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6:00 am, January 15th, 2023 - 51 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
Debt collection agencies are acting on a clients bad debt (referred to them for collection) to impact on an individuals credit rating. And in some cases this is caused by mail informing the person of the debt to pay not being received. This is most common amongst tenants moving from place to place (but also homeowners after they have moved).
That a debt collection agency can do this without first having to confirm that their client has made contact with the individual (say be email or phone after mail is not replied to) or otherwise do so themselves is injustice – it is causing harm to people (a poor credit rating possibly leaving some homeless as no landlord will give them a tenancy).
Legislative change is required (code of practice for debt collection agencies) or a law firm taking a "class action suit" on behalf of impacted clients, to clean up this industry.
It's also becoming more and more common for people who have lived at the same address for years to not receive mail (either in a timely fashion, or sometimes at all).
In the last year, I've had at least 5 pieces of addressed mail go astray and never be delivered. Luckily I've picked up on the subsequent reminder, which did get through.
In the case of 'private' bills (power, gas, phone) – I'll get a text or phone reminder. In the case of government or local government bills (rates, tax, etc) – I get nothing.
We also had multiple, verified reports, at the last local body elections, of voting papers going astray or not being delivered.
The poor quality (for whatever reason) of the postal service is doing no favours to our society.
It's even more of a problem in the matter of bills unrelated to the household address services.
Could you explain why you think so? It seems just as likely that agencies dealing with non-residential bills (Tax, traffic fines, WINZ, hire-purchase) will have your phone number. In fact, that's the first point of contact they ask for.
Looks like Ukraine's foreign Legion has been a bit lax with its screening
An incredible story of an international scamster
Looks like Ukraine's foreign Legion has been
a bit lax with its screeningtargeted by a conwoman stealing money meant for medical supplies.FIFY, because blaming victims for being attacked isn't cool. Good the legion investigated and exposed her.
Not the only case of fraudsters trying to profit from this awful war, unfortunately. Nor the only problem in the Ukrainian foreign legion – there have been other bad eggs in there, plus others doing heroic work.
Your article reveals that it was up to the media to expose the many abuses and frauds that have been going on Complaints that went as far as Zelensky's office were just plain ignored .The foreign legion is partly overseen by the intelligence directorate, but "soldiers say ,the authorities are reluctant to solve the issue"..according to your article
The working stiffs are the victims, the higher ups are the perpetrators
Yes, it's gratifying to know all the bad eggs are on the Ukrainian side and the Russians are as pure as driven snow, hey ho!
I would say they are very similar
Thank you Francesca
I am inclined to agree with you rather than the super-confident hoards who so eagerly expound the pro 5-eyes propaganda our media so fervently feed us.
I would have thought that anyone who had read 1984 would be at least a little suspicious about what we are being fed.
Fat chance..
Who are these "super-confident hoards", and can you give references to the "pro 5-eyes propaganda our media so fervently feed us."?
I do not recall seeing any such propaganda, but perhaps I do not follow the same sources as you . . .
For God's sake,
This is news is what 2-3wks old, from what I've heard she was outed & been under suspicion whole for a lot longer when her CoC (Chain of Command) was notified.
Then the Foreign Legion HQ swing into action, with the Security Officer acting as the lead investigator to build up the word picture in order for it to be pass over to Ukrainian Military Intelligence Officials.
These investigations take time, regardless of ones pass actions.
To say the Ukrainian Foreign Legion is Fraudsters & other unsavoury individuals is really showing your true colours!
Given the Gross violations of the Hague & Geneva Conventions, LOAC etc by Wager Group in Ukraine so far is a bit disingenuous.
Every Military & Police Force has Check & balances to prevent this from happening, but the odd one does slip through the system now & again & they eventually they caught in the end.
Have a read of Uncooked’s etc article
Ukrainian and foreign soldiers themselves have been complaining about the lack of action on whats been happening, its not just a single incident
I'm fully aware of the in & outs of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion as I have close associates involve with the Legion & those operating with the various NGO's operating close to the Ukrainian Rear Area/ B Ech.
Thence why I'm not Commentating, unless people like you give me a dose Dysentery.
I know it is the Daily Mail, but this is a good summary of other publications and shows what happens when you add "gender identity", "gender expression" and other "means whatever you say it is" terms to anti discrimination legislation.
This is a man with a fetish. This is a 'shop" class at a secondary school.
It's a sick parody and piss take of women
"woman" as a male fantasy
Yes, and those tight shorts have a "camel toe" insert at the front of them. All protected by Canadian law.
It is everywhere. If you want scientific information – you have to go back to the original articles.
"I looked back at all the New Scientist articles that had confused me and found the original publications. They had been altered, too: every time only women or men (i.e., males or females) were being referenced, they said so, in stark contrast to New Scientist’s interpretation.
Essentially, New Scientist is blithely misreporting published research to remove any implication of two sexes in humans. Presumably the purpose of these scientifically inaccurate linguistic gymnastics is to include those with alternative gender identities without causing offence. New Scientist has yet to respond to a request for comment, so I can’t be sure."
An agreed frame of reference.
When public policy changes, history is re-written (or edited).
Fuck. It's hard to imagine how one could be shocked any more, or more angry, but then I read something like that.
