Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
10:00 am, December 29th, 2018 - 77 comments
Categories: censorship, child welfare, making shit up, national, poverty, Propaganda, quality of life, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, twitter, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: matt king
Tis Christmas time. When MPs and political commentators go on holiday, recharge their batteries and make plans for the next year.
Unless your name is Matt King in which case you scour the papers for evidence of extreme left wing propaganda and then allege that the voices of the right are being suppressed.
Yes, this is exactly what he did recently.
The offending article, written by Lana Hart in Stuff is well written and I found myself agreeing with her every paragraph. I guess this would be Exhibit A for King and his claim of left wing bias.
The theme of the article is the level and extent of neglect that the change of Government has unearthed.
Like in Health:
Middlemore Hospital was the poster child for chronic under-resourcing, but it was far from the only hospital in the country with asbestos and mould, earthquake-prone and leaky buildings, and entire departments that had stumbled along for years with facilities not acceptable in First World countries.
And the alarming increase in child poverty:
From social welfare benefits that hadn’t kept pace with cost of living and the wearing down of services that directly affected children, such as mental health and education funding, to a housing crisis created mostly by a belief that the free market could provide for everyone, kids in our country suffered disproportionately by government responsibilities left undone. The government’s role of protecting the most vulnerable members of our country from the crush of poverty had been largely ignored.
And even the most mundane aspects of the Government’s responsibility to regulate in the public good:
The NZ Transport Agency had for several years reneged on its regulatory function to monitor companies that certify vehicles for road safety.
Due to what the transport minister described as “process failures and under-resourcing over the last decade”, cars and trucks with meaningless warrants of fitness are now on the road, with one estimate of the number of potentially unsafe vehicles at 150,000. Unlikely that will help improve our road toll this year.
Or how about the last Government overseeing the use of private investigators to spy on us like goddam totalitarian thugs?
It’s not OK, we’ve learned, for insurance companies to use private investigators engaged by government departments to record our conversations about personal interests such as property or environmental views. We don’t like it when we are forced to unleash a flood of personal information to someone working in a government agency or to comply with government regulations that may have seemed important to the policy wonk who wrote them in 1984, but now seem onerous and irrelevant.
I thought her conclusion was very apt:
Surely this – enabling people to live good lives – is the role of all governments, whether local or national. They should exert some influence over us with legitimate rules without getting in the way of our individual rights to autonomy and free choice. Since some of us need more help than others, governments also need to step in to even out the inequalities that life throws at us.
After a few years looking after what Kiwis have collectively built, it will probably be time for the current Government to move out. Hopefully they will leave the public house in a better condition than when they first arrived.
Drawing on real life examples she formed a conclusion about the overall direction the last Government took us in. And concluded, rightfully in my opinion, that it was the wrong direction.
The comments were interesting. It seems to me that National must have a whole army of old men shaking their fists at clouds ready to fill comments sessions with their bile. Like this one from Sherbert2:
Lana must have had her head in the sand if she thought all the problems she mentioned came to light after the election.They were invented by Labour pre-election.Remember the 80,000 kiddies living in poverty ? where are they now ? The homeless that were on our screens day in and day have been forgotten because it was all staged by the most honest, transparent, and caring govt ever .Give me a break.
Mr F Dagg had a rant:
it’s amazing the blinded bitterness the socialists still cling to… if you take a deep breath & look at the numbers you’ll find that clark/cullen under-funded core services cv to the relative generosity of national… the latter had a few fiscal issues to deal with on the few resources they were left, yet managed to relatively over-fund core services whilst carving an economy the envy of the oecd world…
what you clearly overlook is that all public services are money sinks, no matter how much money you throw at them they’ll always want more… the greed from striking public servants this year is clear proof of that…<
And Flintstone:
well the writer of this opinion piece does highlight the fact that more needs to be spent on mental health!
And Beachboy:
What a load of dribble, firstly Middlemore had no leaks or mould, secondly the Minister does not do Warrant of Fitness inspections or run the companies which do them, thirdly the previous govt had put aside $20 plus billion to do its 17 roads of National Significance. All this govt has done is cancelled those so the roads are again delayed so they can re allocate the money to their pet projects. They have been great at reannouncing like all the homes being built by the previous govt as their own.
This government needs to take ownership of its stuff ups and there have been many of those with its KiwiJoke, lack of transparency, secretly signing the UN MOU on Migration, stopping oil and gas exploration, just to name a few.
