Open mike 02/07/2022

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, July 2nd, 2022 - 23 comments
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23 comments on “Open mike 02/07/2022 ”

  1. PsyclingLeft.Always 1

    A group of Solomon Islanders in New Zealand for seasonal work are taking an employer to court over hours worked and deductions to their wages for things like wet weather gear and travel costs.

    The case has the potential to set a precedent not only for all workers employed under the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme but for others on minimum wages.

    This …is the reality for the Happy, Smiling, …and Willing RSE Islander Workers. (unlike those unwilling Kiwi Workers disparaged and demeaned by sir Blinglish and sir Key /sarc)

    Even…I say even…the willingness of these Islander Guys and Gals,is not enough. These POS types of employers still want to exact a punitive take off them. Fuck I hope they get done …hard.

  2. gsays 2

    I have not noticed much commentary from Greywarshark lately.

    If you are lurking about Grey, I trust you are keeping as well as can be expected.

  3. Tony Veitch (not etc.) 3

    Janet Wilson dissects Goodfellow and the Natz.

    “The truth is Goodfellow represents a diminishing population niche; those who believe they are the entitled holders of power, holding grimly on.”

    Like most lefties, I would much prefer Goodfellow to be made Natz President for life – and so ensure poor candidate selection and the un-electability of the Natz.

    • Grey Area 3.1

      Saw that earlier. I thought Williamson's Kim Jong Un comment was a hoot.

      • Tony Veitch (not etc.) 3.1.1

        To be precise:

        "That is just internal self-management of the very worst I've ever seen. The straight process of that is shockingly internal management of keeping the old boys network running. Kim Jong-Un could learn a thing or two, he really could."

        Maurice Williamson.

  4. observer 4

    If you want to know the real thoughts of National MP Simon O'Connor, just read this conversation he had with a local in his electorate …

    Even a rape victim should be denied her basic humanity.

    That's not a "conscience issue". That's barbaric.

    • Tony Veitch (not etc.) 4.1

      Never ever trust a religious fundamentalist!

      His 'god' will triumph over the needs of his constituents every time!

    • dv 4.2

      In his mind there is no exceptions – I asked him if my 10year daughter was raped tonight and became pregnant would he like to be able to make her give birth- yes was his answer.


    • Rosemary McDonald 4.3

      Who is this "Sara" from Panmure?

      Are we now dispensing with basic verification of 'quotes'?

      This is a very serious accusation, and at the very least the person claiming that this is what O'Connor said should include their full name and perhaps some way of contacting them. And give O'Connor the right of reply.

      Really crap of Stuff to allow publication of this.

      • Incognito 4.3.1

        Good comment. There’s a lot of astroturfing going on and we have to be sceptical of each accusation being brandished around, especially aimed at politicians (of any stripe). This “Sara from Panmure” has not written other messages on that platform that I can see, but then again, this may be an issue that she feels strongly about. Since it is a member-only platform it is up to them to deal with this if this is even necessary at all.

        O’Connor is free to reply but I doubt that he’ll deny the take-home message, as his leader (Luxon) refused to do so when asked about abortion in the context of rape and incest.

  5. adam 5

    Defamation much.

    Look I'm not going to make this link easy and have it pop up here. Two reasons, don't really want a lot of people to see this, and secondly, I believe this guy comments on here (or has) and don't want to give him any more air time.


  6. Anker 6
    • I get a whole lot of u tube links Adam. Who were you meaning
  7. Johnr 7

    Just listened to all blacks coach, foster in a pre match interview before the Irish test. Ye gods what an NZ rugby icon. Totally uninspiring. That was on the radio, ABs don't rate a TV screen with me anymore.