Written By:
te reo putake - Date published:
7:28 pm, January 5th, 2019 - 32 comments
Categories: uncategorized -
Tags: Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, AOC, Rashida Tlaibi, trump
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has responded brilliantly to a clueless right wing troll’s attempt to belittle her by posting a video of her dancing with mates when she was a student.
The socialist politician has posted a short video in the hall outside her office, showing she’s here, she cares and she’ll dance whenever she wants to.
The troll has been laughed out of twitter town, proving that humour is still a useful weapon, wielded well.
Another congresswoman has courted a storm by using a Very Bad Word.
Rashida Tlaib believes that there is already enough evidence to begin the Trump impeachment process. She’s spoken and written about that belief regularly, but in a speech on Wednesday she rather wonderfully said
” … we’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”
Trump is also fond of the word, so his response calling it “disgraceful” is fairly hypocritical, at best.
Congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib are new to their jobs. Both look like they’re going to enjoy themselves immensely.
Nancy Pelosi is no newbie. Frankly, I can’t see the new Speaker of the House swearing, or even dancing. However I can see her quietly driving the tiny fingered, tangerine faced buffoon in the White House mad.
The Democrats now chair the house committees and have the right to demand financial details from Trump any time they feel like it. They will dominate the legislative agenda for the next two years and, while it’s early days, the Mexican wall stand off is a solid show of muscle.
Trump’s wriggle room is fast diminishing. So it’s no surprise then that Pelosi’s first speech promised transparency.
It’s the one thing Trump fears most.
Still, maybe the Generals will save him.
It’d be ironic if Trump leaves the job like Nixon did, helicoptered out from the White House lawn. Perhaps with Tom Cruise in the pilot’s seat?
…no surprise then that Pelosi’s first speech promised transparency.
It’s the one thing Trump fears most.
How transparent was Pelosi about the DNC’s manipulations to make sure Sanders didn’t win in 2016?
Sadly, the Democrats will go NOWHERE until they get rid of Pelosi, Schumer, and the rest of the dead and poisonous wood in the party. They stand in putrid contrast to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and every other bright, hardworking and principled Democratic Party member.
Other than Sid and Nancy, it’s hard to imagine a worse pair than Chuck and Nancy.
You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing. Depart, we say, and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!
It’s a poor state of affairs when careerist types with highly suspect track records, are held up as an antidote of some description…
Pelosi…a wannabe Hillary…
ooh, caps and bold.
that’ll learn em
We certainly hope so, Sacha.
Pelosi and her sidekicks who are indebted to big business have also set about putting in rules that stop the progressive agenda in the Democratic party from people such as Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders. Pelosi is apparently one of the ones who has fought the hardest even harder than some Republicans to also stop true bi-partisan groups like Wolf-Pac who have the goal of ending corporate personhood and publicly financing all elections in the US to return it to a true democracy where the lawmakers answer to the voters and not to their corporate donors.
Interesting thread on how the media feeds the public’s perceptions and bias towards politicians.
13. Again, the point is not to defend Gillibrand. The same dynamic happens again & again. Al Gore was “stiff.” Kerry was boring. Hillary was shrill & dishonest. Everyone knows it, so everyone writes it, so everyone knows it. The lack of original evidence fades into to the ether.
14. It is beginning with AOC, even as we speak. The “narrative” is that (because she’s young, female, & attractive) she’s a ditz. Journos will pluck things out of context, quote anonymous sources, refer to one another … the narrative will be self-reinforcing.
There was an example of this in the way the media immediately branded Jami-Lee Ross as feral and rogue rather than a whistleblower.
RW commenters in the sphere have also taken a liking to calling Ardern ‘a figurehead’. They claim she’s not intelligent, citing her Waikato University degree, and not up to the rigours of the job. They claim she wasn’t elected but instead appointed. Even that she’s achieved nothing in her life!
A lot of the people extending these memes aren’t grumpy old white men, they are women. Talk about cat’s claws and shitting in your own nest.
I would like to think that Dump’s Military Generals have more brains than him and show astute generalship when they get some obscure/ left of field or some crazy order. Unlike the muppets like “Le May” that served under old mate JFK during Cuban Missile Crisis.
Dance MF? What’s that about. Is it having a go at women again using whatever language is still acceptable in chesty, hearty circles. What about FF? Why should only females suffer the nasty connotations?
It’s a conflation of the Ocasio-Cortez dance video and the Rashida Tlaib comment.
Those two things made me think of the Violent Femmes song of the same name. You should have seen the howls of protest when I used China Crisis for a title that one time 😉
Mexican wall standoff made me chuckle.
China Crisis weren’t too bad in the days of synth. pop from memory, but I’m struggling to find anything on youtube to back that up really, hasn’t aged too well or I’m confusing them with another band. Some quite nice Johnny Marr guitar sound imitations on a couple of tracks but I doubt Mark would like them.