Most people do not want government to interfere with their lives and we don’t want waffle and continual b*&(sh&^ with outright lies and mis truths. The general population can see through the waffle that nothing is being done except lots of non productive meetings
And Fisherman:
Its interesting that even 15 months into its term, this government and its deciples continue you place blame for everything that is supposedly still wrong in NZ at the feet of the Key/English administration. At some point the blame game is going to have to cease and this rabble will have to actually become accountable. The PM in particular will at some stage have to front and provide some proper leadership.
And Annon:
It was completely unnecessary to start something about government control in our lives with an attack on the previous government and their supposed lack of funding. They only had so much to spend after auntie helen squandered it and they had to deal with several natural disasters during their time in power and still managed to leave money in the bank to be squandered by this government.
BTW labour are notorious for wanting to control people’s lives. They walk the extremely fine line between socialism and communism and history has shown that NEITHER of these work – even China has headed towards capitalism given the growth in their economy.
There were a number of anti Government comments, verging from slightly to considerably nutty.
It looks like a couple of comments got through but were deleted by the moderator. One response to a deleted comment was this:
You are a sad person wishing poor people who aren’t as fortunate as you are not to breed. The fact that your comments have got past the Moderator surprises me. You see my parents were poor, my siblings and I changed that through hard work. My family are successful Business people now. If your comments were enacted by a previous Government my family wouldn’t be here. Good luck to you I hope no misfortune happens to you or your family which reduces you or them to being poor.
The deleted comment must have been pretty extreme in a eugenics sort of way.
But Matt King was having nothing of this:
What a lot off left wing claptrap. I note centre right comments are heavily censored on this site. I have commented several times on articles like these but never get past the moderator and yet appalling left wing commentary does. https://t.co/u0EFjTxgtm
— Matt King Northland (@MattKingNorth) December 27, 2018
Responses were interesting:
And it looks like SnarkyMcSnark had a screen shot of the deleted comment:
If they will publish this but not your comment…. pic.twitter.com/MCGnkKnWqk
— SnarkyMcSnark (@snarky_mk) December 27, 2018
I think that Matt should set out publicly what comments he had made which Stuff did not publish. They should be allowed the light of day to shine strongly on them so we can either revel in their magnificence or laugh at their stupidity.
But for a National MP to claim there is some sort of conspiracy to suppress right wing views in the media is bizarre. Right wing voices are incredibly loud and vociferous. To suggest otherwise is the sort of Trumpesque nuttiness that America sees far too much of.
Matt King will most likely be back pushing lawnmowers and chainsaws after the next election. He may consider the security business or even a stint at medicinal cannabis farming.
Don’t mention lawnmowers !!!!!!!!!!!!
Otherwise you will be condemned to comment at least 50 times a day on Kiwiblog for eternity.
PS – not a criticism; just a bad attempt at humour. Sorry, Kat.
Sometimes ignorance is bliss and I recommend it for anyone who doesn’t understand the references to lawnmowers at Kiwiblog.
Apparently in the lawnmower shop he would demonstrate the quick jerk pull start technique till the cows came home.
Pretty sure that Matt will comfortably win Northland at the next election.
As for the article/opinion piece, well, it might just have well been written at Labour HQ. But the be fair to Stuff, they have regularly published opinion pieces from the right as well, just not that many of them.
I personally find Stuff has a more left wing tilt than the Herald, which has a better balance of right and left commentators. Seems to be about 50% balance in the Herald and 75% left in Stuff. Which reflects that Wellington’s population and thus readership is generally more left than Auckland.
Papers/news media websites tend to reflect their communities/readerships. Which is hardly surprising.
No, Stuff is 50-50, and The Herald is 75% right wing.
+100 Mutton
Really? Please do tell us which Herald commentators you see as left-wing.
The reason Spray and Walk Away Wayne will not answer your question is because while of course he will say that he thinks the Herald is 50/50, what he believes is that every commentator at the Herald is left-wing.
There you go Wayne, saved you the trouble.
Give him a chance. I can see Rudman, Marvelly, maybe Simon Wilson – but that’s not half.
Wayne would think O’Sullivan was left wing.
I guess we will never know if you keep answering for him.
He seldom bothers to explain any of his crude idealologically-driven generalisations so you’re missing nothing.
I think you’ll find Stuff is just out for click-bait and the right give them more ammunition than the left. 😉
As Northland farmers will vote for a gumboot, so long as it is coloured blue.
