Daily review 21/05/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, May 21st, 2019 - 76 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:


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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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76 comments on “Daily review 21/05/2019 ”

  1. Cinny 1

    Dang, looks like someone got a bit excited lmao, imagine the size of that seagull lololz. Who is the bloke in the pic please?

  2. AB 2

    Golriz Ghahraman gets security escort – the number of threats she has received has spiked. AOC and Ilhan Omar anyone? Young, leftish (though not very) women of colour. So let's not get smug about how much better than the 'Muricans we are.

      • greywarshark 2.1.1

        National used to say any time there was a protest against their government that it was just 'Rent-a-Crowd'. Very dismissive and demeaning. But this USA bunch seem to be possible contenders for turning out on order rather than deep integrity.

    • Sam 2.2

      Well, I dislike a lot of fucking things and I'm not shy to make it known. That this could get me in trouble infuriates me. I'm not advocating harm to anyone. I'm not supporting genocide or pedophilia or some nasty shit, I'm sharing my opinions and thoughts – and you can ignore them, or tell me you hate me back, or shout me down or what ever.

      But legal trouble?

      Get fucked.

      That's one area I envy our colonial cousins.

      • JanM 2.2.1

        What are you trying to say? If you are trying to make a case for abusing someone going about their legitimate business because you don't happen to like something about them, then I Think most civilised people would disagree with you.

        • Sam

          Depends on what you view as hate speech. So Andrew Little reaches out to Golriz and her first act as a newly minted MP was to accuse Andrew of criminality. I mean, I've dealt with more angry attacks, insults, and the like from being active on The Standard than I ever did on Kiwi Blog.

          I don't cry about how I deserved a fucking safe space. And if we want to hold an honest conversation about race? I trust the woke radical leftists barely more than I trust the right wing ninjas. After all, to the woke left, we're not real minorities. We're privileged. We are practically white people in their eyes.

      • Macro 2.2.2

        So you don't think politicians who get death threats should get security?

        I take it you have never heard of Jo Cox then ?


        • Sam

          It used to be that politicians getting egged was an acceptable form of communication between the public and politicians but getting punched, or God forbid assassinated over climate change, counter terrorism or the farming / gun lobby still has zip fuck all to do with feelings, genitals, skin colour or your fav outrage of the moment what ever the fuck.

          • Macro

            Well, what that response has to do with anything I'm buggered if I know. Maybe in your mind you are making sense, but I'm sorry, what ever your attempting to communicate is being lost in a bucketful of verbiage and obscenity.

            • McFlock

              If I might be of assistance…

              I speak fluent obscenity.

              I believe Sam is trying to respectfully put forward the proposition that while women (especially women of colour) might not be the most senior, prominent, or vocal politicians speaking out on a diverse range of issues, it's pure coincidence that they bear the brunt of the worst of the vitriol, hate, and murder.

            • Sam

              piss off McTrash. I mean oi, Macro. What do you want me to do about that? Provide you a link for an online dictionary or what…,

              Now try and follow the bouncy ball. Golriz is a Green MP. Green Politics is explicitly non-violent and NOW Golriz has a security detail so by that logic somethings a bit screwy with her politicking of non-violence.

              • George

                Or is it Vivian….? 🤔

              • Macro

                I'm not sure what sort of demented logic could lead you to that conclusion. But I must give you credit for being a first class idiot.

                • Sam

                  I don't think Golriz is that special. In fact I think her surporters (that's people like you, Marcro) reach far to easily for state intervention and sate violence and that means Golriz is executing the politics of non-violence rather poorly. Remember this all kicked off because some idiot in the Greens bullshitted about Golriz legal history. So fuck off with your fake outrage.

                  • Macro

                    Well Spam I don't think your that special either, so arse off and stop spreading shit around here.

                    • Sam

                      And here is another example of an idiot that is talented in the art of explaining how virtuous and confused it is.

