Daily Review 11/07/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 11th, 2017 - 21 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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21 comments on “Daily Review 11/07/2017 ”

  1. Gabby 1

    Nevil Gibson comes across as an utter dickwad. I’m sure this is a false impression and he’s really a fine fellow.

    • Was he on the panel today? If yes I agree – couldn’t believe some off the stuff he said but luckily I’ve forgotten the content and are left with the residual outrage against him.

      • garibaldi 1.1.1

        You first impression is right Gabby. He is another one I turn the panel off for. In fact I have to turn it off most days because of the jerks he has on so often.

      • Philj 1.1.2

        I’ve written to The Panel many times about the standard of the commentary, which is frequently shallow and frivolous. Unsatisfying. It’s not supposed to be informative, it’s supposed to be ‘the news of the day in a different way’ lol.

  2. adam 2

    YA what… Aussie cops reacting the same as the yank cops. Sheesh cops with guns it’s such a win, win. Mind you if the air-force stopped supplying criminals with hand guns.


  3. Earthquake, 6.8, felt in Southland, centred in the Auckland Islands (they’re south of here, Aucklanders 🙂

  4. The decrypter 4

    Smith building any affordable houses there?

  5. Didn’t suit the Moriori. We Orcadians thought it’d do, but it didn’t. Too miserable by far.

    • The decrypter 5.1

      james would be very happy being miserable there.

      • The place was once dripping with whale oil. Penguins too, fat ones, foment thereabouts. He’d feel quite at home.

        • The decrypter

          Hear he is lathering himself up with oil and blubber and diving frantically looking for gold on the General Grant wreck. Typical tory.

          • James

            Gee you guys all thinking of me even when I’m not here. You sound like bully school girls in the playground.

            You need to drop the obsession with me – it’s not healthy.

        • Stuart Munro

          You still quite often meet a bunch of southern rights in the harbor there – if you brave the sleet and drizzle. Good place to imprison kleptocrats.

  6. joe90 6

    So, the People’s Republic has put the kibosh on access to Google, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter … new global leader…..?.. …nah.

    Beijing has ordered state-run telecommunications firms, which include China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom, to bar people from using VPNs, services that skirt censorship restrictions by routing web traffic abroad, the people said, asking not to be identified talking about private government directives.


  7. greywarshark 7

    Have you got a story to tell about what nz tertiary education has been positive for you or someone you know: There are some real stories being presented to parliament in favour of keeping tertiary public.


  8. Pat 8

    “The scientists conclude: “The resulting biological annihilation obviously will have serious ecological, economic and social consequences. Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe.”

    They say, while action to halt the decline remains possible, the prospects do not look good: “All signs point to ever more powerful assaults on biodiversity in the next two decades, painting a dismal picture of the future of life, including human life.”

    The Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age
    Read more
    Wildlife is dying out due to habitat destruction, overhunting, toxic pollution, invasion by alien species and climate change. But the ultimate cause of all of these factors is “human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich”, say the scientists, who include Prof Paul Ehrlich, at Stanford University in the US, whose 1968 book The Population Bomb is a seminal, if controversial, work.”


    change the government????

  9. joe90 9

    I guess when metric shed loads of peer reviewed evidence doesn’t cut it, the next step is to scare people witless.

    ( after reading, it’s probably best folk take an extra pillow to bed tonight to bury their heads in and cry themselves to sleep}

    Indeed, absent a significant adjustment to how billions of humans conduct their lives, parts of the Earth will likely become close to uninhabitable, and other parts horrifically inhospitable, as soon as the end of this century.


    in the jungles of Costa Rica, for instance, where humidity routinely tops 90 percent, simply moving around outside when it’s over 105 degrees Fahrenheit would be lethal. And the effect would be fast: Within a few hours, a human body would be cooked to death from both inside and out.
