Daily Review 02/11/2016

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 2nd, 2016 - 14 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

McCully sheep in wolfs clothing

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14 comments on “Daily Review 02/11/2016 ”

  1. Draco T Bastard 1

    Over-balancing the Books

    This government’s mantra has always been, ‘It’s a shame. We’d like to help but there is no money available.’ Clearly this is no longer the case, if it ever was. Let’s be honest, it has been a long time since adequately funding social services was the top priority of any government.

    The issue is not underspending or overspending, but spending wisely where it matters the most. Money left over means opportunities wasted.

    How much damage has National to the economy and to our society by not spending where needed?

  2. repateet 2

    Did i hear that the Aussies, who treat Kiwis very well in their fair land, are being extra nice to us by helping catch student loan defaulters?

    • James 2.1

      If so hats excellent news. You get a loan – you should be held to account to pay it back.

  3. Tautoko Mangō Mata 3

    A constitutional challenge against CETA has been launched in the federal court of Canada. This follows a similar complaint in German court a few weeks ago filed by some German NGOs also alleging that CETA is unconstitutional.

    The Plaintiffs central challenge is four-fold, namely that:
    (1) that the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to sign, execute and implement treaties without the express prior authority or Parliament through an Act of Parliament;
    (2); the vast majority of the CETA articles and their impact encroach on exclusive Provincial spheres of jurisdiction protected by the division of powers under the Constitution Act, 1867;
    (3) the CETA guts and extinguishes the constitutionally protected Judiciary in Canada by creating foreign tribunals to determine property and legal issues in Canada without any judicial oversight or jurisdiction of the Canadian Courts over the disputes; and
    (4) various articles of the CETA violate constitutionally enshrined rights in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and over-ride Charter guarantees that ground Canada’s ability to mount public programs on Health, Education, Social Services, and public utilities including the elimination of subsidies, monopolies, and state enterprises for the public welfare. In short, the treaty places the rights of private foreign investors over those of the Canadian Constitution and Canadian citizens.


  4. Muttonbird 4

    “I think the industry has for a long time had a reputation as something to get into as a way to get rich quick,” says immigration lawyer Alistair McClymont.

    “Start a school, get NZQA approval, you make your money and get out before the compliance issues catch up with you.”

    This is National’s gold-plated international student industry. Say hello to the do-nothing government.

    As is typical of the current government, a so called new and valuable industry (which they have often trumpeted but never properly overseen) is found to be ridden with poor performance and illegal activities at both the source of the students themselves and, more alarmingly, here in their place of ‘learning’.

    I think these schools and this industry is also a front for the importation of cheap labour and a backdoor to residency into NZ. That’s why Steven Joyce doesn’t have an issue with it, because it keeps wages in the basement.

    Whenever the immigration numbers are discussed the student visas are always split off and deemed non-permanent. They are not. These students are told by corrupt immigration consultants they can study here and residency is just around the corner if you do cleaning at night.


  5. Muttonbird 5

    Government banker shits on the elderly from a great height.

    From the announcement of a ‘consultation period’ in August to the close of branches: less than 90 days.


    • millsy 5.1

      Incidentally, Westpac was the bank that swallowed up the small community trustee savings banks that existed throughout the country prior to Douglas’s wrecking ball.

      • Craig H 5.1.1

        Westpac bought most of them, but not all of them. ASB was the Auckland branch of Trust Bank (ASB = Auckland Savings Bank), and ASB also took over the Westland branch. TSB is still going as the last independent bank from that era.

        • millsy

          ASB ended up getting sold to Aussie interests. TSB, thankfully still stays in the hands of the TSB Community Trust.

  6. Chris 6

    What this chap did was atrocious.


    But it was equally atrocious that he was ultimately tried by the court of public opinion. That the biggest and most powerful law firm in the country, Crown Law, could buckle to populist opinion and launch an attack on a court’s decision to adopt the judiciary’s right to take a compassionate approach to criminal matters is saddening. There’s no excuse for what Filipo did. But the District Court saw his remorse, saw the consequences of what a conviction would mean, and took the compassionate path. The young chap even imposed upon himself a sentence of not being able to play rugby for the foreseeable future.

    That said, the wheels of justice took their course and the chap’s now got a conviction. He now has to deal with the consequences of that, including the damage to his career, particularly to being able to play overseas. The fact that he again pleaded guilty and took what was coming is a testament to his remorse.

    Given that he’s now been convicted and must deal with the consequences, I suggest that there’re now grounds for the decision that he step aside from playing for Wellington is revisited. He’s now paying for his crimes in different way. The consequences are now far more severe for him. He initially did the right thing and agreed to step down. The justice system had different ideas and pretty much told him to get stuffed and that a far greater penalty is required. Fair enough. That’s the law.

    Given that that is the law, I think it’d be quite appropriate for Filipo and Wellington Rugby to sit down and renegotiate the arrangement. Things have changed and Filipo’s been forced to deal with things differently. This should mean all bets are off. If the system says the punishment must change then so be it.

    I think this now opens the way for Filipo and Wellington Rugby to say “okay then, if that’s the way you guys want to play it, then we’re going to do things differently, too.” Filipo’s had no choice in the matter. He offered a way to be punished that the court initially accepted but which was then taken away. Again, fair enough. That’s how our justice system works. He’s simply paying the price for what he did in a different way now.

    I actually can’t stand rugby and wouldn’t care if the sport was banned forever. But I hope Filipo starts playing rugby for Wellington again. Given what’s happened it’d be fair if he did. This is a case where the justice system shouldn’t be having it both ways. Crown Law and trial in the court of public opinion can get fucked.

    • Ad 6.1

      As a matter of principle public opinion is a totally necessary part of justice.
      Both the Courts and prosecutors should pay attention.