One of the 100k, MP’s?
ah the humble blue band gumboot.!!!….leaks like a sieve and costs a thousand bux a pair…but the peasants who make em get paid 2.50 a day
I think Northland is in a state of flux and I’d say all bets are off re: Who wins the seat next time round.
I feel my thoughts are confirmed by Winston scooping the pool time before last.
I’ve been up here for over a decade now and the change I speak of seems to have many faces. eg:
Freehold home owners cashing up in Auckland, buying a beaut house on the coast and sticking 500k in the bank – Right voters.
The reverse urban drift, people returning to a less pressured lifestyle in locations that their families have lived in for 700 years. – Left voters.
I think the Northland seat is open to the candidate that offers the most palatable offering of bipartisan hope, regardless of what party they are attached to.
Matt King is desperately trying to make himself relevant, he has two more years but based on current performance he won’t. The odds are against him winning the Northland seat again. Total share of votes in 2017 was: Matt King 15,243, Winston Peters 13,854, Willow Jean Prime 8,599 (others are not worth mentioning). Matt Kings majority of 1,389 is very assailable and especially if Winston stands again and that unknown may be the main “state of flux” that could influence the outcome.
Hi Kat, I’m hoping the next MP for Northland is someone that has never stood. Almost everytime I catch a comment from ex New Zealander of the Year Dr Lance O’Sullivan I think ‘Yep, that makes sense to me.’
I encounter his grassroots good work at every turn. Sorting out a kid’s clicky hips or signing the paperwork to get a family home properly insulated. I don’t care what party he aligns with, he has my vote.
I think a wise party would be hard-out wooing him.
David, Northland will be a political hot potato come next election. Matt King is the sitting MP and unless hit by a bus or a runaway lawnmower will be standing for National. Willow Jean Prime is the Labour candidate and a current MP and difficult to see her not standing. For a credible shot on a party ticket that leaves Dr Lance O’Sullivan joining NZF as well as standing in Northland. He may join a party and stand somewhere else but highly unlikely to be Northland.
Yes Kat, I agree with your take on the Northland political landscape.
At the risk of pooping in my own nest, I’ve been a bit disappointed with how invisible Willow Jean appears to be.
It seems to be an ailment that follows list MPs about. I think she should be lighting fires, rattling cages and getting her name in the paper and through my eyes, it just hasn’t happened.
I saw Dr Lance romancing with the Maori Party but I think he has the potential to appeal to a wider audience. Willow Jean is there because the Labour party appointed her. I think Lance has the potential to pull up a chair in the Beehive because the people of Northland want him there.
You’re correct about MP’s in general , David…not just list MP’s…
Although list MP’s must follow the gatekeepers agenda more than electorate…or it’s list demotion time…
Lance O’Sullivan is unstable and unsuitable to be taken seriously…on any subject matter…
I am now convinced he is a good bloke. If One two doesn’t like him.
Actually he talks sense. Which means he will probably never be a politician.
Highly unlikely to be Labour, too.
For you to be correct would require a deal between NZF and Labour. Now that could be possible. If Labour’s voters were prepared to follow direction, a win is possible for NZF. That assumes the Winston (or other serious NZF candidate) held on to at least 80% of the 2017 Winston vote. That will be a big ask in itself.
My money would still be on Matt holding the seat, since not all of the Labour vote would actually switch.
As for the Herald balance of commentators, Wilson, Marvelly and Rudman would all be left, Roughan, Hooton and O’Sullivan are right. Trevett, Dann and Young are basically centre.
I should also mention Fallow. Hard to pick. Maybe centre right, but could be centre left.
Young and Roughan are tribally Nat rather than Act, but I’d hardly call that ‘centre’. I’ve most often seen Trevett slavishly echo Nat talking points and angles too.
You seem to have omitted Hosking, Hawkesby, Soper and Duplessis-Allen – or do they also count as ‘centre’ in your eyes?
It’s all consistent if ‘centre’ is ‘where National is’.
Hosking is typically on the back page. Half the time I don’t get there. But yes, he is right. Soper, I would say is centre, though I think Dupleiss-Allen is centre right. As for Hawkesby, centre. While they are both couples, they are not political mirrors of each other.
While Audrey is from a National family, she works hard to be a centre voice. Yes. some of her articles might seem right, but then plenty are also left. It depends on how well the govt or the opposition are actually doing.
Clair Trevett puts a lot of humour in her articles, seems happy to prick anyone’s ballon.
Interesting. Thank you for responding.
I should also mention Little. He is left, but is primarily a social rather than political commentator. Also an entertaining writer.
