Slater and Christchurch – your thoughts?

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, August 14th, 2014 - 61 comments
Categories: election 2014, john key, national - Tags: , ,

Slater on Christchurch Labour pricks

61 comments on “Slater and Christchurch – your thoughts? ”

  1. Paul 1

    No words can really describe how low such a comment is.
    Maybe Key would like to explain why he is such mates who shares such ideas.

    • Chooky 1.1

      the mates want Christchurch’s assets…and they dont want the Cathedral…and they dont want Christchurch restored back to Christchurch residents…their mates want the airport and the harbour and the power companies and the best of Christchurch real estate…these are their long term ends

      The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

      • vto 1.1.1

        They aint gonna get em…

        the stadium is gone burger and so is anything the Nats propose for the city now.

        up in smoke

  2. ropata 2

    What is the source for that comment? Just curious…

    (Slater has said as much to me in person…)

    EDIT: No worries, found it here on twitter

  3. titirangi 3

    Any legitimate good work that National MP’s have done in Christchurch to sway traditional Labour voters has been undone in one fell swoop by Cameron Slater. I have no doubt that many people in National will be asking questions about why senior members have married themselves to someone like him. Not politely phrased questions either.

  4. the pigman 4

    That disgraced and discredited bully is NZ’s best blogger, according to some corporate media awards… snicker.

    The first words that pop into my head are “liar”, corporate “trougher”, “hypocrite” and “scum”.

    And that is basically half of Slater’s lexicon right there.

    • The Lone Haranguer 4.1

      He may well be all of what you describe, but hes also got the political blog site that an incredible number of folk go to have a look at.

      And therein lies the problem for the left. He ma well be “scum” but then hes “scum with an audience.” His previous battles including fighting contempt of court do not seem to have dented his sites popularity.

      And now with the Hagar book in the news, apparently, hes getting new visitors as well

      • Dialey 4.1.1

        He may have a lot of followers, but many will have multiple personas, to give the illusion of bigger support and to increase the opportunity for vitriolic spouting

  5. Olwyn 5

    I think it is a tragedy that people who hold such views, and who also seek to rip their opponents’ reputations to threads, are so close to the corridors of power. It shows utter contempt for the office of government. And it if even more shocking when looked at alongside the petty moralising attitude they foist on everyone else.

  6. Foreign Waka 6

    For the PM to say that Mr Slater is a colorful character might explain why many people of Christchurch are still waiting for a decent roof over their head. This is so low one fails to find the right words.

    • Dialey 6.1

      Key is changing his reference to Slater from colourful character to “shock jock”, increasing the distance and deniability

  7. One Anonymous Bloke 7

    My thoughts.

    Slater can easily be a convenient scapegoat and whipping boy for everything the National Party represents, and after they’ve fed him to the media, they’ll go right on representing.

    Let’s focus legitimate concerns about the way Christchurch’s earthquake recovery is being mismanaged by the government onto one of the National Party’s tools? No thanks.

  8. Phil 8

    Ugly is as ugly does.
    It’s patently obvious that Team Key feeds Slater. How they feed Slater is the real issue.

  9. Hami Shearlie 9

    Nicki Wagner will be seething!!! The good long-suffering people of Christchurch swung the last election for National – Wonder how this will go down?

    • ScottGN 9.1

      Hasn’t she bailed?

    • NZJester 9.2

      This will just be another nail in Nationals coffin. I read a comment a while back in a previous comment section on one of these standard posts that had a commenter from Christchurch talking about the fact he knew of people who had normally been Left Wing Party voting people in Christchurch that had instead voted for National in the last election out of fear a change in government might mean that they would be back to square one on their earthquake damage claims. After 3 years of Nationals mismanagement since then I doubt they will be willing to vote National ever again! If National had actually done a good recovery job in Christchurch they might have actually swung a lot of those people over to vote again for them. I suspect the vote for National in that area of the South will be much smaller this time around. I would not be surprised if that original Right swing at the last election was because of a rumor started by the right to help them in that election.

  10. Tel 10

    My vote for Spin Bingo is Slater blames his rants on a coprographia impairment.

  11. Brian 11

    Odious man.

  12. vto 12

    Given it references our own Chch situation AND we are west coasters, where all this got tripped initially with his glee over a west coaster death, …. and given my tendency to use excessive “colourful” language at times …. the preference is not to comment. It is so far out there that it hardly even registers.

    Have made plenty comment before about the fat slug and these issues with him, and will certainly do so again in the future. Put it this way .. when he made those comments about west coasters I lost it at the time to such an extent that one early morning post I asked, hopefully, if anyone had popped him overnight. I disturbed even myself with that and banned myself for a while.

    I will say though that it is astounding (or perhaps not) that the most senior National Party people call him a friend. I think that says it all – about everything.

