Written By:
Eddie - Date published:
8:30 am, January 18th, 2011 - 61 comments
Categories: election 2011, maori party -
Tags: hone harawira, Tariana Turia
Wow. The first edition of Hone Harawira’s new opinion column in the Sunday Star Times is a jaw-dropping read. He frankly states the party has sold out it values for cabinet seats – put coalition before kaupapa. It’s a brazen attack on Tariana Turia, and confirmation he intends to stay with the Maori Party and, some day, lead it back to its roots.
Along with saying the Maori Party needs to get back to the values it used to stand for, he says it should get back to doing politics the Maori way. A Maori Party shouldn’t behave like a Pakeha party. And he’s certainly showing he doesn’t intend to be constrained.
I don’t want to quote the whole article but there’s not a paragraph I would drop:
A few months ago my daughter said to me, “Dad, you know I’ll always vote for you, but I just can’t bring myself to vote for the Maori Party any longer. I don’t like what I see your mates doing, so I’m gonna vote for the Greens.”
That was a bit of a kick in the bum for me, having led the hikoi that gave birth to the Maori Party, but actually it wasn’t that unexpected. The rumblings of discontent have been growing for some time, and it’s election year now so we either deal with that discontent soon or we just might lose some votes come crunch time.
Your own daughter telling you your party has abandoned its ideals, that’s got to hurt.
And we’ve been lucky really. We’re only six years old so everything about the Maori Party is still new – first Maori party in parliament, first Maori party in government, first ministers appointed to cabinet from a party voted in by Maori. And still the only independent Maori voice in parliament, although that independence is being increasingly questioned these days.
We’ve worked hard and a lot of the things we’ve achieved simply wouldn’t have happened without the Maori Party: the review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act (albeit with the possibility that it will be replaced by an equally anti-Maori one); recognition of the Maori flag; qualified approval of the UN Declaration of the rights of Indigenous Peoples; the Tobacco Inquiry and the two tobacco bills; and Whanau Ora.
Note that all these policies wins have been heavily watered-down to the point where they’re little more than wins in name only.
The downside of being in government with National is having to put up with all the anti-worker, anti-beneficiary and anti-environment (and therefore anti-Maori) legislation that comes as a natural consequence of having a right-wing government.
The Maori Party is a coalition partner of that government and our co-leaders are ministers in that government, so unless we take a very strong position against some of the government’s legislative agenda we will be seen as supporting that agenda. And because leaders do most of the talking for a party (and control what the rest of their MPs say as well), our public statements over the last couple of years have been rather muted, to say the least.
Turia will be fuming about that line in the back of her Crown limo.
Whether our views have been unduly influenced by our coalition obligations or not, the fact is that our public positions on some issues have changed a lot since we were in opposition.
The other day I was reading through our speeches from 2005-08 and some of them were mighty impressive. Very pro-Maori, very strong on workers’ rights and the rights of the poor, opposed to free trade agreements, supportive of the environment, anti-whaling and very much focused on kaupapa Maori.
But since we got into a coalition with National, everything’s changed.
A few months back I actually got told off for suggesting that we were voting more with National than before, so I checked up. In 2005-08 we voted 30% with National and 70% against, but in 2008-10 we voted 60% with National and 40% against.
The facts prove it – the Maori Party didn’t just to talk radically leftwing, it voted that way. It has sold out those values in government and now talks meekly left and votes right. It is typical of small, idealistic parties coming into government to have a conflict between the ‘fundis’ and ‘realos’ but the extent to which the Maori Party under Turia has not just soften its stances but started voting against its core values is extraordinary.
Now most Maori don’t bother with the in-depth analysis I’ve just done but they know when something’s wrong and I have learnt to trust that gut feeling. They didn’t need any analysis to know the 2004 Foreshore and Seabed Act was wrong and they don’t need any analysis to know that their party’s going off-track in 2011.
And it seems that it just doesn’t matter where I go in the country, I am being constantly told by Maori in the street, in the shops, on marae, at the airports, and even in the cemeteries at tangi, that the Maori Party is coming off the rails – usually accompanied with a comment that I should keep speaking out, because none of my mates are.
Hone is the voice of the Maori Party base, especially the activists. This is a warning to the leadership: they need to listen to him and the people he represents.
