Daily review 23/04/2015

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, April 23rd, 2015 - 119 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

Creepy John Key

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standarnistas the opportunity to review events of the day.  The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other.

119 comments on “Daily review 23/04/2015 ”

  1. Lanthanide 1

    Title is incorrect, should be Daily Review, not Open Mike.

  2. freedom 2

    just in case they forget to put the link up again 😉

  3. felix 3

    wot no daily review?

  4. Ha! We are experiencing technical difficulties. Normal service will be resumed shortly. In the meantime, there’s this:

    • weka 4.1

      Is the standard being infected by Green? 😛

      • Didn’t know where it came from, weka, just turned up on my fb feed. Good work, Greens!

        • weka

          I was referring to glitches and the colour of the NZonScreen feeds (although they might have been that colour for a while and I hadn’t noticed) 😉

    • freedom 4.2

      I might be overselling it but give the creator a tv show immediately 🙂
      Satire is all about subtlety and that has it in spades.

  5. Fuck I wish key was here in the country to front up to the cameras about this ponytailperveshit. I hope it retains its freshness until he’s home – I want to see the fake “I’m not bovered” look, the glint of panic in his eyes, the drip of sweat running into his eyes as he scratches his nose and coughs everytime he lies.

    • rawshark-yeshe 5.1

      did you see TV3News ? They had some footage from Bali last year .. creepiest yet. And they even report he is being called a fetishist and Winston expands. Not on line yet .. and actually, I’m quite happy Key is away and being held responsible on an international stage .. it leaves a vacuum where evidence is just flooding in. I think it’s working .. and he will be back soon enough. (And need to defend his visit to Saudi Arabia on top of everything else.)

      • marty mars 5.1.1

        good points – chuck the link up if possible, I don’t watch the news

        • rawshark-yeshe

          not here yet marty .. i just checked .. will do as soon as I can !

          and just imagine marty .. key could be coming home to three different complaints of sexual harassment ! It shouldn’t, but this really appeals to me !

        • felix

          Hair it is: http://www.3news.co.nz/nznews/brand-key-tarnished-by-ponytail-gate-2015042318?ref=video

          God they just get weirder and creepier. There’s no doubt that stroking/touching/pulling/caressing hair is a demonstration of sexual attraction.

          And these are VERY young girls.

          • Kiwiri

            Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!

          • Potato

            The link above is going to a ‘page not found’. Taken down already ?

          • Murray Rawshark

            I got a 404 error on that one. Have they pulled it? I thought Julie Christie loved reality shows and they don’t come better than this.

          • rawshark-yeshe

            thx doing that Felix .. that’s a very serious item,isn’t it ?

            • emergency mike

              Wow, last I checked your count was at five. The 3 news video shows two new ones. The first one is a sustained pervy fondling, and the second is a quick opportunistic grab with weirdo perv face.

              The 3 news item made hair fetishism quite a feature I thought…

              I don’t think it should count since it’s not an uninvited pervy grab, (and the grabee is not an innocent young girl), but here’s John Key cutting off Roger Sutton’s (who got sacked for what was it again?) ponytail and shaving his head. “This is really quite fun.” http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/9836454/Roger-Sutton-dubbed-the-Bald-Eagle

              • rawshark-yeshe

                OMFG !! Key is getting his jolly roger!

                And the awful weirdness of the Sutton hair curls rolling away in the wind will be Key’s political epitaph footage … truly Hair today, Gone tomorrow.

              • Murray Rawshark

                ” Key had nicknamed Sutton “Shrek” after the merino sheep for his luscious long locks”

                Not tantalising this time?

              • Hateatea

                And that is very creepy too. It really seems that he is a tricophiliac. Who would have thunk it, lol

          • weka

            wow, that’s really bad, and agreed it’s getting creepier.

            Irrespective of his motivations, as PM he should have a much better awareness of how inappropriate this is (and his minders should be telling him too).

            • emergency mike

              That’s really the point isn’t it weka? He’s the PM, he’s not an idiot, he shouldn’t need it explained to him that touching a grown woman’s hair without permission is not an option under circumstances. Ever. Period. Yet here we are.

              I was struck by the number of “How is this guy a Prime Minister” comments under the Guardian article. The UK is a country going through scandalous revelations of pedophile MPs being hushed up at high levels. And their minds are being blown by this.

              • rawshark-yeshe

                I was struck by the same thin g Mike .. and just how comments there were in total. A lot even by UK standards.