I have come to enjoy Claire Trevett. Even when I don’t agree with what she is saying, I love the way she says it. She has a remarkable way with words.
There won’t be a “deal” between Labour and NZF. Only National/Act supporters need directions on how to vote, as in Epsom. Voters have two ticks remember, party and candidate and come the next election if Winston or Shane Jones stands it will be a no brainer for Labour/NZF voters what to do. This is the nightmare reality for National in Northland and a number of other electorates.
The other problem for National is that on one hand they accuse Shane Jones of buying the electorate being the champion of the provinces and on the other accuse the govt of doing nothing in Northland. National can’t have it both ways and if they have any hope at all they need to change tact and start producing serious alternative policy that is relevant to the 21st century.
Have a great New Year, Wayne.
King comfortably winning next time is more a comment on the idiots who vote for him.
National treated Northland like crap for years and got a scare when Peters won it. Then they crapped themselves when their buddies didn’t get into Government. That has seen clowns like King running around all aggrieved and saying how badly Northland is doing with roading.
Can anyone from the National gaggle haunting this site explain why a corporate focused Murdoch -esq media – even in its most indulgent moments support the a Labour Party or its allies – or even democracy itself for that matter.
I’ve cancelled BOTH my Taranaki Daily News & NZ Herald. Neither are papers as they used to be. Neither publish balanced reports, only biased ones.
Matt King If he was telling the truth would not have “Matt King For Northland” on his sign, it would read “Matt King For Himself (and anyone who gives him a decent legal bribe)”
He can always promise some more bridges.
yes simon would make a great bridge
Watch him on channel 31 and he is a bi-polar right wing bombiddybom tory nutter.
Matt King ate a pie once – hold the front page, more details soon, now back to the studio for expert commentary…
marty mars. dont do that when I am drinking my tea please!
Matt Headroom.
Please Gabby hon
Max Headroom was funny.Still is.
Also the invention of clever dry minds.
Matt King more like a concoction of missing wonky links,a little bit like his current leader..
I couldn’t resist …
In Australia back in the day they had introduced video relayed court proceedings. I was locked up for drunk and disorderly (which is how we roll in Aussie) and not presenting a passport (was in a safe in Bundaberg, long story) and put in a video courtroom with a Brisbane judge on a monitor – who looked just like Max Headroom. To make matters worse there was a video delay giving him the jerky appearance of the TV character.
I was biting my cheeks really hard to stop from laughing. It was uncannily like the show, and everything seemed detached from reality that hungover day…
I’m glad we have people on this site who have Really Lived. WtB
All symptoms of the fear that comes with the elites loss of control thats occurring worldwide…..something about chickens and roosts.
Collins – King ticket for 2020.
That BBQ was rained out.
Matt King and probably the whole of the National Party and their apparatchiks
should donate their brains to science so that the effects of modern civilisation can be studied from those who have been most diseased by the neo-liberal, free market plague.
That suggestion just makes me visualise a laboratory full of empty jars and scientists sitting around twiddling their thumbs.
Oh there is mass there, but it’s a mess. And as full mask and safety gear will need to be worn to prevent the virulent strain from spreading, there is likely to be a high turnover in lab staff.
Thanks for bringing this to notice, MS.
A thought provoking article well worth reading, which I would probably have missed.
(Please note that the Press journalist’s name is Lana Hart – not Hutt as in your post. No criticism – summer holiday brains are allowed.)
I find Matt King’s Twitter response to her article really interesting as a day or so ago (27/28 Dec) there were reports on both RNZ News and in The Herald that Dr Shane Reti – King’s Whangarei Nat MP mate – had also not ‘closed down for summer’ and was criticising the Government on the Northland meningococcal vaccine roll-out being too slow.
At the time, cynical me thought OK is this a one off? Or are the Nats going to spend the Summer recess chasing cars and barking about every little which thing they can find to attack?
One MP does not a strategy make; two a coincidence? Time will tell. A bit like the sudden appearance of the motorway signs…
No rest for the wicked?
Isaiah 57:20 “But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt.”
[Ta. Now fixed – MS]
Where’s JasonEvil these days?
Good question. I haven’t a clue. Last I heard of him he left Wellington in Sept 2014 after quitting his job and the National Party and headed north to Auckland for a cushy job, no doubt arranged by his Nat party friends such as Key.
But wait, there is more … Google really is our friend.
in 2014 this makes some conjectures but doesn’t really tell us much
And now, Linked In can also be useful (even though I don’t belong).
