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notices and features - Date published:
5:30 pm, December 7th, 2021 - 47 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Daily review is also your post. This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day. The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy). Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
How should govt counter misinformation? https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/300469809/its-a-hellscape-the-age-of-misinformation-is-here–can-government-close-the-rabbit-hole
That must have been the worst ever question time performance from a leader of the opposition. He will no doubt improve but Jacinda made him look very incompetent and bumbling. I guess his PR coaches were not at his elbow.
At the same time her admirable qualities were to the fore, given she has rarely ever made any reference to the National chaos of the last 18 months which must have been tempting on many occasions. She rises above the worst aspects of politics.
Luxon was not impressive, true. But in a way it's worse than that. He wasn't different. At all.
If he'd tried something new and failed, then OK (a different type of primary question, more spontaneous follow-ups, team-tagging with other front benchers … anything really). Shake things up. Have a bit of fun, even. (But leave the fish at home).
But he basically did what all previous leaders have done, only worse, because he is a beginner. If National's leader is using the same old playbook to play the same game, why pick somebody who's only started reading it?
Sir John I suspect might actually be driving the Luxon entity.
It’s probably hard for him to do this remotely with an “hours of delay” factor for corrections & adjustments.
Luxon’s not looking like a stellar performer, but the main questions for the tactical PR team possibly pulled together in the background to up his game asap will be – how readily reprogrammable is he – & is he a quick learner?
She leaves that to Robertson & Hipkins, who are quite good at it.
Her hands are clean.
It’s a smart strategy.
Just waiting to see Robertson deal to Bridges in a finance debate.
Bridges will be annihilated…has N.F.I.
Suspect you are correct there, mon ami. Bridges is a plodder, not good at thinking on his his feet. Robertson is sharp-witted &, while visibly now quite overweight, also very fast on his feet. He’ll most likely make Bridges look a slow-thinking dumbarse.
' while visibly now quite overweight,'
Very surprised you mentioned this Gezza…Good lord what have you got to say about Gezza Brownlee…I thought you avoided this type of…critique.
Generally I do, but I’m feeling a bit sporty this evening so I tossed you some bait, mon ami. Have fun with it. It won’t happen often.
Gerry Brownlee isn’t exactly in a class of his own but let’s not go any further down that track. There’s a few of them in Parliament on both sides of the House that appear to be chasing heart, stroke & diabetes problems if they don’t do something about it soonish. I don’t wish that on any of them.
Luxon has missed out on the advice from Sir Keith Holyoake…….
'Sir Keith Holyoake's advice to new National MPs when he was Prime Minister in the 1960s and early 70s was to breathe through their noses, which meant watch what you say or, even better, say nothing' plus a lot of listening at question time and doing time in parliament and on select committees where you can learn the way that parliament works.
He is having to listen and learn and do all at once. Hopefully he will be working closely with his Chief of Staff, other long serving Leader of the Oppn staff, National research unit etc.
There was a gentle but funny poke at Bridges today at Question Time by Robertson.
8. Hon SIMON BRIDGES (National—Tauranga) to the Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his statement in his Budget speech earlier this year that wage growth "will outpace inflation, meaning more money in Kiwis' back pockets"?
Hon GRANT ROBERTSON (Minister of Finance): Can I first congratulate the member on his new role. I stand by my statement in the context that those were the Treasury's Budget forecast at the time. But as the member might appreciate more than most, sometimes events can move quickly and numbers can shift around."
Great to see smiles all round, as well.
Video of the Parliamentary Question in question (12m):
oh good, it auto-embeds.
You can see his managerial culture coming through.
Right-wing christian religious extremism in the USA should never be underestimated. nor should it's spreading tentacles in New Zealand.
That someone like Cawthorn is elected to public office is symbolic of the state of the United States. Of course to enhance the dire picture he has the likes of Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene.
the lancet called non males bodies with vaginas.
none males are what ever any male wants them to be.
Do you have a link for that..Sabine?
Read that…did not pick up Sabines quote.
Is menstral shame and period poverty a big issue?
I understand this Govt is addressing these issues…free feminine products etc.
Is there any data to enlighten just how bad the problem is?
Sabine was writing satire.
