NRT: So much for Ruataniwha

Written By: - Date published: 9:08 pm, June 26th, 2014 - 18 comments
Categories: Economy, Environment, farming - Tags: ,

no-right-turn-256Reposted from No Right Turn

Yesterday, the Hawkes Bay Regional Coucil voted to invest $80 million in the Ruataniwha dam. Today, the board of inquiry upheld its resource consent decisions, effectively shitcanning the project:

The Board of Inquiry into the Ruataniwha Dam has upheld strict conditions which the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has said makes the $600 million water storage project unworkable.

The board has just issued its final decision, confirming nitrogen leaching levels from agriculture at 0.8 milligrams per litre, which would ensure the ability of rivers to sustain life.

The council has acknowledged the Tukituki River already significantly exceeds that limit, and it appears that would leave no room to further intensify agriculture in the catchment.

And that, hopefully, is that. Or will HBRC and the farmers demand National pass a law under urgency to allow them to pillage this river, just as they’re doing for the West Coast forests?

18 comments on “NRT: So much for Ruataniwha ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    Oh, I think we can assume that if National gets back that they will pass national water ‘quality’ limits that will allow the farmers to pollute the rivers even more.

  2. Descendant Of Sssmith 2

    Well farmers have two great opportunities here – one to clean up their existing land use and leaching of nitrates and two having done that in a wise and learned way then put their own money behind the dam at some point in the future knowing they can farm in a sustainable way.

    • lprent 2.1

      Funny thing about it is that I suspect the targets aren’t that hard to achieve if they want to.

      But they’ll have to work at it. The dam doesn’t wind up as being as quick a moneymaker. But it is a damn sight more achievable in a sustainable manner and useful in the Hawkes Bay than it is in Canterbury.

      It wouldn’t surprise me to see this project happen in a few years once some farms have changed their practises. Certainly it sets a good guideline for new dairy being set up in the area that is easily achievable.

      I think that the hardest thing to change will be some people who don’t care about spilling crap on to their neighbours. But they really are a dying breed in farming these days. But conversely it’ll certainly limit the people who would want to set up a farm for a minimal investment and flick it off. But I consider that short-termers like that aren’t an asset to farming.

  3. Ad 3

    And good on the Commissioners for not folding. They alone. will come out of this without shit on their boots.

    Will HBRC’s stupidity play into the hands of the pro-merger lobby?

    • Tracey 3.1

      perhaps the hbrc could consider investing even a quarter of that into organic conversions of non dairy producers, those not so water reliant.

  4. Tracey 4

    They will have to be found to be dysfunctional and go the way of ecan…

    Ms adams and bennett delayed democracy in canterbury again because ms bennett is too busy campaigning in upper harbour, where she is proud to always have been from.

    Self interest before democracy, the heartbeat of national.

    If there is not enough water, try a different business. If the area is prone to drought dont go into the business of something that relies on water. Businesses fail all the time in NZ with no law changes, indirect subsidies, just a tough luck, try something else. Perhaps if too many didnt decide to hitch their wagon to the dairy boom some of these areas could sustain the ones that were there first. It is greed.


  5. vto 5

    The farmers (and their lackeys in regional councils) clearly don’t care about the river’s life and the environment it sustains ….

    Farmers make me laugh cry and get angry about their attitudes and their actions

    A couple of days ago on that Southland tv programme “Down South” there was some farmer claiming that farmers were “the original environmentalists” – I just about fell off the couch with laughter…

    I similarly cry with laughter everytime I hear them claim that they “want to leave the environment in a better state for their children than when they got it”… now this is the biggest joke claim of the lot and they need to be called on it…
    .. the rural environment across New Zealand is worse now in 2014 than it was in 1994…. which was worse than it was in 1974… which was worse than it was in 1954 … which was worse than it was in 1934 ….

    The evidence shows that in fact each and every generation since colonial times has left the environment in a worse state than when they got it.

    And now these Hawkes Bay farmers are doing their absolute utmost to continue this tradition.

    Farmers should heed the evidence and the facts. They should be ashamed of themselves.

    • vto 5.1

      (conflict note – my own family have been and remain part of that poor tradition so finger pointed back at mine own as well …….. these rants aint a personal thing)

    • greywarbler 5.2

      You rightly feel sadness at that mantra that farmers come out with regularly for our amusement and disgust.

      Amusement because it is so shocking that they can be so mendacious and with a straight face, and bold-faced they con us. The liars meld together to support each other and hide their secret like the equivalent of a KKK clan, everyone knows about it, it’s the best-kept secret in the rohe. It’s funny in all its meanings.

      Disgust because they simply don’t care to live up to that cardboard model they hide behind of a straightforward honest bloke. The propaganda of the man of the land, telling it like it is, living their own truths and able to look anyone straight in the eye with integrity. The person by which other NZs measure themselves.

      A couple of days ago on that Southland tv programme “Down South” there was some farmer claiming that farmers were “the original environmentalists” – I just about fell off the couch with laughter…
      I similarly cry with laughter everytime I hear them claim that they “want to leave the environment in a better state for their children than when they got it”… now this is the biggest joke claim of the lot and they need to be called on it…

    • Tracey 5.3

      they need to explain how deforestation helped the environment

  6. millsy 6

    I will only support this dam as long as a) at least 51% of the scheme is in public ownership, b) domestic and recreational users aren’t disadvantaged, and c) environmental limits are strictly policed.

    Of course, I cannot trust “them” to meet these 3 conditions, so yeah. And supports wonder why we have people opposing these things..

  7. greywarbler 7

    Ruataniwha Dam, damned in Hawkes Bay.
    Deja Vu. Shades of colonialism. We came to this land of plenty. We took and fought for what we wanted. There were some checks along the way but we forged ahead on the latest money-making proposition. Killed off things along the way. Oh Well that’s progress. Now the Dam et al.

    The money mad, irresponsible cads are at it again. CONFLICT OF INTEREST!! The Regional Council are set up to provide overcare and good husbandry of the land and assets of and for the people. They are not some gang of bloody Mafia pushing their own evil environment destructive and people damaging project.

    This is another failure of our government systems. People wake up – the country isn’t working doesn’t just refer to unemployment. The whole system is degrading our lives, our country, and diminishing our opportunities to regain sustainable prosperity and good conditions. And for our whole lifetime, and future generations. Much has been lost, but there is more to take for short-term gain.

    So wake up you sleeping princes and princesses, no noble saviour is going to kiss you, give you a hand-up and wrap you in a cloak of good times. You have to prod yourself awake, get alarmed and act!

  8. dimebag russell 8

    the logging of more west coast forests will be a tragedy.
    all the jobs will go to recent immigrants and they will split as soon as its over.
    and the Ruataniwha dam is just a red herring.
    Its just a gang of rustic wiseacres inventing a grievance.
    If it doesnt go ahead then they can blame the NZLP and the greenies till the cows come home.
    National has not reinstated the jet combat squadron so they have to have some lie to rely on.

  9. philj 9

    Ruataniwha is yet another example of limited thinking by vested corporate interest. Government and business are in intimate embrace. It’s called Corporatocracy. The USA is the model.

  10. Macro 10

    Once again so called businessmen want the populace to subsidise their profits. Farmers think they are hard nosed business people. If that is the case, then why do they think the people of Hawkes Bay should subsidise them with $80 mill. If their business cannot survive without this $80 mill injection from Rate payers then they should not be in business.

    • vto 10.1


      like rio tinto
      like finance companies
      like central plains water in Canterbury
      like peter Jackson’s movies
      like mediaworks
      like americas cup
      like christchurch CBD property owners

      it just goes on and on

      not only is this government (and its supporters like farmers) the biggest borrow and spend government in our history, it also doles out the most bludging corporate welfare than ever before

      like the point above about farmer’s claims they want to leave the place better than when they got it being just complete hogwash..

      so too are this government and its business supporters claims of being superior business-heads complete hogwash.

      they talk shit

  11. Dave_1924 11

    Nice to see The Standard, NRT and Cameron Slater in agreement on this topic… a shining beacon of solidarity.

    Farming is the engine of this country. Water is the fuel that drives it. Using water and NOT degrading it in the process is what farmers should be aiming for. Glad to see the excess nitrogen levels this scheme was proposed to allow not accepted in the Board of Inquiries findings..

    Edit: added in the missing word NOT