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notices and features - Date published:
5:30 pm, March 23rd, 2017 - 24 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Photo (c) Glenn Jeffrey
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
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Mapp + Key leaving + London attack seems to have successfully shunted Hager.
Yeah because it’s the competition that matters right?
My reading of Hager is he’s in for the long haul. I doubt he thinks his name is the important bit.
In media, it really is.
In election year, it really is.
Why? I think the book and the raid issue and the discussion and action around that are far more important than one of the authors. The media are still covering that. Bet they will for a while too. Next week no one will be talking about Key leaving parliament and news will have dropped significantly on the London attack.
+1. I really can’t understand this bizarre framing of almost everything as though its principal value were as some kind of media stunt, including a book which neither deals with a major electoral issue, nor significantly with the actions of any politician standing in the coming election.
Hager is betting that this turns as big as Pike River: an inquiry, then an investigation, then a prosecution, then compensation.
All public processes, with public money, in front of public media, going good for senior public figures.
Deliberate political framing everywhere you look.
All of that started yesterday.
Total manufacured media hype through secrecy.
6 months from the election.
Same day as Key’s valedictory speech.
Hager is not naive. You have to admire his skill – hell if Labour had 5% of his skill or moxie. But he’s being out flanked and there’s little he can do about it.
If he’s smart, he’s on to the next book already.
“Hager is betting that this turns as big as Pike River: an inquiry, then an investigation, then a prosecution, then compensation.”
I’d be really interested to see where he has said that.
Besides, you just asserted that it’s failed, whereas I saw the MSM still discussing it today. And as far as I can tell it’s the long game, but about whether there is some other big event in the news this week.
People don’t write investigative journalism books for the good of their health. They know the intended set of results. That’s the definition of the long game.
And it ain’t happening. No inquiry. No nothing. Just Mapp deflating it all, effectively. The issue is sliding as fast as Lorde’s last song.
Ok, to be clear, you think that because National haven’t agreed to an inquiry within 48 hrs of the book being released this means that Hager has lost all momentum and nothing will now come of it?
Media interest is starting to rapidly wane because unfortunately for Hager there doesn’t seem to be a lot of public interest.
No public interest = no media coverage = no enquiry = complete fizzer.
What evidence do you have for that?
btw, lost opportunity there for a pretty good pun.
You seem to be going the way of CV Ad. Negative, negative, negative.
Now you’re effectively claiming you can read Hager’s mind. Does it ever occur to you that some people have altruistic motives in what they do and say?
Ad has been sucked in by the right wing narrative on Hager.
who or what is cv? (excuse me for asking)
~ tui
Outflanked? By Key’s valedictory, which you say he wanted to hit the news at about the same time? And by an unexpected act of violence in London? Are you claiming that the latter was some sort of cunning plan by NZ’s right-wing spinmeisters? Even a claim that the NZ MSM deliberately highlighted the incident in London doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny, since it’s been in the headlines where I am in Korea today as well, and is still leading as I write in German online papers I frequent.
So in summary, he was “outflanked” by himself (!) and God moving in mysterious ways. I see what you’re trying to say, but it really makes no sense.
Regarding your statement that he should be getting on with the next book, experience says that that is probably pretty much what he will be doing. Looking at his history, it would seem that his aim is to establish in the public consciousness an understanding of systemic injustice he perceives in how our society is run. This he does with book after book on individual issues he thinks are particularly notable in that regard. Of course he aims for maximum exposure with any individual book, but I don’t think he’s thinking even closely along the lines you are assuming here.
Outflanked? By Key’s valedictory, which you say he wanted to hit the news at about the same time?
Hager and Stephenson made it clear Tuesday evening that the book was scheduled to be launched towards the end of last year. Stephenson became ill (didn’t say what was wrong with him) and was not able to complete his research in time. He requested a few more months so that he could double check his sources etc.
Hager went on to say the launch was booked months ago… long before the date Key would actually be leaving was known. He told the media present they could check with Unity Books if they didn’t believe him.
Fair enough. In that case it’s two cases of God moving in mysterious ways, unless Key timed his valedictory with respect to Hager, the chances of which would seem to be about nil. I still can’t see the outflanking.
Pretty sure that Ad means by circumstance rather than design. But it is still strange use of language and framing that appears intent on casting Hager as having no agency and as being absent of the altruism that is Hager’s trademark characteristic. I think this says more about Ad than anything.
Something good from the Young Turks, it’s not just trump, it’s the whole republican party that are nasty. Good take on the fault of the media.
“Buyers remorse” is too small a term.
The US is going great through a watershed course in political realism and the re-scopi get of the whole public realm.
Guys like that guitarist are incredibly important in showing it all, heart and soul.
The full report on CNN is really good, really gets to the heart and soul.
The republicans can’t actually govern, as they are so use to destroying – it’s going to be a hellish couple of years. Forget four years folks, mid terms are closer than you think.
That said, a friend of mine was at a town hall meeting recently, and said the republican voters were by and far harsher on their republican representative than anyone progressive in the room. Out and out warning them they will loss there seat if the vote to remove any medical entitlement.
We live in a kakistocracy, we have to accept that. The corruption of our democracy by the interests of the business have made it the reality.
But you can help! Well if you are a feminist you can help. Here is the link.
Terrible result here for National. Their hand off the tiller approach to governance is becoming apparent and people are seeing the rocks ahead.