Jason Ede – Wellington and Wairarapa
Communications & Strategy Manager
Property Institute of New Zealand (PINZ)
September 2016 – Present 2 years 4 months
Back to Google and this listing for PINZ does not want to work ….
EDIT. Now working at https://propertyinstitute.nz/
Address etc
69 The Terrace, Wellington, 6011
Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9AM Mon
Phone: 0800 698 258
Further contact details if you want to send him Seasons Greetings …
Other links:
(Bit messy – perhaps Ede needs to do his job and improve it.)
National and their various MPs and supporters eg the Mouthpiece of the NZ National Party(aka the NZ Herald)will always blame everyone else but the faces staring back at them in the mirror.
Perhaps such denial by National MPs that they caused alot of problems due to their arrogance, pig-headedness, greed, ego, etc.etc.etc should have such an illness identified as being the “Denial Syndrome”.
It’s clearly a mental illness that is rampant amongst politicians that have been in a job far too long and taking it, the job of being an MP on a fantastic pay packet and perks of the job, a little bit too much for granted.
Anthony Robbins once referred to a relationship in crisis as being something where the “Law of Familiarity’ comes into effect. That is being with someone(or in the instance of Matt King and co)in a job like politics for far too long is they start taking things for granted.
Politicians do start behaving as if the world OWES THEM a living and not vice-versa.
If King, like Key, doesn’t like hearing National and the previous government being criticised then it’s time King dropped off the scene and gave the job to perhaps a more credit-worthy and meritable person.
But we all know he like his ilk in politics(the National Party)will not do the honourable thing and resign. Not whilst there is the NZ taxpayer to rip off at every opportunity.
farming …..failed………Cop…….failed…..MP…….Completely failed.Give it up Rodders.
I am strongly feeling like I need to do a “Lets Bash National and their MPs urge coming on”.
And lets go:
Where was Matt King when John Key was sexually harassing a waitress on more than ONE occasion by pulling her ponytail despite the fact she told him not to????!! Oh right he, King, was probably thinking all righteousness shines out of Key’s rectum. Either that or he just deemed the waitress as a lowly worker and not one meriting any rights as a worker.
Where was Matt King(if he was even an MP at the time)when John Key in one of his ‘pre-election promises'(tui billboard time)promised no increase in GST? Oh right King was probably still admiring the aforementioned rectum.
Where was King when Bill English was Double Dipping and treating those who caught him out with such disdain because English considered it(ripping off NZ taxpayers)as being his democratic right? As per usual not a peep out of King.
Where was King when Key promised just to impress Prince William to ‘bring out our boys’ after the Pike River disaster? Naturally not a peep out of King.
Where was King when over $64million was spent on Beemers with bum warming seats that ONLY a few eg King and co; could enjoy? Not a peep.
Where was King when Key on one of his Ego-quests wasted $26million on a flag referendum no-one but John Key and the National Party wanted? Not a King peep.
Where was King for the promised bridges that the current national party leader Simon Bridges promised for Northland whilst he was transport minister? Probably doing what National are infamous at i.e behaving like the three monkeys ‘see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil(which there is a National government).
National and its various MPs will always try to paint themselves as being as pure as the driven snow. They will try to give us voters the illusion they have never, ever made a mistake in their entire lifetime especially in politics. It just shows how shallow minded and selfish they truly are.
Where was King for when Aaron Gilmore yelled at a waiter: Do you know who I am? or Brownlee saying to yet another worker(another law abiding NZ citizen ‘I am running late for a plane’?
And so it comes across that King wants to be noticed and have attention heaped upon him He obviously misses the publicity that he deems as his right and privilege whilst giving scant attention to those homeless people and everyone else living in poverty which has become more pronounced over the past 9 years there was a National government that were living on a Meth Myth and evicting families from HNZ homes with the intent of on-selling to wealthy overseas investors who donated heavily to the NZ National Party.
And so whilst National were so busy demeaning and denigrating NZ workers at every opportunity they conveniently forgot through selective amnesia as to whom was paying their pay packet and perks of the job. And so whilst Key was referring to NZ protesters as “rent a protestor’ he was in fact showing to us all how much he hated NZ, NZers and the NZ workers.
And that says alot about National and their MPs when all things considered.
” Where was King when Key ect”
Oh and where indeed was Matt when his predecessor slunk off – his disgraceful peccadillos hidden behind a National Party created media smokescreen
I reckon this, and Chris Bishop’s bill to get drunk at the races, and the three billboards outside any holiday traffic jam is a calculated Nat strategy to try to keep relevant in the summer break.
