Daily review 15/02/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 15th, 2022 - 47 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

47 comments on “Daily review 15/02/2022 ”

  1. Adrian 1

    The level of stupidity by the spokespeople ( and the rest of them of course ) is beyond laughable. Apparently there have been broadcasts in the Fecal Rat Hole for protesters to remove their number plates etc so the cops don’t know who owns them.

    Brilliant strategy, the car is then legally considered abandoned and subsequently crushed..without a Judith in sight.

    I can hear the complaints now..” Oh why does the things that only happen to stupid people always happen to me? “. Thanks Homer S.

  2. UncookedSelachimorpha 2

    The petition against the Wellington protest is almost at 7,500 signatures in less than 1 day.

    This is 50% of the signatures of the "Convoy Support" petition – which has been going for 5 days now.

    • Poission 2.1

      Yes and we also have 6309 active cases of covid,of which 71% are in the 39 and under age group,and which also accounts for 43% of hospitalizations.

      The demographics of the active cases are 65% are in the asian and pacific communitys,of which we will see an exceptional case load for Auckland and paediatrics especially,and tent triage outside the hospitals.

      and the response of the chardonnay socialists (none who have had a real job) is to decrease the social isolation norms,and have an enquiry into protests.

    • alwyn 2.2

      Well, at 6.47 pm it was 6,626.

      I suppose that is "nearly" 7,500

  3. Anker 4

    Charge them with theft.

    a mistake I think this Govt has made with the mandates is to sack nurses and teachers who aren’t vaxed. They should have been re deployed to other jobs eg in the case of nurses, staffing the mental health crisis lines, which are chronically understaffed. All nurses are comprehensively trained and staffing the crisis line involves asking standard mental health and risk assessment questions. Things nurses can learn fairly quickly. They could also have worked on secure Telehealth platforms monitoring covid patients in the community.

    same for teachers. Covid is being spread through schools (164 already). Lessons will have to be taught on line, perfect for unvaxed teachers

    • Ross 4.1

      Given that most new Covid cases are fully vaccinated, it makes no sense to sack anybody. Vaccine mandates, like lockdowns, will be remembered as a massive policy failure.

  4. joe90 5

    I suspect the Robinsod out and about on the twitters is our Robinsod.

    • McFlock 5.1

      Dunno about that comment – besides the cross-pseudo outing issue, there are more than a couple of mcflocks out there who ain't me.

  5. Adrian 6

    Dear Anker, a good idea with one fatal flaw, putting mentally deficient Qanon believers on mental health crisis advice lines may be quite counter productive, as for having them monitoring patients suffering from something that they believe doesn’t exist would almost certainly fail. The health and education systems are well off without them.

    And Ross, your staggeringly abysmal dickheadedness never fails to astonish. An unvaccinated caregiver in a resthome or paediatric ward…what could possibly go wrong.
    Have you been this stupid all your life and are you the one in the Fecal Shit Pond in Thorndon giving lectures on how the authorities put razor blades in the Phizer vaccine?

    • Anker 6.1

      Adrian, not all people who refuse the vacinne are "mentally deficient Qanon believers".

      I am taking about medical professionals who up till the vacinne mandate have been employed in the health sector. If they had have been creating problems on the job with the beliefs they hold it would have come to light.

      The mental health line I am referring to is not an advice line as such, more a triage service. So staff ask callers standard questions around risk and mental health disorders. Its quite scripted. It is also recorded for “training purposes etc” so these staff could be monitored as they are already.

      I have just read an extract from one of the Sunday papers of interviews with three people at the protest. One out of the three fitted the profile you have presented.

  6. Anker 7
    • Genuine question. Why won’t the govt engage with them? Hear them out?
    • McFlock 7.1

      Problem is "engage with whom"?

      The cops have repeatedly stated that there's no clear leadership or cadre with whom to negotiate. There was a tweeted video earlier today showing some cops calmly walking through the camp, and the protestors accused them of trespass and told them to fuck off. Some protestors seemed to be following a plan, others were following a different plan. The one in fluoro was using a pretty clear obstruction tactic he got from somewhere, but was basically barking while others were trying to be less confrontational.

      The group's behaviour as a whole is more a flocking activity more than a coordinated situation. I mean that literally, it's the total output of the interactions of different motivations in the different groups, each reacting with the others as much as reacting to external factors. Like a murmuration.

      How do you engage with that? Maybe the cops need to call a shepherd?

      • Anker 7.1.1

        Thanks for replying McFlock. I really mean that. It is a geniune question on my behalf. The link below is a statement from the protesters.

        I think the govt has brought in a lot of Covid restrictions and I have really backed their response and think we have been lucky with their leadership. I don't expect it to be perfect, but in my mind there have been very few errors, which is impressive. The one "fault" if you like is what I pointed out above about nurses, in particular losing their jobs for not getting jabbed. We cannot afford to lose nurses and I heard from a friend yesterday (so I can't be sure if it 100% true) that the govt is now spending one million dollars trying to recruit nurses. I do believe my suggestions about unvaxed nurses i.e that they be redeployed, would work (unless of course these people refused re-deployment)

        Re. talking to the protesters they have been in touch with the govt and it sounds like they do have a group who they could meet with. The govt has brought in these mandates and I think it would help if they fronted to the people who lives have been brutally effected by them. BTW I am very pro vax and not getting vaxed in incomprehensible to me. But they are citizens. I think Trevor Mallard has treated them with absolute contempt. He should resign.


      • weka 7.1.2

        The protesters say they have yet to receive a response to their letter yesterday demanding an urgent meeting with Government ministers and the immediate axing of vaccine mandates and other Covid-19 response rules.

