12,000 posts

Written By: - Date published: 11:19 am, April 22nd, 2013 - 4 comments
Categories: The Standard - Tags:

I just noticed that we passed 12,000 posts a few days ago. Appropriately, it was our stalwart, Anthony, who hit the mark with a post on Mini ‘W’. Funnily enough, it didn’t get all that many comments. Nowadays, the average post gets over 70 comments and we get 430 a day. The first 50,000 comments took 396 days, the latest 50,000 just 115 days. As always, it’s about the community. 12,000 posts from us would be just pissing in the wind without your 551,000 comments.

4 comments on “12,000 posts ”

  1. fambo 1

    Go The Standard!

  2. lprent 2

    I noticed that during the weekend. But I was in blob out mode….

    However I did finally get around to fixing the irritating scrollbar on Comments/Opinions. You might have to press Shift-Refresh to see it because the old css is probably still cached. Or you can just wait for the TTL to expire. Did a few other things as well. But most were generating debug logs looking for the database bug that periodically jams mysql (and gives the rather useless cloudflare cached pages).

  3. ghostrider888 3

    Thanks EDDIE, and everybody else.

  4. weka 4

    Fantastic, congrats to The Standard community, esp those who’ve done the hard yards putting up posts and managing things behind the scenes.