Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
10:39 am, January 17th, 2010 - 70 comments
Categories: Media, scoundrels -
MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow covers the outragous comments by rightwing Christian fundamentalist Pat Robertson on the Haitian earthquake.
Great to see this bigot confronted. Need more Maddows in journalism.
[First time I’ve embedded from MSNBC. It’s awesome. They let you clip their video just for the parts you want. Fantastic innovation.]
This is The Dark Ages revisited! These so-called Christians should be in institutions being treated for mental disorders.
I should have said ‘these fundamentalist type Christians’. I don’t want to besmirch the name of the genuine and sane examples of course.
You were right the first time.
(Anti-spam word: “backwards”.)
The only devil to have visited Haiti has been the United States.
BLip: Get the chip off of you shoulder about the USA, your as bad as Pat is.
Most Christains in America, would think pat is a nutcase and rightly so.
Your comment is pathetic, the USA is doing amazing relief work in Haiti, you are blinded by your idealogy.
Roberston views doesnt represent the views of most Americans, just like the Locke’s and Mintos dont represent most NewZealanders views.
Are you going to Haiti yourself Blip? Are you going to help out.
Or are you just going to write smart ass comments ona blog, seven thousand miles away.
Have you even donated?
A lot of Americans have.
Hey but if you want to be bigoted against a country, that is your business.
Pat does have a lot of support though Brett. He has been a central figure in US politics for decades. He is the sort of person that can phone the whitehouse and be able to get the ear of the president, (particularly GOP ones). Marginal figures don’t get to do that.
Also, the history of US/Haiti relations is what it is. If it is anti US to talk about that history, so be it. To ignore that history, just because it reflects badly on the US, is to say that the US could not actually be better than it is.
That, to my mind, is the real anti-US position.
The United States would have been rubbing its grubby hands together at the possibilities thrown up by the Haiti disaster, possibilities it created in the years leading up to the earthquake. Now its time for the pay off.
Your obsequious cowering to the United States is as touching as it is naive.
oh, your innocence is touching Brett.
Bet you haven’t seen this:
you could also do with reading this:
Here’s the prayer that Pat references in his ‘Haitians sold themselves to the debble’ narrative:
They’re not so different Pat.
January 17, 2010 at 1:22 pm
The United States would have been rubbing its grubby hands together at the possibilities thrown up by the Haiti disaster
That is freakin sick do, to think people like that, shows your not right in the head, I shall no longer read any of your bizarre posts, your the type of lefty who got upset after 9/11 because people were giving sympathy to the states, seek help.
Pat Robertson is on the same level as Fred Phelps, he and his supporters may think they are important, but the majoirty of Americans dont support him.
BLip: You prove my point about the left, even if 50 thousand people are dead, you just cant help yourself from having a shot at the USA.
The fact is, they are doing brilliant work in Haiti to help the victims of this earthquake, the public is donating money, the miltary on the ground their is doing their best to help the survivors, but you cant see that thru your hatred.
Your on a par with the Roberstons and the Phelps and the Mintos, personally I think they all have an illness, they all have been brainwashed growing up that is for sure.
If you had bothered to read any of the links provided, you would know that US corporates are already lining up to exploit the Haitian disaster – just visit the Heritage Foundation website for the blueprint. Bill has already pointed this out several times. But, hey, why let facts get in your way.
Yes, Brett. There really is a Santa Claus. His name is Uncle Sam.
Hey Brett,
those folks Blip linked to are also Americans.. and trying in their way to remain as objective about Haiti etc as they can..
okay, so you are correct, too, insofar as the America and Americans you mean to honor and/or respect..
which is to say I guess that not all Americans are deserving of that.. even in our seperate kiwi way..
And I believe that to be a good thing.. that we can hold an independent eye on such events and, if influenced to expend for example on the plight of Haiatians at least do so knowingly.
fyi one of those links was to Amy Goodman’s radio station (democracynow.org) and had transcipt of Naomi Klein(author of ‘Shock’) telling it the way she sees some things.. A clip:—
AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go back to Naomi Klein. We’re going to try that tape again, her commenting on what is going on in Haiti right now and who is profiting already.
NAOMI KLEIN: But as I write about in The Shock Doctrine, crises are often used now as the pretext for pushing through policies that you cannot push through under times of stability. Countries in periods of extreme crisis are desperate for any kind of aid, any kind of money, and are not in a position to negotiate fairly the terms of that exchange.
And I just want to pause for a second and read you something, which is pretty extraordinary. I just put this up on my website. The headline is “Haiti: Stop Them Before They Shock Again.’ This went up a few hours ago, three hours ago, I believe, on the Heritage Foundation website
She’s telling us about the Heritage Foundation boys being considered “uncouth” and lacking in American delicacy for the Caribbean’s plight.
