Daily review 01/07/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 1st, 2022 - 24 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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24 comments on “Daily review 01/07/2022 ”

  1. Herodotus 1

    On a day that a trade agreement with the EU is announced allowing our wine to be exported without taffifs, an increase of exercise tax comes into effect INCREASING domestic prices by 8%. Perhaps our government needs to start to think about those of us who live in NZ and are being held in contempt by this heartless govt. don’t give this we are doing what we can to aid household budgets … that is a TOTAL lie, by a government out of touch.

  2. AB 2

    Disappointment from the beef and dairy farmers about the EU FTA not doing a lot for them. But will the Europeans ever be prepared to unprotect their agriculture when (like all countries) it does two things: underpins the social viability of their rural communities and contributes to their national food security? Does the neoliberal fantasy of unlimited free markets hit hard boundaries here?

    • Bearded Git 2.1

      Well said AB….and yes countries are always going to protect their farming comunities….makes sense to me and makes sense in NZ

    • KJT 2.2

      Farmers are happy for all the subsidies and protection they get in NZ. But want it removed for other industries in NZ, and Ag industries in other countries.

      Just as well they don't understand irony.

    • weka 4.1

      Self ID means any man can say they are a woman at any time and they should be believed and treated as such.

    • weka 4.3

      This is also self ID. It’s dangerous. In this case it’s a missing man/TW whose probably having a crisis. Another case it’s a violent criminal and it goes against people’s body knowledge and instincts to be on the look out for a woman when it’s really a make, this puts people at risk.


      • weka 4.3.1

        They could refer to them as. A trans woman, and give a latest description

        • felix

          Or they could just tell the truth and say "a 27 year old male called Isobella"

          • weka

            That would make sense but if the person dresses as a woman I think it’s useful to say trans woman. Say both I guess: a 27 year old male called Isobella who identifies as a trans woman.

          • RedLogix

            Amazing how they are all born into the wrong bodies these days.

            • felix

              Incredible isn't it? 2 billion years of sexual reproduction rendered irrelevant in less than a decade.

        • Sabine

          Or simply state' Missing Person'.

          • felix

            It makes sense to include some basic descriptive elements though. eg is 27 years old, of (x) height and weight, is a man, has a beard, may be wearing a dress etc What doesn’t make sense is including things in the description that aren’t true and won’t help anyone identify the person.

  3. joe90 5

    About that untraceable crypto-currency that you can use to bye-pass central banks and Mr Tax Man to buy weapons, drugs, children, and whatever else libertarians like.


    Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, is selling Immigrations and Customs Enforcement a suite of features used to track and identify cryptocurrency users, according to contract documents shared with The Intercept.


    Coinbase Tracer allows clients, in both government and the private sector, to trace transactions through the blockchain, a distributed ledger of transactions integral to cryptocurrency use. While blockchain ledgers are typically public, the enormous volume of data stored therein can make following the money from spender to recipient beyond difficult, if not impossible, without the aid of software tools. Coinbase markets Tracer for use in both corporate compliance and law enforcement investigations, touting its ability to “investigate illicit activities including money laundering and terrorist financing” and “connect [cryptocurrency] addresses to real world entities.”


  4. Poission 6

    Russia moves energy war to pacific theatre with ultimatum to Investors in Sakhalin.

    Europe gas prices move to 45$ mbtu (or around 8 times US gas price)

    German electricity futures ( 1 yr) move to 300$mwh and collapasing energy companies.