                      No no one cares about me you woketard. You started out by claiming to know what I was thinking like a little bitch and now your agenda is clear. It was just an excuse to catch feelings and reasons and when instructed to fuck off you fail at that aswell.

                    • Macro

                      I wonder why no one cares Sam? Perhaps you should look in the mirror.

                    • Sam

                      do you honestly need to broadcast your wonder and amazement? I was saying before you rudely interrupted or I was implying that Golriz is wrong about her hate speech stance because it's not illegal to explain to stupid people that I'm fucked off.

                    • marty mars

                      hey scam – why did you cross the road?

                    • Sam

                      to doggy style your 20 year old daughter.

                      [Take the rest of the day off and clean up your act – Incognito]

                    • Incognito []

                      See my Moderation note @ 10:03 AM.

    • Anne 3.1

      Did I hear correctly? Farage lashed out at his bodyguard and called him " a complete failure" for not stopping the milk-shake thrower. Well, if he's so clever why didn't he duck out of the way? He was just as much a failure as the guard.

      Reminds me of John Key when a distressed individual tried to jump over the Debating Chamber balcony and he (Key) lashed out at Labour leader Phil Goff by making a 'cut throat gesture' to him as if he (Goff) was to blame.

      • McFlock 3.1.2

        Technically Farage is correct, but he was probably advised at least once that a public walkabout when you're a career knob-head is hazardous to your dry-cleaning bill.

        Milkshake Man did a pretty good job, though: didn't focus on Farage until he'd found the gap. Even did an oblique intercept course so it looked like he was going somewhere else, rather than trying to close distance.

        • RedLogix

          Cheerfully endorsing assaults on politicians probably won't end well.

          • McFlock

            As long as they stick to cake ingredients, it's a laugh. The other lot use cars and guns.

            • RedLogix

              If some dork starts working through the Edmonds Cookbook on Jacinda the cookie will crumble differently.

              • McFlock

                If I start getting outraged and call a milkshake "assault" just because it's a leftish person being inconvenienced, feel free to bookmark this discussion and call me a hypocrite.

                I had a mate who reckoned he was once part of a protest that egged Holyoake. Throw food not bombs.

  3. marty mars 4

    wtf is going on here? – this is a very strange situation and there must be more to it.

    Te Papa's world-leading mollusc expert of 50 years has been beaten in a job contest by a researcher who finished his doctorate three years ago.

    The decision has stunned scientists, with one calling it "a f…ing joke".

    Mollusc scientist Bruce Marshall was one of two internationally renowned experts made redundant in Te Papa's controversial restructure. The most prolific namer of species in Te Papa's history, Marshall applied for several replacement positions as part of the restructure, but was told he was not suitable.

    However, just weeks after axing the celebrated scientist, Te Papa advertised for a curator of molluscs, raising questions over whether Marshall's redundancy was genuine. Stuff understands Marshall applied for the new job, but has lost out to post-doctoral researcher Rodrigo Salvador.


    • BM 4.1

      Cheaper, get someone from overseas for half the cost

      Seems that all the higher skilled jobs are going to foreigners and New Zealanders only get hired for the low paid low skilled jobs.

      Personally, I think it's shit and was hoping this government would have done something about it, that was one of their election promises, cut back on immigration levels, New Zealanders first.

      The fact that immigration is still around record levels tells me those were rather hollow words and Labour is no different to National.

      • Andre 4.1.1

        Salvador had been working at Te Papa since December 2017 as a post-doctoral researcher. So unless this was planned when they took him on 18 months ago, it's not quite a case of just getting someone from overseas.

        Could be just as simple as cost-cutting and ageism, though.

        • BM

          The guy is from Latin America which is what I thought.

          Currently NZ is being flooded by Latin Americans because it's so easy to get in NZ especially on a student visa.

          Do your 20 hours a week and when that's done start applying for jobs.