So here are a few suggestions about what the Maori Party needs to focus on if we are to be successful in this year’s polls:
Be clear about who our constituency is and define our policies and positions on that basis. Stop pretending that we are a mainstream party – we’re not. The Maori Party operates on the basis that what is good for Maori is good for the nation so we should highlight policies that benefit Maori but also help the rest of the country. Tobacco was an excellent start. Simple and positive health and education initiatives and programmes to assist the poor are obvious starters as well.
Be bold in our positions. When governments say “Maori need to be realistic” what they’re really saying is “no”. But that shouldn’t make us afraid to say what it is our people want, and commit ourselves to doing our best to achieving it. If we are not successful, don’t let it be because we let somebody else stop us from daring to succeed.
Speak out strongly against National’s anti-social initiatives. No more of the polite press releases that say nothing. If we can’t stop them through persuasion at party leader or at cabinet level, then we need to signal that we will oppose them vigorously in the house, at select committee, at public meetings and on the streets if necessary.
The problem is, that would mean voting against the Budget, which would break the confidence and supply agreement and cost Turia her job with the quarter of a million dollar salary and Crown limo. Is she likely to do that?
Oppose National’s Marine and Coastal Areas bill. Just because we were consulted on it doesn’t mean we have to support it. The bill is National’s. It does not reflect the hopes and dreams of either the Maori people or the Maori Party, and was opposed by most Maori during the select committee hearings. If we support this bill, we’re effectively saying that our coalition with National is more important than our commitment to Maori – surely not?
Develop strategic relationships with the Greens and with Labour. In one of his more magnanimous moments during the flush of his 2008 election victory, John Key told us that “the Maori Party shouldn’t just aim to be a coalition partner for National, but a party that can work with anyone”. Now’s the time to take him up on his offer. Make it clear that in the interests of advancing the status of Maori we will be meeting with other parties to consider our options.
The Greens have good relations with the Maori Party and Labour is trying to rebuild. Both sides have to accept that sometimes parties will have a dig at each other and compete against each other in elections but that doesn’t mean they can’t work together for the leftwing ideals that unite them. The problem is, for Turia it is all about kicking sand Labour’s face. I don’t know if she’s leftwing anymore. I don’t know if she believes in anything.
Stop trying to make us all be the same. When some of us say one thing and others take another view, learn to celebrate the difference rather than try to crush the dissent. Maori are a vibrant and diverse people – our strength as a party is in reflecting that diversity and appealing to all sectors of our society. And remember, the kaupapa is always more important than the coalition.
And, most importantly, go back to the people. We used to get out on the road a lot, particularly on the big issues. Since we’ve been in coalition with the Nats, though, we haven’t done any tours, and it’s not as if there haven’t been any big issues to deal with – National’s Marine and Coastal Areas bill is a classic example. Somehow, though, it seems that we’ve become too busy to tour any more. I suggest we get “un-busy” real quick, and start reconnecting with the people who put us into parliament.
So there you go, folks – a few ideas to start the year. Over the next few months I will be writing articles focusing on issues which will affect Maori in the run-up to the 2011 election, including a more in-depth one on National’s Marine and Coastal Areas bill.
The good news for the Left in this is that the activist side of the Maori Party hasn’t forgotten what it stands for and Harawira is determined to help it wrest the reins back from the current leadership. That promises a return to the leftwing Maori Party that many on the Left supported when it was founded as a natural ally of Labour and the Greens with its own unique perspective.
The bad news is that, as long as Harawira remains toothless and Turia is in charge, this allows the Turia to play to two audiences. On the one hand, she is the dependable lapdog for National. On the other, the activist base is mollified by Harawira whispering ‘some day’ to them.
This kind of critique would be at home on The Standard if made against one of the leftwing parties. For a sitting MP to say it about his own party is extraordinary. In any other party such an attack on the leadership would probably be taken as a banishing offence. But Harawira’s message is that the Maori Party should do things their own way, the Maori way. He’s showing every intention of doing just that.
Update: there’s an article in this morning’s Dompost with more from Harawira on these issues.
Great. I’d like to have a Maori party in parliament – it is more than time. But this current party isn’t it IMO. It seems to be more about Turias personal grievances than representing their constituency outside of the iwi corporates.
It is going to be intriguing looking at what happens to the Maori party votes this election.
I had hopes of the Maori Party being a Left-Wing Party that would support Maori issues.,It was an exciting concept. However unfortunatly the bitter sour Turia allowed her personal hatred of Helen Clark to dominate her thoughts and actions. Plus the extraordinary capers and flounting around of Sharples has left the Maori Party spilt and divided .