We should be aware of this, of the jackals and personally I sure wouldn’t want my money going down a pretty doubtful hole.
“Past Robertson is on the same level as Fred Phelps”
No he isn’t.
Phelps could never hope to get the ear of a President, nor does he have millions of dollars flowing in from his fan base, nor does he have a widely viewed tv show, nor was he influential in creating the rise of the ‘christian right’ as a political force. Phelps is not the author of many well selling books, nor is he invited to appear on MSM news shows. Phelps has not founded a ‘university’ to promote his agenda, the graduates of which move on to to influential positions in one of the two main parties.
In what way are they the same?
Pascal Bookie:
Its still a low percentage of americans that like Pat.
Pat doesnt speak for the average American Christain.
Put it this way, Im on a large country music forum, these people love Fox News and Bill Oreilly, they are Christain and every single post on that forum which is very right wing, have ripped into Pat and called him every name under the sun.
Sure he may have his supporters, but he doesnt represented your average American.
It amazes me how people judge your average american by what idiot is on tv or what idiot goes on Springer.
Yes he probably does have more credibility than Phelps, but that is not saying much.
Ahh . . . right! Your references are impeccable. That bastion of the intellect, that source of good will to all men: an unnamed country and western music lovers forum. How could one possibly deny anything that comes from such a source of light in the world.
Tell me then Brett, why was GWB elected?
Why did the USA support Doc Duvalier?
All indications are that the Average American really, actually is exactly like Pat Robinson. Or, at least, enough a like not to protest about all the injustices that the US has perpetrated around the world.
They way they are the same are they prey on peoples hatred of certain groups and sectors of society.
But beleive me the average american wont give them the time of day.
Say no more. Please.
There is no such thing as the average american Brett. It’s just a fiction you are using to deny that there are many things that it is quite legitimate to criticise the US for.
IF pat is such a loathed figure, then why does every GOP presidential candidate go on his show and seek his endorsement? Why would McCain for example, who had in the past called Pat an ‘agent of intolerance’, go crawling to him? The only answer is that GOP pollies can’t get elected if pat and his ilk are not shown respect.
I too admire much about the US, and respect many many of thye poeple there. But it is because of that that it is important to criticise the aspects of the US that suck. To do so is not to damn all the US.
Yes I understand the GOP camdidates suck up to him.
But from what I have been reading on forums, Pat has been ripped apart for his ugly comments, and ripped apart by very right wing people.
I would say most Christains in the USA would feel sick by his comments, apart from his fanbase.
Your right you do have to criticise the bad aspects of countries.
It seems to me though, that the states gets criticised just because they are the states.
It seems to me though, that the states gets criticised just because they are the states.
Except for the people in this thread (whose comments you apparently haven’t bothered to read) who are criticising the U.S. for fucking Haiti over in a big way for many many years.
If you see anyone in this thread criticising the states “just because they are the states” then point them out please. Otherwise shut the fuck up.
Here’s another US Republican that deserves ridicule before his suggestion in relation to donating to Haiti gains any traction.
Agh Rush.. the phenomenal..
Mr. P himself.. as many drivers refer to the fellow on or about their driving business. It may interest you to know how in certain locations the only decent radio signal you’ll hear is Rush Limbaugh.. True! A real power player over there. The sickening drone of his voice cause for more haters than fans presently..
Right now though, and I just bet he’d NEVER admit to it, Rush is PBO’s best (political) friend. Yep, the Prez knows when to shut up; the one thing unheard of with Rush.
Mebbe the money thing is about his being peeved at Republican donation going to Haiati and not himself. Hits the purse.. and he’d sure howl about pulling those strings back into line.
the other thing about the rush, is that his show is carried on the armed service radio network. So the service people in haiti get to hear themselves described as meals on wheels.
Why does Rush Limbaugh hate the troops?
When I hear and see the “Good Christian Message ” like the one from Pat Robertson I realise just what a curse on the world religion is. It also make me realise just how lucky I am that my family bought me up as a rationalist and non believer.
I find it unbelieviable that statements like Robertson’ s are headline news, This and others like it should end up in the editors garbage can.
Nice to see that indirrectly you are undermining the efforts of the Sal Army, World Vision and many other organisations. Yet how often to we hear of the lack of involvement of say the UN in matters?
The world can be viewed with both eyes open, it is a better place when viewed in this way.
People get pissed off when they see, the good work USA have been doing with the relief efforts, but wont admit it because of thier idealogy, and shut the fuck up yourself.
Can you show an example please?
Cos so far you seem to be angry about people you’ve made up who live in your mind. Certainly can’t see anyone posting here expressing the views you find so distasteful.