Most people will have had enough of polititians by now but National MPs having the ego they do think we need a little more when trying to spend time with our families.
They are but they are uttered by deaf old white men who have trouble recalling their latest rant.
The striking thing about that column is how unusual its perspective is in our press.
lana hart is so accurate she males me feel like a commie.
king will need to work a lot harder on his Trump-style to shift any votes. its a stale as pitching roads to farmers.
Matt King is one of those people that you just know has never had an original thought in his life. He displays the pathology of the provincial squatocracy, perched on the edge of the Empire. Acutely aware of his status and living what he thinks is an exemplar life of the capitalist, but which is actually just a stale and sterile parody of how the ruling elite live in Virginia or Florida.
Stuck in the cultural cringe of the white settler mindset he is simply intellectually incapable of developing an indigenous variation of anything, so of course he seeks solace and information from the true home of the colonial – the Anglo-Saxon Empire and it’s current cultural nexus of the USA. And as befits any hayseed colonial aping his supposed superiors, he adopts a crude pastiche of the most extreme views found on Fox News, in order to prove his loyalty by being a better citizen of the Empire.
The worrying thing is that you only have to listen to Bridges spouting conspiracy theories about UN agendas on immigration to realise that the Breitbart paranoia and conspiracy theories of the US hard right are colonising National’s base. What a shitty party. Half of it wants to sell us out to Trumpism, and the other half wants to sell us out to the Chinese Communist party. I guess what unites them is a greed for foreign cash, presumably so they can leave this horrible colonial outpost and shoot through to a country estate somewhere more civilised.
I think there is something screwy about stuff’s comment section. I have posted comments that have never turned up but I have seen them when I go and look for them in another browser. Also the count of comments can be different on different browsers, it’s not just out by one or two but substantially out.
what i found was that when you reply to several right leaning comments on one issue it is trolling apparently and will get you banned….had an interesting convo with their editor who wasnt interested at all….they are definitely right leaning….just not as overt as the NZ Herald
Not that its a biggie, but Matt King has blocked me on Twitter. I can only recall responding to a tweet of his once – and then it was a stretch to remember who he is. Doesn’t take long for new MPs to think they know best and only want to hear good things about their very important selves. Having said that, I give grudging kudos for Simeon Brown who plugs along, albeit stupidly, but at least leaves comments open.
The Natz holiday hysteria reeks of true desperation and for what? What are they offering? A leader few people rate at all and if even only ½ of the issues in the news item applied in revealing the way they let NZ down over nine years and they have not changed what do they expect NZ to accept any sort of sound and forward thinkg govt? It pretty shallow and digusting really.
Aaron Gilmore all over again.
Morrissey…..if you mean to identify Matt King with your Aaron Gilmore reference you probably go too far. Matt King is ‘nice’, Demonstrably so. ‘Nice’ to the point of gushing over the rock hard scones and over-sweet feijoa jam still found in Northland’s rural hinterland.
Nothing to add. Errh…..In respect of the scones…..baking powder maybe.
what a dick we had to put up with 9 years of the hosk whale blubber dirty politics john keys lies now that there lies doesn’t work they complain just another gnat twat
I bet poor young Sarah Higgins got to the bottom of the meth testing rort…any politician who tries to do something good, get’s ‘dirty politicked’…some stand up to the EUOF like Jami-Lee Ross…others like Sarah fail dismally and it was fatal…Meka Whaitiri MP got accused of bullying…is it because she got too close to what goes on with John Key’s immigration scam? Or drugs coming into the country through Customs? And Clare Curran accused by Carol Hirschfield…was it because of Clare finding out about the likes of Rob Pope (he who framed Scott Watson and whitewashed the Crewe review) being head of CERT? Yet those like old Judas Collins can ignore a sworn affidavit about a gun not handed to police in one of NZ’s largest cold cases, the Crewe murders, gets away with it….all starting to add up?
So all of the article points out thing the Nats did and portrays them in a bad light. Then his attempts to comment are blocked.
So he is correct in saying this was a left wing article, and in blocking comments Stuff supports the left wing narrative. Just one article is not proof of a trend.
My own veiw.
I’ve looked at 100s of Stuffs articles, analysing and commenting on another site, and they are experts at propaganda in regard to feminism, and yes they are left wing biased.
It’s the old story again, cherchez la femme!