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- Date published:
11:26 am, April 18th, 2019 - 13 comments
Categories: Media, Politics, Social issues, tv -
Tags: breakfast, easter, jack tame, john campbell, tvnz
John Campbell is back on the telly!
TVNZ have announced that that John Campbell will present TVNZ’s Breakfast show, replacing Jack Tame. Tame will take over Q+A, which is currently hosted by Corin Dann.
TVNZ say Campbell will start at the end of the month, while Tame will host the weekly political show on Monday nights from April 29.
It’ll certainly be great to have someone doing breakfast news who is not a whining, entitled and badly dressed clown. But enough about Mark Richardson, lets just welcome this double whammy of an Easter miracle!
Sad to see Jack Tame is leaving breakfasts does that mean no more te reo Maori
I like Campbell but he doesn’t speak Maori like Mr Tame.
Good point Michelle,
With the impending departure of Guyon Espiner from Morning Report, that’s a real blow for Te Reo. One hopes the mantle will be taken up by others.
Radionz are doing well with promoting te reo throughout the day with various announcers learning to speak confidently are they not?
Who is replacing Guyon – does he go about July?
I heard a rumor that Corin Dann was moving to Morning Report.
May have my Corins mixed up with my Jacks tho.
So all the guff about roving reporter from JC was just window dressing for his usual job behind the desk/on the couch?
I have no time for celebrity ‘presenters’ like Hosking or Campbell – both not formally trained as journalists
If he had, what difference would it make?
Well if he takes over on 29 April we will be free of him for good on 8 June.
The men in the white coats will be along on that day to round him up and take him away.
As the bible tells us
“The biblical narrative in Chapter 1 of the Acts of the Apostles takes place 40 days after the resurrection: Jesus is taken up from the disciples in their sight, a cloud hides him from view, and two men in white appear to tell them that he will return “in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Well Jesus hasn’t returned yet and with luck neither will John Campbell. Yeah!
Or it could just be that Jesus Christ is having his mandatory mid-life crisis and trying to work out whether he’s Arfa of Marfa.
On the one hand – he likes being in the field, and on the other he likes the regularity of the studio.
He’s SUCH a nice fellow he’ll have a plausible explanation for any decision he makes when his worshipers try to spekyalate (Trending on Spoi).
Will Granny Herald have a skloosive do we think?
Did he go back to his Martinborough roots do we think before he took this BOLD and brazen descision?
The answers to which we’ll truly NEVER know!
But what ever…… TVNZ’s Breakfast will benefit and a few sad-arses on the opposition will be looking for a lifeboat, and RNZ will be watching its ratings (going forwid)
Meanwhile, there are other options available – even if they are just a good book and and old fashined read
“Did he go back to his Martinborough roots”.
Well no actually, because he had never lived there. He, and his parents, lived in Wellington where he went to school and University.
His parents moved to Martinborough after John became well known.
The story I heard was that they were so embarrassed by the puppy-like enthusiasm of their offspring that they went somewhere where they could pretend they had nothing to do with him. Understandable I suppose although it sounds a bit to good to be true.
The parents ran a very good Restaurant there so at least the family did something good for mankind. They had a place called The French Bistro from about 2000 to 2012. Very much missed when they retired.
Well at least that incessant flickering in my doctors surgery will have some intelligence on.
Go Johnny Go…. Johnny B Goode
J.C rises again !
Bugger it is 6 am to 9 am with a magazine platform.
7 pm would be better without the magazine.
For a moment, after reading the headline, I thought the crypt of a preferred prime minister had been broken open…