Working with senior nats for release

Written By: - Date published: 3:00 pm, August 20th, 2014 - 17 comments
Categories: blogs, national - Tags: ,

As quoted in the last release from Whaledump (on Aaron Bhatnagar), Cameron Slater, talking about the data hacked from Labour servers, line 805 in the redacted version (line 1143 in the original):

working with senior nats for release

I trust that the media will be interested to know which senior Nats Slater was working with.

17 comments on “Working with senior nats for release ”

  1. Kat 1

    The rest of the National crew have been very quiet, perhaps the MSM should be inquiring of the Nat MP’s how they view John Key’s dirty politics. Appears its not Bill English’s style.

    • disturbed 1.1

      They are all reading Dirty Politics now bet ya, so they can speak with authority, Ha, Ha, Ha!

      More like checking to see if they are mentioned in the book just in case?

  2. Tigger 2

    Follow the money. Who wins?

    Joyce is a big winner. English too.

  3. Tracey 3

    Ede went into the beehive the other day and hasnt been seen since…


  4. disturbed 4

    That is the way it looks now unfortunately, as Joyce is a bully and English a ……

    Question is; – John key said (promised ) if things get negative in N.Z. he will get up and leave.

    He said this just before the last election after the English Housing allowance scandal.

    Must have been because English was/is his running mate, as Deputy P.M.

    • Tracey 4.1

      Can you find the article which has him saying that?

      • Kat 4.1.1

        There was a Herald article early 2011 by Audrey Young on when Key announced the probable election date. Key made two statements relevant here:

        Prime Minister John Key has all but confirmed that the general election will be in late November or early December and he has indicated he will leave politics if he cannot lead the country to a second term in Government.

        “I don’t think it suits me as a person. I’m not a negative person and a lot of Opposition is negative.”

        From that statement it seems Dirty Politics must be positive only when you are the govt.

          • Tracey

            Thanks people.

            If you can, watch Barry Soper do his Prime News piece last night, contrast that and their order of bulletin with TV3. TV3 brought up the “senior nats” reference, then when Key said he didnt know, asked if he would find out. He squirmed.

            Brooke Sabin also did a quite good piece this morning.

            I don’t know how TV1 presented it.

            Has Hosking done stuff on Seven Sharp?

        • Rich

          Yes it’s negative only when you’re channeling Jason Ede.

  5. philj 5

    Amidst the Dirty Politics let’s not forget the earlier Dunne/Vance incident, where Head of Parliamentary Services, Geoff Thorn, resigned following pressure from the PM’s Chief of Staff, Wayne Eagleson, concerning the release of private information.
    How much other dirt do we not know about? Nicky Hagar is only one intelligent, honest journalist.