Caption competition

Written By: - Date published: 1:31 pm, December 12th, 2016 - 48 comments
Categories: john key, Minister for Photo-ops - Tags:

48 comments on “Caption competition ”

  1. gsays 1

    “damn, getting the tppa signed doesn’t belong in the big folder of achievements”

  2. Shackleford Hurtmore 2

    John Key disposing of his unfinished ponytail bucket list.

  3. Muttonbird 4

    Breaking News: John Key files his achievements.

  4. mary_a 6

    “And this one is the information about NZ’s major growth industry, impoverishment. See I drew funny pictures on it, to show how hilarious it is. All good fun. All in a day’s work. Now where is that print out showing some gorgeous and very tantalizing pony tails, that I downloaded off the internet? Keeps me awake at night that one, thinking how I’d really love to play with them.”

  5. mosa 7

    Jeezus i told them to make sure they shred this stuff.

    • Thinkerr 7.1

      “Hmm, might as well throw out the hate mail. No point keeping that. I’ll just use this Eastlight binder for the mail from my supporters…”

  6. mosa 8

    Shit eight years on and i am still cleaning up after Helen.

  7. Brendan 9

    Key tossing files into a bin labelled “Whale Oil Stuff.”

  8. Adrian 10

    ” Here you go suckers, here’s the b(B)ill, Now pay up.

  9. AB 11

    Two blank sheets

  10. The decrypter 12

    Yep, this one belongs in my blind trust listing of lies file.

  11. mac1 13

    “Bin there, done that!

  12. mac1 14

    PM defiles office.

  13. Neil 15

    Better not forget to get this lot shredded, before the public of NZ find out what I truly was doing.

  14. Nick 16

    I never really happened

  15. Draco T Bastard 17

    Right, now to get rid of the evidence.

  16. fender 18

    “It’s all over now baby blue”

  17. Puckish Rogue 19

    Nooooooooo! (Not a caption, just my thoughts on Keys leaving)

  18. repateet 20

    🎶You’ve got to know when to hold ’em
    Know when to fold ’em
    Know when to walk away
    And know when to run
    You never count your money
    When you’re sittin’ at the table
    There’ll be time enough for countin’
    When the dealin’s done🎶

  19. Rae 21

    “Here is a list of my achievements”

  20. rod 22

    Now you can all see what tosser i am.

  21. swordfish 24

    Key (to himself):

    “That’s right John. Nice and easy. Calm body language. Allll innocent like. As far as that Photographer and Journalist are concerned these are just harmless files of no consequence. I’m just casually throwing them away. Nothing incriminating, nothing suspicious. Nothing to see here.”

  22. Carolyn_nth 25

    Won’t need or miss any of this in Hawaii.

    Life ambitions achieved: learned to play golf; became a millionaire; was PM of NZ….

  23. Cinny 26

    Is this the recycling bin? Oh hi is that you Bill? Yup it’s the recycling, better put the paper rubbish in there with him.

  24. Red 27

    number of defeats by labour great hopes goff Clark Cunliff and shearer

  25. fender 28

    Fumbling in garbage cans outside the theatre of zero triumphs.

  26. Thinkerr 29

    Thinks: “I bet Obama has staff to do this for him. It shoulda been me running the USA”

  27. Incognito 30

    Hah! Ethics: A Beginner’s Guide, Bill won’t be needing this either so in the bin it goes.

  28. Incognito 31

    Hekia will never know where her only copy of National Standards went, heheh.

  29. Incognito 32

    Hillary told me to leave no trail but warned me that it was a hell of job deleting all those e-mails. Now I know why she looked so bloody knackered.

  30. Incognito 33

    It’s a shame that no publisher was interested in my sordid little novel called Fifty Shades of Key because they thought it was a sequel to Dirty Politics with even less sex in it.

  31. JanM 34

    Not with a bang but a whimper

  32. ropata 35

    National Party manifesto = Future toilet paper

  33. Mrs Brillo 36

    At the end of the day, you’re another day older….

  34. Doogs 37

    “Shit, is that all I’ve done in 8 years . . . OK, I’ll just keep the folder then.”

  35. michelle 38

    Just spray (poison) and walk away (thats the john key way)

  36. ropata 39

    Screw this job, and screw those moaning Kiwis, I am off to try out Trump’s latest golf course.

  37. Alison 40

    Key trashes New Zealand