          Get a job, get a different visa and then off to Australia

          • Sabine

            well, is it not national that constantly whinges how we need that imported workforce cause our own are 'damn near hopeless"?

            Or are you unhappy that some of the migrants are actually educated, skilled and thus a competition to you? Because you never had any issue with the cheap workforce that was imported in great numbers under National – you know the cafe managers, baristas, cow shed cleaners and the like?

            Scared of the competition?

            • Pat

              more afraid of the opposition benches I suspect

            • BM

              I couldn't give a fuck about what National says or any other political party, they're all scum bags who are only concerned with their political careers, not what's good for the country.

              Labour and NZ First know that the student visa is being used as a back door for foreigners to come here and work but they're doing nothing about it.

              Young New Zealanders can't compete because they don't have the experience and are being forced into low paid jobs because businesses are only interested in hiring foreigners who have more experience and skills that they gained back in their home country.

              I think it’s just shit and has to stop.

              • Sabine

                i don't disagree with you,

                but i am surprised as to how you have changed your tune.

                and i don't disagree with you, they are all the same, its just that labour is 'kinder' and is on record of not fucking the country up beyond believe for tax cuts and national is.

                but one thing you can't change, immigration of labour – be it cheap or skilled.

                it is going to happen world wide, it is happening world wide, and you too have that option to go overseas and see if you can make a. more money, b. get more skills, c. make a live there.

                such is life.

                • BM

                  To be honest I actually thought that overseas people were coming here and filling vacant positions that couldn't be filled by New Zealanders. There were all sorts of hurdles that had to be crossed before they could come work in NZ.

                  I've found out that really isn't the story at all and that the real truth is that New Zealanders are getting passed over for highly skilled foreigners who can come in here on student visas with years of experience back in their home countries.

                  Once their course is completed they can apply for full-time work, New Zealanders can't compete and are getting shut out of all the high skill jobs because they don't have the “start now” experience that employers want.

                  All politicians know this, yet they allow it to happen, what a pack of fucking scum bags.

                  • Stuart Munro.

                    Noticeably, you did not 'find out' while the last government were doing it. Yes, it needs cleaning up. Never should have been allowed to happen – gross negligence on the part of the previous government, shambling onward under this one.

                  • Sabine

                    the fact of the matter is that politicians are cynical. They are not leaders. They are not visionaries, they essentially are for the largest part not even able to see a future for their own children.

                    Like many they think that what is good for them is good for their children and grandchildren. Yeah, right Tui. A lot of bollocks that is but then people vote for them over and over again.

                    Sadly we have three choices, odious, not so odious and pie in the sky useless but needed for a coalition.

                    Us NZ'lers need to start build community on the ground level up. We need to be the change that the country needs. Its not that politicians are fucking scum bags its that they are ordinary, un-imaginative and often times so high educated that the most common sense thing is something they can't bend their mind around. As i often say, all the education that money can buy but nothing learned nor understood.

                    Hence instead of needed transformation we get tax cuts we can't afford for nine years from the one party and a few crumbs every now and then for nine years from the other party, meanwhile the country slowly but surely drowns in poverty, homelessness, hunger, anger and misery. .

                    We are governed by technocrats not humans, and the voters need to realise that. We sadly only ever get to vote for the lesser evil.

                  • AB

                    Interesting to see that you know longer believe that globalised labour markets are an unalloyed good. One little brick in the neoliberal wall down. Any thoughts about globalised capital flows?

                    • BM

                      I never believed that globalised labour markets were great? why would I, that’s just a race to the bottom?

                      I have no issue with immigrants moving here and bringing skills that can't be found in NZ, they're a real asset to NZ.

                      The way it should be working is that you apply to immigration, you get vetted and if you have valuable skills that are in short supply, you are allowed in.

                      That is not happening because of the student visa which is being used as a back door into NZ and allowing people with more experience to compete directly with New Zealanders for positions that can be easily filled by New Zealanders.

                      Managers who make hiring decisions have little interest if the person is foreign or Kiwi or they care about is hiring someone with the most skills and as cheap as possible, that's how you hit your KPI's

                      It's a disappointing attitude but that seems to be the Kiwi way.

        • McFlock

          I guess cost-cutting, ageism, and empire building: the new guy now owes his career to management. He's not going to shit-talk them out of school.

          Meanwhile, Otago Museum gets the moa footprints because Te Papa snoozed 🙂

          • Sabine

            and only tourists get to see all that shit cause the rest of the country is too poor to travel to wellington or Otago Museum.

            great? innit?

    • Rosemary McDonald 4.2


      In response to the proposed loss of mollusc expert Bruce Marshall and fish expert Andrew Stewart, both internationally regarded in their fields, 50 local and international fish experts signed a petition warning of an “unavoidable decline in curation standard”. Giant-squid researcher Steve O’Shea was so appalled by plans to remove Stewart that he asked Te Papa to remove any reference to him in its colossal-squid display. Stewart has since been offered an assistant curator position.

      In a petition calling for an immediate halt to the restructuring and a moratorium on more changes, O’Shea wrote, “A problem exists if world-renowned researchers, people who have also built the collections, with decades of proven collection-management experience, are deemed surplus to requirements by persons with incomparable expertise and limited institutional and collection management knowledge.”

      University of Otago palaeontologist Nic Rawlence put it more bluntly: “This further reduction is the equivalent of getting rid of most of the Fellowship in Lord of the Rings: without the dwarf, elf, a kickass Aragorn and Gandalf’s knowledge about the ‘One Ring to rule them all’, Middle-earth would be screwed.”

      And Kim Hill did try to make Peterson explain himself here…https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/saturday/audio/2018692577/dr-dean-peterson-te-taiao-nature-exhibition-to-open

      • greywarshark 4.2.1

        From Radionz link above.

        Illinois-born Dr Dean Peterson joined Te Papa in 2016 and has spent three years developing the museum's largest redevelopment since it opened – Te Taiao Nature exhibition space, which will be open to the public for the first time on May 11th.

        Wants to stamp his own USA ideas on Te Papa does he? Do middle income NZs have to move out when they approach the salaries reserved for the overseas stars, or do they have to reapply at a lower pay grade?

        And clearing out resource people reminds me of scary RW throwing out scientific documentation in Toronto, must have had one of those house-cleaning tv gurus visit!

        In the first few days of 2014, scientists, journalists, and environmentalists were horrified to discover that the Harper government had begun a process to close seven of the 11 of Canada's world-renowned Department of Fisheries and Oceans libraries… https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/4w578d/the-harper-government-has-trashed-and-burned-environmental-books-and-documents

        Harper in 2014. In 2016 there was a flurry of concern over whether Trump's possible use of his royal powers to do similar in the USA. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/scientists-scramble-secure-climate-data-fearing-trump-purge

        The Te Rapa Chief Executive comes from Wales. He's had a go at Health Board positions here….led Counties Manukau District Health Board from 2006 to 2017. Under his leadership, the CMDHB has been recognised as one of the highest performing health systems in Australasia

        Geraint Martin took up the role of Chief Executive of Te Papa, New Zealand’s national museum in May 2017. The role combines his significant experience in leading Crown Entities with his personal passion for Arts and Culture and the positive social impact of institutions in shaping society. https://nzchinacouncil.org.nz/people/geraint-martin-2/

        Now he's one of the elite and wants to have a go at Arts and Culture and bring his management techniques to bear on Te Papa. It's part of the generic, one size fits all, have a go at any top government position. The elite in government seem to be well thought of because of overseas management experience, and so must be up to 'best practice' cliches. And they have had all the right education. Mrs Moss who runs Oranga Tamariki so well, has a special mention in her write-up because she got an expensive Swiss high-level management certification.

        What about the NZs. This cultural cringe we have goes on and on and those at the top of the Human Resources Agency in the State Services Commission are always seeking to boost their standing with furriners it seems to me.

        But can they be trusted these people at the top, to look after our taonga which includes information , records, historical stuff, and deeply experienced people? It would be ironic if rather well-supplied generic management was dispensing with unique priceless taonga. There have been shake-ups under National already, shifts around the Internal Affairs Department and archiving etc.

        I think we need to be alert to see what this iconoclastic, bombastic trend is leading to and be prepared to stop it.

    • Dennis Frank 4.3

      Intergenerational discrimination. The oldster had his half-century career, time to give the youngster a go. In a shrinking employment future, it makes sense to employers, I suspect. Could be more to it, as you say, but that's my guess.

      • Drowsy M. Kram 4.3.1

        Reckon more to it; philosophical incompatibilities evolving into 'interpersonal issues'?

        • WeTheBleeple

          Absolutely. This smacks of ego where the new upstart can't stand to be outshone by actual experts.

          The world is full of these hollowed out hacks.

    • A 4.4

      Te Papa needs a clean out of management and / or HR.

  4. Jum 5

    I hope they've got a 24/7 guard on the Pike Mine.

  5. Jum 6

    "Teen who raped, brutally assaulted 5yo granted parole

    Jamie Ensor, Lana Andelane

    2 hrs ago

    A man who raped and brutally assaulted a five-year-old girl in 2011 will be released on parole.

    Raurangi Mark Marino, who was 16 at the time, was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2012 for burglary as well as the rape and aggravated wounding of a young girl at a Turangi campground.

    He first became eligible for parole in April 2015 and was granted parole with special conditions in April this year.

    He was last seen by the board in October last year, at which stage he had completed two rehabilitation programmes for sexual offending and drug use.

    "Marino was imprisoned at age 16; he is now 23. He will simply not be familiar with the community. He needs to have confidence that he can do the ordinary things in life, go to the bank, purchase food, and become familiar with the [withheld] residence he is to go to in."

    Marino had no previous criminal convictions prior to his offending in 2011. It is understood that the now 23-year-old had a violent upbringing with gang ties on both sides of the family."

    Just the sort of person who should be in a halfway-community-supervised housing block with gated security but with access to the psychological support and every-day living help in his environment. Parole onto the streets is useless and dangerous.

    Then go after the gang ties that produced and initiated this young man.

    • Sabine 6.2

      i just hope that the victim got the same support, the same rehabilitation, the same medical care ad attention so that she too can do ordinary things in life such as feel save at home, dare to leave the house, not have nightmares, not have issues with the other gender, and eventually live her life to the fullest.

      but then some pedophiles are obviously more precious then others.

    • A 6.3

      When you break into a caravan and rape a 5year old why tf is it important at all that you had no priors? He will reoffend. I have no faith in the systems that deal with sexual offending.

      Which reminds me…now Judith Collins is not minister of justice why doesn't the present minister reconsider the recommendations put forward by the law society around changes to the way sex crimes are prosecuted?

      • Sabine 6.3.1

        Who cares what Judith Collins is about, she had one car crushed and that was it.

        This whole article is rubbish, all i want to now is he a. registered sex offender for life, b. is the town aware that he was released, c. does he were an ankle bracelet for the reminder of this sentence, d. what services were and are still offered to the family of the now ten year old victim and the victim herself, cause she will be needing services more then the rapist.

        But lets bring up the most useless Justice Minister this country has ever had, the one that was under a government that cut police, increased poverty, defunded domestic violence shelters, defunded counseling for abuse survivors, defunded lifeline, defunded health care and mental healthcare and effectively did nothing much for anyone not a national party member and their particular little interests.

        Like literally what was the point of bringing the name of this odious person in this? the fact that the crime happened under Nationals tenure in parliament?

  6. ichey 7

    when is alfred ngaro going to have an abortion