    • Beatie 12.1

      This was reported in tonight’s ‘Grey Star’, Slater re whether he should apologise to Jo Hall (Judd’s mother) ”Why would I apologise to that slut?”
      John Key in his commiserating ph call to Slater said that Jo was ”the same feral fucking bitch that screams at him when he goes to Pike River meetings”.
      I would provide a link but although it was on the front page of the print edition it isn’t on the online version.

      Wow! This spiteful, vicious c*nt is our Prime Minister.

      • vto 12.1.1

        yep, the west coast will have the last laugh for sure for sure, as always

      • weka 12.1.2

        “John Key in his commiserating ph call to Slater said that Jo was ”the same feral fucking bitch that screams at him when he goes to Pike River meetings”.”

        More likely that is Slater paraphrasing Key.

      • Dialey 12.1.3

        Those are the words of Slater. Nicky Hager adds the qualification: “It seems unlikely that Key would have used such language, but it is clear that he had rung to reassure Slater that he should not feel bad about upsetting the mother.”
        Be careful about what the media reports out of context. Better to read the book itself

  13. vto 13

    seals the fate of Chch earthquake-affected electorates to the east, north and centre.

    bad luck nicky wagner – gone baby gone

    oh, and the coast electorate. Damien O’Connor stated it perfectly tonight when he said the fat slug will never in his life be welcome on the coast. Perhaps that is why the place rocks – no ugly fat cuntface slugs there. They don’t last.

  14. Cantabrian 14

    I was shocked when she became my MP. Hope she’s low enough on the list to be ejected completely.

  15. jcuknz 15

    Since those of the left frequently refer to the right as scum, example above, or worse it is rather silly to be concerned at the apparent Slater comment.
    I would not be suprised it it was said/written as a humourous comment and that is the best way to deal with it [ with a Tui ? ] … but of course many on the left have no sense of humour and are sadly deeply embitered individuals … as indeed you will also find on Kiwiblog and perhaps Whaleoil which I do not frequent but just guessing.

    I view blogs with some sadness for the way they seem to release the vilest aspect of peoples nature … politica;l blogs anyway.

  16. venezia 16

    Leaves me speechless! The good thing is that Hager’s book has sold out everywhere I have tried to get one. Even cannot supply for a while. So the word is getting out there. Goodbye Nicky Wagner and good riddance!

  17. outofbed 17

    you can now download it
    link on open mike

  18. Skinny 18

    I would not over cook this win fall. You can’t preach a clean campaign and then go on over the top against your opposition, unless you declare it’s open slather and unravel mud that will impact on wining seats. Be watching closely if open election campaigning warfare occurs.

    At the sound of the whistle to rise out of the trenches and go over the top into battle count me in. Very sure a Nat head will be scalped if things turn dirty and ‘a fall on ones sword will ensue.’ Politics is a brutal game and not for the faint hearted if they have things to hide.

  19. Lanthainde 19

    Here’s the complete excerpt:

    Writing to his friend Peter Smith (not his real name) after the February earthquake, Slater says: ‘‘The place is f****d, they should should just board it up and close it down.’’

    Smith: A real tragedy, but it will f***k labour for the election.

    Slater: Yep blessings.

    Slater: What i can’t believe…is how we have to bail out those useless pricks in the sth island, again.’

    Smith: I said to someone today National should let them rot, after all they are useless scum Labour voters especially in the areas where the earthquake hit..well hopefully more scum will labour voters will piss off to Australia (and) at least the uninsured get (f***ing) nothing.’

    Slater: Those suburbs are hard core Labour…the owners will be Nat voters though and the voters tenants, so the houses are gone and the scum are gone too, and they should get nothing.

    • McFlock 19.1

      that’s… wow

      • Colonial Viper 19.1.1

        Good thing the Right don’t engage in “nasty politics” then eh.

        • McFlock

          I suspect they think that that’s “normal”, and their idea of what constitutes “nasty” would probably be inconceivable to hu-mons.

    • Clemgeopin 19.2

      Bloody hell! What a bastard! And he is Key’s friend and confidant! I am so angry and disgusted. How on Earth can Key, Joyce and their spin machine defend this!

      That excerpt should be printed on a pamphlet and sent to every house hold in the country, not just Christ church.

  20. redfred 20

    Cameron Slater is part of the Tory Nat hate machine that the John Key feeds information into to sow mistrust and division in our communities.

    His view of Christchurch illustrates the depth of hate they have for anyone that isn’t on their side… John Key has stated that he talks to Slater regularly and they are mates, Slater is part of John Keys political communication strategy.

    It is more proof that if you are working class or poor, stand in the way of them making more money or don’t agree with them, they will hate you. They will spread that hate divisively using smear tactics to dis-empower you and do you as much harm as possible.

    I can’t believe this is New Zealand.

    • felix 20.1

      Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.

    • jcuknz 20.2

      As I wrote at KB this morning .. they are two sides of the same coin … equally dirty from public use
      Yesterday I wrote here as how sad blogging has fallen to the low level we see today …

      It is interesting to see the amount of support DPF is receiving with regard to the theft of material from him over at KB … on each side the troops are rallying around … judging from this thread too.

