Daily review 13/11/2024

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 13th, 2024 - 11 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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11 comments on “Daily review 13/11/2024 ”

  1. Georgecom 1

    If i heard correctly on a news report the COC hasnt decided if gang members will get a share of compensation from the abuse in care report. Why wouldn't they? Or did no current gang member get molested, beaten or abused in care? Were the abusers able to predict any kids who would go on to become gang members and avoid abusing them?

  2. Incognito 2

    Is the CoC’s PR team on a catered conference somewhere in Te Puke?

    First, they try to ban words they don’t like because it makes them feel ‘uncomfortable’.

    Now, they try to ban numbers that make them feel embarrassed.


    Upston reiterated her view that monthly and quarterly reporting provided "more meaningful" data.

    What a load of nonsense!

    Raw data per se, even after some preliminary clean-up and annotation, don’t have inherent meaning as such. They have to go though a process, or series of processes, of analysis, interpretation, contextualisation, and validation (i.e. checking of all underlying assumptions and methodologies) before data can be ascribed some kind of ‘meaning’.

  3. Muttonbird 3

    40 KCs have written to the CoC asking for the racist principles bill to be abandoned. 40 KCs sounds like a lot. Is it a lot? Has there been any occasion when 40 KCs wrote to a government to tell them not to be such dicks, or is this unprecedented?

    Members of the King's Counsel, some of New Zealand's most senior legal minds, say the Treaty Principles Bill "seeks to rewrite the Treaty itself" and are calling on the prime minister and the coalition to "act responsibly now and abandon" it.

    The letter states the existing principles (including partnership, active protection, equity and redress) are "designed to reflect the spirit and intent of the Treaty as a whole and the mutual obligations and responsibilities of the parties". They say the principles now represent "settled law".

    The proposed principle 2 "retrospectively limits Māori rights to those that existed at 1840"

    We needed the brainiacs to stump up an fight the racist David Seymour with very simple language and meaning and it appears they are beginning to do that:

    The bill seeks to rewrite the Treaty.

    The bill seeks to lock in gain (settle law).

    The bill seeks to send Maori back to pre-1840.


    It would be really useful to simplify points like the above and repeat, repeat, repeat. Rimmer would absolutely hate that.

    • Matiri 3.1

      I think 40 is a lot!

      Wikipedia has a list of QCs and KCs appointed since 1907, just a quick count up shows around 200 appointed since 2000. Quite a few would have retired or died.


      • Muttonbird 3.1.1

        It is a lot, but I think Seymour will just dismiss them as what he and his fellow travellers claim to be an activist judiciary. All 42 of them.

        But, given NZ has an extremely weak balance to parliament (one house, PM effectively a dictator if he wants to be), the judiciary is all we've got to fight paid for politicians with. I'm glad they have made this statement and it is another nail in Seymour's coffin.

        He’s staked his reputation on this bill, he should resign if the bill is pulled before returning to parliament, or when it fails to progress.

    • Incognito 3.2

      42 KCs signed the letter, which thus must have been one of the more expensive letters wink

      I found 141 KCs here: https://www.lawsociety.org.nz/for-the-public/find-a-lawyer/

      But you know what they (i.e. RW politicians) say – I paraphrase – ‘they’re 42 KCs and, like scientists, I could provide you others who would give a counter view’ cheeky

      One KC in particular comes to mind …

  4. Kat 4

    The question is how does someone of the likes of David Seymour and his small club of misfits become influential in the running of this country……who are we really, that we tolerate this stirring up of racial tension…..is NZ really that backward……

    Or are we just letting a pimple grow into a boil before the pus is squeezed out……

    • Muttonbird 4.1

      We are really backward. Look at the number of real estate stories posing as headline news in daily media. So and so made $ flipping some piece of crap, ffs.

      It's the same as my point about weak oversight of parliament, money can talk because there's no institutional protection against that. Same with media, those with cash and interest create the stories which matter to them. Rest of us get pushed further and further outside the economy.

    • Georgecom 4.2

      Because he has Luxon over a barrell as does winston. Luxon lools more and more a weak leader as Seymour wastes money on his pet projects and Luxon isnt strong enough to call him on his spendthrift ways. The enormous time, effort and cost going into everything around this treaty bill. An enormous amount that could easily have been averted had Luxon simply killed the proposed law and told seymour straight he is the last person, aside from maybe odious old don brash, who should be leading a debate about the treaty.