Damien Grant being a disengenuous twat again.
He talks about “the tyranny of the majority.” That’s all well and good to blame the government, and the system in which it operates. But does he propose alternatives?
We have to rely on Churchill.
“Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…”
I wait with baited breath for Mr Grant’s alternative to our parliamentary democracy.
Well. If the USA was actually "Democratic'!
Instead of just having a choice of two Oligarch financed, ruling parties.
@KJT…"Instead of just having a choice of two Oligarch financed, ruling parties" +1
Barack Obama raised as much from small donors as otherwise, raising so much he did not take public matching funds. His policy was withdrawing American troops from Iraq, increasing energy independence, decreasing the influence of lobbyists, and promoting universal health care.
Nothing says successful 3 day special military operation quite like the growing number of returning Russians missing limbs.
Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Russian Government to consider the development of the production of prostheses, according to the Kremlin website .
As specified, the purpose of this order is to provide medical devices to citizens whose limbs have been amputated, including those injured during a special military operation.
According to another instruction , formulated following the meeting of the Human Rights Council on December 7, 2022, it is proposed to release prosthetists called up for mobilization from military service.
Well you can be sure that when the US and it’s Allies finish with this war, they will abandon the Ukraine and its disabled war vets faster than it even abandons its own….Ukraine, in what ever form it remains, will be completely broke..the IMF will rape it hard…so who then is going to provide rehabilitation and prosthetics etc to the tens of thousands of humans destroyed in this pointless conflict…answer me that.
The Shameful Way America Treats Its Veterans
"The number of homeless Vietnam veterans today is greater than the number of soldiers who died during the war"
Where does the "3 day " quote come from?
I've looked for it,and am taking your word for it .Do you have a citation for it?
It must have been at the very beginning of course.It's so widespread it must be true, but I haven't found it as a pronouncement from Putin .Was it Shoigu maybe?Or Medvedev?
…"3 day " quote…
Probably the greatest living American intellectual, Noam Chomsky on NATO…..“Gorbachev made a serious error’….You don’t make gentleman's agreements with savage, violent powers”
Interesting how the (the guardian/BBC left) Liberal class has so easily been co-opted into becoming the staunchest , most vocal supporters of the US (and European) military Industrial complex, the CIA, FBI ….crazy to watch people whom I thought were on the side of peace, and a natural progressive Left Wing human evolutionary project….transform seamlessly into puppets of the war industry, Western Imperialism..and by extension enemies of human evolution.
"Probably the greatest living American intellectual, Noam Chomsky….."
]The guy's an idiot.
|From backing Pol Pot, to backing Bashar Assad' to backing Vladimir Putin. Not exactly a stellar record.
Chomsky is not Left, Chomsky may be celebrated by the liberal elite But Chomsky's harshest critics come from the Left.
“The guy's an idiot….From backing Pol Pot, to backing Bashar Assad' to backing Vladimir Putin. Not exactly a stellar record.”
FFS…Chompsky didn’t ever “back” the Pol Pol, or did he ever “back” Assad nor does he “back”Putin today…as per usual with the content of your comments on Geo-politics, you yet again you expose your complete lack of insight and intellectual curiosity or apparently the ability to even begin to decipher the difference between the good faith search for truth through rigorous intellectual honesty and research, and obvious low hanging propaganda through cynical manipulation.
The quasi-religious fanaticism of tone that often accompany your comments on this subject is quite disturbing…and has been for some time.
Chomsky "backing" Assad, Pol Pot, Putin….who knows. Saying things that were very helpful to these despots followed by various degrees of recantation – absolutely.
People don't like Chomsky's valid criticisms of the nature of our military-industrial complex's control of our purely nominal 'Democracy'.
So they grasp at minor straws, little things they see as errors.
If in the future a new Bible is written about our era, Chomsky will rate as a major prophet. His critics will be mentioned only as Pharisees, or the cruel who took part in stonings.
Jenny who hasn't got there yet, you're an idiot.
Chomsky was extremely critical of Bashar Al Assad. However 90% of voting Syrians are rather fond of him.
Instead of quoting some unknown ignoramus who happens to share your bigoted beliefs why don't you try writing something original, supported by numerous unaffiliated factual reports.
That 90% voter support for Assad…sounds totally legit.
Philosophical if somewhat gruesome thought for the day.
Dr. Beaurieux's observations of Henri Languille.
whoah, that's intense.
And somewhat pointless.
Consider if the heart is artificially kept functioning?…are you necessarily still 'alive'?
From the QI files:
There’s a Kiwi shock jock Mike who also behaves like a headless chook – too harsh?
that's intense too. Kind of sad.
Trump kinda admits being a rapist,
Is a big meeting on this weekend? Politically speaking. There has been nothing on TDB The Daily Blog since 13 January. Seems a big lull – it's not a good time for a lullaby! Hope nothing untoward is happening.
A break in the weather …
Those in Auckland had their first break in the weather at the weekend … so
Even the woke needs sleep.
What got broken then?
This is a terrorist attack by a terror state, not war.
German riot police trying to break up a protest at a proposed lignite mine defeated by a mud wizard. Sort of sums up German energy and climate policy
funniest thing I've seen in ages. The thread is a delight. I put a post up.