Helen Kelly: Together

Written By: - Date published: 10:06 am, July 23rd, 2018 - 7 comments
Categories: Unions, workers' rights - Tags:

In 2015 Helen Kelly agreed to let documentary maker Tony Sutorius – the award winning director of Campaign – into her life to document her last year of activism.

The result is Helen Kelly: Together – a stunning affirmation of both her dedication to justice, and her friendships with those she fought alongside.

Equal parts moving and inspiring, funny and tragic, Helen Kelly: Together is as much about what it is to be a Kiwi as it is about Helen’s astounding life. It is a cultural landmark and a piece of New Zealand’s film history.

You can sign up here for news about the film including the chance to attend the premiere. The Facebook page is here.  Please, join the Trade Union movement to become part of Helen Kelly: Together.

7 comments on “Helen Kelly: Together ”

  1. Rosemary McDonald 1

    I got the email yesterday and I’m looking forward to the film’s release.

    Still grieving.


    • DH 1.1

      I don’t look up to many people but of those I do/did Helen Kelly was right up there. She had grace. I always admired how she kept her cool and wouldn’t resort to abuse or even raise her voice in the face of serious animus & bullying from those she fought against. She used to beat them with kindness and they never did figure her out.

      She was quite a rare person.

  2. Dot 2

    Life is often cruel ,
    as we needed Helen Kelly for much longer !

  3. mary_a 3

    Helen Kelly, a fine Kiwi with a good heart. One of the best. A woman who lived her life to better that of others, even when she knew she was dying. People, particularly those struggling, always came first with Helen, regardless of her own circumstances.

    Helen would have made a great PM.

    We are much poorer for her absence.

    • UncookedSelachimorpha 3.1

      “Helen would have made a great PM. ”

      100% agree, if only that could have been!

  4. reason 4

    Every complimentary word written above about Helen is true ….

    Her battles against the corrupt legacy of the last nact govt continue … and so do her victories

    Helen Kelly …. ” The precedent is huge. The Health and Safety in Employment Act forbids insurance being taken out to cover for penalties. The “arrangement” reached with Whittall and his insurers with the Crown, bypasses the intention of the Act and allows a fine already ordered to be paid against the Company in one case, to be paid to escape the possibility of a conviction and fine in another, and by insurance.

    If the charges could not be made to stick then it is my view, they must have been poorly laid, poorly investigated and again point to a lack of capacity and rigour in the Department. When a Royal Commission finds as strongly as it, systematic failings in management at the mine, the test of failing to “take all practicable steps” in regards health and safety should have been proved.” https://thestandard.org.nz/the-pike-river-supreme-court-decision-helen-kelly-would-be-pleased/

    “She also directed the CTU to challenge in court the decision to drop charges against Whittall. At the time of writing, the case against the case against Whittall is still in the Supreme Court.

    Incredibly, unjustly, it may be that no one is found liable for the deaths of the Pike River 29. But Pike River stuck in the public consciousness long and distastefully enough for Winston Peters, and eventually Jacinda Ardern, to publicly commit to re-entry. Again, by the time this happened, it was seen as the rational political stance. A long-overdue re-entry to the mine, headed by a new minister for Pike River re-entry, should provide merciful closure for the families, and hopefully some clues about what really happened down there. Mum always held that Pike was a crime scene; hopefully it will be treated as such by the new government. ” https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/01-11-2017/on-a-new-government-kindness-and-the-unfinished-legacy-of-my-mother-helen-kelly/