Prove me wrong. Show me an example.
The food drops from miltary helicopters that have been on several networks, take a look at the huffington post.
But felix your so screwed up in your hatred, you will probably think its a all a media stunt.
The states were on this faster than they were on New Orelans, all credit to Obama for this.
The strategic dropping of some food in critical areas causes an increase in violence as the hungry battle amongst themselves – not that the United States would ever do that, eh Brett?
But felix your so screwed up in your hatred, you will probably think its a all a media stunt.
Show where I’ve expressed anything of the sort please.
I’m starting to think you’re seriously delusional. You’re imagining I’ve said things and you’re getting angry with me for them.
It’s all happening in your mind, Brett.
I asked you for an example of someone on this thread “hating the states for being the states” of whatever your peculiar turn of phrase was. If you can’t show even one single example then you should probably apologise to everyone writing here in good faith.
Instead you turn on me for asking you to back up your own statements.
The fact that posters here think the reason the USA did food drops on haiti was to make Black people fight each other.
How mentally ill do you have to be to think that?
It’s not anyone else’s fault that you lack the basic English comprehension skills required to figure out what BLiP was saying.
It’s also not anyone else’s fault that you haven’t learned enough history to know that it wasn’t exactly a controversial statement.
Now where are the examples of the anti-american hatred you keep going on about? Just one will do.
I thought you couldn’t see colour Brett?
Blip suggested that the food drop was to cause violence in certain areas, I suggested that the food drop was to help those in need.
I cannot help it if I have a more positive view on human nature than he/she does.
Nothing I have posted in this thread is factually incorrect.
Except, perhaps, my comment in relation to an unnamed country music lovers online forum as being the source of all truth.
Brett you’re a moron.
Pascal’s bookie:
That is what Blip was suggesting.
I just like to end my part in this thread to say a big thankyou to all those that are helping the victims in Haiti, doesnt matter if they are governments or private citizens, I beleive those that are helping are doing it for the right reasons.
You’re welcome.
that comment came well after your accusations, and I’m not convinced you understood it in any case.
But I’ll leave the thread with a coupla anti american songs from some US hating arseholes:
@ Adders.1229pm
I was really trying to differentiate between the god-awful right-wing fundamentalist Christians, and the ordinary, decent people who try to live by Christian principles.
I didn’t make a good job of it.
Shooting fish in a barrel though innit…’confronting’ Pat Robertson?
The people he is talking to will believe in deals with the devil and curses and what not no matter what any one else says. It’s how they view the world.
Giving time over to refuting his nonsense really is a waste of time.
I’d be far more impressed if US journalists confronted John Stewart’s nonsense about asking no searching questions about the role of the US in Haiti…either the historical role nor any potential agenda arising from the opportunities afforded by the earthquake.
‘Cause that’s the liberal media shutting down a whole can of worms that really ought to be prised open in the interests of informing the citizenry and as a contribution towards holding authority to account.
Fuck Pat Robertson…who cares.
Let’s get journos and others who want to investigate meaningful centres of power and their agendas and lets empower those journos and others by spreading their investigative pieces and/or their analyses…or not. We could just give oxygen to sad nutters like Robertson and be distracted from meaningful and potentially empowering debate by a focus on the side show freaks?
Do you have a link for “John Stewart’s nonsense about asking no searching questions about the role of the US in Haiti” Bill?
My google fu is a bit off today.
Actually Felix. I watched it again and maybe I jumped the gun. At he end he was commenting on reporting that focussed on Democrat v GOP positions. Not US on Haiti. Being defensive, I’d argue that’s just accepted as being unmentionable perhaps?
Or I’d just say, okay. My bad.
And then I found the clip on the Rachel Maddow Show that the Daily Show was commenting on.
It’s all about USAID. That got me nervous because they have traditionally played a dodgy and crucial role in US expansionism. The segment follows the usual formulaic acceptance as fact that the US is only a source of benevolence.
Go 9 minutes in and you get this from Steve Clemens who is, apparently, Director of Foreign Policy Programmes at ‘The New America Foundation’ and publisher of ‘The Washington Notes’ (Both Liberal Projects) basically advocating a refocus on the US;s ‘backyard’ through an expanded role for USAID in the region In short, Bad news. It’s the crucial contextual factors he omits to mention that scares and bemuses as much as the logical conclusions of what he does say…
The US corporate exploitation of the Haiti disaster is already in full swing. Sick fuckers.
Oh, c’mon BliP.
We all know the banks would sink without a trace if they forewent their service fee!
BLiP – realistically the only country that can (and will) help Haiti is the US, or in reality its taxpayers.
