Daily Review 01/02/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 1st, 2017 - 42 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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42 comments on “Daily Review 01/02/2017 ”

  1. Bill 1

    So, I don’t know if this will ‘take’. I’ve no idea how to cut and paste vids from facebook that don’t appear to be on other platforms. I can only try and if it doesn’t work and you have a facebook account, then search it out and share, aye?


    edit. Found a non facebook link… (from 2015)


  2. weka 2

    Alex Coleman ‏@ShakingStick 48m48 minutes ago

    Gower says ‘truth’ is the most important issue this election year. This is going to be fucking epic


  3. weka 3

    Gotta love the internet sometimes. Lol of the day,


  4. Anne 4

    So, Peter Thiel writes to Nathan Guy and tells him he knows John Key, Bill English and Gerry Brownlee so Mr Guy approved his citizenship application. He has never lived here…


    • Anne 4.1

      He was granted citizenship because he was a billionaire, and his so-called “philanthropy” was nothing more than a bribe. He used NZ to buy himself a bolthole here when everything turns to custard and he’s forced to flee the USA.

      When the Labour/Green coalition government take office they should rescind his citizenship on the grounds he acquired it under false pretenses.

  5. wicked (good) visual for daily review – thanks

  6. Paul 6

    Interesting news from Iraq.
    I see that when ISIS gets defeated in Iraq, a city is ‘libeared’ according to the Guardian.
    That propaganda piece of fake news somehow never managed to call the fall of Aleppo liberation.
    I guess when it’s US planes that are pulverising a city, that makes it OK for the Guardian.
    So predictable.

    The battle for Mosul: ‘I have never seen such hard fighting like this’

    • “That propaganda piece of fake news ” that you are linking to…

      therefore you are promulgating fake news by your own words – how do you sleep at night???

  7. Paul 7

    Thought provoking.
    Ron Paul: Economic Collapse Imminent — Trump will Get the Blame Instead of the FED

    In a few months, the federal government’s debt is going to cross $20 Trillion or $160,000 per taxpayer. Governments (and central banks) always reach the checkmate point. The U.S. federal government and Federal Reserve will not be an exception.

  8. Paul 8

    Worrying news from the South.

    Scientists Warn the Collapse of This Glacier Could Be Globally Catastrophic

    The hulking West Antarctic ice sheet has been worrying scientists for decades. Global warming, as we already know, is causing very massive glaciers to melt a very rapid pace. But if this ice sheet goes, as some climate models have formidably simulated, sea levels could rise by as much as 12 feet. That’s enough to flood 28,800 square miles of coastal land in the United States alone.

    For many experts, the question isn’t if this is going to happen, but when.

    Since the 1950s, West Antarctica’s glaciers have been called “unstable,” “unstoppable,” and the region’s “weak underbelly” by researchers who recognized their unique vulnerabilities and immense potential for catastrophe.

    In particular, the Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers near the Amundsen Sea are of utmost concern because they possess the ability to destabilize the entire ice sheet, setting off a careening chain of events. According to Washington Post, while both glaciers are capable of causing up to two feet of sea level rise, each depositing nearly “45 billion tons of ice into the ocean annually,” their structural integrity makes them especially dangerous.


    Runaway Glaciers in West Antarctica

    Glaciologist Eric Rignot of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the University of California, Irvine, narrates this animation depicting the processes leading to the decline of six rapidly melting glaciers in West Antarctica. A new study by Rignot and others finds the rapidly melting section of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet appears to be in an irreversible state of decline, with nothing to stop the glaciers in this area from melting into the sea

    • ianmac 8.1

      The ice issue is so huge it is hard to imagine let alone act on the cause. Thanks Paul. A worrying night ahead!

    • One Two 8.2

      Who controls the imagery used which you generally link to, Paul?

      What are your thoughts around the ‘Antarctica ban’ ?

  9. Paul 9

    More investigation needs to be done into Thiel’s Palantir.
    This article was written in 2013.
    And the msm has failed to do any digging.
    We need a new media.

    Are Palantir spooks?


  10. Muttonbird 10

    Great piece by Eaqub on housing crisis deniers.

    Yes, homeowners vote more than renters, but that should not be the guide for good government and good policy.

    So, true of Key’s government and now the current one – they only do what’s good for their voters, not for society as a whole.


  11. reason 11

    A warning from 1989 ……. regarding ‘kill lists’ ….


    It appears people are ‘noticing’ more …. now that we have a trump instead of a obama ……….. in charge of the killing.