I’ve come to think of MF as meaning someone who shatters the hopes and dreams of their mother by being a hopeless cause. Not someone who has sexual relations with their mother (like BM).
Why MF and not FF? Probably male chauvinism, and it doesn’t roll off the tongue or sound as sharp, but that could be familiarity. Arlo Guthrie sang “…mother rapers, father rapers…” in Alices Restaurant and that flowed well, but the two f’s together seem to trip over each other. But as you suggest, there are just as many FF’s as there are MF’s.
Oh so others are doing it or it isn’t quite what you think, or,… Why put it at all?
It represents an ugly term, and people who include it in their discourse are showing an ugly attitude that casts a shadow on all women, dirtily sexualises their relationships with their sons, and shows the way that men are prepared to degrade women’s lives when given the apparent okay.
Ocasio-Cortez isn’t the only politician who loves dancing
And let us not forget these locals
Probably the only decent contributions you’ve ever made to this forum. See, you can do it.
Dancing with wolves
While Liberals dance. The Trump revolution instead of loosening, tightens its grip on the country, with Donald Trump shutting down the government, and threatening to declare a “National Emergency” where he can rule by decree.
And a sharp rise, in Americans wanting to leave the country.
‘I can do it if I want’: Trump threatens to invoke emergency powers to build border wall
‘Poll Notes “Trump Effect” as American Desire to Leave US Permanently Surges
When can we expect the cattle cars to start running?
There are not enough buses in the whole of the US to physically deport the 11 to 17 million illegal immigrants estimated to reside in the US.
Multiple times on many occasions Donald Trump has promised to “deport all illegals”. The only way this could physically be accomplished, is if Donald Trump requisitioned the nation’s rolling stock for the task.
No human being is illegal
No human is illegal?
The human can commit acts that are illegal. Like illegal immigration. The aware mind acts on behalf of the Human body. The human body existing in an illegal state with intent, motive, and the physical act of the informed aware mind. The state of being illegal wasn’t arbitrary, or forced, or accidental.
Emergency powers are there for a good reason. He was hired as commander in chief. If he considers a threat to the nation exists, and illegal immigration is a threat he has the right to envoke emergency powers. If the democracy is incompetent in reacting to the threat then the President has the power to Act.
He can quite literal invoke emergency powers and order the military to build a defensive wall. IE the wall approved by the boarder guards.
I doubt he will act in a more aggressive way than Obama policy on already present illegals.
I expected comments, like ‘You are being alarmist’, or ‘The American Constitution prevents it.’
I didn’t expect a comment justifying it.
The 14 Characteristics of Fascism
Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003
Tick them off.
I tried. Didn’t tick one.
Again you surprise me D.J. I was expecting you to challenge this list, as not being a list of the defining features of fascism.
Instead you claim that Donald Trump is not guilty of supporting even one of these defining features.
Maybe we need to go through some of them with you.
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism…..
DJ, you must be the only one in the world who wouldn’t tick this one. Including of course, the President himself.
‘I am a nationalist’: Trump’s embrace of controversial label sparks uproar
Even the leader of France was moved to condemn Trump’s extreme Nationalism, as a threat to world peace.
Macron denounces nationalism as a ‘betrayal of patriotism’ in rebuke to Trump at WWI remembrance
2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights…..
Donald Trump: We need to change law to allow torture, waterboarding …
3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause….
I hardly believe I have to list this one, it’s so obvious.
Trump ramps up rhetoric on undocumented immigrants: ‘These aren’t people. These are animals.’
“They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant
4. Supremacy of the Military….
Donald Trump wants a military parade for all the wrong reasons
Robert Reich:Trump Increased Military Spending By Over $200 Billion…
5. Rampant Sexism …..
I think I want to throw up
“Emergency powers are there for a good reason. He was hired as commander in chief. If he considers a threat to the nation exists…”
What if he is the threat to the nation?
No human being is illegal and Elie Wiesel
Long Island Wins, July 6, 2016
i sure aint going to complain at Democrat renewal.
i thank my stars for Jacinda and shudder what would have happened if a totally inexperienced thirtysomething hadnt decided to stand as Labour leader.
More outrageous unlikely political renewal YES.
This is just another example of the political Theatre game that is taking our attention away from the real issues.
Nero fiddled while Rome burnt.
A topical song. The video is 10 years old.
And we are still in denial.
It’s like everyone is out to get us…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-9AfdzMw5w&w=560&h=315%5D
Wall Street rules Congress. Mueller knows this. The money laundering trail via Trump and Russia goes through Wall Street.
Wall Street donates money to many political wannabes.
We live in interesting times.