Open mike 30/12/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, December 30th, 2024 - 25 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

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25 comments on “Open mike 30/12/2024 ”

  1. Obtrectator 1

    Damn Yankees, always having to put their mark on things. This is what used to be called "Scout's Pace", originating with the Zulus and introduced into western societies by Lord Baden-Powell.

  2. Subliminal 2

    This is the very definition of bravery in the face of extreme IDF cowardice.

    The last photo of Dr Abu Safiyeh walking away from his bombed out and under siege hospital towards an Israeli tank. Walking steadfast towards certain torture and probable death.

    • Subliminal 2.1

      Further details on the complete destruction of Kamal Adwan Hospital have emerged.

      Geneva-based Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor released a report on December 28 in which it reported “deliberate killings, field executions, as well as sexual and physical assaults on women and girls from medical teams and displaced women in the area” at the hands of the Israelis…

      On December 24, Dr. Hussam gave an update on the destructive capacity of the explosives dropped by the robot vehicles and the death machines hovering overhead:

      Yesterday, for the first time, robots advanced close to the hospital, posing a great danger. They were very close and unloaded explosive boxes.As a result, after they exploded, all the barriers inside the hospital were destroyed, and the internal doors were destroyed.The destruction was horrific, and twenty people were injured in the hospital wards, including five members of the medical staff.Since this morning, the drones have returned, this time larger and carrying boxes of explosives. Each box weighs more than twenty kilograms, and they are currently being dropped on the houses surrounding the hospital. These boxes are causing explosions followed by fires in the targeted areas. Anyone who moves in the hospital yard is at risk, as the drones dropping the bombs are targeting anyone who moves.

      The hospital has now been emptied and no longer functions. It was the last remaining functional hospital in the whole of Gaza.

  3. Ad 3

    Shoutout to Jimmy Carter, who has died at the age of 100.

    By his own admission he did better after he was President than during.

    Great to see a life lived to the full and for the good right to the very end.

  4. weston 4

    So looks like another gas crisis looming for Europe more challenges ahead for Europe's woefully unclever leaders smart enough to get themselves elected but in the end couldnt organize themselves a hot bath !!!!

  5. Hunter Thompson II 5

    At the end of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, Frodo Baggins goes on to the next world, leaving his faithful helper, Sam, to carry on in the Shire and restore it to its former state.

    Sam wants to go with his master but Frodo does not allow it, explaining that when things are in danger people must give them up so that others may keep them.

    Unfortunately, under the current government things like our rivers and other parts of the environment are in danger, but instead of being handed to the next generation for safekeeping, they will be gifted to a select business group who will destroy them purely to make money.

    That seems to be the objective of the Fast-track Approvals Act 2024 (which is now law) and its list of zombie projects, some of which have already been shown to be non-starters on environmental grounds.

    The legislation is heavily slanted in favour of depleting our natural capital without thought for the future. We are now living in the era of pseudo-democracy.

    • Subliminal 5.1

      Who would have thought our institutions had become so flimsy that they could fall so quickly?

      Fighting against the Treaty principals Bill and Regulatory Standards Bill are our last best chance.

  6. Ad 6

    Once this appalling fast-track bill goes through, developers will be lining up their wallets to pay for Fast Track Act II to go through, and result in more landscapes altered without any legal way of stopping them.

    Here comes the Maniototo:

    • weka 6.1

      long past time that New Zealanders stood up and fought for the things that matter to them.

      • Incognito 6.1.1

        What you don’t know can’t hurt you.

        Strong journalism & reporting is vital to keep the people informed and aware of matters that [ought to] matter to them.

        • weka

          true, and this too will get worse if NZ keeps sitting on its hands.

          When it comes to environmental issues, I think there has been enough reporting on some things eg river pollution, and still we don't stand up and fight (other than the small number that do). I should do a post on this, because we also have a long and strong history of environmental wins, and I think people forget that fighting can work.

          • Incognito

            Vested interests are not sitting on their hands either and will do everything to protect their turf – the internet and social media have become a powerful tool but the results depend on who wields it [the best].

    • weka 6.2

      also, I fully support local communities having a large say in what development happens in their area. In order for that to happen, we will have to give up some things. I don't want large scale wind or solar farms in the places I love either, and I'm willing to change my lifestyle to protect the things I love. In other words, we have to stop using and wasting so much power, and at some point we will have to look at population. We live on a finite planet and a finite set of islands, and we are already in overshoot.

  7. weka 7

    where do I find the most recent regulations for any given NZ Act?

      • weka 7.1.1

        that's legislation, not regulations.

          • weka

            christ. Ok, I'm getting that it's not a straight forward thing to find. I've wanted to do this before for various legislation, but in this case I'm trying to find out some definitions of health professional and treatment injury in relation to alternative health practitioners. Started with ACC legislation and going round in circles.

            In your link I can see a 2024 definitions link, but it hasn't got what I want, so can I assume I'd have to look at every update to find it? Surely it can't be that hard?

            The main legislation page is similar. I think the secondary legislation section is where to look, but likewise if you don't know what you are looking for it's a haystack.

        • William

          Regulations are secondary legislation.

          If you have an idea of the regulation name I usually use the 'advanced search' accessed from the tab at the top of Matiri's linked page, and select from acts, bills , secondary legislation, or other instruments.

          Browse will let you search a list based on the beginning letter.

        • James Thrace

          You use the legislation website

          find the act you want

          bring up the act

          click the “secondary legislation” tab on the far right

          it brings up all the regulations promulgated under that Act

          However, if you’re looking for delegated policies/procedures relating to how regulations are used they’re usually buried deep within the bowels of the relevant ministry/govt entity.