    “Then it starts getting heavy. The `Pre-emptive Strikes’ bill. President Reagan, working through the Secretary of State Shultz… almost 2 years ago, submitted the bill that would provide them with the authority to strike at terrorists before terrorists can do their terrorism. But this bill… provides that they would be able to do this in this country as well as overseas. It provides that the secretary of state would put together a list of people that he considers to be terrorist, or terrorist supporters, or terrorist sympathizers. And if your name, or your organization, is put on this list, they could kick down your door and haul you away, or kill you, without any due process of the law and search warrants and trial by jury, and all of that, with impunity. ”

    ……… “Now, there was a tremendous outcry on the part of jurists. The New York Times columns and other newspapers saying, `this is no different from Hitler’s “night in fog” program’, where the government had the authority to haul people off at night. And they did so by the thousands. And President Reagan and Secretary Shultz have persisted…. Shultz has said, `Yes, we will have to take action on the basis of information that would never stand up in a court. And yes, innocent people will have to be killed in the process. But, we must have this law because of the threat of international terrorism’. ” …….

  12. Paul 12

    This might explain the turn in the price of housing.

    China’s Army of Global Homebuyers Is Suddenly Short on Cash

    China’s escalating crackdown on capital outflows is sending shudders through property markets around the world.

    In London, Chinese citizens who clamored to purchase flats at the city’s tallest apartment tower three months ago are now struggling to transfer their down payments. In Silicon Valley, Keller Williams Realty says inquiries from China have slumped since the start of the year. And in Sydney, developers are facing “big problems” as Chinese buyers pull back, according to consultancy firm Basis Point.

    “Everything changed’’ as it became more difficult to send money offshore, said Coco Tan, a broker associate at Keller Williams in Cupertino, California.

    Less than a month after China announced fresh curbs on overseas payments, anecdotal reports from realtors, homeowners and developers suggest the restrictions are already weighing on the world’s biggest real estate buying spree. While no one expects Chinese demand to disappear anytime soon, the clampdown is deterring first-time buyers who lack offshore assets and the expertise to skirt tighter capital controls.

    “If it’s too difficult, I’m out,’’ said Mr. Zheng, 66, a retired civil servant in Shanghai who declined to give his first name to avoid attracting regulatory scrutiny. He may abandon a 2.4 million yuan ($348,903) home purchase in western Melbourne, even after shelling out a 300,000 yuan deposit last August. He’s due to make another big payment next month.



  13. Muttonbird 13

    Willie Jackson’s move to Labour is a sign of problems for the Mari Party/Mana alliance.

    Trevett thinks it was Labour poaching but the truth is Jackson saw that Mr. Underpants and that daft Maori King had been bought and paid for by the National Party.


    • weka 13.1

      “Willie Jackson’s move to Labour is a sign of problems for the Mari Party/Mana alliance.”

      Not necessarily. Maybe he just wants a decent chance of getting back into parliament. Would he have that with the Mp or Mana?

      • chris73 13.1.1

        Sounds to me like the takeover of the Labour party by the Alliance party is gathering steam 😉

      • Muttonbird 13.1.2

        The same thing I guess. That Maori Party has gone down this cult of celebrity road is interesting. I’m picking they are taking courses from National Party advisors.

        How though will those same National Party advisors lie in bed with Hone Harawira on the first night of a new coalition?

        • weka

          Why would Harawira support a National govt?

          • Sigh

            He’s supporting the Maori Party, who are National’s poodles. Same thing.

            • Muttonbird

              Yes, if you are talking ego politicians in it for the position then look no further than Harawira who is already in alliance with a National government support partner which contrasts totally with all his beliefs I would have thought.

              This after last election totally accepting of an alliance with the Internet Party.

              I used to think his was a militant voice for the disenfranchised but now I think he’s a fake concerned only with his own income stream.

            • weka

              “He’s supporting the Maori Party, who are National’s poodles. Same thing.”

              Not really. There is a huge difference between working with allies, and actively supporting the formation of a National govt by being in a coalition or giving them Confidence and Supply.

              • Muttonbird

                Aren’t you going a bit constitutional there? The facts are than the Maori Party is a poodle of the National government like UF and ACT, and Mana has just signed a deal with them.

                • weka

                  You said,

                  “How though will those same National Party advisors lie in bed with Hone Harawira on the first night of a new coalition?”

                  That sounds like you suggesting that Harawira would be in a formal relationship with National. I just don’t see it. One Māori political party working with another makes sense to me and doesn’t mean that Harawira is going to support National.

  14. Pat 14


    “Should the bay’s fisheries collapse there will also be very serious human consequences, including intensified conflict and mass displacement. If millions of people lose their livelihoods then we can be sure that the resultant churning of populations will create huge new streams of migration, across the bay, the Indian Ocean, and indeed, the planet. Recent refugee flows in the region suggest that such a process may have already begun.”

    however 200 million environmental refugees may not be disastrous enough…..