Perrhaps a total change at the top will save the Maori Party but I have my doubts. If they are going to survive as a strong voice for all Maori then the Leadership change must be now.
Yes the article is good and the fight for appropriate representation of maori in parliment is on.
I thought this analysis was well worth a read too.
“So Hone faces a stark choice. Continue to watch the political gains of the Maori Party and all his hard work wash away as the tide goes out on ordinary Maori aspirations for honourable and reliable political representation. Or lead a minority position into a faction fight with the conservative wing of his party for the soul of the Maori Party. Or defect to form with Bradford and McCarten the much hyped new left party. Or retire from parliamentary politics altogether and return to grassroots activism a la Nandor tanczos. The choice is his. The stakes are high.”
My view is that the current leadership should step aside and let the new shoots come through.
My fear of a new left party is that it will do nothing more than send 3 to 4% of the left vote down the gurgler.
But a new left party centred on Harawira’s electorate seat could prove to be an interesting thing. And if ACT disappears it could become an election result changer.
I agree that Turia and Sharples should stand aside and give up the limos.
But where do we find a party which is going to explicitly talk about Left values, incl creating and expanding a commons for all NZ’ers, and actively tackling issues of vast income inequality which have developed over the last 30 years? And I don’t mean by nibbling around the edges or temporarily slowing down the rate of increasing income inequality.
I agree we need a left party that explicitly talks about these things, especially income inequality. Although it is difficult to see such a party gaining a significant party vote share (i.e. more than 5%) in the current politcal environment.
The fear of left vote splitting was around ‘Mana’ but did that actually eventuate.
If a new left party had Hone as an MP and he was able to retain Te Tai Tokerau then they could get several MPs elected on 3-4% of the vote. That would give them credibility and momentum.
And even I am astounded at what Hone said and even more astounded that I agree with everything he said. Damn
Thanks for bringing that article to my attention Eddie. I didn’t read through your ‘point by point’ interpretation, preferring to read the article with just my own filter or perspective between me and the words of Hone.
In your intro you say that Hone said that A Maori Party shouldn’t behave like a Pakeha party. But whet he actually said was that the Moari Party should Stop pretending that we are a mainstream party – we’re not.
There is a world of difference in there. The way you have interpreted his words would have us believe that Hone perceives a Moari/ Pakeha division, whereas what he actually indicates is a mainstream/radical division. By extension you would have us (the reader) believe that their is a difference based on race too.
That’s not splitting hairs given the penchant in this country for casting issues in terms of race which then excludes many would be sympathisers from particular issues or matters of concern.
I’m inclined to agree with your interpretation Bill.
In 2005-08 we voted 30% with National and 70% against, but in 2008-10 we voted 60% with National and 40% against.
The facts prove it – the Maori Party didn’t just to talk radically leftwing, it voted that way.
In what universe is voting 30% with Nat, 70% against with a neolib Labour government, “radically left wing”.
Well, you’re correct of course but it seems like beggars can’t be choosers at the moment.
just saying. In 2005-2008, when the Maori Party was voting against the government, it was opposing its policies as NOT leftwing enough. the Maori Party voted with the Greens more than any other party.
Now, it’s voting for rightwing policies.
“Thanks for bringing that article to my attention Eddie. I didn’t read through your ‘point by point’ interpretation, preferring to read the article with just my own filter or perspective between me and the words of Hone”
bit rough, old boy. We don’t come here to read what’s written in the SST. We come here to see others’ analysis and comment, surely?
Nah. An overall analysis of a link is entirely different to being led by the nose through a para by para interpretation of said reproduced and posted link.
Dependable lapdog is right.
The photo with Key and Turia is great. Key looks like he’s either lining up an insect for examination under a microscope or is thinking ‘I’ve got a toothless old dog here’.
Hone is the only one really speaking out for Maori and all people who must feel their situations will only progressively worsen.
Hold their feet to the fire Hone.
So sad that he leaves out the naturally allied voting bloc the Maori party should be courting…PASIFIKA
By any measure we, as Pasifikans inclusive of Maori, are one people.
divided we stand, united we fail
long live the underclass
I am sure I read somewhere about a pasifika party being developed – if that happened it would be a good compliment to the maori party.
What is this stuff about maori not being a race that you are smacking CK with? I agree that ‘race’ is an outmoded concept and ‘culture’ covers it better but you seem to believe that maori are just part of greater pasifika. Do you think maori should strive for self determination or is that an illusion because there is no ‘self’ for maori.
marty mars.
