal with the neoliberal media wanting to talk about ……polls……….Personalities….polls…..leadership…….personalities…polls….

        • Sam C

          Msm… blah… Radio Nz bias.. blah… picking on Labour… blah.. picking on Metiria even though it bumped the Greens… blah…

          • Stuart Munro

            The MSM is certainly hostile to the left – and to any kind of social or moral standards for that matter. I just hope the incoming government returns the favour.

          • Ed

            You know it.
            Watch Chomsky if you don’t

          • Ed

            Or watch this
            ALL GOVERNMENTS LIE: Truth, Deception, and the Spirit of I.F. Stone

        • adam

          “Any left wing party trying to get policy out has to deal with the neoliberal media wanting to talk about ……polls……….Personalities….polls…..leadership…….personalities…polls….”

          Then don’t.

          It’s all getting rather silly – you want cut through – give the media what it want’s – ratings.

          Why at the 11th hour are people moaning, we all know it goes on. Say stuff that will get the media attack dogs attacking, say the things people actually want to hear.

      • lprent 12.2.2

        In my experience giving cash leading into an election to a political party tends to be way more productive than that the much large amounts that I routinely donate to political parties over the previous 2.75 years. I do have to admit that it is way easier albeit less productive than giving my skilled hours.

        I guess that is why the inherently lazy, shiftless and apparently untalented National and Act supporters (like yourself?) prefer doing it that way.

        • Sam C

          Well, I guess with 8 weeks to go, your hard earned dosh may help to purchase some new hoardings for the new Labour leader to be announced tomorrow.

          I hope you’ve programmed your donations accordingly lprent.

          • adam

            What is it with the turds repeating the same attack line.

            It’s like a round robin of dumb, and dumber.

            • lprent

              Yeah, they really seem to have reached their peak of commenting sophistication in 2008. Probably need soem time in opposition to encourage them to start learning again. eh?

              Earning: Vegans should now avert their eyes….

              They do seem to respond well to accurate assessment about their probable abilities. It is like sishing in the Kaipara used to be like. Foolish fish rising to take the barbed bait (and whining as they bleed out for breakfast)

            • Sam C

              What’s the attack line Adam?

              Do you seriously think Little will still be Labour leader this time tomorrow?

              I don’t.

              That’s not an attack line. That’s a subjective statement based on what’s happened over the past couple of days.

        • Sam C

          Yes, we’re all lazy, shiftless and apparently untalented, lprent.

          Luckily we’re left under no illusion about how (very self deprecatingly) you are amazing, skilled and probably the biggest computer aficionado since Steve Jobs. Or not.

  11. newsense 13


    Undermine the leader and get round the party.
    Keep voting until we get the right result, yeh? If you can’t convince the people, marginalise them.

    Might be time to vote for the Greens and join them after all.

    Nash auditioning to be the leader of NZ first? Ahh…Simon Wilson the new Josie Pagani. Such a pity. “Nash would be a big, bold call” Lol except “it’s hard to pinpoint any quality new ideas he’s produced.”

    Ardern/Hipkins possibly. drop Nash hard and fast. Little attorney general. Robertson has not impressed. He hasn’t damaged any of the Nats Finance ministers. He is Little’s finance guy. He’s gotta wear that. He’s a key player in this leadership team.

  12. newsense 14

    Anyone in the know want to tell us what the fuck is really going on and why us two tickers should still do it?

    • Union city reds 14.1

      Electorate vote labour, as they’re either first or second place, and disregard traditional, historical reasons, party vote for the most left leaning party who you see as able to push the progressive cause. Imo, the greens.
      Don’t feel bad for deserting labour in supporting the greens. You’re making the best decision. They’ve had eight and a half years and wasted them with internal division and ego driven politics.
      Just don’t be a loser and vote Top or NZ1st and misguidedly think you’re doing the right thing to oust the government.

      • newsense 14.1.1

        Not a chance of the latter, mate.

        Slowly coming around to the possibility of a Grant leadership if he can sell the whole thing better. Well, not hating it if it can change the government. Bring several positives and the possibility of selling a decent manifesto better.

        I should be out door knocking for Labour.

        I should go be pissed off elsewhere on the internet. or not on the internet at all.

        FFS Labour. The votes aren’t leaving the left. They’ve gone to a party that’s put its beating heart out there for a Labour cause. Don’t panic. Don’t go- we should not be Labour and we should ditch the Greens. The votes may come back. They are still in the coalition. National has lost voters. They are vunerable. That’s why the attacks are coming in.

        You ceded leadership of the left for a bit. Don’t be sad about that. Respect it. Praise Metiria for looking after hers, as many have. Say why you will decrease poverty and increase the kind of social mobility that Metiria embodies and why this is important to Kiwis and why a government that demeans NZ workers and brings in near slave labour in some cases can f- right off. Labour inspectorate cases seemingly rushing in now there’s an election on eh?

        • Union city reds

          I hear you, but reality bites and says labour are as left wing as my right nut. lol.

          Time will come when the greens are the biggest left wing group in parliament. I suggest getting in on the ground floor to claim bragging rights.

          But if you want to chose a party that goes through leaders like I do knickers after a week on the curry, so be it, just don’t get scared when you have to play second fiddle to a team that have had no rankles, dramas, and internal divisions while they claim to be acting in the interests of the common people on the street.

