Elitist watch: Wayne Mapp

Written By: - Date published: 10:00 am, July 11th, 2011 - 14 comments
Categories: defence, same old national - Tags: ,

Wayne ‘Tipple’ Mapp went to Crete recently with veterans to commemorate our heroic defeat there in World War 2. Naturally, the old fellas who risked their lives and lost their mates 60 years ago got pride of place, like their Australian counterparts, eh? Nope. Mapp stayed in 26K of luxury while the vets had to fend for themselves.

The Herald reports:

Defence Minister Wayne Mapp spent more than $26,000 on flights and top hotels for himself and a secretary, in luxurious suites overlooking the Bay of Chania.

But New Zealand’s war heroes were forced to pay out of their own pockets, arrange their own itineraries and stay in modest accommodation, with just $2000 Government support – less than a return airfare.

Australian veterans were flown over by their Government and cared for by provided doctors. They stayed at the same upmarket lodgings as Australia’s defence and government officials…

… Australian documentary maker John Lewis, who accompanied his country’s veterans, said he could not believe the difference in treatment.

“I couldn’t actually believe what was happening. I don’t understand how they could get away with it.”

Mr Lewis said he had walked along the waterfront to find the New Zealand official party enjoying a lavish lunch on their own.

“There’s nothing wrong with going out and having a nice lunch, but meanwhile all the vets were being left on their own to be organised by their families,” he said.

“I thought the vets would have been the guests of honour. It was remarkably noticeable.”

The Australian party had arranged everything for its veterans and their families to attend, and at ceremonies Australian officials stood behind the old troops, he said.

“All the focus was clearly on the veterans. Meanwhile, it seemed like the New Zealand top brass and minister were sitting safely in their seats and the New Zealand veterans had to make do.”

Mapp is repentant, right? Not a bit of it:

Dr Mapp said yesterday that his travel had been made on the standard basis of ministerial trips, staying at the same accommodation he had in 2001.

“I ensured that the veterans who travelled to the 70th anniversary had access to a government grant of up to $2000 each.

“This grant was additional to the grant of $2000 that was given to veterans for travel to attend the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Crete,”

14 comments on “Elitist watch: Wayne Mapp ”

  1. Jim Nald 1

    “repetent” – typo?

    [thanks fixed — r0b]

  2. Hanswurst 2

    “Wapp is repentant” – typo?

    [darn! – fixed — r0b]

  3. He most certainly is courting my Guillotine award of the month. What a dick!

    I think a recurring Elite watch column is a great idea.
    I’m sure I could come up with a few nominations!

  4. Jum 4

    This sort of reverse thinking happened in Franklin until a few years ago.

    On Anzac Day the march through the main street ended at the Town Hall, with the public upstairs and the soldiers guides scouts, etc seated downstairs.

    Everyone had to rise when the so-called dignitaries filed on to the stage. Then someone wrote to the local paper demanding that everyone should be standing for the returned servicemen. Quite right too.

  5. ChrisH 5

    I can’t believe it. What a trougher. Reminds me of a Leunig cartoon of a war memorial with the motto “For no greater love hath a man for his country than that he makes it safe for his descendents (or words TTE) so they can say I’m All Right Jack.” Can’t find it on line but it exists.

  6. mapped out 6

    remember Foreign Affairs, Minister Cost of RNZAF Flights back in February.?
    Why did noone ask him about the other plane in the air/standby that doubled the costs?

  7. D-D-D-Damn ! 7

    Reality Bites (Open Mike 9/07/11) possibly deserves a hat-tip for this. I saw his/her detailed and interesting comment on Open mike the other day and was surprised no one responded to it (should have done so myself). Good work by RB.

  8. tc 8

    It not the troughing……it’s the way were troughing NACT styles.

    The hypocrisy of Hide, the ‘screw you’ attitude of Collins etc to Sideshows directive to not travel with spouses….then Carter happily admitting of his parking rort, it’s as if Blinglish has laid down a challenge and gone, top that blue bloods !

  9. freedom 9

    There is an ignorance of the issue being expressed when the Minister parrots a feeble contribution to the Veterans as some reverant offering. Where was the reverance such a nationally important commemoration warranted.

    Despite my views as a believer in non-violent conflict resolution, I find the treatment of the Soldiers’ legacy, by this government, to be offensive to their honour.

  10. Red Rosa 10



    Can’t see the Crete survivors being impressed by this stumbling U-tiurn. Mapp must have hide like a rhino.

  11. Reality Bytes 11

    Another interesting development, apparently this doesn’t “sit well” with Key.

    (from another herald article)
    Mr Key said the level of support New Zealand veterans had received would not seem right to most people. “It raises a legitimate point in terms of what level of support and compensation we give particularly to these old returned servicemen, people who have fought in these battles, these Diggers,” Mr Key told RadioLive.
    “Are we giving them the right level of support? … I’ve had a discussion with Wayne about it, and I think going forward we will have to have a closer look. It didn’t sit that well,” the Prime Minister said.
    (end quote)

    OK all good so far, at first I thought, fair enough, I agree with Key for a change, he’s making the right noises…
    … But then he starts making excuses and shows his true colors:

    (more from the same article)
    But Dr Mapp was a “really sensitive bloke” and his itinerary would have been based on what was done previously, Mr Key said.

    “I can tell you as a minister those things sort of happen around you.

    “I went to Gallipoli and I didn’t have a choice on where I stayed or how it worked, it was just a well-trodden path that Helen Clark had been on and many before her.”
    (end quote)

    RIIIIGHT, He didn’t have a choice on where I stayed or how it worked.
    OH PLEASE. Sounds like the old ‘we had to buy the BMW’s (it’s labours fault) my hands were tied’ excuse. For crying out loud, Can someone please remind him he IS the prime minister and he CAN actually change things like this?

    Oh yeah and lets not forget Mapp is the victim here, cause he’s a sensitve bloke.
