Daily Review 06/08/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:32 pm, August 6th, 2018 - 23 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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23 comments on “Daily Review 06/08/2018 ”

  1. marty mars 1

    Im pissed off the cow and calf were slaughtered.

    “The cow that attacked two people in a south Auckland park has been put down, along with its eight-month old calf.”


    • Dv 1.1

      Had a calf, that now makes more sense
      Cow with calves can be quite aggressive.

    • AsleepWhileWalking 1.2

      Me too. Just being themselves although I did wonder if a member of the public fed them apples or something stupid like that because it sounded like a group of them attacked.

      For those who don’t know (guessing most of Auckland) when cows eat fruit it has a similar affect as alcohol does for humans due to the multiple stomachs a cow has.

    • its a real shame. The cow was just being a good mother.

      • joe90 1.3.1

        A witness said the calf was an intact male and at eight months old, it would be dangerous.

  2. Kat 2

    And so it begins, the mud slinging against Fletcher Tabuteau, the deputy leader of New Zealand First. Some of it is bound to stick.

    The National opposition are now visibly starting to view the long term game. All part of the grief process and now that they are at the acceptance stage the usual tactics of smearing with a view to wiping out begins……and in earnest….for 2020.

    Look out NZ First there’s a blue boat coming up the river, and it doesn’t look like their here to deliver the mail……………..

    Oh, and Hooton with dying cell coverage from the spin out with Hosking has sent a message that Jacinda Ardern should just do more “puff pieces” in the women’s mags no need for policy cos that’s all the coalition have to do to win in 2020.

  3. Bill 3

    Mr Farrar’s Curia is on the phones this evening.

    Mostly just the usual smash, but one of the questions was about favouring a fixed term parliament. I thought that was a bit of an odd one in the mix. Anyway…

    • Kat 3.1

      National now realise that Jacinda Ardern could very well see them out of treasury seat warming for 4-5 terms.

      Hooton’s cell phone battery is flat.

      • BM 3.1.1

        Fuck me, the delusion is off the charts.

        Ardern is an utter flake who no one remotely rated as leadership material until the media decided she was the chosen one.

        Foundations built on sand.

        • Robert Guyton

          Sand, held together with the cement of Jacinda’s love, is tough stuff, BM; tough:-)

        • corodale

          Increased alien activity will test her leadership. Do we offer citizenship to keep it transparent? Should they get full human rights?

          And with Darwin debunked, could the competitive business model also be in danger? That question might be better handled by Judith.