                • weka

                  I think one of the things that is happening in NZ at the moment (maybe the last year?) is that more people are realising how accepting we’ve become of behaviours that should be unacceptable. Lots of things have become normalised and now more people are starting to say, nope, that’s actually not ok.

              • Hami Shearlie

                My American friends have sent me posts from papers over there – they are all agog – can’t believe it, all calling him a creep and the Canadian friends are saying – “well, at least our weirdo Mayor was only Mayor for Toronto, not a Prime Minister of a whole country!!”

          • Hateatea

            Very, very creepy

  6. Weepus beard 6

    How many pictures are now out with John Key touching people’s hair? It’s unbelievable!

    • freedom 7.1

      If you would rather not visit Redbaiter’s blog, here are the relevant bits

      “The Warkworth boat building company which is owned by Larry Ellison’s Americas Cup team Oracle Racing, is refusing to comment on claims that it could receive up to $17.25 million from the New Zealand Government’s Callaghan fund.”


      • dukeofurl 7.1.1

        Apparently its another NZ Herald- we -the-sure-arent-journalists, as almost none of its true.

        Remember the $100,000 labour donation that was a small amount to rowing club, and a cement company cruise on the Yangtze?

        THis seems to be the root of the changing faces in editors row, a new boss has said enough allready of the crap

        • freedom

          Serious question- are you responding to the correct post?

          I ask because it certainly looks like the MBIE page shows a 17.5 million dollar Grow Grant to Core builders Composites Ltd and the grant was actually announced last year http://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/new-growth-grants-boost-rd-nz-0

          So what makes it not true?

          • Murray Rawshark

            There’s something a bit funny about the way they report the figures. The grants are for 3 years, with a cap of $5 million a year. The maximum is therefore $15 million, less than the $17.5 million reported. I suspect the government has given them 20% of $17.5 million, or $3.5 million over 3 years. They tend to inflate these things when they report them, so it looks as if funding is higher.

            I think research funding should go to the public sector, but I’d be sort of happy with this if there was some return to society. I’m not sure there will be here. It may be just another subsidy for the yacht race losers.

            • freedom

              We are meant to trust Government figures right?
              The Government figures clearly state a Grow Grant of 17.5m.

              If the page from the official MSI website which showed the grant awarded to CBC had not suddenly been made unavailable since last night you could check it for yourself.

              But it has been taken down so you can’t see it
              Oh that’s right, screenshot ! because these days, you need them.

            • freedom

              forgot to add, you need a better calculator 🙂


              that totals four years correct?

              17.5/4 = 4.375 m per year

              • Murray Rawshark

                My calculator is fine, thanks. Your total is actually 3.5 years, which probably includes six moths for either startup or reporting. The legislation setting up the grants says they are for 3 years, not my calculator. The government website states a total contract value of $17.5 million, not a total grant of $17.5 million. They are not always the same thing and are usually inflated because some idiot manager would rather put $17.5 million on his CV than $3.5 million.

                An OIA request would solve the problem, but I would put money on the grant staying inside the rules. I do have some experience with research grants. Which doesn’t mean a private company should have got the money anyway.

                • freedom

                  Thanks for the clarification Murray, and excuse my impugning your calculator. As a great fan of Marvin and the Syrius Cybernetics Corporation I have stoic respect for the feelings of silicon based identities 🙂

                  still, kind of interesting the page got removed overnight eh?

  7. Paul 8

    Surprise. Surprise
    Hosking blames the waitress for being selfish.
    If anything shows he is a paid puppet of big corporate interests, this is it.


    This is what Hosking is defending

    • NickS 8.1

      What more can you except from NZ’s version of Bill O’Reilly?

    • Maui 8.2

      That was freakn disgusting from Hosking. Scary that people will probably still swallow that whole. Saying the real victims are the owners lol – “these good, decent, hard-working people”. Um, were they harrassed at work? Were they also involved with hanging out the victim to dry? possibly.

      “She had a problem at work, the owners were the ones to consult” What would telling them do? The issue was a high profile NZer who was harrassing her, so telling the country about his indiscretions was an important thing to do.

      There are just so many things wrong with his tirade…

      • Hanswurst 8.2.1

        To add to that, I don’t see how the owners have had any substantially adverse publicity from it. Will it be bad for their business? I doubt it, in fact it’s more likely to be good for it. The only people harmed so far seem to be the waitress herself and John Key, and in the latter case, it’s hard to say exactly how much.

    • Incognito 8.3

      Mike should ask his wife Kate; she used to be a waitress when she was still studying at Auckland Uni.

  8. swordfish 9

    Faaarrk ! Well, they do say a week’s a long time in politics, don’t they ?

    Who among us here would’ve predicted a week ago that Brits, Germans, Aussies and Americans would all be watching that old CL clip of Key fondling the young girl’s ponytail and (most of them) concluding he’s (variously) – and I quote – a “perv”, a “creep” a “tosser”, an “utter tosser”, a “village idiot”, an “embarrassment”, a “dinosaur thug”, a “hood rat”, a “disgrace”, an “utter DORK”, a “weird, perma-tanned leery man”, “dodgy”, “deviant”, “very suspect”, “disgusting”, “smarmy”, “backward”, “psychopathic tendencies”, “weirdo”, “weird and creepy”, “the man’s a bloody weirdo”, “strange man”, “really disturbing”, “incredibly creepy”, “some kind of sex pervert”, “strange little man”, “creepy and fetishy”, “what a wanker”, “what an absolute ass !”, “sad little people like him”, “needs psychological counselling”……..not to mention “it’s nice to know America doesn’t have a monopoly on Right-Wing idiots” or “And I thought our beloved Rob Ford (former Toronto Mayor) was a whack job !!!” or “Bush is not as creepy as this dude” or “think David Cameron then subtract a few IQ points” or “he’s a prime Minister ? Sounds like a Congressman from Texas”, (along with a number of outright allusions to “Saville” and “paedophile alarm bells need to start ringing”).

    • Kiwiri 9.1

      That is quite a list!

      Overhead at lunch today when I was with my workmates:

      What does the ‘P’ in PM stands for?

    • swordfish 9.2

      ie a selection of the huge number of comments on international news websites (with an emphasis on those emanating from non-Kiwis).

    • Murray Rawshark 9.3

      I’ve been hearing those bells ringing since last year’s events. They’ve only gotten louder.

  9. rawshark-yeshe 10

    Swordfish .. yours is my gold star comment of a very long day! and Kiwiri .. now the anti jokes begin. Teflon is like that – one day shiny and non-stick, and suddenly in only one day the pan is useless !!!!

  10. weka 11

    McCready taking Key to court and filing with the HRC means this isn’t going to go away in a hurry. Time for more examples of the hair touching to come out too. MSM seem unlikely to cut Key slack on this one.

  11. I wonder how Peter Dunne is feeling now. Is he nervous about how Key looks at his luxuriant, “tantalising” hair?

  12. weka 13

    Transcript (unchecked) of Marilyn Waring on Morning Report this morning. As always, love her directness (she names the PM as a sexual harrasser), her sense of history, and today the dig about National underfunding the HRC.

    MW: I think it’s unlawful behaviour under Section 62 of the Human Rights Act. I’m getting tired of it being called anything but illegal. It’s illegal to subject any other person by physical behaviour that is unwelcome, offensive and repeated. This happened numerous times over many months. The behaviour is of such a significant nature that it has detrimental effects on a person in respect of their employment or in access to goods and services. The young woman says she felt powerless and tormented and she was reduced to tears.

    The Prime Minister is a sexual harasser, and he has engaged in illegal activity repeatedly over a period of time.

    KH: hang on, what makes it sexual?

    MW: well I don’t think, if he jokes around with let’s say the All Blacks, right, I don’t think even any of his sycophantic followers would think twice if he was touching [All Black’s name] hair all the time and telling him it was tantalising, which is the word he used to the young woman.

    KH: there are those, Marilyn Waring who say, good grief, lighten up, nobody died here.

    MW: it’s the law past first of all by the National government for the Human Rights Act, amended in 1993 by the Bolger government. Neither Muldoon nor Bolger have ever shown any evidence that they would behave in this manner. It’s like saying, oh it’s alright he only stole a couple of packets of cigarettes.

    KH: let me put it to you, that this is not necessarily new behaviour at all, it’s (a) people are more sensitive, and (b) people have more avenues to speak out about such things.

    MW: and the other thing that’s really changed since my time in parliament is that men are speaking out and finding this behaviour outrageous.

    KH: does it depend on it their political affiliation do you think?

    MW: well the law doesn’t depend on anybody’s political affiliation. Illegal activity is illegal activity.

    KH: [talks to other guest about politics and how women voters have been turning away from Key for some time. Also about how the waitress chose a left wing blog which makes it a political act rather than an employment issue]

    KH: could you deny that Marilyn Waring, that this was a political act?

    MW: no, frankly, this morning I agree with Winston Peters, it doesn’t matter if she’s a communist. Illegal activity, unwarranted harrassment, the sense of unquestionable entitlement that some men have, this abuse of power, it does not matter what the political beliefs are of the person that this is being done to.

    KH: if you’re right, what’s the next step under the Human Rights Act?

    MW: well I’ve got an investigation going right now. I believe the Act is framed, because of intimidation and because of bullying, that other people can make the complaint. And then he would obviously have to stand down. I would think this is the way that we go in our NZ cabinet, impending investigation, and he’d probably have to stand down for quite a long time because the agency’s been so under resourced under his leadership, that might take a while.

    KH: you sound like you’re enjoying this a little too much.

    MW: no, I’m enjoying it, I’m very angry. The last time that we were paraded on the world stage like this was when Muldoon abused Abraham Ordia, and Sonny Ramphal. It was excruciating, it was embarrassing, but it wasn’t illegal. This is illegal.


    • Murray Rawshark 13.1

      Marilyn Waring is the only Tory I have any respect for. Maybe she’s not really a Tory any more.

      • weka 13.1.1

        Not entirely sure what Tory means in this instance (it seems a British political word to me that doesn’t translate easily here). From what I can tell, Waring chose National over Labour when entering politics because Labour’s policy on homosexuality was appalling at the time (1970s) and National’s wasn’t. She doesn’t strike me as being politically right in general even early on, but left/right has changed hugely from that time.

        • Sans Cle

          Great Marilyn Waring interview from March, where she explains her journey into politics. It’s worth a listen.
          She, in my opinion, is one of NZ’s greats.
          She has changed how the world views women, their contribution to society, and their economic contribution in the household – which has burgeoning economic activity that was largely ignored until she pointed it out.


          Possibly ‘The’, if not, ‘one of The’ most well known contemporary NZ contributors to economic theory internationally…..in fact can’t think of others…..(but excuse my ignorance).

        • Ergo Robertina

          It was also that National MPs had the right to vote against the party, and Labour MPs did not (she said this in the recent Saturday morning interview with Kim).
          EDIT: The link to which has been posted by Sans Cle.

    • veutoviper 13.2

      Thanks, weka. For clarification the other person was Clare Robinson, media something at Massey University – a Nats can do no wrong advocate. Thankfully, she got very few words in – totally outshone by Marilyn Waring.

      • Paul 13.2.1

        Used to be on a Sunday TV panel spouting Tory propaganda.

      • rhinocrates 13.2.2

        Had the misfortune to work at Massey some time back and knew Robinson. An underwhelming intellect, very self-centred and no social intelligence at all. Just the type for the Nats.

        Plus, that charade’s a ticked box on the PBRF review for her – that’s “Performance Based Research Funding” Being interviewed on RNZ gets entered as a “research output” and goes into the calculations for department funding and your academic status.

        • Murray Rawshark

          I wouldn’t be surprised to see someone like Paul Henry get an honorary doctorate from Massey.

      • weka 13.2.3

        KH introduced her as a ‘political marketing specialist’ from Massey. Which is certainly what she came across as in the interview 😉

  13. weka 14

    Green Party male co-leader candidate speeches from the Auckland hui are up on youtube


    • Sans Cle 15.1

      Unfortunate. In fact disastrous. Thought that was going to be the death knell of the TPPA.

    • Draco T Bastard 15.2

      Of course they did. That was inevitable as the US corporations, who own the US Administration outright, wanted it.

      Democracy and listening to the people doesn’t happen.

    • Kiwiri 15.3

      HA! Mega corporate money can be so persuasive.

  14. Weepus beard 16

    I wouldn’t be surprised to see other women (with ponytails) come forward.

    Shocked, but not surprised.

  15. swordfish 17

    The Member for Ohariu makes a crucial contribution to the debate surrounding this scandal: “Someone grabbed my hair last year because they thought it was a wig, I think that showed them up as a yobbish sort of person.”


    Fucking Unbelievable !

  16. Incognito 18

    Hugh Grant played the British PM in Love Actually:

    [at a Cabinet meeting]

    Prime Minister: Who do you have to screw around here to get a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit?

    [Natalie walks in with a tea trolley and smiles demurely at the Prime Minister]

    Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0314331/quotes

    Yep, reality is stranger than fiction.

  17. Hateatea 19

    At the end of the second turbulent day of Ponytail gate, I still don’t know whether:

    a) Amanda Baldwin has legal help
    b) Somewhere safe to be
    c) Any sort of crowd funding for the inevitable legal costs

    Anyone more knowledgeable about all or any of this?

    What I do know:
    John Key is looking ever more sleazy. Can’t he please just start his gardening leave in Hawai’i immediately after the ANZAC events?

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