          I can wait for the tide to change, but only ’cause I know it’s coming sooner rather than later. All depends on when you old hat, died in the wool guys feel brave enough to make the change. 😉

    • Adrian 14.2

      It’s simple Newsense, the Nats can’t win it from here and English has admitted it, so they’ve released their media hounds on on Little and Labour.

  13. swordfish 15

    Newshub-Reid Research poll – July 2017 ~ July 2014

    ….….….….….….….….. . …. 2014 ………..….….. 2017
    National…. …. …. . .…. … 49% ………..….…… 45% …. – 4

    Labour…. …. …. ….…. …. 27% ………..……….. 24% ….. – 3

    Greens …. …. …. …. …. .. 12% ………..………..13% ….. + 1

    NZ First …. …. …. …. …. . . 4% ………..……….. 13% ….. + 9

    • swordfish 15.1

      Newshub-Reid Research poll

      Opposition Leader Performance Rating

      Cunliffe during 2014 election campaign
      July 2014

      Well 27
      Poorly 53
      Net Score – 26

      August 2014

      Well 22
      Poorly 56
      Net Score – 34

      Sep (1) 2014

      Well 33
      Poorly 48
      Net Score – 15

      Sep (2) 2014

      Well 41
      Poorly 46
      Net Score – 5

      Sep (3) 2014

      Well 41
      Poorly 46
      Net Score – 5

      July 2017

      Well 30
      Poorly 46
      Net Score – 16


      Cunliffe ~ Little
      July 2014 ~ July 2017

      Well 27 ………. . . . . . 30
      Poorly 53 ……. . . . .. 46
      Net Score – 26 …. – 16

  14. Cinny 16

    The whole poll thing on talkback today, what I found really messed up is it appears many NZers don’t like honesty. That’s fucked up.

    People ringing in saying, oh Andrew shouldn’t have said anything… are they for reals? Dang, they need help, as does the likes of Garner running the narrative with his poll.

    Andrew has never been in it for himself, he’s not that kind of man, team player all the way, kudos to him for that, his honesty with Labour and the NZ public in the weird world of polls makes a refreshing change.

    Andrew I really admire your integrity among other things, and am backing you all the way.

    Question please…. Why does both the leader and the deputy of NZ’s 2nd largest party feature on the preferred PM poll, but only the leader of largest party features on said poll and nationals deputy is nowhere?

    Maybe newshub and the like could do a story on why paula bennett does not appear to feature in any poll, anywhere?

    • newsense 16.1

      Labour need to be talking about how unpopular Bennett is A LOT. Why would you want to elect a government like that?

      the slipperiness of Bill Clinton with the heartlessness of …Bennett.

      • Robert Guyton 16.1.1

        On his lonesome

        “Andrew Little and Jacinda Ardern look well together, sharing the Labour Party billboard, Leader and Deputy, side by side.

        The Green leaders too, Metiria Turei and James Shaw make a happy pair on their billboard, along with their binding message “Great together”.

        National’s billboards however, have Bill English standing without support, alone.

        Why hasn’t deputy Paula Bennett joined him on the campaign?

        Her face is missing from the picture. Bill looks abandoned.”

        The Southland Times – letters to the editor 31/7/2017

        • Stuart Munro

          He is abandoned – and Paula could never take John’s place.

          • Union city greens

            She could be, but she’d have to get twice as sleazy and ten times as popular.

          • chris73

            and Paula could never take John’s place.

            No one could ever takes Sir Johns place…

        • Ffloyd

          Paula Bennett cannot afford to be a focus of attention. Her ‘harassment’ by a member of the public is too recent. She will be keeping well away from the media. The old adage ‘where there is smoke there is fire’ always has an element of truth in it. I would like to see her have an in depth interview regarding her views on lying and fraud, pertaining to Turei’s admittance of the same. Possibly birds of a feather. Who knows? All imo.

  15. exkiwiforce 17

    Good god, I can’t believe what I’ve been reading and listen too since this morning! Is this shit real or is it my brain tricks on me and I know they (Weather Boffins) are calling for a early build (going to be a real stinker) up to the wet season so I may have gone troppo a little early well I have loaded a trailer full fencing gear this arvo.

    Little should go for broke either you are with or you are on your own? Where’s Churchill (yeah I know a few here hate him, but Little needs to deliver a Churchill style speech to those political middle class toff’s who infect our great party) when you need him!

    An DS from my Army times said: Politics is war and War is Politics by other means and either side must be bold in attack and steely neve in defence as a poker player ie know when hold them and know when to fold them. ( A bit of Clausewitz and Kenny Rogers)

    One last comment from me. Would Labours Finance spokesman (was he a member of the ABC mob?) currently lack luster over the last couple mths, would be so stupid at this stage of the election to try and trip up Little as I believe he had caucus support and Little had party support like the last poor bloke?

    The very last comment, do you think I should come home when I get my Med Discharge from the ADF and kick some of these clowns from the middle class toff’s up the ass and ask those team you are on.

    • Stuart Munro 17.1

      Certainly by deepsea fishing standards there’s a few that ought to be overhauled with a deck spanner. I think they listen too much to the vermin on the right – we want Andy angry – way too many suicides and kids in poverty is not a coffee table conversation – it’s war.

      What did it matter to ya
      When you got a job to do you got to do it well
      You got to give the other fella hell…

  16. joe90 18

    Ayn Rand’s hobby was pissing and moaning to the FBI about books she thought were seditious.


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