Are the Welsh ‘just’ a part of a greater Celtic or European identity? Does this in any way diminish their desire for self determination? If Wales was a colony of a power as culturally removed from them as colonial NZ is from Maori, would you think it a good or bad idea for the Welsh to politically align with non-Welsh facets of Celtic or European culture that was present within Wales…even including disenfranchised or dis-illusioned members of the dominant colonial culture perhaps?
I think it would be up to the welsh to decide.
I am in favour of politically aligning but not subsuming.
Yup. Okay. But isn’t it the case that Maori, in line with any other indigenous Polynesian cultures are a part and parcel of a larger Polynesian heritage. ie they are all Polynesian in the same way that the Welsh, Irish, Scots, Basques and so on are all part of a Celtic heritage?
I know for a fact that Plaid Cymru reach out to Scots or whoever else happens to live in Wales and don’t hem themselves in to the extent that the mainstream here suggests Maori have.
There is a point of difference between the various politics of self determination as expressed in Britain or Europe and here though. Wales or wherever are definable geographical areas separate from the center that governs them. So whereas a transfer of power would still leave the English establishment with power but merely limit its geographical reach, the same can’t be said for here. I don’t know how two entities of governace could operate in the same location. Which would lead to Maori calls for self determination to constitute a far more radical ‘shake up’ than Welsh, Basque or Scottish calls for self determination. If it wasn’t for the Treaty process.
Just a few years back, Maori seeking self determination were calling the Treaty a crock. If that view had gained traction it could have represented a real threat to the integrity of the NZ state. As far as I can ascertain the turn-a-round on that view only came with the promise of reparation. But that’s simply playing out as a transfer of private property rights to privileged sections of Maoridom and leaving most Maori no better off than before. Worse. It is segregating Maori from other would be fellow travellers and so leaving us all worse off in terms of our potential for political expression.
The elevation of a certain perspective that dovetails with a Treaty process that essentially enshrines private property rights is doing bugger all people any good and a whole lot of divided and ruled people no good whatsoever.
I tend to come from the steve biko viewpoint – paraphrased – that it is up to maori to determine their future. There is room for support and help but ultimately a defined people have to self determinate themselves.
Like you, I am not sure how sharing power will work – it seems a recipe for enclaves. That does create difficulties for the existing structure and those wedded to it. But those difficulties can be sorted I believe – it will take a rejigging of the superiority meme.
I lend my support to other groups even though i cannot be part of those groups. I do it because I believe it is fair and creates equality for them and for all of us. In the same way everyone (who wants to) can support fairness and equality for maori.
I tend to come from the steve biko viewpoint – paraphrased – that it is up to maori to determine their future.
And that would be nice. And any self defined group should be able to do likewise. Which means that there are numerous opportunities for cross pollination as it were. And that is needed given the resources and power of mainstream political actors, none of whom will ever countenance such notions as self determination.
So yes, it’s up to Maori to determine what they want. But to get what they want is going to involve working alongside Pasifika or any other people who share the broader aspects of their vision. Including Pakeha. The particulars will differ. But that doesn’t matter since Maori are seeking the right to self determination, not dominion over others. And the others who are seeking forms of self determination…..
yes bill I agree with you
all struggles are interlinked and that is the underused strength – when one struggle breaks through all struggles will evenuate because for one to succeed requires a mindset change and that mindset change is macro – affecting all parts of society.
Your point about self determination is very good.
How we get the various ‘struggles’ to accept that their similarities far outweigh the differences is the challenge, nicely articulated in your post from a wee while back.
Re: cross polination and similarities
One only needs to look at the Maori concept of Mauri (which roughly translates as ‘life-force) to understand the similarity of the Green/ecological position.
Off a planning doc
“the concept of mauri is fundamental to the exercise of kaitiakitanga”; “mauri is the vital energy force that gives being and form to all things in the universe providing the interconnection between humankind and the natural environment”;
sustaining the mauri ensures that a balance is maintained between people and the natural and spiritual worlds (Hauraki Maori Trust Board 1999).
I would note that Mauri has its own story that a quote doesnt do justice but it does come to the same conclusion that most Greens would.
How did those Scottish end up with their own damn parliament after being conquered fairly and squarely by the English. They’re loving that extra measure of independence now that the Tories and the Liar-Dems are hacking and slaying their way through the UK underclass.
