Written By:
- Date published:
6:05 pm, November 4th, 2013 - 25 comments
Categories: law, same old national, transport -
Tags: death, drink driving, road toll
Over 2 years ago the government was passing legislation and Labour tried to amend it to lower the drink drive limit from 80mg to 50mg in line with most other countries.
Never one to affect the booze barons’ profits too much, National voted it down.
They dithered and decided that, despite plenty of research on how the higher alcohol limit cost lives (as many as 30 per year), that they needed their own research before doing anything.
Kicked out to the long grass, people kept dying.
Last month Iain Lees-Galloway (or The Notorious ILG as he was christened at the Labour conference) had a private member’s bill drawn aiming to do exactly the same thing.
Faced with the prospect of Lees-Galloway getting the bill through without National Party support, National have finally resurrected their study and done something.
Their study shows that by their measurements at least 7 New Zealanders have died because of their dithering. 7 lives unfulfilled and families faced with unnecessary grief.
Finally. they did the same with loan sharking except instead of waiting for it to come at them from the other side they reintroduced it themselves.
Id like to see us adopt more of Oz’s driving laws, especially victoria. Child restraint, blocking intersections and speeding just to name a few. They were prosecuting culpable drivers decades ago and they dont pussy about, over 30k of the limit is an instant loss of licence, non negotiable.
Personally I think the rate should be zero.
And if that makes more people criminals then so be it.
Chris that would be a good idea it would reducr alcohol consumption overall as well.
Rrducing the $6 billion in damage alcohol does to our economy/society every year.
As for the 30km over the speed limit I am pretty sure that already exists.
over 30Km…50 demerit points and a fine, Victoria Oz, licence removed immediately for 3 months.
NZ: exceed a permanent speed limit by more than 40 km/h (or another speed limit by 50 km/h) and it’s 28 days instant loss of licence.
Their study shows that by their measurements at least 7 New Zealanders have died because of their dithering.
Who is they?
Where is this study?
“Who is they?”
Hmm, let’s see:
National, Ole. Reading is amazing.
I wouldn’t mind seeing this study
Pronouns are confusing.
Where is the fucking thing?
National make decisions based on website polls, try Stuff or the Herald….
And data from police about deaths and injuries perhaps..
…or maybe the person who wrote the post and who is relying on the study could link to it.
Maybe you could try asking nicely.
Maybe Gerry will share his study with you.
From Stuff….. “Brownlee said the two year review of the impact of lowering the legal blood alcohol limit by 30 milligrams suggests 3.4 lives will be saved a year and 64 injury causing crashes avoided – and save $200 million in social costs over 10 years.”
brownlee said this morning that their intention of looking into lowering dd limits had been in their timeline since 2009.
Doing it now had nothing to do with Lees-Galloway bill.
Four years and now they make an instant soft decision.
I don’t know why old lardy opens his mouth. No one believes a word he says.
Yeah, I hate fat people too. How about that Nanaia Mahuta, eh?
“How about that Nanaia Mahuta, eh?”
Nanaia is intelligent, beautiful and doesn’t push old people down stairs, so obviously she wont be welcome in the National bully party….
But she’s “lardy”, right?
She aint nothing like sloppy old drooped Key, ha ha ha. I don’t think he even has muscles… f’ken hell…
No, she’s a lady, and doesn’t bully people. Maybe if Gerry wasn’t such a bully he wouldn’t get ridiculed for throwing his weight around.
Taking your argument to its logical conclusion Bunji, I presume that you also believe that Labour was responsible for any number of road deaths and injuries from 1999 to 2008, during which time the current drink driving laws were in place. And during which time Labour did nothing about them.
Really? Labour voted down a 50mg limit while in government, then proposed it when they were in opposition?
Or are you suggesting that there is no difference between stalling a valid proposal for two years, and failing to imagine which proposals would be supported by evidence in ten years time?
I’d suggest that thirteen years ago NZTA was still working on recidivist heavily-drunk drivers, not the gray area between “social damage from those people who get impaired after one small glass” and “social damage from excessive legislation”.
Successive governments have let the country down, of that we can be fairly clear.
It’s not people driving at the the current limit that is killing people. It is people driving way over the limit. I can’t see this changing. Further more, unless cheap public transport is accessible and readily available at night, people will continue to have a drink and then hop in their vehicle and drive. A lot of people can’t afford a taxi, and don’t have access to a non-drinking driver. The closer you move to prohibition, the more a law gets disrespected and flouted.
The Green Party have a solution… wooden bicycles for all!
Here’s one: