Daily review 19/02/2025

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 19th, 2025 - 32 comments
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32 comments on “Daily review 19/02/2025 ”

  1. Michael Scott 2

    If the coming Police and SFO investigations prove the Maori Party misused data there should be a by-election to return the seat to Peeni Henare

    • Anne 2.1

      If, on the other hand, investigations prove that Te Pati Maori did not misuse data that could have affected the outcome of that seat, then I hope they proceed with a defamation case against Seymour. Peters and Jones.

    • Incognito 2.2

      So, we will find out around the time when 2024 YR4 may hit Earth; I know which I’ll be ‘excited’ about more.

      • Michael Scott 2.2.1

        THe reason I commented was because I had just read Bryce Edwards of the Integrity Institute comments on the Marae voting issue.

        If he is correct the odds that data was misused given the voting pattern are probably better than the 32 to 1 odds that NASA give for the YR4 asteroid hitting the earth.

        • Incognito

          Well, we would never have known that you were channelling Dr Bryce Edwards, but it does explain the level of unthinking.

          The odds that a by-election will be held as a result of the “coming Police and SFO investigations” and that this will make any difference in Parliament are zero.

          If you and Hipkins are dreaming of such event then you’re even less politically astute than Chris Luxon.

        • Bearded Git

          Bryce Edwards' articles/comments are consistently anti-left and should be read in that context.

    • Georgecom 2.3

      Probably a snap election michael laugh

    • tWig 2.4

      RNZ comment from rhe head of another marae organisation in South Auckland which also took part in the vote campaign. The even voice of commonsense.

      Marae had to follow a process over handling government census and health data, which included mandatory privacy training. The protocols missed a step of formal signing of a statuatory privacy document by those who had already undergone privacy training. And cross-department data mixing and usage didn't have clear boundaries.

      Luxon tutting about data privacy protocols at the marae associated wirh Tamihere and the Waiperera trust is a bit rich when his government has fired the Health IT team, leaving the health data of all NZers at risk. The PSA filed a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner on this a week ago.

      And I betcha that NACT is looking into selling our health data to big tech, as the Tories did in the UK.

      This is very much an attempt to take down Te Pāti Māori. Tamihere and ACT have had bad blood since the 2000s. There will be more to come, I am sure, a slow striptease drawn out until the election, to expose Tamihere and TPM as much brand damage as possible.

  2. Michael Scott 3

    tWig even Hipkins has come out :

    Hipkins claims that given the new information, Labour’s loss of the Tāmaki Makaurau “was unfair”.

  3. tWig 4

    Labour is no friend of TPM, either.

    • tWig 4.1

      There are other possible explanations for the high TPM vote stats than illegal pressure in the paid-by-government voter registration drive.

      A. The people canvassed were disengeged or never-registered voters. Labour just may never had cut the mustard with this cohort.

      B. Waiparera Tust provides many free health and support services for West Auckland Māori, and Tamihere has a long association with the marae. Without overt political advertising, newly-registered voters using WT services may have put 2 and 2 together. And outside of the money for voter registration, the marae is free to politic.

      TPM material on the marae is only illegal in the week before voting. The Manurewa marae has freedom of speech . Holding a feed on election day to encourage voters isn't political influence, outside of helping families who are struggling to feed their kids. And that part was okd for marae as part of the government funding.

      The info outside of the government arm of the investigation has been handed to police. What would convince me is if interviews with voters registered by Manurewa marae workers said that, during the actual registration process, as contracted by the government, they were presented with TPM material, or encouraged to vote for Tamihere.

      • Michael Scott 4.1.1

        If I understand it right Tamihere called for the the police investigation himself so he must feel confident correct process was followed.

        And you're right that the marae could address and convert voters up to a week before the voting

        But it was an unwise move to have the voting at a marae where the boss was the candidate

  4. Dennis Frank 5

    He's blowing his trumpet. Aiming to split the right! Must have formed the opinion that Dutton ain't enough of a blowhard…

    Australian billionaire Clive Palmer launched on Wednesday a political party he said was directly inspired by U.S. President Donald Trump, months out from a nationwide federal election. Mining magnate Palmer said his Trumpet of Patriots party would "drain the swamp" in Canberra… Palmer was critical of mass immigration and said the party would only recognise two genders… Prime Minster Anthony Albanese is yet to announce the date of the poll, that could be as early as March after the country's central bank cut interest rates on Tuesday…


  5. Dennis Frank 6

    Winston doesn't believe that freedom of speech ought to prevail in parliament:

    Peters said he would seek a change to the standing orders to prevent MPs referring to the country as Aotearoa. https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/542388/winston-peters-shane-jones-again-attack-migrant-green-mp-ricardo-menendez-march

    I've been calling our country Aotearoa for many years, so I'm with Ricardo on this. Everyone ought to call it whichever name suits them. If Brownlee lays down a dictum forbidding it, it'll be a good reason for declaring no confidence in him.

      • Drowsy M. Kram 6.1.1

        A New Zealand first passport, but not the way Winston likes it – what a dinosaur.

        • Incognito

          He should really get off his soap-box and stop being the solo-artist in his own soap-opera – the man is a legend in his own mind.

    • SPC 6.2

      Winston Peters was posturing for media time for NZF.

      1.as per, what referendum had occurred for there to be use of the name Aotearoa?

      2.then casting aspersion about an immigrant using the name Aotearoa, as if it was of by and for those using the Maori language.

      (indicating he knew the path to the official use of the name, but was playing dumb for populist reasons)***

      Then had Shane Jones chime in with his now well practiced descent into an apology for an expert on all things Maori.

      Maybe there is a reason why there is no S in the Maori language. Pause and reflection prevent the formation of a habitual bluster blouse mode, which is undignified for those of a supposed rangatira rank. The common is undignified.

      Peters (adopting outrage mode about a foreigner as champion of Enzed assimilation) and Jones (trying to be edifying and Maori – all without mentioning what Peters already knows***) contributing to the spectacle.

      Vaudevillian, they will take their show on the road again in 2026.

  6. tWig 7

    Clive Palmer spent $117mi in the 2022 Federal election, with little effect. That's for 20 mi people. Musk spent $225mi for 330 mi people. The Australian electorate has very little interest in Palmer's vanity projects.

    • Bearded Git 7.1

      Musk's $225m probably swung the vote for Trump who won 49.9 to 48.4 and actually ended up with a reduced majority in the House.

      There is a good chance that Trump will lose the House in a year and a half. That may stymie some of his loony policies.

  7. SPC 8

    Running down capability across all sectors of governance is the NACT way – the worst government in our history exposed each and every day as inept.


    • Incognito 8.1

      Capability and capacity, which converge when both approach zero.

      The Public Sector in many ways mirrors society in its complexity and connectivity of its many components and factors, so when one part, somewhere, fails to function optimally it starts to affect the other parts – it can lead to system collapse (crisis) akin the cascading and accumulative multi-organ failure that precedes the end-of-life.

      We’re in the Right hands of Dr Coalition.

  8. gsays 9

    Accidentally posted this on yesty's open mike…

    Part of the body of text from The Wellbeing Economy Alliance email.

    "So much in the world today is pulling us apart—divisions between people, movements, ideas. Yet, if we are to build a new economy—one that serves people and the planet— we must resist fragmentation.

    We need plurality, not fragmentation. We must embrace many ways of knowing, doing, and being while staying connected in purpose. This is how we build an economy that truly serves life.

    This WEAll Talk is about exactly that. How do we weave movements together? How do we strengthen the threads that bind us to each other, to place, and to the future we long for?

    Join WEAll x Hajar, a storyteller and ecosystem weaver, for our first WEALL Talk for 2025.

    This conversation will explore weaving as an act of resistance:

    • Mending relationships to strengthen collective impact
    • Bridging silos to build powerful, united movements
    • Planting the seeds of economies rooted in care, solidarity, and kinship

    The old systems are breaking down. We feel it everywhere. But change doesn’t happen in isolation. This conversation is for anyone working for change—activists, policymakers, business leaders, educators, artists, community builders.

    Whatever your role, you are part of this tapestry. Let’s weave something stronger, together."

    This is to promote a talk by Hajar Tazi on February 25th.

    "Hajar is an ecosystem weaver, storyteller, and systems-transformation catalyst at the service of planetary flourishing.

    Drawing inspiration from the way natural ecosystems flourish, she cross-pollinates amongst regenerative projects and organisations to spread the mycelium of radical collaboration and usher in the Symbiocene."

    More info/register https://weall.org/events.

  9. SPC 10

    There is a risk of GOP USA accepting Russia's multi-polar world preference. The problem with spheres of power is not everyone wants to be subordinate within one and where there are gaps between them, disputes emerge.

    This is the end of of international law, as we have known it.

    Trump's, Greenland would be nice, Canada can avoid being bullied by being a new state in the union – Gaza is going to be a pick up.

    Normalising, the end of civilisation, that is constraint on the abuse of power.