Really? Seems odd, then, that there are more than half a dozen different countries now with personnel on the ground, don’t you think? And what about the United Nations, does that organisation not count?
The first United States intervention in Haiti was in 1891 – nothing in the intervening 120 years leads to me believe the United States has the best interests of Haiti at heart. Thank goodness the other nations are there and can keep an eye on things.
“Thank goodness the other nations are there and can keep an eye on things”
Except the US now has exclusive control of the airport, the French have already complained because they had aircraft refused landing premission. Remember that the troops are moving in before aid is distributed. So the airport is tied up with….well, it’s either troops being landed or aid being landed innit?
Spoke too soon, eh?
I see the media are also having all sorts of problems with the United States preventing coverage.
Dear bloggers, a simple but urgent request. When those little red dots appear under a word while you are typing a comment – it indicates that you have probably spelt something wrong. It detracts from your arguments when you make these fundamental errors. Brett, for Christ’s sake it is Christian and your use of your for you’re … sharpen up or casual readers of your comments will believe you to be lacking …
Based on his past body of work, the evidence suggests that Pat Robertson has made a pact with the Devil.
From calling for Hugo Chavez to be killed to suggesting the US State Dept be nuked, Robertson is full of violence and hate. Jesus would kick him in the head.
Point taken.
@ BLiP and others – what brainless f*ckwits you people are
For others interested in the rubbish that comes out of the United States and looking for a sensible critique of it check out Media Matters which is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Can’t see any refutation of what I’ve said here on the Media Matters site. Nor can I find any support for Limbaugh or Robertson.
It would seem that, in fact, it is you who is the fuck wit.
Wow you are even more brainless than I gave you credit for – but you are certainly more egotistical than I thought – bravo…
There are two comments that I made at 10.00am which were made in isolation of each other.
A) My comment is that you are indeed a moron/fuckwit – confirmed yet again in your comment @11.08am
B) Media Matters is a good website for providing thoughtful analysis on subjects such as the one at the centre of this blog post – others who enjoy visiting The Standard may like to look there for a more thoughtful analysis of the good reverend’s comments and other conservative misinformation than the analysis you were vainly attempting to provide on this forum, hence I provided the link so that they may enjoy some decent discourse on the subject.
In future I suggest you don’t assume that every piece of code on the internet is about you.
Loose rambling thoughts on something that has come to my attention with regards Robertson et al.
Given that there are extremities of both the right and left, wonder why it is that there is a plethora of extreme right wing tosh out there that the liberals react to thereby allowing the right to set the agenda rather than getting down to the nub of whatever matter.
Meanwhile, there is no left counterbalance. I really cannot think of a single commentator of the left who is reported on by the msm who could be seen as a counterpoint to the extreme right wing.
I’m thinking that whereas right wing tosh is inflammatory, dishonest and unintelligent, left wing tosh is usually analytically reasonable and not deliberately dishonest. It’s not always intelligent, but it becomes questionable more as a question of the motivation of the people behind whatever extreme left wing view is being peddled rather than the views themselves. ( We know the agenda of the right, the left is more diverse and not always desirable)
So is it the case that the extreme right tends to resonate with our sense of revulsion which is then captured and channelled by the mainstream to become a part of the prevailing orthodoxy.
Meanwhile, the extreme left would resonate with our sense of what is right and so would be incapable of being captured and channelled by the mainstream to become a part of the prevailing orthodoxy…it constitutes a direct challenge to the mainstream and demands a new orthodoxy.
As such it is shut down and shut out in the interests of ‘balance and objectivity’….where balance is the current balance of power and objectivity is mainstream propaganda as all encompassing truth.
edit And the so-called left liberals contribute to the silencing of the left because they too have a massive investment in the status quo
This article that appeared in yesterday’s SST also offers an interesting perspective on what you are saying.
Perhaps the constant diet of repulsive right-wing filth has even caused some in the Murdoch family to feel uncomfortable.
I believe the likes of Bill O’ Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are like fires – they need oxygen to breathe and their oxygen is coverage in the MSM ergo they must make more and more outrageous statements.
Although it may be wishful thinking to imagine NewsCorp behaving in a manner of journalistic integrity one can dream.
To be ‘ashamed and sickened by Roger Ailes’s horrendous and sustained disregard of the journalistic standards that News Corporation (…) aspires to’ is a weird and pointless thing to contend.
I don’t think there is much to it beyond some business driven, subtle realigning or slight shifting of focus within News Corp.
Naughty little Wascally Wabbitt – you’ve got me confused with Brett Dale.
Ahhh the Mondays!
American rescue workers in Haitia
Brett you’re a bigot. You hate everyone except white Americans.
French rescue workers have to battle the United States to get aid into Haiti.