Don Brash, defender of the poor & downtrodden

Written By: - Date published: 12:00 pm, May 1st, 2011 - 8 comments
Categories: don brash, humour - Tags:

It is fantastic to see that Don Brash is trying to get back into politics with today’s coup of the ACT Party leadership.

Don Brash said in his brief press conference his objectives were to “raise the income levels of all New Zealanders” while making sure that “all New Zealanders are treated equally under the law”. Finally a man in politics who is going to fight for the lower class, to stand up for the marginalised, to speak out for the lower socio-economic groups in NZ. Don Brash is the defender of the poor and downtrodden, a friend to the beneficiary, a campaigner for those in need.

Don Brash is correct, New Zealanders are treated unequally under the law. One 21 year study that looked into this found that Maori offenders were between 2.1 and 2.6 times more likely to get a conviction than a non-Maori offender where there socio-economic standing and repeat offending were similar. Dr. Brash will make sure that Maori offenders are treated the same as non-Maori.

If you have a look at convictions in NZ, 66% of apprehensions of European New Zealanders are resolved by prosecution, whereas 76% of apprehensions of Pacific People end the same way. Pacific People are being treated unfairly under NZ law, Don Brash will be the champion of the Pacific People to make sure they are treated the same under the law.

If you look at the lowest socio-economic groups in NZ, statistics show that they are much more likely to plead guilty to a crime. It is believed that largely this is because they do not have access to the resources to fund a defence campaign as someone in the highest socio-economic group. Don Brash will be a spokesperson for the poor, helping them get equal treatment in NZ courts to the richest people in the country.

If you look at any part of our judicial system, where the wealthy and famous have an advantage then Don Brash will make sure the poorest, least educated and unknown get the same advantages as he wants to ensure that “all New Zealanders are treated equally under the law”. The wealthy get more diversion, more name suppression and more home detention than the rest…not on Dr. Brash’s watch!

And finally, Dr. Brash will be a friend to pensioners and beneficiaries as well as those on the minimum wage. His statement that he intends to “raise the income levels of all New Zealanders” leaves us with only one logical conclusion. That Don Brash will be raising the pension, raising benefits and increasing the minimum wage.

Welcome back to politics Dr. Brash, a man who will passionately work for the marginalised of our beautiful country.

8 comments on “Don Brash, defender of the poor & downtrodden ”

  1. Maori offenders were between 2.1 and 2.6 times more likely to get a conviction than a non-Maori offender where there socio-economic standing and repeat offending were similar. Dr. Brash will make sure that Maori offenders are treated the same as non-Maori.

    I actually believe Brash and his fellow travellers on the right (or even the sort-of-we’re-not-too-sure right, like Simon Power) will address the shocking disparity between Maori and non-Maori imprisonment rates.

    By making damn sure that non-Maori rates rise to a position of equality.

  2. Mac1 2

    When the good doctor has prescribed his medicine for our nation’s ills and the superannuation kicks in at 75, will he allow the unemployment and the sickness benefits continue to that age?

    Mind you, he still has to get in. And Key would have to swallow some dead rats. And the electorate has a small matter of a general election to deal to the Great Defender and his supporters.

  3. Deadly_NZ 3

    No wonder it’s up as a guest post. i was wondering if i had accidently ended up in Whaleshit with DPF.. But No it’s just someone on the Happy Weed lol..

    The only thing that Don Brash is for is Don Brash

  4. Well if you believe all that from Don Brash, then we may as well be waiting for the second comming!!!!!

    • Draco T Bastard 4.1

      Humour tag – although, I think it should have had satire as well.

  5. Afewknowthetruth 5

    The art of politics is what is left unsaid.

    He will ‘raise the income levels of all New Zealanders’ (said).

    Cost of living increases will far exceed income rises (left unsaid).

    There will be one huge advantage in having Don Brash as PM. Global Warming will immediately be eliminated as a problem, since Don doesn’t believe in Global Warming.

    That would be a big step forward compared to all the other parties, who do believe in GW and implement policies that exacerbate it.

  6. William Joyce 6

    Interesting to note – the much praised unregulated Hong Kong economy (an economy the RW point us to so often) has a problem with inequality! [Shock! Horror! Surprise! – News at 11]

    HK has announced a minimum wage…

  7. Anthony 7

    Brash just veils his racism under “one law for all”, makes it more palatable for people who don’t want to admit it.