Daily Review 25/09/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 25th, 2018 - 25 comments
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25 comments on “Daily Review 25/09/2018 ”

  1. Cynical Jester 1

    Interesting timing for the texts Jacinda sent to the former potent tech officer. Clearly a sabotage to make her look weak on the international stage.

    When Jacinda said “I didn’t even send him an emoji” she misled the house. No ifs ands or buts she was I’m contact with him.

    The right wingers will be demanding her resignation.

    Bloody hell. She reminded me of key during the 6 pm news bulletin with her awnswers except kiwis won’t accept that level of lying from the left.

    What should have been an exciting moment for nz on the world stage is going to be ignored thanks to the pms misjudgment.

    I like her but will someone please take away every labour mp’s phone!!!

    • Anne 1.1

      A politically motivated Nat plus MSM beat-up over nothing!

      Just from what I’ve picked up on, the ‘messages’ come across as innocuous.

      Do you have any idea how many text messages/emails people in her position receive on a daily basis? I’m picking hundreds at the least. She is not going to remember every damm message… who they’re from… when they were sent… and what they said.

      I heard only today about the 20-something son of a friend who is into hunting. He sent a message to Jacinda complaining about the proposed cull of the deer-like animals (forgotten their name) in the South Island.

    • Chuck 1.2

      Jacinda has been busted at best being economical with the truth, at worst lying. Its that simple.

      Add to that Winston’s forgetful memory to who invited him (Wally) it’s busted wide open the bulldust that is this Government.

      Jacinda is just another politician.

      Clare has struck again, poor old Grant had to correct his answers…come on guys new boss same as the old boss.


      • Nick 1.2.1

        Chuck is just another chuck.

      • joe90 1.2.2

        Commas matter.

        It is true that I was invited to the marae to celebrate the appointment as an assistant commissioner of police of Wallace Haumaha[,] by the then Government of the day—and the National Party, who were then the Government—and the Minister of Police as well, and there asked by the police to make a speech. I do think that in any way compromises me.


      • mickysavage 1.2.3

        BS Chuck

        Here is the Hansard:

        “Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: Mr Speaker, I would have to go from my recollection. [Interruption]

        SPEAKER: Order!

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: But I can off the back—[Interruption]

        SPEAKER: Order! Order! The Prime Minister will resume her seat. This is a matter of some seriousness. It’s a matter which I’ve had a number of representations on and I’m told that the House takes it seriously. I want to be able to hear the answer.

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: Mr Speaker, I would have to go from my recollection. But my recollection is that he mentioned that the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) role had been mentioned to him. Again, as I said, I did not directly reply to that message, and it was received in April.

        Hon Simon Bridges: Did she flat out ignore his text—not even an emoji?

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: Mr Speaker, I did not even send an emoji.

        Hon Simon Bridges: Was there more than one text from or to Derek Handley from the Prime Minister?

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: The text that I received, again, as I said, was in April. I did not directly reply to that text message on that day or engage with him on the CTO role. On the CTO role, I did not engage with Mr Handley via text message.

        Hon Simon Bridges: Well, were there any other texts between the Prime Minister and Derek Handley?

        Rt Hon JACINDA ARDERN: Mr Speaker, as I acknowledged the very moment I was asked this question, I have known Mr Handley for a number of years and have had correspondence with him for a number of years.”

        Did you read the bit where she said she was working from recollection and she never said there was only one text?

        • Anne

          As I said @ 1.1
          A politically motivated Nat plus MSM beat-up over nothing.

          As everyone should know by now, we’re in an age where the truth is no longer of paramount importance. Generating make-believe scandal and clickbait is the name of the game.

          When I look at the average age and attitude of the current brood of political reporters, it is clear to me most know almost nothing about the past political institutions of this country and the principles to which they were expected to adhere. With a few exceptions, their overall ignorance and shallowness is quite staggering.

          • Kat

            The Nats have made themselves irrelevant and are having nightmares about their future. The MSM are looking for stories and the editors are pouring them the kool-Aid “gotcha” fuel. It is staggering how we have got to this low level from the MSM and listening to RNZ “National” recently it appears even Kim Hill may have succumbed. That is truly staggering.

            • Macro

              So agree! I heard Kim Hill on morning report this morning and wondered wtf she was on!
              If anyone is to blame it’s the Nats for making this mole hill into such a “mountain” of their own making that the govt has been forced to cut the appointment of a CTO until later.

          • Macro

            It is an appalling beat up over absolutely nothing! If that is all they have to worry about then there isn’t much wrong.

        • Chuck

          “Did you read the bit where she said she was working from recollection and she never said there was only one text?”

          Bridges questioned Ardern the day before in Parliment about communications with Handley. Even if I am charitable and agree Ardern forgot, she had 24 hours to check and give an accurate answer on the 19th September. Which of course Ardern choose not to.

          • mickysavage

            Do you think she might have had more important things to do than check up on texts from 5 months before?

            • Chuck

              That is why Ardern (and well any PM) has a small army of staff on hand.

              In particular with the CTO/Curran saga being front and center, it would have been a priority for Ardern (and staff) to of been across all communications.

              Handley releasing the communications caught Ardern by surprise.

      • shadrach 1.2.4

        I’m not convinced that the PM has lied. But there are other problems for the government resulting from Handley’s release of the emails.

        We now know that not all of the communications were originally disclosed to Parliament as requested by the Speaker (https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12131539). We also know that it took two weeks for the government to apologise directly to Handley. Not good enough.

        But add to that Megan Woods incorrectly claiming there was a confidentiality clause around the settlement with Handley, and Handley’s own criticism of the process, and the entire affair is very messy for the PM and the government.

        • Patricia Bremner

          Shadrach, Megan woods says sh was “wrongly advised by the ministry, and she had corrected that”.

          • shadrach

            Fair call. To be fair, Woods was thrown a hospital pass with the Handley affair, as was Robertson.

    • greywarshark 1.3

      Would it be better to not be firm and precise and say I can’t remember, and don’t consider it important enough to go trawling through my messages. Next question?

      You can see why Muldoon adopted his overbearing manner, and Winston too.
      Some journalists go at something and scratch away hoping it will draw blood.

  2. Gabby 2

    Depends on what she was asked jessy.

  3. AsleepWhileWalking 3

    Isn’t that just the cutest thing?!

  4. Ngungukai 4

    The Natzi’s are onto it, catching Jacinda and Winston both lying in the same week.

    Should be worldwide headlines ?

  5. joe90 5

    The fix is in to protect the tRump crime family.

    Thanks to @nastyproud for this heads up. Orrin Hatch filed a friend of the court brief for Gamble vs the United States.Thats the case that would end state's rights to prosecute crimes that the federal govt has tried? Y'all need to get this out https://t.co/7pUUcVUZQA— Hilts, CAPTAIN Hilts (@geokelley) September 23, 2018


  6. gsays 6

    Again with Bill Hicks and drugs.

    “I think it’s interesting the two drugs that are legal, alcohol and cigarettes, two drugs that do absolutely nothing for you at all, are legal, and the drugs that might open your mind up to realize how badly you’re being fucked every day of your life? Those drugs are against the law. He-heh, coincidence? See, I’m glad mushrooms are against the law, ’cause I took ’em one time, and you know what happened to me? I laid in a field of green grass for four hours going, “My God! I love everything.” Yeah, Now, if that isn’t a hazard to our country… how are we gonna justify arms dealing if we know we’re all one?”