        "We strongly urge the government to engage – they want a solution, we want a solution."

        The unnamed release says the "communications" represents the views of Convoy 2022 NZ, Freedom Alliance, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science, Outdoors & Freedom Movement, The Freedom and Rights Coalition, The Hood NZ and Voices for Freedom.


        You think they didn't put a way to reply on that? Possible I guess.

        • McFlock

          Half a dozen different organisations, an unachievable demand, in an "unnamed release". Doesn't bode well for a negotiating team being able to speak for all groups, even if a team put themselves forward.

          • weka

            I agree. But it does suggest there is an actual group of people to talk to.

          • mikesh

            The impression I have is that the protesters do not want a "solution". They just want the government to back down.

      • weka 7.1.3

        There was a tweeted video earlier today showing some cops calmly walking through the camp, and the protestors accused them of trespass and told them to fuck off. Some protestors seemed to be following a plan, others were following a different plan. The one in fluoro was using a pretty clear obstruction tactic he got from somewhere, but was basically barking while others were trying to be less confrontational.

        This was pretty interesting. My guess is puffed up chest dude and those around him believe they were born free, that the state has no legitimacy, that they have their own sovereignty, and that occupation gives them the right to tell the police they're not allowed there.

        Like they're off in a fantasy and disconnected from how people around them operate.

        Watching the police was fascinating too.

    • Peter 7.2

      And when they have been heard and the govt says "Thanks, we have heard you but we disagree and will be continuing as we see fit"?

      The protestors will all pack up and go home?

      Tell me, is there any way in the whole world Brian Tamaki's mob is going to be happy if he is not in power? ('He' meaning most likely his wife who'd have to get in on the party vote. I look forward to his, I mean her maiden speech.

      • Anker 7.2.1

        Peter, they are not all Tamaki's mob. If you read the link about it outlines the various groups involved.

        I think it would de-esculate things if they met with the protesters. I don't want these people feeling more disaffected. People usually feel better if their concerns are heard and they are treated with respect.

        And I do think the govt could reconsider the mandate for workers like nurses and teachers. 164 schools have outbreaks already, which means kids at home isolating. Why not use unvacinated teachers to teach on line and relieve the pressure on classroom teachers who have to do both?

    • mauī 7.3

      You never engage with freedom loving nazis.

  7. Belladonna 8

    New poll shows that the vast majority of homeowners don't want house prices to fall substantially, or rapidly – and over 60% don’t want them to fall at all.
    This is a core voting group for both National and Labour – and comes from Labour's private pollster – so I don't expect to see radical house price adjustment plans in the budget.


    Meanwhile, TradeMe says property prices are up by 25% on this-time-last-year for the second month in a row.


    The slight glimmer of hope on the horizon is that Auckland prices, while increasing, haven't increased as much as other regions (a pretty slight glimmer!).

    But looking at other information, that may not be as hopeful as predicted – a lot of this is smaller apartments in the CBD, which have been hit hard by the missing overseas student market. Once borders open again (and absent any signalled changes to the study visa rort) – this excess will quickly be sopped up.

    Really, I don't see anything signalling even a flattening of prices – let alone a drop.

    • Blazer 8.1

      Well Hickey recently assessed the property market as 42% of GDP….so the reality is =too big to fail…realistically with a near 30% increase in 12 months,house prices need to fall circa 60%.

      Apparently it's a very slow process…dealing with property inflation.devil

    • weka 8.2

      In other news, the sun will rise in the morning 😉

  8. Patricia Bremner 9

    Thank you NZ women's cricket. Thank you Zoe. Great Kiwi. Thank you for third reading of Conversion Bill, Thanks Kiwis for signing the petition asking the Protestors to go home. Some of the good stuff we needed today as Grant our son has covid in Queensland and his Partner Robyn is in Gold Coast Hospital. Keep well everyone.

    • Shanreagh 9.1

      Patricia thinking of you and your family. Has your son got someone looking after him?

      • Patricia Bremner 9.1.1

        Hello Shangreah, yes he is home alone, but has a clinician advise him on the 'phone. Robyn(Bobbie) was moved to recovery to our great relief. His neighbour passed the Bug when she collected Grant from his operation last week. It is so contagious. Poor Cherie was so upset, so we are glad she is well again, though resting still. Thanks for your posts, I have been following along while we awaited news.

    • PsyclingLeft.Always 9.2

      Hi. Absorb all those Awesome Kiwi things. (aye Zoi ! ) Hope that flows through to your Son and his partner. Best !

    • Anker 9.3

      Hoping your son and his partner are o.k. Patricia. Take care.

    • Jilly Bee 9.4

      It was great to be able to watch the cricket and Zoi doing their thing today. I also signed the petition and have been listening to some of the speeches in Parliament today on the Conversion Bill. I hope someone (radio or TV) has the gonads to challenge those 8 who voted against the bill and belated kudos to Louise Upston who changed her mind and voted for the Bill. Patricia, I do hope your son and partner in Queensland will pull through OK – thinking of you all.

    • mary_a 9.5

      Patricia (9) … I wish Grant and his partner well in regaining their health. You take good care.

      • Patricia Bremner 9.5.1

        Thank you mary-a, he has his sense of smell back and has stopped the sweats, but tires easily and has a sore throat and cough. Robyn is improving very slowly as she is a diabetic with a pace maker. She may have suffered a wee stroke. For such a busy place the nurses have contacted Grant 3 times and got Bobbie on a phone for a wee chat. so improving and we are grateful so far they are coping All the best to any other family out there.

  9. Joe90 10

    Beeb says Poots has pulled back