Written By:
Bunji - Date published:
3:59 pm, December 16th, 2010 - 27 comments
Categories: brand key, Economy, john key -
Isn’t it great we’ve got that nice man John Key running the country?
He can’t sing, but he does entertain his fans so. Last year he sang Snoopy’s Christmas for his fans, this year Santa Claus is Coming to Town. He sure does know what it takes to be popular. And he always does his best.
Shame the country’s going down the gurgler, eh?
Isn’t it great to have a Prime Minister so supportive of NZ Tourism that he leaves New Zealand every chance he gets.
of course he does miss numerous photo ops so i guess it is a sacrifice he endures
Yes Christmas is here so now the Teflon john will head off overseas feeling good about the job he has done, the wailing and screaming of his detractors are music to his ears, he just smiles waves and has another photo op
Merry Xmas enjoy your hols overseas and think of us when ever you spend that what you have rorted from the ordinary NZ’rs
anyone know how to change thier tickets from a world tour to a one way ticket to somalia???
Just glad at least we get a month away from his never ending smugness while he’s in Hawaii.
Yes, it is great to see that the member for Hawaii has gone home after visiting his postal address and taken some holiday snaps of his visit to his speculating friends, like Pansy, Rodney, Bill, Phil, Melissa, Gerry, and company.
He doesnt just take his family , but he takes police protection with him. Imagine the boredom, stuck at an exclusive gated resort on Maui , with a 5 star Sheraton next door.
Well thats what we presume Key does, funny he doesnt have much of a suntan, perhaps he heads straight back to the movers and shakers in New York or London ( yes hes got a flat in London as well)
His singing is as good as his management of the Country.
Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear: Your such a jolly lot!.
Haven’t looked at KB recently, is general debate still full of fraidy paintywaists gettin all afeared about teh scarey muzlimz and arguing the toss about who loves jeebus correctly?
No doubt there are school girls around the nation panting and fainting as their “star” croons. But, tell me, at 18 seconds did our Prime Minister really “sing” that Santa Claus is . . .
yeah pretty sure he said twat
And here is his early Xmas pressie to greymouth and other small towns
Lame. Where is the real scandal? Is it set in stone that he is heading overseas this year? How do you know?
The scandal is (from the links on the last line):
– Consumer confidence lost
– Economists predict gloom for retailers
– 70% of people feel worse off after tax cuts
– food prices up 4.3% in the last year when most people didn’t get a pay rise
– the government’s emptied the coffers for tax cuts for the rich (the well-stocked Labour cupboard is now very bare)
– Petrol over $2/litre
One day all the tall poppies will have homes in China.
Santa is indeed coming to town but its the last year he will be. National are prepping him for sale (or a PPP, they’ll focus group it early next year to see what’s least unpalatable to voters). But already this year he had to lay off a bunch of staff due to the continued high dollar. National knew this was coming but have no plans in place to create new jobs for the elves so those who are out of work will just have to starve. Santa himself will be forced to retire next year when National manufacture some pathetic scandal (something about a rental property he owns?) ignoring the fact that the new ‘Santa’ they put in (word on the street is its Pansy Wong) has been rorting the system for years.
Merry Christmas NZ – you voted for this – enjoy.
I wish Key had a one way trip to Hawaii. Bloody sick of his wolfish smile almost everyday on TV.
I hope that he loses this election but guess the Auckland retards will vote National back as they wanted their Super City and now they have got it and they are enjoying there increase in costs. What did you expect.? Here Key looks very smug
Also the Pike mine Disaster. There was report to read by John key and he never read it. Why Not???
From what it appears that mines should be inspected more often as a quote from article.
“They have the powers to withdraw or stop miners going in and the right to inspect every two weeks.”
I assume if he read the report the miners should of never gone into that mine.
So him taking the glory and going down there is a bit rich. As he could be the one who could of stopped that disaster happening in the first place. So why is he getting the glory.??
Hope you have a wonderful Xmas John, and enjoy the time with your family. I am so proud to call you our Prime Minister. For me the BEST PM, we have had in many a year. I love your fairness to all members of society. I was so sick of the Labour Party encouraging people to live off of Welfare. Keep up the good work John. You have a good group of MP’s with you. All of our family will be voting for you again next year. There is no one else that would even come close to your very measured outlook. You have worked through a very difficult couple of years, and you have done it in your composed style, that I so like about you. Take care and a Happy New Year for 2011.
Very droll, Diana. The best satire is definitely played with a straight face, but you really should have put a wee smiley face at the end, because some of the RWNJ’s don’t get irony.