They weren’t conquered. There was a treaty. It promised a partnership. (Sound familiar?) It was signed in 1707… after the payment of bribes to members of the Scottish Parliament who then voted for dissolution and a union with the English Parliament.
Within a year they tried to get out of the deal. But were outvoted by the far more numerous English members of the then UK Parliament.
It defeats the purpose of a Pasifika Party if it excludes Maori. Better to build on what the Maori party have and become more inclusive of the wider Pasifika…Your struggle and concerns are ours.
Maori shouldn’t STRIVE for self determination.The illusion then is you haven’t attained it. It should accept it IS self determined and start spreading the word.
For sure Maori have a special place here as First Nation, but you’d have to be in complete denial to think the original settlers and their culture were indigenous to NZ because of it. Maori and NZ was and always will be a part of greater Pasifika…We/You are not people of the land. We are people of the sea.
Why do you think the foreshore and seabed thing is so vehemently opposed ?…Because to take away the sea and the water is to take away the life, blood and soul of Pasifikans inclusive of Maori, our most precious connection to this world. Blood is thicker than water but the water and the sea is in your blood not the land. it’s no coincidence that among the very first nation peoples were those known as Waitaha.
Hone should then, in my view, go way back to the beginning to reconnect with the roots of Maori cos the party values he espouses are fundamental Pasifikan values that we share and would willingly unite under. i only need to look at my kids to know that. They can walk in 3 worlds, Maori, Pasifika and Euro.
As for CK. she needs to learn a few home truths. I’ve taken it upon myself to teach her. She seems to be one of those tough love cases though 🙂
Sorry mate i just do not accept your distorted, self serving view so i guess i am in complete denial.
What is the feedback from local tangata whenua to your ideas about them?
distorted and self serving…haha nigga puhlease !!!
funnily enough, the local iwi here are Ngati Tama from Taranaki who came down with Te Rauparaha and wiped out the previous settlers…so yeah hardly tangata whenua.
feedback is, it’s a touchy subject with them and they’d rather not talk about it 🙂
…you’re Ngai Tahu right ? you really can’t be calling the kettle too black eh cuz
you’re about as tangata whenua as you wish to distort the truth to accomodate your indigeniety, so yeah i guess you are in denial.
the harder you try to hold on to something the greater the loss when it is taken from you…let it go bro
so you get to decide who is tangata whenua LOL
you should just pontificate on stuff you know about rather than subjects you are ignorant on because boy you are ignorant about maori
hah, the fuck i am marty…
…but tell you what. Here’s a perfect opportunity to educate and liberate us from ignorance
floor’s all yours son…
you wouldn’t listen to what i say anyway and we both know it – try NMIT or Whakatu Marae.
I hear you but it’s not about me listening…
It’s about you saying your piece, not copping out again, not passing the buck and not putting shit you don’t want to hear or can’t deal with in the too hard basket
My nana always used to say, if you haven’t got anything nice to say don’t say anything. i say, spit it out lest you choke on it
…so just what is it i’m supposed to try at Whakatu marae or NMIT that you can’t or won’t help me with ?
I can’t be bothered with going over 101 stuff with you polly – we don’t agree that’s where we are at.
can’t be bothered ?.. then put me onto someone who can
but enough with the tired and patronising bullshit. i think you’d be surprised at what going right back to basics would do for you, maybe me and definitely the rest …
…likewise with regards to Hone and the Maori party.
BTW isn’t it laughable watching Cactus Kate squirm to your defence by me using the N word to try and mask her own racist projections ?
We agree on ck that’s for sure
kia kaha cuz
I saw billboards for Taito Philip Field’s pacific party prior to the last election. He didn’t get many votes.
Kia ora Pollywog I tautoko your veiw that we are one people from a large tribe that have been renamed Polynesians by europeans. Prior to them arriving here we were all one race called Maori.
Kuki Irani Maori, Rapanui Maori, Tahitian Maori, Hawaian Maoli Tonngan Maoli,
Hamoa Maoli ……..etc.
The Moriori
Thing is pollywog, you are honoured visitors at the whare kai, but you are not the hosts.
Yeah well it’d be nice if Maori came out and said that a bit more often prism.
We are perfectly capable of helping out in the kitchen, tending the fires and cleaning up afterwards. Some of us are also even more perfectly capable of showing the way back for our lost and wayward younger Maori cousins…we are after all whanaunga not tauiwi.
as it stands, if ever there was a voting bloc that needed politicising and radicalising it’s Pasifikan…especially da yoof !!!
Fact is we can no more rely on Labour to rep us in the big house with their bounty bar brownsuits making token grunts about Pasifika, like Laban and Fa’afoi, than we can National’s own ‘loves to linger’ in the corridors of power, feathering his own nest and hooking his mates up uncle tom’s as Lotu Iiga does.
If Hone made the right noises and moves, got a few key people on board he’d be surprised at the turnout and the rest of NZ wouldn’t even see it coming, given we as Pasifikan underclass are by and large invisible and silent…. he would do well to start with this chap
i mean surely Hone and Matt McCarten could give him a better and more politically relevent education than Mundine ?..for fucks sake ‘the man’ can’t even put in his contacts to see straight without infecting himself and what better way to counter the cult of personality style National has been trying to adopt with Pasifikans.
Yeah John I’ll see your Michael Jones and Inga tuigamala and raise you a Sonny Bill cos guess which high profile Pasifikan rugby star Key will be cosying up to for photo ops regardless of who wins the world cup come election time ?
That PEDA stink won’t wash off Inga any time soon and Jones can barely string two meaningful words together. Sonny Bill on the other hand can and isn’t afraid to do so either, plus he smells fresh as, if you knew what the rock was cookin.
pollywog – Just skim reading you at present. Have to go out so will study later what you say. Did you catch up with quote given by Pascals bookie about the need to rejig the left parties?
This one – Pascal’s bookie: Comment:Open mike 18/01/2011
Date published:
7:32 am, January 18th, 2011
yeah cheers prism
i don’t neccessarily buy into the left/right class warfare thing. i have to keep re-drawing my line in the sand cos it gets washed away with the tides every day…
Doing the math in my head, a Maori/Pasifika political party could clearly overtake the Greens as the largest minority party in Parliament. Is that worth something to you boys or not?.
If politics is about shifting influence in favour of policies and values that you hold in common, why not work together as a single political team? This is about different peoples joining together for joint political action, not for merging cultures or ignoring traditions.
Unless of course there are still too many political and cultural identity differences between Maori and Pasifika still in the way. But leaders of vision can work through that as well if the prize is important enough.
Holy frak never heard that before!!!
Teenaa koe, Colonel
To assume a Maaori and Pasifika political alliance is to assume common goals and aspirations. Pasifika, like Maaori, are not a bunch of brown brothas in love with each other. Separate nations of people with a lot of uncommon interests. The only thing Pasifika and Maaori have in common bondage is the socio-economic position they occupy in this country.
Maaori interests have also occasionally been relegated to gnawing on bone while the belly of Pasifika has been plumped with political patronage. Apparently, Paakeha find Pasifika more pleasant to the touch, than having to grapple with prickly Maaori.
Hone articulates a flax roots stance that remains staunch. The Maaori Party was given an opportunity by taangata whenua to articulate and promotes its voice. If it continues to compromise or reduce its decibels to a non-smoke induced hacking cough – mostly certainly Maaori will walk – or if particularly well endowed financially – will catch a different bus.
Aaaaaadele…you are soooooo out of touch as to beeeeeee rendered irrelevant.
That you see yourself as the future merely exposes your delusional nature.
Seriously, you’re not part of the solution. You’re part of the problem !!!
Teenaa koe, Polly
And your waka has been caught in a whirlpool of delusion. Paddle back to your roots.
hah…fuck paddling Adele. Thats for suckers who’ve forgotten what it is to sail !!!
that you think Maori and Pasifikan only share being poor in NZ shows how narrow your vision is.
Take the blinkers off and see our world for what it truly is, was and will be…your resistance is futile
The Maori Party has most certainly sold out (just as Labour and the Greens did before them).
Five years ago the Maori Party was talking about Peak Oil and the Genuine Progress Index. Now they are deeply in bed with peak oil denial and rampant commericalisation.
It all goes to show that the politcal system is a corrupt sham which is under the control of commercial interests and opportunists.
It follows that any new party, or revitalised old party, will follow the same path and after a lot of promises and fanfares will sell out.
The MP ‘asked’ 3-5 times for a open frank discussion on peak oil and climate change, they were ignored by all the other politicians
Need for Cross Party Commission on Peak Oil
Thursday, 6 December 2007, 3:35 pm
Press Release: The Maori Party
Maori Party Repeats call for Cross Party Commission on Peak Oil
Hone Harawira, Climate Change Spokesperson for the Maori Party
Thursday 6 December 2007
The Maori Party has today reiterated the call it made on 4 September 2005 to establish a cross-party parliamentary commission on peak oil.