Gender ideologists are trying to remove women's language. Hence women is now non-males. And 'bodies with vaginas' is a direct quote. The Lancet used that term fully aware of the controversy over language. Hard to tell how much of that was click bait. But they got slammed and rightly so.
Think Sabine is exaggerating? This is from the UK Green Party,
Not sure whether or not Sabine is exaggerating….but as far as satire goes….the average person would find it hard to detect…imo.
Try this one then Blazer
It is ok Blazer, satire is not for everyone.
Someone clever please put up Stuff’s Henry Cooke's article with that photo of Luxon looking furious during question time. please. That is behind the urbane mask.
I can link the article with the photo in it:
Must admit its not very flattering.
I won't say I am clever but hopefully this link will take you to the article. There are a couple of unflattering photographs of Christopher Luxon. He was visibly surprised when David Seymour asked a (suppl?) question.
I was a little surprised when he (Luxon) asked the question about standing by Govt’s policies etc. Usually this is followed up by a further set of questions that hone in on something like a ‘gotcha’. I think the ICU questions lacked precision. Overwhelmed by PM’s response factual response about ICU, nurses, training and extra $$$ and by the big picture Covid repsonse of doing everything to prevent people from falling ill enough to need to access ICU beds.
There was a something there from the Nats point of view, and maybe a failing, but they did not find it today.
Yes, but is a photo like that a fair representation of a politician's, or anyone's real personality?
Not sure what you are getting at…..Patricia wanted the photograph put up as she believed it was different from the urbane mask type of photograph that she/we had seen previously. Presumably the urbane type of photograph could also have the same question asked if it is a
Some people are more photogenic than others ie the camera does not catch them with odd expressions.
… with that photo of Luxon looking furious during question time. please. That is behind the urbane mask
If you don’t see the clear intent with that request, I’m afraid can’t help you understand. Patricia seemingly thinks that photo shows / proves a very negative type of personality hidden by an “urbane mask”.
I call BS. And have shown why.
And to me, that unflattering pic of Luxon you’re referring to (which may have been selected by a journo who’s a left supporter & anti-Luxon) doesn’t make him look furious. Certainly not as furious as the angry sour puss in the pic I just posted above.
Pix like that actually tell us nothing about person in them. Videos might.
Am I right, Jacinda?
gorgeous isnt she not sure what your problem is but thanks for a nice vid of the pm
I wouldn’t call her gorgeous, personally.
But that’s a personal taste/opinion thing: what women I find physically gorgeous, so I won’t get into why I don’t think she’s gorgeous where other women are, to me.
I think she has a nice personality. That’s why I created that gif out of a video of a tv interview.
Yes,, we can all see why you created that gif – not your best work, imho, but then the beauty of Ardern, or Luxon, is in the eye of the beholder.
Am I right, Gezza?
Anyway, Luxon’s mask will likely slip less often over time, and in the event that he the top job, hardly ever – oh glorious day.
Yes, you’re right. Eye of the beholder indeed determines who’s (visually) beautiful.
But we also I imagine all know people who are not classically beautiful, but whose personalities are so sparkling, or just wonderful to be around, they ARE considered beautiful, & no one actually cares what they LOOK like.
Such people are never unpartnered unless they choose to be, in my experience.
I've downloaded a copy of that animated gif for future reference. Very professional – it's a keeper! The second-to-last slide is my favourite.
Does the left image do Luxon justice? Too small? Time will tell.
(PS: I created that gif to humourously annoy the righties on a blog I used to post on.)
Where's Judith?
Judith who?
“On leave”, according to 1 ewes at 6.
They didn’t say why. May have lost all interest in her for now.
If anyone is interested in this case, heres an update:
How bad is this on a scale of 1-10 compared to a high ranking CCP official having an affair with a prominent… female tennis player?
Well its interesting you say that.
On one hand you have sex trafficking and exploitation of minors with, alleged, links to Hollywood, tech giants, the Royal family and the democratic party
On the other you'd be naive to think its only happening to one tennis player
Trump's now a Republican, he was associated with the Independent Party of Buchanan back around 2000.
I suspect he's full of it.
Just testing whether this posts & displays or simply posts as a link: