Daily Review 15/08/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, August 15th, 2018 - 56 comments
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56 comments on “Daily Review 15/08/2018 ”

  1. Cinny 1

    A big thanks to all who turned out to march/protest and/or support the teachers.

  2. gsays 2

    Someone seemingly giving support to the teachers gave me a chuckle today.

    “Radical action takes time.”
    The ultimate political statement.

  3. Anne 3


    Right-wing PR man Matthew Hooton told RadioLIVE Drive there is a “despicable smear campaign underway” against the National Party leader.

    “Aid and abetted by an extreme left-wing, anti-National Party journalist called Tova O’Brien, who is a disgrace to the profession and a disgrace to Newshub, and is running a personal campaign to get rid of Simon Bridges.”

    • RedLogix 3.1

      Oh how sad. Do these people have not the slightest shred of self-awareness?

      • Draco T Bastard 3.1.1

        They simply believe that whatever they do is right and what everybody else does that opposes their own beliefs is wrong.

        • RedLogix

          Well that’s a lesson which cuts both ways does it not?

          Still NZ could well do with better conservatives; a more intelligent and effective right wing would force the left to lift it’s game in response. Because all too often what we’re getting is this kind of weak, polarising pap from both sides.

          • McFlock

            We had a “better” right wing in the late 80s. Best not repeat the mistake.

          • Draco T Bastard

            Well that’s a lesson which cuts both ways does it not?

            Not really.

            I find that those on the Left tend to listen and then use logic and evidence to refute or back up while the Hootons of the world simply declare everybody else wrong despite the evidence.

    • JanM 3.2


      • Anne 3.2.1

        What I think is so funny: this is the man who was implicated in Hager’s book “The Hollow Men” and who spent a year of his life running a “despicable smear campaign” against David Cunliffe and, to a slightly lesser extent, Andrew Little when he was the leader of the Labour Party.

        • Incognito

          I think Matthew is just jealous that somebody else is running a smear campaign that might even be better than his own 😉

          The best thing for Matthew to do now is to show who’s the Master of All Smear Campaigns in NZ. After all, his reputation depends on it …

    • Carolyn_Nth 3.3

      Oh. I thought O’Brien was right wing – and on the side of a possible replacement leader for Nats.

      • In Vino 3.3.1

        Yes Carolyn – I had much the same impression. But this is Hooton whose accuracy we are questioning! How wrong can somebody be??

        • Anne

          She’s never come across to me as an “extreme left wing, anti National Party journalist”. Perhaps she’s just doing her job as a political journo.

          Someone can correct me if I heard it wrong, but on the Mon. RNZ political segment I heard him say something to the effect:

          Quote: Jacinda Ardern is just a feather-weight. The only thing she’s managed to do with any success is have a baby: unquote.

          Could have been the previous week’s edition.

          I wonder what his wife would think of such a statement?

        • Carolyn_Nth

          Well O’Brien has did an anti-Cunliffe, pro-Key piece according to Macskasy on TDB

          and an anti-Ardern piece according to Bradbury, TDB.

          O’Brien may have been the journo who first broke the story about Nats cabinet clubs.

    • Robert Guyton 3.4

      If that’s truly the case, many people will be wishing Tova the best of luck!

    • bruce 3.5

      where is that Jason fella hes got form for this sort of thing

    • Gabby 3.6

      Shouldn’t Hootie Blowhard have inserted a token allegedly in there?

    • JC 3.7

      “Perhaps she’s, (Tova) just doing her job as a political journo”… Rare I know …

      “Newshub’s political editor Tova O’Brien described Judith Collins as “defiant” and also “irresponsible.”

      She’s right. Surveys have shown online misinformation is a significant worry for many New Zealanders. And people in public office should not knowingly promote lies for political advantage.”


    • Stuart Munro 3.8

      Hooton wants to be careful – the minister of broadcasting is probably looking for a safe pair of hands for any number of projects.

    • Muttonbird 3.9

      Hooton is not taking this well.

  4. I’m more interested in the teachers strike,- after 34 years of B.S neo liberal successive govts, this is a long time coming. Its time the unions stopped being such sniveling puppets and got in there and got active.

    There shouldn’t even be such thing as a ‘low wage economy’ in NZ.

    But a message to the PSA and any other unions thinking of striking, – WHY were you so quiet all during the odious John Key govt ??? And why strike now of all times when we have a Labour govt ???, – when you should have been constantly opposing all the anti union measures under that particular ugly anti worker govt ???

    Why ?!!?

    • Carolyn_Nth 4.1

      I wondered that, too. When I was teaching in the UK I went out on strike loads of times against Thatcher’s education reforms – not that it stopped the reforms, but it did show teachers were strongly opposed to them.

    • Ed 4.2

      Gutless, that’s why…

    • Ad 4.3

      Because they weren’t going to get anything.

    • Anne 4.4

      WHY were you so quiet all during the odious John Key govt ??? And why strike now of all times when we have a Labour govt???

      Yes. I asked the same question over the nurses and now the teachers.

      Remember the authoritarian attitude towards teachers – the belief they knew better than the teachers? The insults. Remember Anne Tolley reading a children’s story to a group of teachers and the general demeaning of them by the previous government?

      Why did they sit there with hardly a murmur (apart from National Standards) and once Labour is elected it’s all on.

      The question has not been satisfactorily answered.

      Edit: I expect Ad is right but why not come out… be honest and say so.

      • Ed 4.4.1

        One would have to assume they were scared Key would come after the teachers’ unions.

        • Draco T Bastard

          He would have. I’d say that every state school would have been sold quick smart.

          I’m reasonably certain that’s what all the school closures in Christchurch were about. Schools, like dairies, are monopolies and so the less of them there are the higher profit can be made through enforced higher rolls.

          • WILD KATIPO

            And that’s precisely where union solidarity has been absent for decades – if Key had threatened that? ,… all hell should of been breaking loose with unions from all sectors going out in sympathy.

            They can pick one off, – but more than half a dozen in key area’s? – National would have bought not just a fight but a war. And what small price is temporary inconvenience when it sets the stage for generations to come – as it has already to the neo liberals advantage?

            And what good are employment laws when they only work in one direction for the benefit of those who already have all the advantages.

            And if certain corporate’s threaten to go offshore,- well,- many already have. And all that cheap imported foreign labour would have nowhere to go. Further putting pressure on a govt.

            There was never a time in history when those in authority would relinquish that easily,- conversely , – there was never a time when anything was ever gained by not having grass roots solidarity. Not one single movement.

            And we are the people and the politicians are OUR elected representatives. Nothing more.

      • gsays 4.4.2

        hi anne, in regards to the nurse and teacher strikes.

        the nurses had been negotiating for two and a half years when they settled.

        the teachers too, began negotiating before the election.

        therefore there wasn’t a decision to strike ‘now that labour is in power.’

        • WILD KATIPO

          Is that so. OK , well fair enough.

          However , its not about union bashing , but rather wanting them to be a little more assertive in general. And it was noticeable many were very quiet during Keys govt when they should have been kicking back furiously. Barring a few excellent exceptions such as Unite union, there seemed to be little significant activity while family’s were living at or under the breadline.

          • gsays

            That isn’t to say a bash or two isn’t warranted my cranky arachnid.

            I thought the negotiators for nzno were to close to the DHBs.

            To sign the accord for an extra 500 nurses was wrong in two ways.
            The timing was while nurses were considering an offer.
            It is still about 1000 nurses short.

            Signing the accord seriously undermined the union members.

    • Cinny 4.5

      Agree, WK.

      Wondering if media have asked the union reps, and what their reply is.

      Made a sign and held it high at both the Motueka and Nelson protests.. “Another national (logo) disaster”

      • WILD KATIPO 4.5.1

        Excellent . And it IS a National disgrace.

        They had the opportunity to rectify the situation except they turned round and shat on unions and workers. For almost a decade.

        That should never be forgotten.

    • JC 4.6

      Why now? “WHY were you so quiet all during the odious John Key govt ???”

      And why? I too question that! ..

      interesting spin here on life as people know it … if you haven’t already seen it … But sadly doesn’t illuminate on the Q…


    • bwaghorn 4.7

      If they had of gone on strike in the Nat years it would have been Labour’s fault . Striking now so soon after the 9 years of national neglect makes it nationals fault.
      Just an uneducated guess😉.

    • Incognito 4.8

      Anne Tolley and particularly Hekia Parata, with Steven ‘the Billion Dollar Man’ Joyce in the background, kept teachers in the trenches ducking for cover, fearing for their lives, not knowing when & where the next hail of bullets and mortar rounds would come from. That’s why.

      • WILD KATIPO 4.8.1

        I have a theory that certain within the PSA and other unions to this day have embedded neo liberal moles in their number. That they take their cues from the far right crowd.

        Because when we look back at the rolling over of unions after Ruth Richardsons ECA, – particularly the public sector unions in vetoing a general strike put forward by the private sector unions… it seems clear that certain union bosses stood to gain by siding with the neo liberals.

        Another idea is that those same ‘ moles’ could use this as a tactical ploy to undermine Labour.

        I expect to see some heavy union activity whenever National ever do get back in. If not,- they should be called to account for their flaccid indolence in allowing huge numbers of workers to struggle needlessly for decades.

        • KJT

          I was there. It was puzzling how the Union bosses tried to talk down a general strike at meetings.
          Saying “wait until it (The employment contracts act) was in, then we would see”.
          In Australia the Government backed down after the Union movement made it clear general strikes would be the result.
          Several were rewarded, National party style, with directorships and “consulting” positions. Later. Clearing up the mystery.

    • Draco T Bastard 4.9

      There shouldn’t even be such thing as a ‘low wage economy’ in NZ.

      You can only have a few rich people if everyone else is on a low wage.

  5. R.P Mcmurphy 5

    nationals party nathan guy introduced legislation for animal transfer indentification but did the old nudge nudge wink wink trick and look what happened. a bio security nightmare because even though the nationals introduced this legislation they had no intention of enforcing it.
    thats the nationals party way. MATE.

  6. millsy 7

    This is what happens when neo-reactionary conservatives such as Milo, Peterson and Southern get airtime:


    Big brave people, threatening a 12 year old.

  7. This bloody bigoted outfit… how the heck would they get on in foreign cultures with the Gospel… Jeepers…

    Little boy with dreadlocks banned from attending private Christian school



    I think Cap’n Jack is rather incensed,….