    • Dialey 20.3

      PM now says he only has contact 3 or 4 times a year

  21. BruceTheMoose 21

    On the subject of Christchurch and this government’s and it’s backers attitude towards it, let’s take a different example of how exactly this so called Prime Minister conducts himself, to give you some insight to his psychs and how he likes to operate.
    Despite making regular visits to the Canterbury region, he is most particular in where exactly those visits are conducted. Where the most affected are, essentially most east of the city center, no public outings are made. He has not made a single official engagement with the residents in these areas since the winter of 2011. All media engagements are highly secretive affairs, carefully orchestrated to the point where only select individuals and media representatives are invited. This is to make sure only the news content that is created, is the news that they wish for the rest of the public to believe. All information is highly controlled to suit their agenda. Essentially it is state propagated propaganda, all paid for by the public purse. Key and his government do not want the rest of the nation to find out the widespread negligence by Key and his appalling administration. They do not wish for the rest of NZers to find out that still thousands of Cantabrians are still locked in battles with EQC and insurance claims, resulting in zero building progress, poor living conditions and imposing untold stresses on families. There are many other examples like this yet to be told in the story of Christchurch. So many, a book can easily be written on it.
    This is the true face of this government. This is the true face of our Prime Minister.

  22. outofbed 22

    Well that is Breastfeeding mothers The West coast and Christchurch gone
    Not too bad in just a day
    Crusher gone tomorrow?

  23. Hami Shearlie 23

    Well, it’s all going to blow over by tomorrow according to the Lord High Admiral of the Seven Sharp Ship – I wonder how they’ll manage to have all these court cases over by then? I wonder if Hosking is one of the media identities that Jordan Williams has allegedly blackmailed – This story has so many tentacles going out in so many directions, it’s hard to choose which one to read about first!

  24. vto 24

    Looking forward to the headlines in the Press tomorrow in the a.m.

    …. hooooowee how is that bastion of right wing conservatism going to deal with how the National Party truly view the people who suffered most in this city ……..

  25. Clemgeopin 25

    I think the book has very clearly exposed many dirty trick unconscionable buggers in contemporary NZ politics, none more than Key and Slater, the partners in nasty despicable sinister stuff.

    See on the link below for the Double Hager Exposure: Zoom if you want to see the crooks exposed larger.

  26. Hugo 26

    This article explains how the government finds it acceptable to treat people as they are treating people in the eastern suburbs of Christchurch. “Winners and losers” = “Bullies and victims” increasing wealth in certain parts. Increased suffering in other parts.
    Recovery driven by politics is not acceptable approach to recovery.
    Politically driven recovery restructures society in a very unpleasant way.
    This is referred to as the dark side of democracy, dictatorship and capitalising on a natural disaster.

  27. ianmac 27

    Why has Key team not disassociated themselves from Cameron Slater? I think that because of the close inter-reliance between Slater and the 9th Floor, Slater will know many of the Key secrets. Should Slater be prepared to disclose some of his information it could destroy Key, Collins and others.
    So what must Key do? He/they must hug Slater tight knowing that he is unscrupulous and malicious and keep him in tight until after the Election. A man not to be trifled with.

  28. A.Ziffel 28

    This is also indicative of the “Auckland first” / “What’s good for Auckland is good for NZ” attitude.
    Though less abusive, note Philip Ure’s dismissal of Invercargill as being populated solely by albinos (or White Walkers).

    It stirs the Cut The Cable reaction.

  29. vto 29

    Gosman a couple of weeks ago announced that he financially supports the WO shithole.

    In my view that makes him an equal of the fat slug.

    Ugly piece of rotting flesh.

  30. The Lone Haranguer 30

    My take is that this will cost the Nats votes in Christchurch.

    Clearly Brownlee will waltz in in Ilam, but I would think that Labour will get the rest of the city, and quite easily too.

    And I cant see the Nats succeeding over on the West Coast either.

    The combined effect of this, and the vote sharing of the left (rather than everyone bulking up on Labour) will leave some of the Labour list candidates feeling a bit nervous about their immediate futures. I will watch to see if Kelvin Davis toes the party line….

    My Labour loving mate told me this morning that Labour will easily cut thru the 30% support mark…

  31. South Islander 31

    Morbid curiosity just took me to the Whale Oil blog site, and I was interested to see a backlash and talk of boycotting Pak’n’Save and other companies that have ceased advertising on the website. Ludicrously, this was described as a “political position” being taken by those companies. Last I heard, no political party has put their hands up to adopt it as party policy that the people of Christchurch are “useless pricks” and “scum” even if some politicians are still claiming friendship with someone that holds those views. I find it hard to believe that any company with customers in the South Island would continue to advertise on Whale Oil, whether that was taken as a simple business decision or an ethical one. Endorsing a blogger that makes insensitive and vile insults to your customers is hardly a good business move. I’ve emailed Jucy, whose advertisement appeared there, to say that.