Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

Written By: - Date published: 12:07 pm, October 13th, 2007 - 5 comments
Categories: climate change - Tags:

Gore shared the Nobel prize with the UN climate panel for their for their international work to promote the importance of addressing global warming.

This won’t come as good news to the climate change deniers out there, one of whom recently challenged the accuracy of the film in court following the UK government’s decision to send copies of it to all schools in England.

While the judge found what he referred to as “nine scientific errors” in Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth, he also said that the production was “broadly accurate”.

Here’s a video of the Nobel Prize presentation from The Guardian.

5 comments on “Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize ”

  1. Lee C 1

    Congratulations to him for having the wherewithall to stand up to the common orthodoxy and state his opinions as he sees fit to do so.

    Could do with a few of him in NZ!

  2. The Sprout 2

    i think Gore does great work but i did think chosing him rather tainted the status of the award a little. surely there are others who have contributed more?

  3. r0b 3

    “i think Gore does great work but i did think chosing him rather tainted the status of the award a little. surely there are others who have contributed more?”

    Hi Sprout. Interesting question. For better or for worse, Gore has ended up as the best known figure highlighting climate change issues, and climate change is surely the most serious issue facing our planet at this time. He has done vital work. And it’s pretty clear that climate change is going to cause wars, so you can make a connection to a Nobel “Peace” prize. I think the Nobel committee has done a very clever thing here, giving Gore further media attention and status for his message.

    However, if we were going to focus on a narrower definition of “Peace”, I might have gone with Cinday Sheehan or Aung San Suu Kyi.

  4. r0b 4

    ooops – “Cinday Sheehan” should be “Cindy Sheehan”

  5. illuminatedtiger 5

    Al Gore for President … Wait a second!