Daily review 21/06/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 21st, 2023 - 20 comments
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20 comments on “Daily review 21/06/2023 ”

    • PsyclingLeft.Always 1.1

      If not creaming themselves. Even on here, some schadenfreuders/he should have known better etc etc ;

      Personally, I dont know why Michael Wood didnt do what he "should have"….(not being a mind reader ), and… he has paid a price.

      IMO he was a guy with potential for Labour..and NZ Transport. Maybe he still can be.

      Ah well….everyone else better be pretty clean !

      • Peter 1.1.1

        Judith Collins came back. And to be leader.

        To be someone they tried to get us to accept was WonderWoman.

    • bwaghorn 1.2

      I remember key having his affairs in a blind trust, why wouldn't all ministers do that

    • adam 1.3

      Hoppla over shears. But where were you when men and boys died on the coast? Or in the forests?

      Piffle for the slaves to digest.

      Meanwhile, greed being greedy natact – letting the farmer pollute for half price. Why us in the town and cities pay full price.

      Piffle, like dirty politics all over again.

  1. Dennis Frank 2

    NRT says good riddance, and

    the Prime Minister is considering a full ban on shareholdings by Ministers. Good. https://norightturn.blogspot.com/

    Except it may not be. For Labour. That party staked it's colours to the capitalist mast almost 40 years ago. If it were to renege, it could become schizoid as a result.

    It uses these suit-wearers to signal it's collusion with the capitalists. Having an actual capitalist in cabinet ain't enough – you need lots of them there. It's the only way Labour can demonstrate authenticity as a neoliberal party. Of course it's necessary to hide that from the public. Voters need the reassurance that privacy rules over the public interest. No way will a Labour PM ever come clean about ministerial share-holdings, right?

    Privacy doctrine is the perfect fig-leaf to cover such moral nudity. Expect them to also continue to claim the virtue of transparency whilst practising the vice of cover-up. Labour's culture requires such hypocrisy. Why do you think this site features National's hypocrisy so much. So as to normalise it and make it okay for Labour, obviously!

    • Kat 2.1

      Michael could have said they were his wifes shares…….and that no he doesn't have a scooter and no she doesn't own a Tesla, and no its not up for discussion.

      But wait, there could be more, the transport minister possibly had shares in a rubber company that supplies manufacturers that supply tires to bus companies that he has responsibility over for public transport decisions and outcomes……and wait, the bank that he has kept his savings in since he was a schoolboy has financial interest with them all.

      Perhaps all ministers should have to dispense with everything material, including fig leaves, and join a nudist colony overseen by a minister for transparency.

      But then its not a question about nudity, more about being “seen” to be nude……

      • Dennis Frank 2.1.1

        laugh We live in such an exciting world, eh? All these tantalising possibilities in our ambience constantly. I do think Hipkins has done well as PM overall, and his handling of this saga isn't a blip in that for him. I feel he's managing well in adverse circumstances. Labour, on the other hand…

        • Jilly Bee

          Oh, come on Dennis Frank – I don't know where you've been for the last – whatever, but jeepers you're certainly hogging this site at the moment. OK, I'm pretty tribal Labour and have been devastated about the shenanigans attributed to some of their MPs over the last few months, namely Stuart Nash, Meka Whaitari, et al, and I have been particularly exercised over Michael Wood's misdemeanors, but – he has done the honourable thing and resigned. How's about Ben Uffindell's report being released also Barbara Kuriger's emails.

    • Patricia Bremner 2.2

      Explain why we don't go with Act then???… Why do we prefer the Greens??

  2. adam 3


  3. RP Mcmurphy 4

    RNZ (nationals) have taken to reporting chirs luxins opinions as news. Time for people to write to them and light a bloody fire under them!

    • fender 4.1

      The news gathering and delivery often seems rather lazy at RNZ. Many a bulletin will begin: "The National Party says…..".

      It gets very tedious, and can only be a matter of time until they change it up a little bit by alternating with: " Mike Hosking says…".

    • Patricia Bremner 4.2

      I agree!! Very annoying to hear Luxon direct, and be told what the PM said second hand.

  4. observer 5

    Luxon's been saying for months that once people get to know him, they will like him more.

    So voters are getting to know him, and they've decided that in every possible way, Luxon's getting worse …


    • Incognito 5.1

      Luxon makes me feel more gobbledysmacked.

      • Shanreagh 5.1.1

        Yes he makes me feel more trepidacious, or even tepidacious ie worried about foot in mouthing, or, afraid to make a strong point.

  5. adam 6

    We should play this every time the USA team is on the pitch. This world cup.