Right at this moment in London an All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil and Gas and the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group are meeting to focus on the interaction between oil depletion and climate change and whether a combined solution can be developed said Hone Harawira, Climate Change Spokesperson for the Maori Party.
Just prior to the 2005 elections, we issued a challenge to all parties that we work together to address the issues around oil shortages said Harawira.
Our intention then as it is now is to reduce this countrys reliance on non-renewable energy sources – and to make that a priority issue for this Parliament said Harawira.
It appears the Brits have picked up on this great idea and are now looking at cross-party solutions to address what they are describing as the twin crises of peak oil and climate change said Harawira.
Listening to world experts such as Professor Richard Heinberg, the Maori Party understands that the Peak Oil period is here now; and given that a ten year planning phase is needed to strategise how to meet the challenges of Peak Oil – New Zealand is already ten years behind the eight ball” said Harawira.
“The government is being incredibly short sighted by continuing with their position of Peak Oil hitting in 2030. It’s an immediate crisis that needs to be dealt with urgently or we all suffer the consequences – and given our huge reliance on oil and petrol, the consequences will be huge”.
There’s a whole lot we can do – making a couple of phone calls before the hui to organise one carload going instead of three; building power walking into our means of travel and putting pressure on your council to increase public transport options; pumping up the tyres on the bike; replacing the petrol guzzling machine with the lean, mean model or even doing our homework and reading up on renewable energy sources (hydro, solar, wind, geothermal, waves) as substitutes for oil-gas in transport and industry said Harawira.
I know that a lot of the marae up North are investing in the environmental future of Aotearoa and looking at ways to create alternative sources of energy said Harawira.
We have to be calling on our brightest minds to look at ways that to encourage community transformation and political co-operation, as we come to grips with the challenge of depleting petroleum resources said Harawira.
I came across a statement from Torsten Slock, an economist at Deutsche Bank which seemed to sum up the big three issues facing us here there are three sharks stalking the economy, the oil shark, the credit shark and the housing shark.
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Peak Oil and Gas (APPGOPO) and the All Party Parliamentary Climate Change Group(APPCCG) are meeting in the Grand Committee Room, House of Commons, London on Wednesday 5th December; 7.00-8.30pm
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Its just crap to say anti enviroment anti worker anti beneficary = anti Maori
There is no one single Maoru point of view thats automaticallu captured by the left wing of politics
Something mr Hone has to acknowledge instead he has his head firmly in teh foreshore sand LOL
Indeed, as many of the Maori elite do quite well out of anti-environment and anti-worker policies.
Its just crap to say anti enviroment anti worker anti beneficary = anti Maori
Yes and the Maori Party cosying up to the NACTS and turning their backs on the people they were elected to represent, NOT sell them out for a large pay packet, and NO self esteem. So yes the Maori party at the Moment is ANTI Maori. All they are for is their own Pay packets, and Have anyone of them complained about the Unjust 4k increase in their pay packets just before Xmas when the rest of us were struggling??? FUCK NO!
the maori party never had a way.
maoridom has kept to this insane policy of pretending that they are 150 years old, i.e. present at the signing of the treaty of waitangi and all pakehas have to pay now.
maoridom has show a spoectacular failure by relying on nepotism and focussing onmoney insteadof achievement.
at the moment we are about to recieve another thorough dose of revisonist history as half baked scholars present their thoughts as facts and another cycle of stupidity begins.
Sounds like you need a nice cup of tea with sugar in it. Hope your day brightens up. Though far from optimum, surely you would admit there is an improving situation for Maori though not sufficient to help with those with problems like not being able to get stable employment etc.
I wish there was a way to get the message across to all Maori voters to vote for the Maori Party candidate in every electorate except Te Tai Hauauru.
This stuff from Hone though, is actually a positive for the Maori Party, and the reason why the Maori Party won’t go the way of say Mauri Pacific.
Got here a bit late but IMOH the bottom line is this: unless Hone walks it’s all just “blah blah blah”.
He compares Maori Paryy utterances before the elction to their behaviour after. Let’s compare Hone’s utterances with his behaviour. He talks the talk but he’s not walking. He is still part of the corrupt Tory goverment.
Here we go then.